Chapter 37: Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" (Are You the One)


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 Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" / Are You the One

 Chapter 37: 


The secret agent, having received the prince's instructions, set off immediately, ensuring to follow the prince’s orders carefully. He was to avoid being too hasty or conspicuous. The plan was to gather more information about Miss Yun's connections and to act discreetly when the time was right, especially before returning to Yangshan.

Meanwhile, Miss Yun accompanied Miss Shi to shop in Lingquan Town. Shi Xueji praised the new hand warmer they had purchased, commending Yun'niang’s good taste in selecting such a satisfactory item.

Yun'niang smiled on the surface but inwardly sneered. The hand warmer from that iron shop was indeed well-made. She remembered that Liu Mian Tang had also ordered a similar hand warmer for Zi Yu from the same shop. Yun'niang, who wasn’t skilled in craftsmanship, had actually made the cover for that hand warmer herself.

Despite her meticulous work, Zi Yu only remembered the warmth from Liu Mian Tang, failing to recognize the affection and effort Yun'niang had put into making it. This injustice stung deeply.

Yun'niang had been the first to know Zi Yu. Back then, he was the untouchable crown prince, the eldest son of the heir apparent, while she was merely the daughter of a minor military officer, forced to look up to him from afar.

Later, when he fell from his lofty position, losing his status as the Grandson of the first Emperor of Great Yan and becoming the nameless Zi Yu, Yun'niang thought she might have a chance. She expected to be the one to get close to him first. However, it was Liu Mian Tang who came from behind and captured all of Zi Yu's attention and affection.

Now that Liu Mian Tang was gone, this chubby daughter of General Shi had popped up. According to the old members of the Eastern Palace, they were quite supportive of this marriage. After all, their goal was to keep Shi Yikuan firmly bound to Mountain's warships, so whether Shi's daughter was plump or slim, beautiful or plain, was of little concern.

What infuriated Yun'niang the most was that Zi Yu seemed inclined to follow the old members' suggestion and marry General Shi's daughter.

Today, Yun'niang had deliberately steered the conversation towards Zi Yu's frail health, luring General Shi's daughter to buy a hand warmer. The hand warmer that General Shi's daughter meticulously chose was identical to the one Liu Mian Tang had once bought for Zi Yu.

Perhaps to avoid painful memories, Zi Yu had long put away the old hand warmer. Now that General Shi's daughter had presented an identical one, Yun'niang was eager to see if Zi Yu would recall his past vows to Liu Mian Tang and feel a pang of guilt for replacing the old love with a new one.

And General Shi's daughter’s eager attentions were merely a clumsy imitation, only increasing Zi Yu's aversion.

With that thought, Sun Yun'niang smiled slightly. Her patience had only grown stronger over time.

As long as she was around, no one else could hope to become Zi Yu's primary wife—the future Empress of the Great Yan!

As for Liu Mian Tang, she had her own ways of dealing with her. Let’s see if Liu Mian Tang could recall the past and reveal the hidden wealth she had swallowed!


Cui Xingzhou, having reviewed the troops' drills in the military camp, was preparing to return to the Prince Regent's Mansion to visit his mother.

That day, as he was about to leave, the Old Princess Consort complained that he was visiting the palace too infrequently and urged him to come home more often.

Perhaps due to the upcoming marriage and the many arrangements needed at the Lian residence, Lian Binglan had taken her leave from the Old Princess Consort and returned to the Lian family estate with her mother.

Cui Xingzhou, not needing to avoid his cousin, naturally visited home more frequently.

Meanwhile, the Old Princess Consort was occupied with the preparations for her son's wedding. Even ordinary families spend over a month on such preparations, let alone the Prince Regent's residence, where there were even more arrangements to be made.

Although Cui Xingzhou did not involve himself in these matters, the Old Princess Consort needed everything in place for his approval to ensure it met his preferences.

"The Lord Dan from the Ministry of Internal Affairs is utterly unreliable. He initially promised to send some of the renowned Cloud Sea silk from Zhenzhou, but now he says it's no longer available," the Old Princess Consort complained.

As Cui Xingzhou accepted the ginseng soup from a maid, he said, "I’m not picky about these things, Mother. There's no need to worry too much."

However, the Old Princess Consort disagreed. "Your aunt mentioned that she saw the Countess of Zhen'an using a cicada silk blanket, which was very cooling in summer. It's not something exclusive to the royal family. It’s just that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has monopolized its purchase. Those with connections can still get it. Our Prince Mansion isn’t unwilling to pay the bribes to Lord Dan, so why is it that we can’t even get a single roll of fabric?"

