Chapter 39: Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" (Are You the One)


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 Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" / Are You the One

 Chapter 39: 


As for Miss Yun, after being slapped by Mian Tang and left with half a bruised face, she was already in a foul mood. To her dismay, during the night, she found herself surrounded and nearly stuffed into a sack and thrown into a cart.

It was only when she was rescued that she realized it was Prince Sui from Huizhou who had intervened.

Now, she has found refuge in Prince Sui's residence.

Prince Liu Pei, as the younger brother of the late Emperor and a favorite of the Empress Dowager, was accustomed to a lavish lifestyle befitting his high rank. His residence was renowned for its opulence throughout the region.

After Miss Yun woke up and refreshed herself, she was led by several graceful maidservants to meet the Duke.

Though she had met the Prince before when accompanying her father, their encounters had been few. Her father and the Prince were close friends, and her father had arranged for her to call the Prince "adoptive father," though he was only twelve years her senior. Despite this, the Prince was actually the grand uncle of Zi Yu, her own generation.

Now, she naturally adhered to the hierarchy established between her father and the Prince, addressing him as "adoptive father" out of respect.

As she entered the Prince's presence, he was engrossed in enjoying the performance of a newly recruited courtesan, who was playing the pipa and singing with a melodious voice. The Prince, resembling the late Emperor with his dark complexion, was visibly enchanted by the performance.

“Had it not been for you, Father, today I would have been tragically abducted. I will never forget this great favor!” Miss Yun knelt and bowed her head in respect, but the Prince continued to focus on the performance, seemingly ignoring her.

“Had it not been for you, Father, today I would have been tragically abducted. I will never forget this great favor!” Miss Yun exclaimed, repeatedly bowing deeply.

Only when she made the sound of her head knocking against the floor did Prince Liu Pei finally turn his gaze toward her, his expression softening. “Since we are like father and daughter, there is no need for such formalities.”

Miss Yun, having been granted a seat, then inquired, “I am curious about who dared to abduct me and be so audacious in the territory of Lingquan?”

Liu Pei waved his hand to dismiss the courtesans, leaving only a beautiful maidservant to serve tea. He replied slowly, “In that region, who else but Prince Huaiyang would be so bold? If it hadn’t been for your father requesting me to protect you and send you to my villa for a while, my guards might not have noticed the commotion outside the inn. We had to alert General Gongsun in Qingzhou to rescue you. I’m curious, how did you manage to offend Prince Huaiyang?”

Miss Yun was uncertain. The disciples of the mountain were a thorn in the side of Prince Huaiyang. If she had inadvertently leaked information, it was possible that the Prince had sent people to capture her.

However, the idea of leaving Yangshu at her father’s insistence troubled her greatly. She felt a pang of anxiety.

After exchanging pleasantries with his adoptive daughter, Prince Liu Pei lost interest in further conversation. Observing Miss Yun’s attempt to convince him to let her return, he stated directly, “General Gongsun prefers not to have you interfere with the marriage of Master Zi Yu. He is marrying the daughter of General Shi to properly establish himself before traveling to the capital for the Emperor’s conferment. Years of planning hinge on this one move. Do not create trouble. If you do not wish to go, that is also manageable; General Gongsun has plenty of sacks available.”

Miss Yun shuddered, raising her eyes to meet her adoptive father's openly threatening gaze. Quickly lowering her head, she said, "How could I ever defy Father and you, my adoptive father? It’s just that there is an unfinished matter in Lingquan Town. If it remains unresolved, I fear it may lead to further troubles…”

Prince Sui had previously heard from his subordinates that Miss Yun's face had been badly bruised. Seeing her injuries firsthand, he grew curious and asked.

Miss Yun seized the opportunity, lowering her voice to reply, "Father, you’ve always been curious about Lu Wen, haven’t you? ‘He’ has been tirelessly obstructing your plans to join forces with the prince to root out the traitors in the capital. And now… ‘He’ is in Lingquan Town."

