Chapter 40: Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" (Are You the One)


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 Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" / Are You the One

 Chapter 40: 


Cui Xingzhou felt relieved. If he hadn't captured Yun'niang and lured out Prince Sui, he might have been led down a longer path.

Since discovering the many connections between officials in Qingzhou and Prince Sui, he had sent people to investigate. By chance, they uncovered a lead on a descendant of a royal physician who had returned to his hometown.

This physician was highly skilled and had expertise in methods not commonly practiced by other court doctors. It was said that he had been the personal physician of Prince Sui in the capital.

However, years ago, after visiting the Prince's residence, the physician suddenly fell ill and died there. When his body was brought back, his family prepared his burial and discovered ink stains on the soles of his feet. The writing was still clear, and his eldest son, well-versed in his father’s medical knowledge, immediately recognized it as a prescription for an antidote to poison.

It became evident to the son why the usually healthy physician had died so suddenly—he must have saved someone whose survival was deemed too dangerous by Prince Sui, leading to his death as a result. The physician had likely died in his sleep, without his shoes on, and the ink stains on his feet were from accidentally stepping on the fallen prescription.

The family members who dressed the old physician likely did not notice the writing on his feet. They simply placed him on a stretcher, covered him with a white cloth, and sent him back home.

Understanding this, the eldest son was terrified. He claimed to return his father to his ancestral roots and moved his family back to their hometown. The other two sons resigned from their positions and left for home as well.

Now that the eldest son is quite old, and given his past connection with the late Duke of Huaiyang, Cui Xingzhou personally traveled to inquire about the matter. The son revealed the hidden truth.

The poison was not something just anyone could access, and the physician's death coincided with the time when the crown prince was assassinated and his descendants were executed.

Additionally, Cui Xingzhou’s mentor had recently suggested that the crown prince’s two legitimate sons might have survived. If the two poisoned young children survived, it would have been with Prince Sui’s help.

Considering the ages, one of the sons was about the same age as the young master Ziyu. Reflecting on this, Cui Xingzhou suddenly had a revelation. He remembered that the first time he saw young master Zi Yu, he felt a sense of familiarity.

Upon closer examination, Zi Yu’s strikingly handsome appearance was remarkably similar to that of the late crown prince’s consort he had seen at a banquet when he was young.

Thus, it seemed that after the crown prince’s death, a substantial amount of money had vanished, which was likely taken by the surviving young son.

Linking this to the accusations against the young lady from earlier, Cui Xingzhou began to clear up many previously confusing connections.

The leader of the rebels at Yang Mountain, who had been in conflict with him for a long time, turned out to be the missing grandson of the former emperor, Liu Yu!

When Cui Xingzhou returned to the small courtyard on North Street, deep in thought, Mian Tang was in the courtyard with Li Mama, directing two maidservants as they prepared to fluff and renew the quilts. 

As the weather would soon turn cooler, the quilts needed to be filled with fresh cotton. Mian Tang had bought two bags of cotton on her way back from the shop and was preparing to refill all the quilts for the household.

After cleaning the courtyard, they spread out several large oilcloths. Li Mama and the maidservants were busy laying out the quilts when Cui Xingzhou arrived.

Seeing her husband, Mian Tang welcomed him warmly. When he inquired about her day, she recounted the encounter with the wandering monk at the shop.

“The noble warrior was right,” Cui Xingzhou said, “there are many outsiders coming and going in Lingquan Town, mixing with all sorts. It’s better to hire a competent shopkeeper to manage the store, so you don’t have to be constantly exposed.”

Although the advice had originally come from his subordinates, Cui Xingzhou reiterated it to Mian Tang himself. After all, he couldn't always be around the store to protect her from unexpected trouble, so it was safer for her to stay at home and avoid potential dangers.

Mian Tang agreed with her husband’s reasoning and nodded in understanding.

Cui Xingzhou asked gently while sipping his tea, "Where did he pinch you today?"

Mian Tang honestly lifted her left hand. Cui Xingzhou then slowly set down his teacup, took her hand, and led her to the water basin behind the screen. He dipped a cloth into the water and began to wash her wrist.

Mian Tang noticed that the water in the basin smelled slightly sour, and she chuckled, "If I were to be accidentally bumped all over by someone, would you put me in a barrel of water to soak for a few days?"