Cui Xingzhou frowned when he heard that it was his aunt, Lian Chushi, who had influenced his mother. 

Usually, such private dealings with court supplies wouldn’t be a major issue. However, with Zhenzhou now being a thorn in the court’s side and a focal point of scrutiny, it had become a more sensitive matter.

Other families might manage to get such things, but the Prince Regent, Prince Huaiyang cannot. It seems that Lord Dan, being perceptive, had temporarily changed his mind and refused to sell fabric to the Mansion.

Cui Xingzhou, however, did not state this directly. He simply smiled and listened to his mother’s complaints before calling the steward and giving him a stern lecture. He instructed him to report any purchases that involve bypassing Zhenzhou directly to him, assuring his mother that he would use his connections to ensure she would not be disappointed.

As Cui Xingzhou left his mother’s quarters, he walked silently for a while before suddenly instructing the steward that if Aunt Lian Chu attempted to push for the purchase of imperial supplies or similar items again, it should be deferred and immediately reported to him.

The chief steward, being astute, understood the implications immediately and agreed to comply with the instructions.

Cui Xingzhou, standing by the lake's edge, looked at the shimmering water and for the first time seriously contemplated his marriage.

This was indeed the first time he was giving it such serious thought.

Previously, he had relied on his mother's decisions for his betrothal, without much consideration for whether Miss Lian was truly suitable as his wife. However, recent interactions had revealed more about his aunt and cousin’s personalities, and he found himself unsettled by their behavior.

Cui Xingzhou was not the kind to seek personal gain through marriage alliances, but he also did not want to invite unnecessary trouble. He was determined to avoid the kind of marital discord seen on North Street from ever occurring within the Prince Mansion.

But Aunt Lian's vanity and his cousin's lack of grace left him feeling unsettled. Cui Xingzhou regretted agreeing to the marriage without much thought, as suggested by his mother. 

However, it was too late to withdraw the engagement now, as it would damage his cousin's reputation.

Since regret was of no use, he would need to discuss with his uncle how to manage and guide his future wife and family when he had the chance.

As he left the Prince's Mansion, the carriage from the Marquis’s residence had just arrived. Zhao Quan poked his head out of the carriage and called to Cui Xingzhou, “I’ve been searching high and low for you! If I hadn’t found you here, I’d have started posting notices all over town!”

Cui Xingzhou, not in a hurry to mount his horse, asked about the purpose of the visit. Zhao Quan, holding up a fishing hook with enthusiasm, said, “Our new pleasure boat has just been completed. I thought of inviting Miss Liu for a fishing trip, but since she’s currently under your name, I thought it only proper to extend the invitation to you as well, so everything would be in order.”

Although Cui Xingzhou was accustomed to Zhao Quan’s irreverent behavior, he still disliked Zhao’s bluntness and raised an eyebrow, saying, “If you understand the situation, it would be better to keep quiet rather than making things difficult.”

Zhao Quan, who had been missing Liu Mian Tang greatly and feeling bored, saw the chance to invite her for a boat trip as a perfect excuse. He was eager to persuade his friend to help.

“Come on, Cui Jiu, don’t tease me! You know how I feel about Liu Mian Tang. Why not do me a favor? Now that the rebels from Yangshan are already seated guests of General Shi, and the petition for amnesty has been submitted, Liu Mian Tang seems to have lost her use. It would be better for me to take her in and provide her with proper care.”

Cui Xingzhou’s expression remained calm and composed as he replied coolly, “Yangshan once sent people to capture her. If it weren’t for the hidden guards I placed, she would have been taken already. As the pillar of the Marquis’s residence, you cannot afford any mistakes. It’s better to avoid getting involved in such matters.” 

Hearing this, Zhao Quan grew anxious and quickly asked, “Has Liu Mian Tang been injured?”

Cui Xingzhou, fed up with his friend’s excessive concern for Liu Mian Tang, mounted his horse and spoke candidly, “If she marries someone else, I cannot guarantee her safety. It’s better for me to take care of her. So, Zhao, please rest assured that I will look after her properly.”

With that, Cui Xingzhou flicked the reins and urged his steed forward, swiftly leaving Zhao Quan behind in a cloud of dust. Zhao Quan stared after him, pondering the meaning of Cui Xingzhou's words. By the time he realized that Cui Jiu was indicating he intended to keep Liu Mian Tang for himself, the party from the Marquis’s residence was already out of sight.