Prince Sui, who had been enjoying a moment of relaxation while smoking a pipe, abruptly opened his eyes at the mention of Lu Wen. "Lu Wen? Wasn’t ‘he’ supposed to have been crippled and drowned in the river by my men?"

Miss Yun saw the gleam of interest in the Prince's eyes and felt a surge of satisfaction. Her father had been opposed to eliminating the leader of the mountain sect, Lu Wen, believing that his presence was still valuable. However, Miss Yun saw Lu Wen as a thorn in her side that needed to be removed immediately. So, secretly, she had informed Prince Sui about Lu Wen, leading to his supposed demise.

Prince Sui had not personally seen Lu Wen before. He only knew that "he" was a woman disguised as a man who competed with his own adopted daughter for the affection of Liu Yu. Aside from the key figures in the mountain sect, few knew Lu Wen’s true identity. Most of the time, "he" posed as a captured maid in the mountain sect, misleading their followers.

It was thought that Lu Wen had been eradicated during a dispute with Liu Yu, but it seemed that the situation was more complex than anticipated. Lu Wen had miraculously returned to Lingquan Town, which intrigued the Prince.

Miss Yun, realizing the Prince's interest, explained that Lu Wen was severely injured, currently suffering from amnesia, and had been taken in by a merchant who kept her as his mistress. This added a layer of complexity to her situation, as it revealed Lu Wen's vulnerability and current status.

Prince Sui was well aware of Miss Yun's ulterior motives. She was using his influence to remove her rival. However, he appreciated Lu Wen's role in distracting his opponents, which allowed him to avoid attention from the scheming factions in the court.

Now that Lu Wen was incapacitated and had lost her memory, the Prince's curiosity was piqued. He was intrigued to see how such a person could have captivated Zi Yu. However, he remained resolute that Lu Wen’s ultimate fate was still death, as she had obstructed his plans.

Meanwhile, in Lingquan Town, the business community was in turmoil. The merchants were distraught due to the sudden shift in business relations, especially because of the Lian family's abrupt change in stance. The once-promising deals had soured, leading to a significant loss of business.

Miss He’s diplomatic efforts had failed, and instead of being welcomed into the royal favor, her family had become embroiled in scandal. The Lian family, previously loyal, had now distanced themselves and even opted to place orders for porcelain with a distant town, Qinde, instead. This dramatic turn of events had left the local merchants in dismay.

At the beginning of the month, the Lingquan Chamber of Commerce was bustling with activity. The merchants had surrounded Master He and Miss He, pressing them hard about the cancelled orders from the Lian family. They were demanding to know what would become of the materials they had already prepared.

The scene was chaotic, with the merchants’ frustrations boiling over into a heated argument.

Mian Tang, understanding the underlying issues, saw how Master He was enduring the ire of the crowd and how Miss He was being unjustly blamed. Feeling sympathy for the situation, she stepped in to mediate. “Alright, everyone, let’s calm down. The porcelain materials aren’t like rice or flour; they won’t spoil if stored for a while. It’s better to have them ready than to be caught unprepared later, right?”

The merchants, who had initially planned to squeeze compensation from the He family, were irked by Mian Tang’s intervention. They responded with a tone of sarcasm, “Not everyone is like you, dealing with only the Lian family’s leftover orders. We have real losses to deal with, unlike you who seem to have time to play the peacemaker!”

When the merchants confronted Liu Mian Tang, she remained calm and smiled, “I’m only trying to keep the peace here. It’s not too late to discuss compensation with Master He after we settle this matter.”

She then shifted her focus directly to Miss He. “Miss He, you mentioned a while ago that the Prince Hua Yang’s estate and the Cui family aren’t placing any orders. The Princess Consort is accustomed to using He family porcelain. Considering the upcoming wedding, it would be wise to ensure that our shop gets some of those orders.”

