Chapter 6: Oh! My Sweet Liar! (Wang Fei Bu Kao Pu)


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Wang Fei Bu Kao Pu

 Chapter Six:

(ancient china) handsome man covered in blood, injured, laying outside, 
 Masterpiece, Best Quality, flat, Manga Scan, A...

Hero, Spare My Life

Suddenly, there was no sound from behind.

Xiong Xiruo cautiously turned around and saw a man covered in blood, collapsed next to the latrine.

She was about to scream but suddenly caught herself, gasping in shock.

She had never seen such a bloody scene in person; it was terrifying.

Although she had seen similar scenes on TV, those were just painted blood—it wasn’t real.

But this was the real deal.

Xiong Xiruo was so scared that she turned to leave.

But this was a life.

Could she just watch and not help?

Her inner angel prevailed, and she hesitated before returning.

She knelt beside the man and patted his face. “Hey, wake up…”

Wow, he’s actually quite handsome.

He had a clean and delicate face, reminiscent of Song Joong-ki from her own world.

Xiong Xiruo found herself infatuated again.

“Cough, cough…” The man weakly coughed a few times.

“Hey, you’re awake. You’re badly injured. Are you alright?” Xiong Xiruo asked with concern.

“I’m fine,” the man shook his head, though his face was pale and his lips were white.

“Don’t be so stubborn. You’ve fainted from your injuries and still say you’re fine. I’ve never seen someone so reckless with their life,” Xiong Xiruo said with a pout.

She had tried everything to save her own life—persistent pleading, fabricating stories, even compromising her own integrity. It was quite embarrassing, but at least she hadn’t shamed her parents. Otherwise, her mother would have scolded her with a whip.

“I didn’t faint because of the injury… but because…” The man glanced at the latrine nearby, which was filled with all sorts of refuse, emitting an unbearable stench.

Xiong Xiruo suddenly realized that they had been talking next to the cesspit. If her classmates found out, she would be the laughingstock.

“So you fainted from the stench, haha,” Xiong Xiruo couldn’t help but laugh when she thought of what he had said.

“It wasn’t a problem until you came in; then I couldn’t hold it anymore,” the man said, still looking pained and innocent.

“Uh, you!” Xiong Xiruo immediately understood what he meant. Was her diarrhea really that serious?

She was both angry and embarrassed.

“Forget it, I won’t help you,” Xiong Xiruo decided to leave in frustration.

But her hand was grabbed.

She turned around to see the handsome man, weakened, saying, “Help me, only you can help me…” After speaking, he tilted his head and fainted again.

“Didn’t you just say you were fine? Now you’re fainting again. You’re really unreliable,” Xiong Xiruo patted his face again, but he didn’t wake up this time.

She couldn’t just watch such a handsome man die in the latrine.

If he died here, she’d have no place to use the restroom in the future.

After some thought, Xiong Xiruo decided to drag him out.

It took all her strength to get him out of the latrine. She planned to find someone to help, but there was no one around in the back courtyard.

The maid Jingyi, who had brought her here, was also gone.

With no other choice, Xiong Xiruo had to move him into a room by herself.

She fetched water and cleaned the blood off him, then bandaged his wounds.

She was also covered in blood, looking quite disheveled.

Seeing two sets of palace maid uniforms on the table, Xiong Xiruo changed out of her blood-stained modern clothes and into the ancient palace maid attire.

“Who are you?” A wary voice came from behind.

Xiong Xiruo turned around to see the handsome man sitting up, looking defensive.

“You’re awake,” she said, taking a few steps towards him. He, however, stepped back, looking anxious.

Xiong Xiruo picked up the sword that was lying aside. “Is this what you were looking for?”

The man glanced at the sword in her hand, his frown deepening. “Who exactly are you?”

“Well, I don’t even know who I am in this era. Everyone keeps asking me that question since I arrived here. How should I answer to satisfy you?” Xiong Xiruo was also at a loss.

The man looked at the bloodied clothes on the floor. “Did you save me?”

“Otherwise? Do you really believe in immortals?” Xiong Xiruo tilted her head, shrugging in resignation.

The man observed her odd expression and actions, noticing her clear eyes and beautiful, delicate face. Her slightly lazy and mischievous demeanor didn’t seem like that of a bad person.

“You should burn the clothes on the floor,” he suddenly changed the subject.

“Why?” Xiong Xiruo asked, puzzled.

“If you don’t want to bring disaster upon yourself, do as I say,” the handsome man suddenly became serious, which did not match his sunny and charming appearance.

My, god, another disaster!

What bad luck she had, constantly facing such dire situations.

Without further ado, she quickly gathered the things on the floor and burned them.

