ROTCGIS, Chapter One Hundred and Nine


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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 109: 

Late Harvest

Murong Lingran wasn't surprised by Madam Wei's request. She had anticipated that they would eventually discover the benefits of the cherries she provided.

Knowing the antioxidant and skincare benefits of cherries and the enhanced effects of her space-grown produce, she understood why they wanted more. Her father and brother had been consuming them too, and their well-being had improved noticeably.

Madam Wei continued, "So, I wonder if you could increase the supply. I'd like to share them with others."

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A while back, Madam Wei hosted a banquet for friends and relatives. Seeing the improvement in her skin, they inquired about her skincare routine. Trying to avoid unnecessary complications for Murong Lingran, she simply mentioned eating a lot of fruit recently.

Only Madam Wei, her children, and the steward knew about the cherry's effects in the mansion. But secrets couldn't be kept forever. If someone was curious, they would eventually find out. So, Madam Wei wanted to ensure that Murong Lingran could increase the supply before revealing the truth to avoid straining relationships with friends and relatives.

Murong Lingran pondered for a moment before contacting the Divine Lord in her space.

"Why does my master seek my presence?"

"Do foods grown outside with spiritual spring water and those grown with space's black soil have the same health-enhancing effects, including improved senses?"

The Longqi Divine Lord replied, "I've told you this before, haven't I?"

"Yes, but I want to confirm if the effects are entirely the same. Also, does the time it takes for the effects to manifest differ?"

"Generally, they're quite similar. Don't underestimate my spiritual spring water; vegetables and fruits grown with it not only improve health and senses but also accelerate their growth. However, no matter how you irrigate, you can't match the growth rate of crops grown with space's black soil."

"I see."

"Miss, Miss." Madam Wei noticed Murong Lingran lost in thought and called her.

Murong Lingran withdrew her consciousness from the space and promptly refused Madam Wei's request. "Madam, increasing the supply might not be possible."

"Why? Is there any difficulty on your end? If you find it troublesome to come back and forth every day, I can send someone to collect them from your home."

Murong Lingran shook her head. "It's not about me. The cherries aren't grown in my home; I found them in the deep mountains. I learned some cultivation techniques from an old person and took care of them for a while, making them delicious."

"Now, the cherry season is over. These cherries are from the mountains, and they ripen later. Today, I wanted to discuss with Uncle. Today's delivery is the last one, so I returned the prepayment to him just now."

She had told both Ninth Young Master and Steward Cao that the cherries were from the mountains, but if anyone investigated the pear blossom village, they would find no fruit trees. The ones from the mountains were also gone, and if she continued the supply, it would raise suspicions.

She had earned quite a bit recently, and it seemed her father's concerns were unfounded. It was time to stop.

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