Cui Xingzhou, gently holding her hand, responded with a smile, “I’d rather not have you in such a situation at all. But if it ever happens, I’d make sure you’re well taken care of.”

He continued to carefully wash her wrist, his touch tender and considerate.Mian Tang’s light-hearted comment about being accidentally bumped and needing to be soaked made him chuckle softly.

“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that,” he said, his eyes warm as he met her gaze. “And if it does, I’ll find a better way to handle it than just soaking you in a water bucket.”

His reassurances and affectionate care made Mian Tang’s smile widen, her heart warmed by the tender moment.

Mian Tang immediately regretted her words. She chided herself for not remembering the importance of caution and propriety that her mentors had taught her. As a woman, how could she casually joke about her reputation with her husband?

However, Cui Xingzhou did not reprimand her for the slip of the tongue. Instead, he lowered his head, his thin lips curling into a smile as he said, “It’s fine… In that case, there will be ways to ‘cleanse’ you properly…”

For some reason, Mian Tang felt that his smile didn’t seem genuine and that there was an unsettling coldness in his eyes. Uncomfortable with his gaze, she reached out and gently flicked water droplets from his handsome face.

Cui Xingzhou softened the coldness in his eyes, catching Mian Tang's playful hand and pulling her into his embrace. He then playfully rubbed the water droplets from his nose against her face, causing her cheeks to flush red as she laughed gleefully.

Li Mama, who was carrying two bowls of sweet goji berry and red date soup, entered the room just in time to witness the playful scene between the prince and Mrs. Liu. Her hand wobbled, nearly spilling the soup onto the floor.

Seeing Li Mama enter, Cui Xingzhou's smile faded slightly. He guided Mian Tang to sit at the table and have the sweet soup. As Li Mama prepared to leave with the tray, he gave a mild instruction, “In the future, if I return and haven’t given specific orders, don’t come in.”

In Li Mama’s heart, she understood that this northern residence was not the inner quarters of the royal mansion, and she knew the rules well.

However, in the royal residence, it is customary for servants to deliberately avoid disturbing the master and his consorts when they are together privately. 

But this northern residence, being more like a temporary confinement, was now being subjected to the same rules as the inner quarters of the royal mansion. 

Li Mama, upon leaving, felt her face flush with an indescribable color. What did the prince mean by this? Was he intending to truly take Miss Liu as his concubine after using her?

Li Mama thought of Miss Lian in the royal mansion and shook her head. She had seen too many intrigues and conflicts among the former concubines, which had left her exhausted.

Even if Miss Lian could accept Miss Liu, she feared that the sharp-tongued Madam Lian Chu would not tolerate her and would likely incite the future princess to deal with Miss Liu.

Li Mama worried about Miss Liu’s future, knowing well that the favor of men in the royal mansion is not lasting.

She was genuinely concerned about how Miss Liu would manage if her reputation was tarnished and she had no reliable family to support her.

Inside the house, the sounds of cheerful laughter from Miss Liu and the prince continued for a while before fading away. It was unclear what they were playing at or discussing.

As expected, Prince Liu Pei was meeting with his grandnephew, Zi Yu.

On a boat on the lake below the Mountain, Zi Yu boarded a pleasure boat prepared by Liu Pei.

Liu Pei had warmed fine wine early in anticipation of the arrival of the last heir of the former crown prince.

Although Liu Pei was technically of an older generation, he was more like Liu Yu’s younger uncle in terms of age.

Zi Yu had abandoned his imperial surname for years and was unsure how to address his royal relative.

Fortunately, Liu Pei was very approachable and seemed to sense Zi Yu’s dilemma. He smiled and said, “Since you have not yet returned to your ancestral name, there is no need to adhere to conventional titles. You may simply address me by my princely title.”

Zi Yu clasped his hands and said, “In that case, I will be presumptuous and address you as Prince Sui.”

After Zi Yu spoke, Liu Pei waved dismissively, inviting Zi Yu to sit and pouring him a cup of warm wine. With a deep sense of nostalgia, he said, “The last time I saw you, you were just a child. In the blink of an eye, you’ve grown so much. If the late Crown Prince were here, he would be comforted to know that my actions back then were not in vain.”

Hearing this, Zi Yu’s eyes reddened slightly. However, having experienced many sorrows over the years, he was reluctant to shed tears in public. He simply expressed his gratitude once again for Liu Pei’s past rescue.