Miss He quickly caught on to Liu Mian Tang's intention, realizing that Liu was using this moment to subtly shift attention away from the current conflict. “Ah, this matter is still undecided. Why bring it up in front of everyone?”

The two women, though not blood relatives, worked seamlessly together. Their coordinated effort made the merchants hesitate, causing them to reassess their position. They realized that the He family still had potential orders from the royal household, and their attitudes softened.

After Miss He used the excuse of visiting Liu Mian Tang’s porcelain shop to leave the merchant gathering, she expressed her gratitude. “If it weren’t for you, I’d still be stuck in that situation. I’ll likely be scolded by my father when I get back. However, there’s still no sign of the royal household’s order you mentioned. Miss Lian seems to be upset with me for some reason, and if she persuades the Old Princess Consort to stop patronizing the He family, won’t the other merchants just take advantage of it?”

Liu Mian Tang, unperturbed, smiled and adjusted her sweat cloth. “It’s like teasing a donkey with a dangling carrot—just keep moving the donkey forward and don’t worry about whether it will ever get to eat it. You understand the logic without me having to explain further, don’t you?”

Although He Zhen was skilled and efficient, her family had always worked with the imperial merchants, which made her naturally proud and reserved. In the realm of "business acumen," she clearly lacked the seasoned expertise that Liu Mian Tang, a newcomer, had acquired without formal training.

He Zhen realized that without the craftsmanship and foundation left by her predecessors, the He family would not have fared so well. In terms of business acumen and survival skills, both she and her father fell short compared to Liu Mian Tang.

Thinking this over, He Zhen took Liu Mian Tang’s hand and said, “I’ve been lax with my social engagements lately and haven’t had the chance to invite you for tea. It’s better to seize the day than to wait for a more opportune time. Today, let me treat you to some pastries at Su Bao Zhai. Let’s go!”

Liu Mian Tang, having nothing pressing, smiled and agreed to accompany He Zhen.

Su Bao Zhai was renowned for its delicious pastries, so dining there usually required a reservation. Fortunately, due to business needs, the He family had a reserved private room that didn’t require booking.

However, as they alighted from their carriage, they noticed several lavish carriages parked outside Su Bao Zhai.

The attendant approached them with an apologetic expression, “Miss He, I’m very sorry, but the private rooms on the second floor have been reserved by distinguished guests. They’re expected to finish and leave soon... Perhaps you could wait in the first-floor seating for a while?”

He Zhen was displeased and retorted, “Our family has paid a significant amount of silver to reserve the upstairs private room for the entire year. How is it that when I’m not here, it gets assigned to outsiders?”

The attendant’s face showed concern as he explained, “We can’t afford to offend any important guests. We’re just a small business, and we have to be cautious with whom we upset. There are many people, and the private rooms are simply not enough. I hope Miss He can understand.”

The guests in question appeared to be of high status, dressed in luxurious attire and generously tipping—more than ten taels just for the tip alone. Naturally, the staff couldn’t refuse them access to the private rooms.

He Zhen, observing the carriages and noting they didn’t seem like those of ordinary merchants, suspected the guests might be important figures from some household. Knowing the importance of discretion when dealing with officials, she decided to hold her tongue.

Liu Mian Tang, seeing the situation, suggested, “Let’s just go somewhere else to eat.”

As they prepared to leave, the sound of animated conversation and laughter descended the intricately carved stairs from the second floor. Several men came into view, leading the group.

The man at the forefront stood out. Broad-shouldered and dark-skinned, he was quite imposing. His attire was notably unconventional—long hair flowing freely, dressed in a wide, finely woven robe with silver threads interspersed. The robe’s fabric had a distinctive sheen. On one hand, he wore a string of gold-threaded Buddhist prayer beads, the pendant of which was a jade cicada. He looked like a monk or a religious practitioner with a strikingly unique style.

