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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 270: 

Too Heartbreaking

How long had it been since she left? Hei Mao hadn't eaten anything for just as long as she’d been gone.

As soon as she returned from the city, Hei Mao complained to her for a long time. Throughout the whole day, whenever their eyes met, she could see its resentful gaze. Moreover, he followed her wherever she went, as if afraid she would suddenly disappear again.

Murong Lingran knew he was worried about her and blamed her for leaving him behind. So, from that day on, she planned to take Hei Mao with her wherever she went.

Everything had been going smoothly before, but she didn't expect that trouble would arise at home today.

Hei Mao immediately lowered his head, understanding that even if he protested, it would be of no use. He reluctantly nodded.

Murong Lingran patted his dark head, "Good boy, I'll make something delicious for you later."

Hei Mao’s eyes instantly lit up, and the previous frustration was immediately swept away. It let out a somewhat spineless bark, "Woof!" Alright.

Murong Lingran: "..."

After indulging Hei Mao for a while, Murong Lingran tidied up the room and washed the dirty clothes. Then, she went to the kitchen to prepare lunch while discussing the matter of the five bandits with everyone.

Even though his younger sister gave him ten taels of silver, Murong Kuan was still deeply upset. Even eating his favorite braised pork tasted like wax. He grit his teeth and said, "Father, we can't just let this go. In the past, ten taels of silver would require us to work hard and gather a lot of herbs. I am truly heartbroken."

Murong Zhe looked at his eldest son, "You were the first to see those bandits. Do you have any useful information?"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Murong Zong shook his head, "They were very cunning, smearing black on their faces. When I saw them, they were already too far away. When I shouted, they ran even faster. I don't know everyone in Lihua Village, and just by their figures, I couldn't tell who they were."

Murong Lingran suddenly asked everyone to gather their heads closer, "What if we do it this way... and then... like this..."

After hearing it, Murong Zhe helplessly said, "A'Ran, no wonder you instructed Qinghe to do that earlier. Will this really work?"

"Try it, and we'll know. If I guessed wrong, we'd just waste some time and energy. But if it works, and we can catch those people, give them a lesson, and retrieve the silver, wouldn't that be great? Otherwise, if we can't catch the thieves, not only our family but the whole village will be uneasy," Murong Lingran reasoned.

Murong Kuan felt that his sister's words made sense, and suddenly he was filled with determination. "Let's follow A'Ran's plan. I must make those people spit out the silver for my revenge!"

Murong Zhe looked at his eldest and second sons. Seeing that they didn't object, he reluctantly agreed, "Fine."

Murong Lingran instantly smiled. The feeling of having unconditional support from her family was truly wonderful.

After lunch, Zhuang Qinghe reported the incident of thieves breaking into Lihua Village and opening the flood gates; according to Murong Lingran's instructions. He specifically found a woman with a big mouth, so it didn't take long for the news of the theft in Murong's family to spread throughout the entire Lihua Village.

Upon hearing that Murong Lingran's family had been robbed, most of the families who were on good terms with them and some curious ones quickly ran to their house to inquire about the situation. In no time, a large crowd gathered at their doorstep.

Some people came out of concern, while others came to watch the excitement. There were also those who feared the thieves might target their homes and wanted to know how the theft occurred to take preventive measures.

Regardless of their intentions, Murong Zhe smiled and said, "Thanks for your concern. We didn't lose much at home, just a little pocket money for the children. It's not a significant loss."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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