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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 248: 

Poisonous Woman

Upon realizing that her hard-earned ten taels of silver were gone, Liu Shi ignored her son's words and angrily turned to Chen Shi, "How did you know about my remaining ten taels of silver?"

Mrs. Chen, expecting Madam Liu’s questioning, didn't regret her actions. She explained, "Mother, one day you didn't close the door properly, and I happened to pass by and saw you counting the silver."

"You!" Madam Liu couldn't help but curse, "You foolish woman, do you know that was all the silver we had? Without that silver, Murong Zhe has been completely broken by you all. Tell me, how are we going to live without that silver? Speak!"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Mrs. Chen tearfully defended herself, "Mother, what could I do? It's for your son. The people from the gambling den said if we didn't compensate, they would either take me and my daughter as collateral or have your son poisoned, mute, and crippled, left to beg on the streets. I had no choice."

Madam Liu, even more furious, disregarded the lingering pain in her chest and shouted, "You have two daughters! Give one of them as collateral! It's just losing money; keeping them at home is a waste of food. Let me tell you, you can pick either A’Xue or A’Qing to compensate immediately. Go and get back the ten taels of silver right now, or I'll make you regret it!"

Murong Xue immediately burst into tears, "Grandmother, how could you say that? I am your granddaughter."

Despite having guarded her for so long, Murong Xue never expected her grandmother to target her again. She thought her tribulations were over, but it seemed her grandmother was still trying to harm her.

Murong Liang sternly shouted, "Enough! She's collateral, collateral! You're also a woman, can you bear to see another woman suffer? The silver can be earned again, but once a person is gone, everything is lost."

No matter how unbearable Murong Xue was, she was still a member of the Murong family, and her honor could not be tarnished!

"Earned again?" Madam Liu sneered, "Is it easy to earn ten taels of silver? Then go and earn it for me!"

Murong Liang frowned and said, "A’Qi, what do you think will happen to a woman who is collateral in a gambling den?"

Murong Qi's face immediately turned ugly. "Father, you are deliberately asking what you already know? She will definitely be sold to a brothel."

Murong Liang then looked at Madam Liu and said, "Do you hear that? If our granddaughter goes, she will end up in a brothel."

"I know, so what?" Madam Liu sneered, "Ten taels of silver are not that easy to earn. Then you go and earn it for me!"

Murong Liang gritted his teeth, "A’Qi, what do you think will happen if a family has a daughter who willingly sells herself to a brothel?"

Murong Qi was startled, "Father, are you asking about me?"

Murong Liang coldly chuckled, "You poisonous woman. If our family has a daughter who willingly sells herself to a brothel, do you know who would want to marry into our family in the future? No one would want to be related to a family with a daughter in a brothel."

Listening to her husband's words, Madam Liu said with sadness, "Poisonous woman? I'm doing it for the good of our family. Our reputation is already ruined. Do you still care about this? Besides, our son can't find a wife anyway."

Murong Liang sneered, "So you don't care if your grandson can't find a wife?"

"What do you mean? What does this have to do with A’Cai?"

Murong Liang coldly said, "If our family has a daughter who willingly goes to a brothel, do you know who will be willing to marry A’Cai in the future? No one will want to be related to a family with a daughter in a brothel. Moreover, if we have a precedent for selling daughters for gambling debts, future in-laws will worry that if they marry into our family and have daughters, they might also be sold. Do you think anyone would willingly let their daughters marry into such a family?"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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