When Cui Xingzhou returned to North Street, it was just after lunch. The recent rain had cooled the air, and the street, usually bustling with people, was now much quieter, with fewer idle passersby and less chatter.

Since he had previously mentioned he would be away visiting friends in Linxiang for a couple of days, Liu Mian Tang had instructed Li Mama not to prepare lunch.

She had bought some red bean paste cakes and spicy stir-fried snails wrapped in butter paper while browsing the street. The snails needed to be savored slowly, so she took them home to enjoy at her leisure.

So, when Cui Xingzhou entered the house, he saw his wife lounging lazily on the couch, delicately extracting the snail meat with her slender fingers. 

Liu Mian Tang was enjoying her meal when she noticed her husband had returned. She quickly wiped her hands with a silk cloth and asked if he had eaten.

Cui Xingzhou replied that he had eaten out, so Liu Mian Tang picked up a piece of well-seasoned snail from the plate and used a small bamboo skewer to offer it to him.

Cui Xingzhou, who was not accustomed to such common snacks, found them intriguing at first. However, after sampling a few, he lost interest and spent the rest of the time watching Liu Mian Tang eat.

She handled the snails with practiced ease, not needing the skewer. She simply used her slender fingers to hold the snail, blew gently on the opening, then sucked the snail meat out effortlessly with a soft, delicate motion.

Cui Xingzhou focused on watching her eat, but after a while, he shifted uncomfortably, turned his head away, and picked up an open book from the table to read.

Liu Mian Tang continued eating and, noticing her husband’s intense concentration on the book, became curious. She leaned over and peeked at the page, only to blush deeply and ask quietly, “This page is about remedies for menstrual pain. Why is Husband so engrossed in it?”

She had been casually flipping through the medical book earlier, thinking she might ask Li Mama to make a warming soup for her next time she had her period. To her surprise, her husband was studying it so earnestly, which made her quite embarrassed!

Cui Xingzhou, realizing he was looking at a prescription for warming the uterus, paused for a moment before casually putting down the book. He then asked her, “What remedies are you planning to use? Do you experience pain every month? If you’re sensitive to cold, why are you eating such cold-natured food like snails?”

With that, Cui Xingzhou reached out and took away her plate of snails, instructing the maid, Fang Xie, to remove it from the room.

Liu Mian Tang reluctantly licked her fingers and explained, “It’s not something I eat often. I was just craving it today, so I bought some. Dr. Zhao said that as long as I avoid having it around the time I take my medicinal soup and wait for about an hour, it should be fine.”

Cui Xingzhou asked nonchalantly, “Did you see Dr. Zhao today? What did he say to you?”

Liu Mian Tang, sitting beside him and writing, answered honestly, “I ran into him while buying the snails. He mentioned that his family had bought a boat for fishing and made some odd remarks about wanting to go boating together. I was without a water basin at the time, or I might have splashed him. After I ignored him, he said he wanted to ask you to join him…”

Cui Xingzhou smiled slightly, pleased with Liu Mian Tang’s obedient response. While handing her a damp cloth from the maid, Bi Cao, he said gently, “Next time, you don’t have to wait for him to speak. You can just splash him directly to avoid any more entanglements.”

Liu Mian Tang glanced at her husband, a bit suspicious that he might have fallen out with Dr. Zhao. However, since her husband’s suggestion aligned with her own feelings, she readily agreed without hesitation.

The afternoon sunlight streamed in, illuminating the large vase by the desk filled with branches of ripening nandina, their tips gracefully extending to the tabletop, creating a beautiful scene.

Cui Xingzhou looked at Liu Mian Tang, who was gazing up at him with her enchanting eyes, eyelashes fluttering, and a hint of a smile revealing her teeth. His heart softened slightly, and he couldn’t help but gently touch her cheek.

Liu Mian Tang, feeling a bit embarrassed with the maid still present, tried to pull away slightly, but his firm grip held her in place.

“Husband, please be gentler. My wrist is hurting…” Liu Mian Tang whispered, unable to bear the pain.

Cui Xingzhou realized he had been a bit rough and frowned slightly, reflecting that while he cared deeply for her, allowing such personal feelings to affect his judgment might not be wise. He resolved to control his emotions better.

Cui Xingzhou decided that he would reduce the time he spent at the North Street house. A man with lofty ambitions couldn’t afford to let a woman’s presence distract him too much.