Years ago, when he was poisoned, Zi Yu was replaced by a look-alike child who, along with his brother, managed to escape from the Eastern Palace. However, the poison was so virulent that without a skilled physician, Zi Yu would have perished.

Fortunately, General Sun had some connections with Prince Sui. The young Prince Sui, bold and resourceful even in his youth, sought out a renowned imperial physician to create an antidote that saved Zi Yu's life.

Zi Yu was deeply grateful for this life-saving favor, which is why, when Liu Mian Tang spoke ill of the Prince of Sui, he had reprimanded her lightly, considering the Prince’s past kindness.

Now, however, Prince Sui’s visit was not for familial affection but for practical matters. He cut to the chase, asking Zi Yu about his future plans.

Zi Yu naturally brought up the matter of his upcoming marriage to General Shi's daughter. Liu Pei, seeing it as a favorable match, remarked that Zi Yu should indeed marry and have children. Regardless of whether grand plans come to fruition, the bloodline of the late Crown Prince must not be extinguished.

On the day of his wedding to Miss Shi, Prince Sui’s residence would send their congratulations.

Following that, Liu Pei analyzed the current state of affairs in the court. The powerful Wu family, related to the now Empress Dowager Wu, was overbearing and held sway over the administration, which was unpopular. Despite the presence of old ministers who still remembered the former Crown Prince’s virtues, the power dynamics had shifted.

Liu Pei’s confidants in the court had already paved the way for Zi Yu. Once Zi Yu was officially recognized and took up a position in the capital, he would wait for the right moment to act—eventually leading a coup to remove the corrupt factions and restore order.

Zi Yu listened calmly as Prince Sui laid out his grand plans, and he replied in a measured tone, "While great ambitions are still far off, if I can avenge my father and younger brother's deaths, it will be enough for me. As for governance and strategy, I am well aware of my own limitations and believe that only Prince Sui can restore order and save the nation."

As Zi Yu departed from Prince Sui and boarded his carriage, he appeared somewhat frail, coughing persistently, perhaps due to the cold.

Master Qin whispered to him, "Although Prince Sui is a blood relative, you must remain cautious."

Zi Yu nodded in agreement. The corruption cases on the mountain had brought him newfound clarity. He had been too influenced by past loyalties, clinging to the gratitude he felt for the rescue from the Eastern Palace and hesitating to view his old associates as threats. But the reality was that people's hearts could change, and his former allies all had their own agendas.

The departure of Mian Tang had given Zi Yu a clearer perspective on the world. She had long warned him about Prince Sui, vehemently opposing the alliance with General Sun. However, Mian Tang’s cautious approach, while wise, felt too conservative to Zi Yu, who was driven by a deep desire for vengeance. He understood that, despite her intelligence, Mian Tang had no grand ambitions of her own. If not for him, she might have never stayed in Yangshan.

Now that Mian Tang had left, Zi Yu saw no need to persuade her further. Weighing the pros and cons, he decided to take the risk and push forward.

He was too eager for success. His early life had been marred by suffering he shouldn't have had to endure, and now he could only reclaim what was rightfully his— including Mian Tang— by burning his bridges and forging ahead.

With this thought, his fists clenched. The road ahead was fraught with obstacles, and the fires of his past loomed behind him. He had no choice but to press on.

Meanwhile, Prince Sui watched his frail nephew depart with a hint of amusement. The weakness of Zi Yu's constitution suggested he might not endure much fortune. Prince Sui's mother was from the esteemed Gong family of the Great Yan, and she held the revered title of Empress Dowager. No mere concubine or her powerful family could overstep their bounds in such a manner.

Thus, if the Gong family wanted to overthrow the Wu family, they had pinned their hopes on Liu Pei. 

However, as his mother had said, the timing was not yet right. The Wu family would have their moment of arrogance for a while longer. When public resentment reached its peak, it would be Liu Pei's chance to return to the capital. For now, he needed to conserve his strength and remain in hiding. Zi Yu and Prince Huaiyang were merely pieces on the chessboard, used to influence the Wu family—he wasn't in a hurry.

During this idle time, he needed some way to pass the time. Somehow, a youthful, pink-faced visage kept appearing in his mind—the memory of a female bandit who had lost both her memory and her martial prowess, yet still possessed a face that could evoke pity.