When she came back in, the handsome man was already up, sitting at the table and drinking tea.

“By the way, let me ask you now. Who are you?” Xiong Xiruo asked as she stood in front of him.

“Huangfu Jixun,” the man replied with four words.

“Oh, your name is Huangfu Jixun? But I still don’t know who you are,” Xiong Xiruo said, pretending to understand.

“Do you know Huangfu Hui?”

Huangfu Jixun looked at her, noticing that her attire and demeanor did not seem like those of an ordinary woman.

Xiong Xiruo shook her head.

“He was known alongside Prince Shou, Li Jingsui, as the two pillars of the state. He was the General of the West, but he was framed, and his clan was massacred. He fought desperately to let me escape,” Huangfu Jixun's expression suddenly became heavy, and his eyes showed anger.

“Massacre of a clan!” Xiong Xiruo heard another term that only appeared in TV dramas.

She was just a high school sophomore, leading a simple and happy life, never encountering such thrilling events.

Now, experiencing it firsthand, her heart could hardly take it.

Huangfu Jixun nodded. “Remember, do not tell anyone you saw me, and especially do not mention you saved me. It’s for your own good.”

“For my good?” Xiong Xiruo pointed at herself in disbelief, touched that someone in this era cared for her. She was so moved that she had a stuffy nose and swollen eyes.

She threw herself onto his lap, rubbing her face against his leg like a little kitten. “You’re such a good person. Only someone like you would care about me. You’re truly like my savior…”

Xiong Xiruo forgot in an instant that she had just made similar remarks to the prince. She was simply attached to anyone who cared for her.

Huangfu Jixun was at a loss for how to respond. It was the first time a woman had rubbed against him like this, and he was stiff with uncertainty.

“Can you tell me what dynasty this is?” Xiong Xiruo lifted her dark, curious eyes. “Eh? Why is your face red?” Xiong Xiruo noticed that Huangfu Jixun’s usually pale face had turned bright red, which looked quite beautiful. She asked curiously.

Huangfu Jixun, embarrassed, pushed her away and looked aside. “It’s the Southern Tang, with the current ruler being Li Jing.”

“Southern Tang? What dynasty is that? I don’t know anything about it,” Xiong Xiruo was confused. She had no impression of it in her mind. If only she had studied history better. Did the heavens make her experience history because she didn’t remember these things? Heaven, this joke is too much. Even if I experience it firsthand, I still can’t remember it.

Huangfu Jixun scrutinized her for a moment. Her behavior and speech were peculiar and out of place. “Tell me, where did you fall from?”

“Eh? You know?” Xiong Xiruo perked up, staring at the handsome man with wide eyes.

Could he be from the same modern world as her?

“While you fell, I was in the art studio,” Huangfu Jixun said. “The guards were chasing me. I released the chickens and ducks from the backyard to create confusion, and while hiding in the art studio, I saw you fall from the sky. The roof was untouched.” She had clearly fallen from above, but the roof remained intact.

Huangfu Jixun was stunned at the time, but he didn’t think much of it since he was trying to escape.

Later, the guards took her as an assassin, and he realized she was not from the palace.

“Ah, so the chaotic scene was caused by you. It scared me so much,” Xiong Xiruo remembered the earlier scene and felt a shiver.

“So, where are you really from?” Huangfu Jixun squinted slightly, still puzzled by her arrival.

“Hehe…” Xiong Xiruo didn’t know how to explain and laughed awkwardly. “I’m here to save you. Don’t worry about where I came from. What are you planning to do now?”

If she could just sleep and return, she’d do it immediately.

Time travel was such a hassle; she’d prefer it if it were someone else’s adventure.

“That’s true.” Huangfu Jixun didn’t press her further about her origins. After all, Xiong Xiruo had saved him more than once. Her sudden appearance in the art studio had diverted the guards, giving him a chance to escape.

“Stay here to recover from your injuries and consider what to do next,” Huangfu Jixun said, not joking.

“That’s not okay! You can’t stay here and take my food,” Xiong Xiruo jumped back, her first reaction as a foodie was to defend her food supply.

Huangfu Jixun hadn’t anticipated this reaction from her. He thought she was refusing out of concern for being implicated, but she was actually worried he’d take her food.

“I don’t need much. Just enough to fill my stomach.”

“Why are you so demanding? I can barely feed myself, let alone you,” Xiong Xiruo protested.

“Miss Xiong…” Someone suddenly called from outside.

Xiong Xiruo’s alertness kicked in. She hurriedly looked for a place to hide. “Quick, hide! Otherwise, we’re doomed!”

Having seen the palace’s weapons and the ruler’s authoritative presence, Xiong Xiruo had no doubt about Huangfu Jixun’s earlier warnings.


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