Chapter 5: Oh! My Sweet Liar! (Wang Fei Bu Kao Pu)


Translating Chinese Historical Dramas for your enjoyment... and mine! :)

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Wang Fei Bu Kao Pu

 Chapter Five:

(ancient china) BEAUTIFUL WOMAN standing by an outhouse in the palace, 
 Masterpiece, Best Quality, flat, Manga Scan, An...

Do You Know What Crime You’ve Committed!

“Granted. Jingyi, attend to her well,” the Empress Dowager said.

Xiong Xiruo quickly stood up and made her way outside.

Now was not the time to hesitate.

“Miss, the restroom is behind the screen,” Jingyi said, blocking her path and pointing to the wooden screen.

Xiong Xiruo’s eyes widened in shock. She was stunned to find that the restroom was inside the room and she wasn’t allowed to leave.

Her spirits sank, but she had no choice but to bravely go behind the screen with Jingyi.

She stood in front of what was called a restroom, feeling overwhelmed.

“Is this really where you all… do your business?” Xiong Xiruo asked, her mouth twitching.

“We servants do not have the honor of using such a prestigious privy. Please take your time, Miss. I’ll wait for you here,” Jingyi said, bowing her head.

A prestigious privy? She couldn’t even begin to understand the concept of such luxury.

Xiong Xiruo stared at the ancient privy, feeling utterly repelled. She’d rather not use it at all. Despite her urgent need, the thought of using such an old-fashioned device, with Jingyi and others nearby, was unbearable.

She struggled to hold it in, unwilling to subject herself to such humiliation.

“We should go,” she finally said, turning to leave.

Jingyi, seeing her decision, followed her out.

Once back in the main hall, she saw that the Heir and the Queen Mother were seated and drinking tea, while Zhang Taiyi was waiting for her.

Despair gripped her heart.

No matter how desperate her situation seemed, she steeled herself. She must face whatever was coming.

Xiong Xiruo walked confidently to Zhang Taiyi, extending her hand. “Go ahead, examine me. I’m not afraid!”

Zhang Taiyi was about to take her pulse when a clear, cold voice interrupted.

“Wait,” the voice cut through the tension.

Xiong Xiruo turned sharply. If she wasn’t mistaken, it was the Prince who had spoken.

Could it be that he suddenly had a change of heart and decided to show some mercy?

She felt a wave of relief wash over her.

Zhang Taiyi paused his hand.

The Prince put down his teacup and spoke with authority. “It’s true she is carrying my child. There is no doubt about that. I know better than the physician.”


Did he really just say that? Xiong Xiruo was stunned, her mouth agape, looking at the Prince with admiration.

You’re the coolest, the best, the only one for me. Forget about Hu Ge, Song Joong-ki, Yang Yang—none of them compare to you!

The Empress Dowager was also surprised. “Yi’er, the royal bloodline is of utmost importance. It is not something to be taken lightly.”

“Mother, I understand. Please don’t worry. I am confident in my judgment. Though her status is lowly, the child she carries undoubtedly has royal blood,” the Prince assured his mother.

“Yes, yes, I fell in love with the Prince at first sight, and we’re destined to be together. We will be happy ever after…” Xiong Xiruo nodded vigorously, agreeing with everything the Heir said.

To ensure her survival, she needed to stand by the Prince's side.

It was ironic that despite her poor language skills and lack of understanding of idioms in the past, they suddenly seemed so useful in this critical moment.

The Prince glanced at her sideways, making her shut up quickly.

Tsk… That little glance was as cold as a knife, sending shivers down her spine.

Just a moment ago, he was speaking up for her, and now he’s so fierce. Hmph, this Heir really is fickle.

No matter, once I escape the palace, I’ll make a quick getaway.

This palace is certainly not a place for people. One wrong move and you’re fighting for your life. It must be hard for the servants here.

“Your grandson will take her to see the Emperor now.” Despite his cold demeanor, the Heir was very respectful towards the Empress Dowager.

“Follow His Highness,” Li Hongyi said, his voice growing more stern and icy.

Xiong Xiruo followed, dumbfounded.

She had just left the Main Hall and was now back again. As she glanced around at the intricately carved pavilions and halls, she thought they were quite beautiful—almost like something out of a comic book.


Seeing Li Hongyi kneel before the Emperor, Xiong Xiruo quickly followed suit.

“It’s true that Xiong Xiruo is carrying my child. I ask Father to allow her to stay in the palace,” Li Hongyi said seriously.

“Oh?” The Emperor’s gaze settled on Xiong Xiruo, who was kneeling with her head bowed. “How old are you, Xiong Xiruo, and what do your parents do?” The Emperor’s expression was as stern as Li Hongyi’s.

As if everyone owed them money, Xiong Xiruo thought, rolling her eyes.

“I am 17 this year. My parents… my parents are farmers,” Xiong Xiruo said. She couldn’t say her parents worked at the power company or were civil servants—they probably wouldn’t even know what that was.

“Boldly declaring that you are 17 and still unmarried! Do you know the crime you have committed?” The Emperor suddenly roared in anger.

Xiong Xiruo quickly kowtowed. “This humble girl knows her mistake.”