However, the man's eyes were far from the serene, distant gaze typical of a religious practitioner. His eyes were sharp and piercing, as if he were looking through the flesh of those he gazed upon.

Liu Mian Tang, catching his gaze by chance, felt uncomfortable under his intense stare. She immediately averted her eyes and stepped aside, intending to let the men pass first.

But as the man briefly glanced at Liu Mian Tang, his attention was captivated by her striking beauty. He slowed his pace and, turning to the people behind him, remarked with a smile, “They say the porcelain in Lingquan Town is beautiful, but I believe it's the people who are even more so. This woman’s beauty, as pure and radiant as snow, truly resembles a porcelain sculpture…”

As the men dressed in fine silks and brocades turned their attention to Liu Mian Tang, their lewd comments about her beauty were loud and unrestrained, making their rudeness glaringly apparent.

Behind Liu Mian Tang, her maid, Bi Cao, was about to react angrily, but was restrained by Li Mama, who had a firm grip on her arm to prevent her from causing a scene.

While others might not recognize the disheveled man among them, Li Mama certainly did. This was Liu Pei, Prince Sui, who had once been a prominent figure in the capital. Li Mama had seen him during his youth, riding through the streets of the capital, his imposing presence memorable.

Now dressed as a monk, Liu Pei had taken this guise as part of a vow to honor his deceased elder brother, the former Emperor, by spending three years in asceticism and copying scriptures. Despite this, he still exuded the same domineering air he had in his youth.

Recognizing Liu Pei, Li Mama felt a pang of anxiety for Liu Mian Tang, fearing that she might provoke trouble by confronting him, as she had done previously with others.

Liu Mian Tang, however, remained unperturbed by the crude comments. Without acknowledging the men, she swiftly turned, pulling He Zhen with her through a side door to leave the tea house.

He Zhen, still agitated, said, "How dare they be so disrespectful, speaking so rudely about someone in broad daylight."

Liu Mian Tang, having previously attracted trouble with unruly behavior, was now more cautious, feeling remorseful for the issues she had caused her husband. She chose to keep a lower profile and avoid drawing unnecessary attention.

Seeing the well-bred appearance of the men, she decided it was best to stay out of their way, focusing on avoiding any trouble for her husband. With a slight smile, she made plans with He Zhen to meet at another time for tea.

Liu Mian Tang had assumed that their encounter was a mere coincidence and that she wouldn’t have to deal with them again. Back at her shop, she removed some of the gold hairpins, opting for a more modest look. Since it was her own store, she didn’t need to maintain a grand appearance like she did in the commercial setting. She loosened her hair into a braid and pinned it up with a jade hairpin, letting some strands fall softly around her face. Dressed in a loose robe with rabbit fur trimming, she sat on a high stool by the counter, starting to check inventory and verify accounts.

Her new appearance gave her a youthful, vibrant look, enhanced by the soft rabbit fur that made her face appear even more delicate. Passersby on the street couldn’t help but glance into the Porcelain Workshop, intrigued by the beauty within.

At that moment, the bell hanging at the shop's entrance jingled.

Liu Mian Tang looked up with a smile to greet the visitor but was taken aback to see that the man entering was none other than the disheveled monk from earlier.

The man entered without looking at the porcelain, heading straight to the counter. When he recognized Liu Mian Tang seated there, he seemed momentarily surprised. His sharp eyes narrowed as he hesitantly asked, “Are you the owner of this shop?”

Liu Mian Tang, adhering to the principle that every guest should be treated well, hesitated to dismiss the visitor. She nodded slightly and called over her attendant, saying, “Gui Sheng, please attend to our guest!”

However, the man, after a brief pause, flashed a sinister smile and moved closer to the counter. He began to appraise Liu Mian Tang slowly from head to toe, saying, “There’s no need for anyone else. Since you’re the owner, it’s best if you introduce yourself.”

Liu Mian Tang, seeing it was broad daylight and not fearing any trouble in her shop, calmly asked, “May I ask what you would like to purchase?”

