ROTCGIS Chapter Two Hundred and Twelve


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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 212: 

Mingyue Tower

Murong Zhe pondered for a moment and nodded, "Alright, I appreciate your help."

"Taking care of Mother is my duty, not an inconvenience."

As the family members who agreed to stay went to the backyard, the three brothers returned the empty food boxes to the carriage for transporting goods.

This was the first time Murong Lingran had spent the night in the city since her rebirth. It was still early, the sun had not fully set, and her mother was still asleep, so there was no need for her assistance.

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Knowing that her father had just eaten and wasn't hungry, and with some time left until dinner, Murong Lingran told her father that she wanted to go out to buy some food and explore the area.

Initially considering her safety, Murong Zhe wanted to refuse, but he thought of the powerful beings supporting his daughter and reluctantly agreed.

After leaving Jishi Hall, Murong Lingran went directly to her mother’s Embroidery shop. She inquired about the location where her mother was splashed with water and headed straight to that building.

It was a familiar restaurant, Mingyue Tower, known for its vegetables being supplied from their family. With this connection, things became easier.

Adjusting her clothes, Murong Lingran walked confidently into Mingyue Tower.

As it was dinner time, the Mingyue Tower was bustling with activity. The waiter at the entrance was busy serving other guests, and no one paid attention to her. She went straight to the counter.

The manager, Huang, was engrossed in calculating on the abacus and occasionally jotted down notes with a brush. Just when he finished reconciling one set of accounts and was about to take a breath, he suddenly heard a young girl's voice.

"Manager, you truly handle the abacus skillfully."

Huang was startled. Considering the voice, he thought some child from a nearby family had come to cause trouble. Looking up, he saw Murong Lingran looking at him with a faint smile.

One of the waiters, seeing Murong Lingran bothering the manager, was about to reprimand her. However, seeing her attire, which didn't resemble someone from a poor family causing trouble, he could only approach respectfully, saying, "Miss, did you get separated from your family? Should I help you find them? The manager is busy; please don't disturb him. Come with me, and I promise to help you find your family. Is that okay?"

Murong Lingran, observing the servile expression, couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth. She was ten years old, not four. With a face full of admiration, she looked at Huang, "Indeed, this is Mingyue Tower. The service is truly excellent."

Huang, embarrassed, smiled awkwardly. He scolded the waiter, "Go do your work. It's none of your business here. This is my guest; I'll handle it myself."

The waiter was momentarily stunned, realizing that he was lucky not to have spoken carelessly earlier. He hastily said, "Yes."

Feeling relieved that he didn't say anything earlier, the waiter retreated. Now, he could only hope that Huang wouldn't scold him later.

Once the waiter left, Huang came out from behind the counter and greeted Murong Lingran with a smile, "Miss Murong, why are you here so late? Is there something urgent?"

Murong Lingran nodded, "Yes, I have some personal matters."

Huang quickly responded, "If it's business, it's better to fill your stomach first. Allow me to treat you to a meal today. How about it?"

"I can't refuse such a generous offer. Thank you, Manager Huang."

Huang smiled, "Miss Murong, no need to be polite. Follow me; I'll personally take you to a private room upstairs."

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