47 Ye Cheng Fu


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Ye Cheng Fu

 Chapter 47: 


He didn’t say anything, continuing to feed me the noodles. As I ate, I had to admit his cooking was excellent; even a simple bowl of scallion noodles tasted extraordinary. I couldn’t help but compare it to the food back at the manor—it was miles better, even though it was just a bowl of noodles.

“I can’t decipher the Emperor’s intentions,” Shen Ye said after a long pause, finally responding to my question. “Perhaps, I am just like Xu Qing now.”

He chuckled bitterly. I was so startled by his words that I nearly choked on the noodles, coughing uncontrollably. He gently patted my back, his expression unchanged as he said, “Slow down, don’t rush.”

As I calmed down, I pondered the implications of his words. He was sharing so much with me, and it wasn’t just reminiscing. Was he hinting at betraying the Empress to side with the Shu family?

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But what could the Shu family offer him that the Empress hadn’t already given him? He held a position of immense power under her, while the Shu family, despite being the foremost noble family, was still under her control and could offer him no more than what he had now.

After much thought, I decided to ask him directly. Once my coughing subsided, I lifted my flushed face and asked, “Are you telling me this because you plan to defect?”

He was taken aback, as if he hadn’t expected me to ask such a question. After a moment of silence, he set the bowl down with a clatter and pressed his lips tightly together, saying nothing.

I was puzzled by his reaction and couldn’t help but find it somewhat amusing. “If you’re not planning to defect, then why share all these important matters with me?”

He didn’t answer, standing up and throwing the bowl onto the floor before turning to walk out. At the door, he seemed to remember something, closing his eyes, taking a deep breath, and saying with difficulty, “I just wanted to talk to you properly. I didn’t want you to always think I’m deceiving you, that’s all.”

“Actually, you’ve already told me enough secrets,” I couldn’t help but smile, “but you never share the crucial details.”

“Shu Cheng…” He seemed somewhat weary, his voice tinged with a sigh. “So, what do you want to know?”

“How does the Empress intend to handle this?” I asked directly. His face showed difficulty, making me laugh. “See, this is the key…”

“I don’t know,” he answered plainly. “The Empress never reveals her plans until she has completed them. The Dark Court is merely a tool—a knife. Why should a knife be told who to kill and why?

“I only know that she wants to use this case to restrain you, but I can’t fathom why she would suddenly decide to remove you as the young master at this moment. Even dealing with your mother would have sufficed for such a move.

“And the Empress is always precise in her actions. If she’s targeting the Shu family, she won’t make a move unless she’s sure it will succeed.

“I’ve considered many possibilities based on what I know of her,” he continued, his brow furrowed, speaking more quickly. “The first possibility is that she intends to completely dismantle you. The Shu family does not have other outstanding individuals of your generation, but there are many with ambitions. As the sole legitimate heir, if something happens to you, it will create a dozen or so potential successors. She could then stir internal conflicts within the Shu family, and within a decade, you might self-destruct.”

“The second possibility is that she wants to force me to rescue you,” he said, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. “But I’m not sure if she’s looking for an excuse to force me to relinquish power or if she wants to cultivate a relationship between us.”

“What do you mean?” I frowned. 

He looked at me, his gaze troubled: “I’m not sure, but there’s one thing I do know.” His words came with great difficulty, but he continued, “If you’ve fallen in love with me, it is certainly what the Empress desires.”

I was momentarily stunned, then couldn’t help but laugh.

Such an obvious truth hardly needed his reminder.

I gave a bitter smile, shook my head, and walked over to his side, gently saying, “Let’s go.”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

As I led him forward, I paused after a few steps and looked back at him.

Without hiding my feelings, I looked at him tenderly and said, “Shen Ye, it’s quite cold at night. Make sure to dress warmly.”

He was momentarily taken aback, and after a moment, the tips of his ears turned red. He glanced at the courtyard and finally managed to say, “Mm.”

I stayed with him for two days, and he took excellent care of me. My injury healed quickly.

He didn’t leave the residence, but messages kept coming in. After I was taken away, the Shu family panicked. Bai Shaotang stormed into the palace to seek justice from the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager and the Empress had a fierce argument, and the Empress Dowager fainted from the argument. Only then did the Empress relent and admit that I had been taken away by Shen Ye to recuperate.

The Shu family was unconvinced, and the court continued to argue about my situation. My mother remained silent, maintaining an extraordinary composure. Soon after, I received a note from her.

It was slipped under the medicine bowl by a maid when she came to deliver the medicine. I knew my mother must have a plan and opened the note to find just one word: “Wait.”

I understood that my mother was likely preparing something, just waiting for the right opportunity, which made me feel more at ease. I glanced at the maid, discreetly drank the medicine, and had the note burned after she left.

That night, Shen Ye returned, looking exhausted and angry. I glanced at him and asked casually, “Who upset you?”

His expression stiffened, but his demeanor softened immediately. He approached and checked the tea by my side, then sighed, “More cold tea. Get the servant who’s serving this out of here!”

His shout made the tea servant kneel down immediately. I smiled and said, “You know I like cold tea, so why get angry in front of me?”

“You’re harming your health with this,” he said directly, “and since I can’t bring myself to scold you, I can only scold those who serve you.” He lowered his gaze, speaking plainly. I gave in and said, “Alright, I won’t drink it anymore.”

He finally changed his expression, sitting down next to me and having the servant bring hot tea. After washing his hands with a hot cloth, he chatted with me casually.

He knew what I was concerned about and spoke in detail about the court matters.

“Qin Yang has submitted your testimony. I had the court lady keep it aside for now and will present it in a few days. 

But the Empress hasn’t asked for it yet, which means she doesn’t want it at the moment. The Empress is likely waiting.

