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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 249: 

Burial Fund

For a family with no money, being taken away by the gambling den was one thing; after all, it wasn't their intention. But for a family with money that regrets giving it away and wants to get it back, letting others know is practically shouting that money is more important than their daughter!

Mrs. Chen hurriedly nodded in agreement, "Mother, Father is right. Spare A’Xue and A’Qing. They are our flesh and blood."

After saying this, she gave her husband a stern look.

Murong Qi quickly added, "Mother, I promise I won't gamble again. I'll work hard to earn money. Please spare them."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

In the past, he wasn't in a rush because he knew it was a lie. But now, if he was asked to use his daughter to settle a debt, he would refuse vehemently.

Seeing Madam Liu's silence, Murong Liang knew she was considering his words. He coldly said, "With me here, A’Xue and A’Qing won't go to such places."

"But if they don't go, and we have no money, how can we survive with so many people to feed and take care of every day? What do you expect us to do?" Madam Liu frowned, "Without land and jobs for all the children, without silver, what can A’Cai do if he stays in the village? Murong Liang, you know the situation. We can't let A’Cai stay in the village doing nothing."

Murong Liang mocked, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. You want the eldest son to take care of him, right? I advise you not to think about it."

"After this incident, do you think he will dare to ask the eldest son for help? I tell you, as soon as he enters the eldest son's vegetable garden, he will be driven out by the people working for his family! Don't expect him to rely on the eldest son."

"Really that serious?" Madam Liu began to wail, "Oh my God, what should he do?"

Murong Liang looked at her with a stern gaze, "What should he do? You only know how to ask what he should do? Since you still have ten taels of silver, why didn't you use it to buy land for the family when you had the chance? Why let him go gambling and lose everything? Now that it's gone, it’s all thanks to your own actions!"

Madam Liu was stunned, suddenly at a loss for words.

Having money on hand keeps one calm. In her old age, she must keep some money as a burial fund. What could staying in the village achieve? One could earn big money only in the city. Murong Liang thought for a moment and suddenly looked at Mrs. Chen.

Startled by her her father in laws gaze, Chen Shi thought she had done something wrong again and trembled, "Father, why are you looking at me like that?"

Murong Liang said, "I remember when the eldest son was still a court physician, your natal family came to borrow money. When the eldest son refused, I took out forty taels of private silver to help them with their business. We agreed that they would pay it back in two years, but it's been several years, and they haven't shown any intention of repaying. Could it be that they don't want to repay it?"

Mrs. Chen's face changed suddenly. She hadn't expected her father to remember that incident. She stammered, "Father, how could that be? My natal family would never do that. Weren't we sent to the Saiyuan Mansion back then? They couldn't find us, even if they want to repay it."

"Yes, your natal family still owes us forty taels," Madam Liu said with joy, immediately planning how to use the forty taels of silver, as if it were already in her hands, "With this forty taels, we can buy land with twenty taels, give A’Cai ten taels to marry, and keep the remaining ten taels as a nest egg. Our family's difficulties will be resolved."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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