Such a tender sight before him had truly piqued Liu Pei's interest. 

So, on his way back, Liu Pei intentionally passed through Lingquan Town again, hoping to have another meeting with the young woman. However, he was met with the surprising sight of a scruffy old man behind the counter of the porcelain shop. Upon inquiry, he learned that the young woman was ill again, and the shop owner, feeling sorry for her, had decided to keep her away from the counter.

Liu Pei raised an eyebrow upon hearing the news but wasn't too concerned. After all, she was just a merchant who had been plucked from obscurity and might have been just a stroke of luck for him.

As a prince, Liu Pei couldn't engage in forceful abductions or actions that would tarnish his reputation. Such behavior would befit a rogue, not someone of his standing.

Instead, he planned to instruct his steward to use the excuse of ordering porcelain to find a way to send the merchant to Huizhou and frame him with a crime. He wanted to see if the young woman would come to the aid of her nominal husband. If she sought refuge at the Prince's residence, Liu Pei could offer her a discreet opportunity to discuss matters privately.

Meanwhile, Liu Mian Tang was unaware of these machinations. She was attending a tea party at the He family’s residence, where she was also helping to distribute various fabrics brought from the capital by the He family's eldest master.

Lingquan Town is not as developed as the capital, but it's still far better than many remote rural areas. Many rare items still need to be brought in from the capital through connections.

Master He, who had been to the capital, not only delivered goods but also brought back luxurious fabrics, spices, and cosmetics from the capital to distribute among the female members of his household and official families he needed to cultivate relationships with.

Among the many handkerchiefs and gifts, He Zhen, feeling grateful for past advice and somewhat favoring Liu Mian Tang, decided to give her a three-colored handkerchief.

However, the fabric of this handkerchief was quite distinctive, and several ladies had their eyes on it. Seeing that He Zhen had given it to Liu Mian Tang first, they felt slighted and envious, as if their own connections with He Zhen were undervalued.

One of the more outspoken ladies, with a bold attitude, remarked, "Miss He, you’re being quite biased. This unique gradient satin handkerchief—without even asking—you're giving it straight to Madam Cui. Aren't you afraid we’ll all come asking for it, or perhaps block the door and refuse to leave?"

He Zhen felt a bit of regret for not giving the handkerchief to Liu Mian Tang privately and quickly tried to remedy the situation, saying, “This handkerchief was specifically requested by Liu Mian Tang early on. It’s not that I’m ignoring you all; it’s just that the fabric is in high demand, and my uncle didn’t manage to get many.”

“Come on, when your uncle went to the capital, Madam Cui had only just arrived in the town. How could there be any special connection between her and Miss He for reserving a handkerchief? You might as well say you think our complexions don’t do the handkerchief justice!” 

The outspoken Madam Zhao, who was quite sharp-tongued and familiar with He Zhen, spoke without reserve, making it clear she wanted the handkerchief for herself.

He Zhen, taken aback by Madam Zhao’s lack of courtesy, was momentarily at a loss for words. She recalled that Madam Zhao was also among those gossiping about her at the rockery earlier, adding to her embarrassment and annoyance.

During the distribution, Liu Mian Tang didn’t move forward to grab anything. Instead, she was lounging on a nearby daybed, warming herself by the stove. With winter setting in, Lingquan Town had become cold and dreary, and Liu Mian Tang, with her injuries, was particularly sensitive to the chill. She snuggled close to the warmth like a cat.

Seeing that the conversation had turned to her, she finally lifted her head, holding her hand warmer, and approached. She thought to herself that these women, who weren’t even the wives of the craftsmen from North Street, were making a fuss over a single handkerchief.

To avoid making things difficult for He Zhen, Liu Mian Tang graciously said, “Thank you for Miss He’s kind offer. Since Madam Zhao wants it, let her have it. I have similar fabric at home, so there’s no need to worry about me.”

Madam Zhao, growing more insistent, laughed and said, “Madam Cui, how can you speak so fancifully? This three-color fabric is a new trend this year, made from silk dyed with golden tang flowers from the South Seas. It has a delicate fragrance that emerges when worn against the skin. In the capital, a piece of this fabric is sold at sky-high prices. You’re claiming you have some at home? Could it be that you’ve been duped by unscrupulous merchants?”