The visitor was none other than Prince Sui, Liu Pei!

To be honest, when Liu Pei had first seen this beauty at the tea house, he thought little of it, merely noting that such a stunning person could be found even in a small town.

But upon arriving at the Yushao Porcelain Workshop mentioned by Yun'niang and seeing this seemingly delicate woman, he suddenly realized that she was actually the notorious bandit Lu Wen!

Had it not been for his certainty that Yun'niang would not deceive him, he would never have imagined that this fragile-looking young woman was the formidable figure who commanded respect on the Mountain.

Realizing who he was dealing with, Liu Pei’s eyes narrowed. Instead of answering Liu Mian Tang’s question, he stepped forward and reached out to grasp her wrist.

Liu Mian Tang was taken aback by his boldness. Before she could react, Liu Pei had already seized her wrist. As soon as he touched it, he could feel that the wrist had been damaged, clearly indicating that it had been severed, just as his men had reported. This was indeed the work of the skilled assassins he had sent.

According to their reports, this woman had fiercely resisted capture. Despite their efforts to subdue her, she managed to escape their grasp and threw herself into the river. With her injuries and the distance from the shore, she was presumed dead.

It seemed that the heavens had taken pity on this rare beauty, allowing her to survive against all odds. But just as Liu Pei reached out to Liu Mian Tang, a sudden pain made him release her wrist.

He turned to see a stern-faced man gripping his hand tightly, causing him considerable discomfort. Furious, Liu Pei's guards rushed forward to subdue the intruder. However, the man, seeing Liu Pei let go, also released his grip, and his own men began to advance as well.

Noticing the escalating situation and fearing for the safety of her shop's precious porcelain, Liu Mian Tang’s eyes widened in alarm. She shouted, "Why are you causing a scene in broad daylight? If you’re looking to get thrown in jail, the magistrate’s office is just down the street. I’d be happy to arrange an invitation!"

Liu Pei, who had come incognito to avoid alerting Cui Xingzhou, had no intention of causing a commotion. He knew that Cui Xingzhou was preoccupied with conflicts with the rebels and the reduction of troops ordered by the court. With Cui Xingzhou occupied, Liu Pei felt free to act more freely.

With a knowing smile, Liu Pei said to Liu Mian Tang, “When the time is right and there are no interruptions, I’ll make sure we have a proper conversation…”

According to what Yun'niang said, Liu Mian Tang had brought a large sum of money down the mountain. If Liu Pei could extract this money, it would indeed be a substantial gain. Given Liu Mian Tang’s amnesia and current status as a merchant’s wife, it seemed easier to manipulate her. The man who had restrained Liu Pei’s hand was likely the merchant who had tricked her into marrying him.

Liu Pei, merely curious about the rumored Liu Mian Tang, had come to visit Lingquan Town. He had more important matters to attend to and did not wish to get entangled in any complications, so he took one last deep look at Liu Mian Tang before leaving the shop.

Liu Mian Tang looked gratefully at the man who had intervened. He was the same burly figure who had helped her by sending those troublemakers to the magistrate's office a few days earlier. His group of brothers were still with him.

“Madam, you should avoid sitting at the counter in the future. If I hadn’t happened to pass by, you might have been in trouble again.”

This time, the burly man spoke in full sentences, as if reciting. After finishing, he did not wait for Liu Mian Tang to offer a reward but clasped his fists in a respectful farewell and left.

Liu Mian Tang called out to him to take the silver, but he did not turn back.

Liu Mian Tang sighed, standing at the shop door, thinking that the people of Lingquan Town were truly warm-hearted and passionate.

Meanwhile, the burly man, with his subordinates, took a turn and bowed to a carriage parked nearby, speaking softly, “Your Highness, Prince Sui has already left… Should I continue to follow him?”

Cui Xingzhou, with a cold gaze, replied, “No need. I already know where he’s going.”

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