Chapter 11 TGBW


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 The General's Buddhist Wife

 Chapter 11: 

Occupying Territory ・Egg Fried Rice


If Madam Li's expression hadn't changed, Luo Jian Jia wouldn't have said those words just now.

But Madam Li's expression seemed to blatantly indicate that she had something to hide.

Sure enough, after Luo Jian Jia's words, Madam Li appeared even more agitated.

"What do you mean by that? Are you implying that the idea for Sun's family to sell the same things as your family came from me?" Madam Li's words carried a hint of self-incrimination.

Seeing her reaction, Luo Jian Jia lifted her eyelids slightly, casting a faint look at Madam Li and said, "I fail to understand what you're getting at, older sister. Did I ever say that it was your idea?"

Whispers began to circulate among the onlookers.

"You!" Madam Li was so furious she couldn't even articulate her words.

"The idea to sell food at the pier was indeed mine, not my Father or Mother's. Before that, our family was in dire straits, struggling to make ends meet. My Father's health was also not good. Now that my husband is away, both my parents and I are extremely grateful for everyone's help before. I wasn't incapable of cooking before; I just did it sparingly. But with the situation at home becoming increasingly difficult and my parents' health deteriorating, I started cooking more. I never expected to receive so much appreciation from everyone; it's truly an honor. When my husband returns, I promise to treat everyone to a meal to repay all the care and support you've shown us during this time, and to let everyone taste my cooking."

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Luo Jian Jia spoke these words eloquently and sincerely.

This speech not only cleared up everyone's doubts but also expressed gratitude, which the villagers appreciated. They hadn't sent much in terms of gifts, just a couple of bundles of vegetables or a few eggs. Earlier, they had felt somewhat uncomfortable after Madam Li's remarks, as they felt that those they had helped seemed to be doing better than them, making their offerings seem inadequate.

But now, hearing Luo Jian Jia's words, they felt much more at ease and expressed that there was no need to worry about it.

As for the mention of Chu Wei Leng inviting them for a meal upon his return, although they suspected that Young Master Chu might have already passed away, they wouldn't say it to his father's face and instead agreed enthusiastically.

"That's great, we'll wait for Brother Leng to come back."

Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao also liked to hear this; because everyone had said they would wait for Chu Wei Leng to come back and treat everyone to a meal. This implied that their son would return and that was what they liked to hear most these days.

The most unhappy person was undoubtedly Madam Li. She had always been held in high regard, but now those who used to praise her were talking behind her back, which made her very uncomfortable.

Even more uncomfortable was the fact that Luo Jian Jia had discovered what she was up to.

Seeing the harmonious scene before her, Madam Li stomped her foot in anger and went home.

Luo Jian Jia noticed Madam Li's departure and, with the situation now clarified, said, "It's almost mealtime, my parents and I need to go to the pier, otherwise we won't make back our investment today."

The villagers stopped chatting with them and urged them to leave.

What were the villagers most sensitive to? Gossip, of course. Although they didn't bring up Luo Jian Jia and Madam Li's conversation again on the surface, as soon as the parties involved left, they immediately began to whisper.

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"Where is Brother Dan's wife's family from?"

"It seems to be from the Li family village up ahead."

"The Li family village... It's quite far from the Sun family village, so it's probably a misunderstanding."

"I'm not entirely sure, but I vaguely remember, her mother's surname is Sun."

Upon hearing this, the people around immediately became interested and continued discussing.

Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao were both honest and straightforward people, with relatively simple minds. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been manipulated by Luo Jian Jia in the book. As for the conversation between Luo Jian Jia and Madam Li just now, they didn't take it to heart at all, nor did they suspect Madam Li of anything.

At this moment, all they could think about was hurrying to the pier. They were about a quarter-hour later than usual today. The were worried that with their late arrival and then having to finish setting up their stand that most of their customers would have been drawn away by other vendors at different stalls.

Soon, the group arrived at the pier. However, the prime spot where they usually set up shop had already been taken.

In the past, there were very few food vendors in this area, only two or three. Moreover, the space here was relatively large, allowing everyone to secure a good spot without interfering with each other.

But now, with the increasing number of merchant ships passing through the pier, many people had spotted the business opportunity and flocked to sell various food items, such as cold drinks and noodles.

To get close to the pier, they always arrived early. Plus, they were usually the first ones there, so no one ever took their spot.

However, arriving late today meant their spot had been occupied by someone else.

Coincidentally, the people who had taken their spot were from the Sun family. As they passed by, they deliberately glanced at them, their eyes seemingly carrying a hint of provocation.

Lou Jian Jia even entertained some conspiracy theories, suspecting that Madam Li had deliberately intercepted them to allow the Sun family to take their spot.

But in deep waters, one should not fear the waves.

Moreover, they were familiar with the people at the pier. Wherever they set up, the customers who frequented their stall would still come.

Lou Jian Jia found a spot and went over with Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao.

As they settled in, familiar customers began to approach.

"Uncle and Auntie, you finally made it! I was afraid you wouldn't come today, so I was about to settle for something else."

"That's right, no one can compare to your food. You must come every day!"

Seeing the customers gathering around, Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao, who had been worried before, immediately smiled.

"Don't worry, everyone, we'll be here every day."

"Hey, buddy up front, stop chatting and start serving the food. My stomach's growling with hunger," urged someone from behind.


Seeing the group of people gathered around, Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu quickly started serving the food.

After about half an hour of bustling activity, most of the food they brought had nearly sold out.

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Madam Zhao was about to close up shop when another person arrived.