Liu Mian Tang was taken aback by this and asked Fang Xie to bring over the fur-lined cloak she had been using. The fur was a new piece her husband had acquired, and she had chosen a portion of the fabric her husband bought to line the cloak, using the rest for several other items like pouches and undergarments.

If she remembered correctly, the fabric from that batch was quite similar to this handkerchief’s material.

When Fang Xie unfolded the cloak, all the ladies and madams in the room fell silent.

What is true display of wealth? It’s not merely about flaunting gold and silver, but rather, demonstrating with actions.

For instance, Madam Liu casually using fabric worth thousands of gold taels to line a fur cloak.

Even though Miss He already suspected the Cui family had some background, she was surprised to find that Liu Mian Tang was even more extravagant than the future princess, Miss Lian. She was left speechless, remarking, “Madam Cui, you truly have a generous hand…”

Madam Zhao, who had been vying for the handkerchief, felt awkward and thought she had lost face.

Liu Mian Tang, realizing she had wasted valuable fabric, felt a pang of frustration and was no longer interested in hearing the ladies' compliments.

When she finally saw her husband return that evening, she immediately confessed her grave mistake.

In fact, Cui Xingzhou was not overly concerned about the matter. The items in their Northern Street residence were all provided by the chief steward.

He was sympathetic towards Mian Tang’s past hardships and had instructed the steward to send some good things. He didn’t know much about the so-called gradient satin.

Mian Tang inquired about how much Cui Xingzhou had spent on the fabric. Cui Xingzhou replied without a blink, “It was given as a gift from a close friend. I don’t know the price.”

Mian Tang gasped and asked as she brushed his long hair, “What kind of friendship involves a gift of fabric worth hundreds of taels?”

Cui Xingzhou calmly explained, “It wasn’t exactly a gift. He lost a chess game, so I took the fabric as part of the stakes…”

Mian Tang knew her husband associated with wealthy and extravagant individuals like Dr. Zhao, so she did not doubt his words.

Knowing her husband had not squandered money, she focused on her remorse for having wasted the fabric.

Seeing her distressed, Cui Xingzhou said, “It’s just fabric. Whether used here or elsewhere, it’s all the same.”

Liu Mian Tang glanced at her husband, who was dressed in a plain robe with his long, dark hair cascading like a celestial being, and sighed once more at his otherworldly demeanor. Then she plaintively said, “Madam Zhao mentioned that the fabric scents the skin and the color gradient makes it rare and beautiful, perfect for garments. But I ended up using it for linings and petticoats…”

Hearing this, Cui Xingzhou’s interest was piqued slightly. “Petticoats? I haven’t seen you wear any…”

Mian Tang’s face reddened. Her new petticoats had not been worn yet, so her husband hadn’t seen them.

Although they had shared a bed several times, she had always worn undergarments and covered herself well while sleeping…

However, such valuable fabric should not be wasted. It deserved to be appreciated.

That night, after Mian Tang had washed up, she hid behind the screen to change into her new undergarments.

When Cui Xingzhou, as usual, read until late into the night and climbed into bed only after Mian Tang was asleep, he was greeted by a sweet fragrance of peaches and flowers wafting through the curtains.

The young woman’s eyes were sparkling, with no hint of sleepiness.

From within the silk canopy, Mian Tang’s slightly shy voice asked, “Husband, do you think this fabric looks good?”

That night, Mian Tang did not receive an answer from her husband.

Mian Tang saw her husband staring intently at her. Suddenly, he gripped her wrist tightly and pulled her toward him. Before she could steady herself, he released her and pushed her onto the bed, then walked out of the room.

In the middle of the night, where could he be going?

Mian Tang hurriedly asked, “Husband, it’s chilly outside. Why are you going out without your outer robe?”

“I just remembered I haven’t done my martial arts practice today. I need to practice a set of punches,” came his reply. Soon, the sound of vigorous punches and kicks echoed from the courtyard.

Mian Tang, reassured, settled back into bed. She adjusted the covers, thinking she would warm them up for when her husband returned, so he wouldn’t catch a chill.

Meanwhile, Li Mama, hearing the commotion from the main house, peeked out and saw the young lord practicing martial arts in the middle of the night, occasionally drinking cold water from a jar. Truly, youth and vigor were unmatched!

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