Just as he was about to leave, Liu Mian Tang suddenly remembered something and spoke up, “By the way, if you have time this afternoon, could you come with me to the shop? There’s a blank wall that’s been bothering me. Mr. Chen said that hanging a painting might look cluttered, and suggested that it would be more elegant to paint a poem instead. Your calligraphy is beautiful, and it would be a good idea to write a poem on the wall. This way, we wouldn’t need to hire someone and waste money on their fee.”

Although Cui Xingzhou found this request trivial and had no interest in such matters, he noticed the earnest look in Liu Mian Tang’s eyes and found himself responding, “Alright, but let’s not take too long. I have other matters to attend to this afternoon…”

Mian Tang was overjoyed when her husband agreed. She quickly instructed Bi Cao to pack the brush and ink stone into a box and place it on the carriage. She and Cui Xingzhou then boarded the carriage and headed toward the shop.

When they arrived, Cui Xingzhou saw that the blank wall had already been painted white. Mian Tang had personally ground the ink and turned to him, saying, "Husband, please write."

Cui Xingzhou asked, "Do you have any ideas about what to write?"

Mian Tang blinked and replied, "Ideas? My literary skills are lacking. Please write whatever you see fit..."

Cui Xingzhou glanced at the size of the wall, rolled up his wide sleeve with one hand, and after a brief thought, began to swiftly and gracefully write a seven-character regulated verse in cursive script.

The characters were strong and steady, with a perfect balance of strength and grace, clearly showing the result of years of practice. The words themselves complemented the theme, eloquently expressing the craftsmanship of porcelain making and the idea that a person's character, like fine porcelain, is shaped with care.

Mian Tang gazed at her husband, dressed in his moon-white long robe, his posture upright and his movements fluid and confident, her eyes filled with admiration.

She knew her husband was talented, but she hadn’t realized he was this extraordinary!

After asking whether the poem was something her husband had just composed on the spot, Mr. Chen couldn't help but shower him with praise. Even the usually proud scholar, "Mr. Hate Pen," said that if he had the time, he would seek Cui Xingzhou's guidance on the essentials of calligraphy.

Just as the shop was filled with the rich scent of ink and a refined literary atmosphere, someone suddenly entered.

The visitor was a wealthy young man, followed by four or five attendants. He was rather fat, with a face full of flesh, wearing a bright lotus-colored long robe embroidered with a floral pattern. He certainly looked striking. Upon entering the shop, he ignored the staff who greeted him and instead stared directly at Liu Mian Tang.

His eyes gradually widened, and he shouted loudly, "Isn't this my wife, Mian Tang?!"

Hearing the fat young man call her by her maiden name, Mian Tang was startled and quickly looked him over. After confirming that she did not recognize him, she instinctively turned her head in confusion to look at Cui Xingzhou.

Cui Xingzhou stepped forward and positioned himself in front of Liu Mian Tang, blocking the fat young man’s attempt to approach her.

The fat young man initially took a few steps forward, reaching out his large, hairy hand to grab Liu Mian Tang, only to be intercepted by a strikingly handsome man who blocked his hand. This immediately angered the fat young man, and he furrowed his brows and shouted, "Who are you? How dare you block me, you fool?"

Cui Xingzhou remained calm and replied steadily, "May I ask why you're causing such a commotion toward my wife?"

The fat young man glared at him with greasy eyes and spat, "Your wife? Ha! This woman is my properly betrothed wife, with three letters and six ceremonies! She eloped with someone and disappeared, but now I've finally found her with you, this pale-faced lover! Watch as I drag you two adulterers before the court and have you drowned in a pig cage!"

With those words, the fat young man's entourage surged forward, smashing the counter and knocking over porcelain bowls, clearly preparing for a full-blown brawl.

In an instant, the crowd on the street began gathering to watch the spectacle unfold.

Meanwhile, across the street, a woman in a wide-brimmed hat with a veiled face sat calmly at a tea stand. As she watched the porcelain shop being wrecked, Yun'niang couldn't help but let out a cold chuckle.

"Lost your memory and think you can live peacefully? How naïve!"

Back then, Liu Mian Tang was engaged to the Ninth Young Master of the Cui family from the Thirty-Mile Market in the capital. But Yun'niang had met that fiancé of hers, Cui Jiu—an obese man dripping with grease! He was nothing like the handsome young man she'd seen by Mian Tang's side the other day.