What’s the big deal about being 17 and unmarried?

I’m still a minor; isn’t it normal not to be married? Getting married at such a young age would be abnormal!

“In our country, a woman who is 17 and unmarried is considered a grave offense.”

Wow, is it really that harsh? Being unmarried at 17 is a crime?

In the 21st century, many older women are still single, and they live freely. According to this rule, all women over 17 in the 21st century would be criminals and need to be locked up!

She’s only 17, and still a minor. Sob…

Xiong Xiruo felt crushed.

The Emperor pondered for a moment. “Considering you are carrying Yi’er’s child, I won’t hold this against you. Very well, Yi’er, take her back to the palace. Let her stay there and give birth to the child. If she needs anything, let her speak to your grandmother.” The Emperor put down his brush, making his final decision.

Although this woman’s status is low and she is already 17, the fact that she is carrying the Heir’s child is a happy event. The Emperor was pleased to finally have an heir, but given the pressure of state affairs, he could not show his happiness.

“Thank you, Father,” Li Hongyi thanked the Emperor.

Xiong Xiruo quickly followed with her thanks.

After leaving the Hall, Li Hongyi strode ahead, with Xiong Xiruo jogging to keep up.

The Prince was tall and walked quickly, making it hard for Xiong Xiruo to keep up.

“Hey, husband—no, I mean, Prince, wait for me…” Xiong Xiruo called after him.

Li Hongyi suddenly stopped. Xiong Xiruo, unable to stop in time, bumped into his chest. “Ah!”

Oh no, I didn’t mean to throw myself at you, I didn’t do it on purpose.

Li Hongyi pushed her away with his hand on her forehead, his face expressionless. “Don’t follow me. Go wherever you want!”

Feeling as if her face had been slapped, Xiong Xiruo was taken aback. The Prince had turned cold again, after just helping her.

“I came to thank you. You’re like a savior to me. In my next life, I’d repay you even if I had to be a cow or horse. Could you do me one more favor and let me out of the palace, let me be free? I promise to repay you.” Xiong Xiruo smiled mischievously at him.

On closer inspection, the Prince was even more handsome, with defined features and deep, captivating eyes. He was truly unparalleled.

“Don’t be so self-important. I’m not saving you. You can forget about leaving the palace in this lifetime. Prepare yourself to grow old here. Since you were originally in the Hanlin Academy, you’ll work there as a janitor.” Li Hongyi said coldly, then turned and walked away.

If it weren’t for the fact that he had no heir and the Emperor was not very pleased with him, and his uncle Li Jingsui was always threatening his position, he wouldn’t have used Xiong Xiruo to secure his position as heir.

He didn’t care about her life or death, only about preserving his position.

Xiong Xiruo grumbled at Li Hongyi’s back, “What’s with the attitude? Just because you’re handsome doesn’t mean you can be so aloof. I’ll draw you as an ugly, effeminate character. Hmph! The Emperor clearly told you to take care of me, but you sent me to be a janitor. Sob…”

Let me die in the palace!

Who wants to die in the palace? You? Fine, go ahead and die! You’re such a cold-faced person!

Xiong Xiruo was furious and in pain.

She had been trying to use the restroom earlier but had held it in. Now, she couldn’t hold it any longer.

Desperately searching for a restroom, she was lost and didn’t know where to go.

“Miss Xiong, I’ll take you to the Hanlin Academy,” Jingyi suddenly appeared.

“Great, does the Hanlin Academy have a restroom?” Xiong Xiruo asked, clutching her stomach and twisting around.


“Then let’s go quickly!”

“Can’t we use a normal restroom instead of that old-fashioned privy?” Xiong Xiruo grumbled as she walked.

“We servants don’t have the right to use such a privy. Follow me to the restroom at the Hanlin Academy,” Jingyi said, leading her to the outhouse. Although both were palace maids, Jingyi knew that Xiong Xiruo, carrying the dragon’s child, was now a superior, so she was careful with her words and actions.

Xiong Xiruo dashed inside as soon as they arrived.

She couldn’t hold it any longer. The urgency was overwhelming.

“Ah, so relieving,” Xiong Xiruo sighed with relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

Suddenly, she heard a rustling sound nearby.

Hmm, what’s that sound?

Xiong Xiruo looked around but saw nothing.

Maybe it’s just my imagination.

After finishing, she stood up and was about to leave when a hand suddenly covered her mouth.


Xiong Xiruo saw a blood-stained hand and was terrified, almost fainting. Her heart raced.

“Don’t move, or I’ll kill you!” A threatening male voice came from behind.

Although the voice had some power, it also sounded weak.

But what’s with all the blood?

Xiong Xiruo was so frightened, she felt like she was going to lose her soul.

Heaven, why are you doing this to me?

Just when I thought I had escaped danger, am I now facing another threat?

Xiong Xiruo felt incredibly distressed. Others have adventures, but for her, it was all about near-death experiences.

“Hero, please spare me. I won’t move or make a sound…” The bloody hand slid off her mouth, and Xiong Xiruo raised her hands in surrender.


What a hot mess our little heroine is! 

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