ROTCGIS, Chapter Forty Four


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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 44: 

Title Deed

Murong Zhe and Li Zhuang came to the south gate and saw no one. They looked around and saw the children talking to the little beggar not far away, so they shouted quickly.

The brother and sister heard the sound, said goodbye to the little boy, and hurriedly walked towards their father.

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Using the excuse that she needed to keep accounts when building a house, Murong Lingran asked her father to take them to buy some more pens, inks, paper and inkstones before going back.

Murong Zhe loved his children. It took him more than half an hour to walk back to Lihua Village from the city. Knowing that walking was hard for the two children and that Li Zhuang was getting older, he called a cart pulled by a bull and let them sit in the back.

 After returning home, Murong Zhe asked his two children to come to him and placed the land deed in front of them.

“This is the title deed of the ten acres of land. Ordinary people must have household registration to buy land, so, our family’s household registration has been officially transferred to Lihua Village.”

"Ten acres of land cost fifty taels of silver. To register, plus the gift to Li Zhuang and recent expenses, another five taels was spent. Fifty two taels of gold were exchanged for a total of one hundred taels of silver. After the nobleman was paid there are only ninety-five taels of silver left in the reward."

Before he could even see the shape of the house, a third of it was gone, and the furniture was still needing to be purchased. Murong Zhe couldn't help but feel a little sad, and that bit of sadness was a heard in his voice. When the house was built, he probably wouldn't have much money left.

Murong Lingran didn't hear the sadness in her father's voice. She took the land deed and looked at it, sighing, "Father, our life will definitely get better and better."

 When the land is purchased, her spiritual spring water can really be put to use.

Seeing his daughter's innocent and excited look, Murong Zhe couldn't help but touch her head and said with a smile: "Yes, it's all thanks to our A’Ran. The first time you went up the mountain with this father, I met a noble man."

“No, no, no, it’s all because of my father’s quick action. If my father’s medicine hadn’t been good, they wouldn’t have given us any money.”

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Murong Zhe listened to his daughter flattering him, shook his head and laughed. He started to talk about the build, "Li Zhuang said that the day after tomorrow is a good day, so we will start construction the day after tomorrow. Your mother is not at home, and the people who are doing the work are all from this village. We won’t provide lunch anymore. In the past, they used to provide lunch and give them forty cash as a laborer. Since we won’t provide lunch, we give them an extra twenty pay. What do you think?”

Murong Kuan said: "Dad, just make your decision."

“Yes, Dad, we don’t understand either. As long as you follow the blueprint, I don’t have any objections to the rest.”

"That's right…" Murong Lingran added again: "Dad, when building a house, why not hire someone to clear the wasteland at the same time? This can save a lot of time."

The wasteland is full of gravel and weeds, and their family of three alone cannot tackled it even if given a month.

  Opening up the wasteland?

Murong Zhe hesitated and said: "A’Ran, your father and your third brother have only planted military fields, and they only planted rice. We have never planted anything else."

Murong Lingran smiled nonchalantly and said, "Dad, you are worrying too much. There are many good farmers in this village. When the time comes, we will just pay the wages and hire someone to help us."

  Invite workers?

Murong Zhe looked at his hands and couldn't help but sigh. The injuries in their family were not small, and the eldest and second child were not around, so this was all the help they had.

 “Okay, we will just do as you say.”

Murong Zhe asked his son to put some money in his wallet for later use. He stood up and said, "A’Ran, please keep the money and land deeds. Dad will go to Li Zhuang to discuss the details. Dad has no access to these materials. You have to stay out of trouble, you guys just stay at home, got it?"

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