Clearly, this youth was taking advantage of Liu Mian Tang's amnesia, deceiving her both for her wealth and her affection.

Yun'niang suspected that the money Liu Mian Tang had privately saved might have all fallen into the hands of this impostor pretending to be "Cui Jiu."

Yun'niang decided to turn the tables. She sent some of her people to find a greasy, overweight rogue, dressed him in silk robes, and brought along a few thugs. The plan was to have this fake "Cui Jiu" confront the imposter who had seduced Liu Mian Tang.

Though the fat man was a fake, the marriage contract he carried was real!

Back when Liu Mian Tang had been rescued by Zi Yu during the chaotic wedding, Yun'niang had secretly snatched the marriage contract. She had kept it safe ever since, and now it could finally serve a proper purpose.

As long as the fake Cui Jiu saw the contract and panicked, he would surely reveal his guilt and be too afraid to stand trial in court.

If that fake Cui Jiu wanted to settle this matter privately, Yun'niang was more than willing to have a conversation with him herself, making sure he understood the wisdom of losing some wealth in exchange for peace.

Having arranged everything, Yun'niang sat calmly with her guards and maids, sipping tea and enjoying the spectacle.

The fat rogue was a notorious troublemaker from a distant province, who had eagerly accepted this well-paid job. But upon seeing that the woman he was to claim as his "wife" was such a beauty, his resolve surged from the original seventy percent to a full one hundred and forty percent.

What a stunning woman!

Since the pale, scholarly youth in front of him was clearly a fake husband, the rogue figured he could simply snatch the woman and claim her as his own.

After all, he had the marriage contract tucked safely in his robes. Once he had the woman, completing the marriage would be legally justified.

Emboldened by thoughts of the pleasures ahead, the fat rogue grew more brazen and arrogant.

Unfortunately for him, he had no idea he was about to run into a brick wall.

As he continued to shout accusations at the supposed "fake Cui Jiu," the refined young man reached out, pinched the fat rogue’s double chin, and with a deft twist, dislocated his jaw. The rogue was rendered speechless, unable to utter another word!

The street thugs exchanged glances, then charged together. But before they could cause any more chaos, several burly men suddenly emerged from the crowd. With swift and brutal efficiency, they moved forward, kicking and twisting arms. In just a few moments, they had subdued the troublemakers.

These men were vicious in their tactics—though they appeared not to exert much effort, their strikes dislocated arms and broke leg bones. The thugs cried out in agony, their voices faltering as pain overtook them, and they were no longer able to shout their threats.

This time, the secret guards took action openly, with Liu Mian Tang witnessing everything. Cui Xingzhou couldn’t knock her out every time.

So instead, he simply cupped his hands and bowed towards the guards. "Thank you, noble heroes, for your timely assistance. I am deeply grateful."

The secret guards, usually tasked with surveillance and dealing with threats, were less skilled at pretending to be strangers. Seeing the prince bow to them caught them off guard. Their expressions stiffened in confusion, unsure of how to respond.

On the other hand, Liu Mian Tang, having experienced the ways of the world, handled the situation with ease.

She retrieved a few silver ingots from behind the counter, cradled them in her hands, and walked over to the "helpful" heroes. In a small, humble gesture, she offered the silver to them. "You all worked hard to protect our shop from disaster. These few coins are a small token of my husband's gratitude. Please, don't think it's too little—take them and buy yourselves some wine."

By this point, the lead secret guard had gotten the hint. With a subtle glance from Cui Xingzhou, he wordlessly accepted the silver. He replied stiffly, "It was merely our duty to step in when we saw injustice. There’s no need for the reward, Madam."

After this, he turned to the other secret guards and ordered, "We've been paid to resolve this mess. Bind these troublemakers and take them to the authorities for proper judgment!"

With that, the remaining guards grabbed some hemp ropes from the store, tied up the rowdy thugs, and dragged them off to the local magistrate's office.

Standing by the street entrance, Liu Mian Tang watched the guards leave, still shaken by the incident. That greasy fat man had called her by name, claiming she was his wife!

Meanwhile, Cui Xingzhou was deep in thought. He hadn’t expected that in Lingquan Town, a "real Cui Jiu" would appear, attempting to catch an adulterer. 

Liu Mian Tang, always quick-witted, would no doubt begin to suspect something. This ruse might not hold up for long...

Just as these thoughts crossed his mind, he noticed that Liu Mian Tang was staring intently across the street. Suddenly, she began walking quickly in that direction.

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