As the customer ate, Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu began to pack up and prepare to leave.

While eating, the customer watched Old Master Chu busy at work and asked, "Uncle, why didn't you set up your stall on the east side today?"

Old Master Chu explained, "We arrived a bit late today and couldn't find a spot."

The customer suddenly realized, "Ah, that explains it. No wonder there's someone else here."

The customer seemed to want to say something more but hesitated and remained silent.

Lou Jian Jia noticed the customer's expression. She glanced at the bucket of large bones, initially intending to save some for later.......

~ Part 2 ~

 ....... but then she picked out a few pieces and placed them in the customer's bowl.

This gesture surprised not only the customer but also Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao.

The customer was delighted to see the extra meat. After finishing his meal, he continued what he hadn't said earlier in a hushed voice.

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"Uncle, you should come earlier tomorrow. You've always been on the east side, and everyone remembers that. If people have eaten here before, they know which stall it is. But for those who haven't, they might think that stall is yours. Today, I overheard a merchant asking, and that stall didn't deny it."

Lou Jian Jia thought those two pieces of meat weren't given in vain.

Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao, in unison, looked towards the east where the Sun family's stall was. They exchanged glances, unsure of what to say.

Lou Jian Jia whispered, "Father, Mother, let's pack up and head back quickly."

"But..." Madam Zhao looked towards the direction of the Sun family's stall, clearly wanting to say something.

"We'll talk about it when we get home," Lou Jian Jia intervened.


Since Lou Jian Jia's idea had earned them money, Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao had grown even more trusting of her. At this moment, they believed in her without reservation.

Soon, the three of them packed up and headed home.

Once back home, Lou Jian Jia went straight to the kitchen to cook.

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After a busy morning, she was already hungry, especially since today they were later than yesterday. Her stomach was growling.

Madam Zhao, filled with worries, followed her into the kitchen. She was about to say something but was interrupted by Lou Jian Jia.

"Mother, don't worry. Let's eat first. We can talk after the meal."

"But... but the Sun family..." Madam Zhao hesitated for a long time, unable to find the right words. Finally, she said, "They're really bullying people."

Indeed, the Sun family's actions were unscrupulous. Lou Jian Jia had considered the possibility of the Sun family imitating them, but she never expected them to be so shameless as to sell food under their name.

This wasn't just a problem with the Sun family; they themselves had their own issues.

"Yeah, they're really being unfair. But there's always a solution. Let's eat first, and then we'll figure out how to deal with it."

Today, there was some leftover rice, so Lou Jian Jia decided to make egg fried rice.

She went to the garden and picked a few leaves of greens and a carrot, washed them clean, and chopped them finely.

Then, she took the eggs that were supposed to be delivered to the Chu family yesterday and broke two of them, separating the egg whites and yolks.

Lost in her own thoughts, Madam Zhao didn't notice Lou Jian Jia's actions and continued to ponder about selling food.

Lou Jian Jia didn't ask her either. She took out the leftover rice, put it in a bowl, and added the two egg yolks, thoroughly mixing them together.

Then, she poured oil into the pan, fried the egg whites, and set them aside.

After thoroughly mixing the rice in the bowl, Lou Jian Jia poured it into the pan and stir-fried it for a while before adding the fried egg whites, along with the chopped greens and carrot.

After stir-frying for a bit, she added the seasoning.

Soon enough, a bowl of fragrant egg fried rice was ready.

Madam Zhao came back to her senses, sniffed the air, and couldn't help but say, "Smells so good."

Lou Jian Jia smiled. Looking at the distinct, golden-colored egg fried rice, she thought it would be better to keep these eggs for herself rather than giving them to the Lou family, as it would have been a waste.

Then, Lou Jian Jia scooped out the large bones cooked earlier in the morning from the bucket, picked off some meat from the bones, and sprinkled it over the egg fried rice.

Last night, Lou Jian Jia reheated the remaining bone broth from the bucket, served herself a bowl, added some vinegar, and sprinkled some coriander on top.

Good food always had a way of diverting one's attention, especially when one was hungry. As soon as the egg fried rice was served, Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao forgot about their worries and dug in heartily.

Eating the egg fried rice and sipping on the bone broth, their moods improved instantly, and they felt much less tired.

After finishing their meal, Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao were visibly less agitated than before.

"Dear, what do you think we should do? We can't just let them bully us like this, can we?" Madam Zhao asked Old Master Chu.

Naturally, Old Master Chu was also displeased with the behavior of the Sun family. However, he couldn't think of a good solution to the problem either.

"We'll go a bit earlier tomorrow and occupy the spot before they do," he suggested.

Lou Jian Jia, having finished her bowl of soup, wiped her mouth and said, "There's no need for that."

"Huh?" Madam Zhao looked at Lou Jian Jia in surprise.

Lou Jian Jia thought about the men from the Sun family who were there today, each of them tall and strong, clearly prepared for confrontation.

Moreover, arriving early wouldn't fundamentally solve the problem.

Since hearing the words of the customers at the pier, Lou Jian Jia had been thinking about how to deal with this situation.

She had been contemplating it even while cooking.

Now, she had somewhat made up her mind.

"Father, why don't you make a signboard later?" 

"Huh?" Old Master Chu was puzzled. They had just been talking about the Sun family, so why bring this up now?

"Let's give our food a name. That way, no matter where we set up, people will know it's our family's food."

Upon hearing this suggestion, both Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu were momentarily surprised, but they quickly understood. Smiles spread across their faces, and they felt even more admiration for their daughter-in-law.

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