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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 143: 

High Marriage 


Zhao Mama carried a lamp to Old Master Lin's study.

Mr. Lin asked, "You also went to Cien Temple today?"

Zhao Mama replied, "It was the carriage arranged by the old servant, guarding the courtyard."

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"Do you know what happened in Cien Temple?"

Zhao Mama hesitated for a moment.

Old Master Lin said, "Speak the truth."

Zhao Mama then explained what she knew.

The servants in the mansion often shared information, and even though she didn't accompany the madam closely, she was well aware of where the madam had been and what major events had occurred around her that day.

"... Master, that's how it happened."

Old Master Lin closed his eyes and asked Zhao Mama, "What is your opinion? Do you think Eldest Miss Lin was mistreated?"

If we talk about faults, it's the mistake his eldest daughter made when she was young. Since Miss Lin has become his daughter now, such incidents are unavoidable.

Zhao Mama pondered for a moment and said, "Master, speaking frankly, we cannot control what others say about us in the mansion, but Second Miss shouldn't have engaged in disputes with Miss Lin outside. Madam also shouldn't have handled and neglected Eldest Miss Lin in public. If there's any issue, it should be discussed behind closed doors to avoid giving others ammunition to talk."

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"Madam is still resentful about the incident when Miss Lin surpassed her in the past. It's not that Madam did something wrong..."

It seems Madam lacks magnanimity as the mistress of the household.

She, being a servant in Lin Mansion, has long been accustomed to Madam's temperament. Lin Huabin remained silent for a while and then waved his hand, saying, "You may leave for now."


After leaving the room, Zhao Mama walked away with the lantern. She wasn't particularly fond of Miss Lin, but she wouldn't lie to the master.

Rubbing his forehead, Lin Huabin was unsure of what to do. Trying to reason with his wife and persuade her to be a good stepmother seemed to intensify her dislike for Yunwan. However, Yunwan wasn't the real Yunwan and shouldn't endure such grievances. Telling the truth to Madam was also out of the question.

"Let it be. If I coddle her a bit more, make my wife feel comfortable, she might treat Yunwan better."

Lin Huabin went to appease Madam Zheng again, saying, "Haven't you always wanted thumb-sized purple pearls for making forehead ornaments? Go pick a few."

"Really?" Madam Zheng smiled brightly.

"Really," Lin Huabin assured her.

Madam Zheng calculated for a moment and said, "The purple pearls I have in mind are quite expensive. Where will you get the money?"

"As long as you want them, I can sell some items from the warehouse to buy them for you," replied Lin Huabin.

Lin Huabin didn't mention the matter of the distillery. Madam Zheng laughed happily. Then she heard her husband say, "In the future, let's do more to support Yunwan outside, okay? Whatever you like, I'll find a way to buy it for you."

Her smile froze on her face.

Madam Zheng pushed Lin Huabin away, very angry. "After all this, it's still for your good daughter! I asked for the purple pearls for how long, and you refused to buy them for me. But for her, you agreed so readily!"

Lin Huabin: "..."

He didn't even consider the jewelry in her dowry. What kind of jewelry did Jiang Qian have that she didn't?

He didn't promise to buy it for her again.

"I don't understand why you can't appreciate the good things..."

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In the end, didn't all the benefits fall on her head? Why argue with Yunwan? However, he didn't want to say it out loud; saying it would just lead to another argument.

Madam Zheng was already lying on the bed crying, recounting things from their childhood, "Everyone else had knee protectors, but you didn't. I wasn't afraid of my parents beating me to death, so I secretly made one for you and had a maid bring it to you..."

"I didn't blame you. Okay, okay, stop crying."

Zheng Shi was still unwilling, "Yun Wan pushed me, and I saw red that same night. I didn't say I wanted to drive her away, didn't you say she was ominous and sent her away? Now people outside casually talk, and you come blaming me."

"They all say being a stepmother is not easy. Back then, my family advised me, and I should have listened..."

Lin Huabin was helpless, "Where are you going with this talk?"

He dared not argue. The fortune-teller who predicted Yunkiao's fate was invited by Madam Zheng. He was afraid that Yunjiao would not give birth successfully, so he sent his daughter away.

The couple argued, made up, argued again, and finally reconciled. 


The next day, when Lin Yunjiao went to attend lessons with Fan Mama, Lin Yunjiao felt extremely pleased with herself.

"Humph, Dad won't stick up for you. Don't you understand what 'loving someone's home means loving everything in it' means? Dad loves my mom the most, and he loves me the most too."

"Sister, you should just let me have my way with everything."

Lin Yunwan replied calmly, "Everyone will die eventually. Will you let me have my way with that too?"


Lin Yunjiao didn't understand at first, but when she realized it, she understood that Lin Yunwan wished her dead.


Fan Mama was already inside the chamber, and her faint smile was quite intimidating.

Lin Yun Jiao immediately became more obedient and sat together with Lian Yun Wan at the small table.

Fan Mama said, "Please, both young ladies, pick up your brushes..."

She didn't teach tea etiquette or flower arranging; instead, she taught calligraphy and coloring. However, what Fan Mama taught was different from what the mothers in the needlework room of the mansion taught.

After a day of lessons, Fan Mama was quite tired, but when she left, she still smiled and said, "Ladies, go back and rest."

"Mama is excused." The two girls spoke in unison.

Fan Mama left first, and they followed with their maids to tidy up their things and leave.

Lin Yunjiao rushed out ahead of Lin Yunwan and deliberately blocked her when crossing the threshold. "Why bother learning so seriously? With your reputation, do you also want to marry into a good family?"

Lin Yunwan looked at her and calmly said, "Then, based on my face?"

Lin Yunjiao stared at her face for a moment, suddenly bursting into anger.

She didn't even know why she felt so angry looking at the other's face. She hated Yun Wan coming back home, hated her father's favoritism toward Yun Wan, and even hated her face!

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Lin Yunwan chuckled, "It seems I can marry well based on my face, right?"

How foolish!

In a scholarly and cultured family, how could marriage prospects be solely based on appearance? Only families without principles would be so shallow. The Lin family would never consider such households for their daughters.

Lin Yunjiao seemed not to understand this principle and was easily provoked. She glared and said, "You think you're worthy of a good marriage?"

With a smug expression, she whispered, "Yesterday when we went to Cien Temple, do you know who Madam went to see for my sake?"

Lin Yunwan shook her head with a smile.

Lin Yunjiao whispered in her ear, "She went to see Prince Huan. If anyone is going to marry into a high-ranking family, it will be me. My parents will only keep the best for me."

"Did you actually meet him?" Lin Yunwan's voice remained calm.

Lin Yun Jiao furrowed her brows.

Lin Yunwan raised an eyebrow and said, "So, you didn't meet him?" She left with Xiruo.

Lin Yunjiao was frustrated.

Xiruo chuckled, "This Second Miss, why is her insight so superficial?"

Lin Yunwan bluntly said, "The Lin family has been divided for a long time. Can't you see it? The Old Madam doesn't like the Madam at all. If there weren't specific reasons, the Old Madam probably wouldn't have allowed the Master to marry our Madam..." Indulging a girl to this extent.

Xiruo added, "She will reap what she sows sooner or later."

In April, Qi Lingheng found the maid who had been driven away by Madam Zheng years ago.

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