“Your mother is now searching everywhere for the servant who escaped from Shangguan Liulan’s side. Her name is Qiu Feng, and she probably knows the details of what happened. Shangguan Liuqing is too shrewd, and no one can find her, so we can only wait for her to appear. Once these two come forward, your mother can help Shangguan Liuqing take over the Shangguan family, and Shangguan Liuqing will be able to thoroughly investigate Shangguan Liulan’s case. When Qiu Feng returns, the truth will come out, and then I can release Zheng Can…”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

“What exactly killed Liulan?” I interrupted him. He glanced at me with a reassuring look in his eyes and said, “She had been poisoned for a long time... but the fatal wound was a sword injury. She died from the blade, but even if no one had attacked her, that poison would have killed her within a few days.”

“When did she die?” I asked, my voice growing cold.

“Two days after you left.”

“And where is the body now?”

“It’s being held at the Dali Temple. I’ve sent people, your mother has sent people, and the Empress has sent people. The body is under the supervision of all three parties…”

“Even in death, she can’t find peace,” I said with a bitter smile, secretly clenching my fists. Outside, there was a commotion, and soon, Shen Cong burst in, wearing a cloak and exuding a fierce aura. He shouted, “Elder Brother, send her to the palace!”

"Get out!" Shen Ye shouted without turning around, hurling his cup at Shen Cong. Shen Cong stood unmoving, allowing the shattered cup to hit his forehead and bleed.

Outside, the commotion continued, including sounds of weapons clashing. I felt a surge of anxiety, while Shen Cong remained coldly staring at Shen Ye, letting the blood flow without making a move.

Shen Ye sat silently beside me, gently taking my hand and prying open my clenched fists. He said softly, "If you're unhappy, speak up. Don’t hurt yourself like this."

Shen Cong did not speak. Instead, he raised his sleeve and knelt down.

Ignoring him, Shen Ye turned to me and asked gently, "Have you eaten tonight? Would you like me to prepare something, or should I have someone else do it?"

"Lord Shu," Shen Cong suddenly spoke, addressing me rather than Shen Ye. I was momentarily taken aback. "I know that Lord Shu means no harm to my elder brother, but he just won't let go. Although he appears to be in a high position..."

"A'Cong," Shen Ye said calmly, looking up at him, "You have overstepped."

"Yet it is like treading on thin ice," Shen Cong continued without looking at Shen Ye. "He must not defy the Empress. Right now, the Empress merely wishes to..."

"Take him away," Shen Ye interrupted, raising his hand. The servants exchanged glances, and Shen Cong hastened his speech, "Just let Lord Shu go to the palace. Lord Shu, my brother has already done enough for you! Why must you treat him like this? It's only going to the palace; the palace is full of..."

Before he could finish, Shen Ye swiftly moved in front of him and slapped him hard.

Shen Cong was knocked to the ground, his previously refined appearance now somewhat disheveled. He fell silent, turning his gaze towards me. I took a sip of tea calmly, listening to the ongoing commotion outside. After a long while, I finally turned to Shen Ye.

He had already had Shen Cong taken away, and I smiled at him.

"You want me to go to the palace, but why use Shen Cong as a messenger?"

He seemed momentarily taken aback, opened his mouth to speak, but I interrupted him, "If you had any reservations, you wouldn't have let Shen Cong come to me with these words."

He remained silent, looking at me quietly. After a while, a hint of mockery appeared on his face as he turned away and said, "Think what you like."

He turned and walked away, saying, "Let the servants know what you want to eat. I’m going out for a bit."

With that, he disappeared around the corner. I stood up, brushed off my sleeves, and walked out the door. I saw Peony standing at the entrance, smiling brightly. "Lord Shu, Master Shen Cong asked me to take you to the front gate. Are you leaving?"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

"Does he really think he can persuade me just like that?" I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, clearly having underestimated Shen Cong.

Peony smiled without speaking, turning to walk towards the front gate. The large red peony embroidered on his white sash swayed enticingly as he moved.

In truth, Peony embodied the ideal masculine figure in the hearts of the women of Great Chu. Compared to Shen Ye, Shen Cong, or Bai Shaotang, who, despite their striking appearances, were too rigid and aloof, Peony's softer and more alluring presence seemed more appealing. One wondered who would marry such hard-edged men if they weren’t wed to me, and how they would be cherished by their spouses.

Following Peony to the front gate, I saw two groups of soldiers facing off at a distance. Shen Ye stood at the forefront, his hands hidden in his sleeves, speaking in a calm tone, "I didn’t expect Her Majesty to be so distrustful, sending so many men to seize one woman. Lord Chen has brought such a large force today; do you have an imperial decree?"

On the other side was a young woman in her early twenties dressed in blue, someone I had never seen before. Mounted on a horse, she held a sword and replied, "When have we in the Dark Court ever needed an imperial decree? Perhaps Your Highness has forgotten the rules after being the Dark Emperor for so long?"

"The Dark Court is also part of the court," Shen Ye said with a warm smile. "There should always be documentation for such matters. This is a serious crime, and if Sir Chen insists on handing her over, what if Sir Chen is deceiving me? How would I explain it to Her Majesty if something goes wrong?"

"Shen Ye," the woman sneered, "You’re just stalling and making excuses! Her Majesty has issued three imperial edicts. You’ve killed those summoned and pretended ignorance. Do you think Her Majesty is a fool?"

"Her Majesty issued such edicts?" Shen Ye feigned surprise. Just as he was about to continue, I stepped forward and said in a clear voice, "There’s no need for further argument. I will go to the palace willingly."

Shen Ye didn’t speak. He turned to look at me with an indifferent expression, betraying no emotion. The woman immediately smiled and said, "Lord Shu is most accommodating. Since you don’t mind, His Highness should have no objections."

"Naturally," Shen Ye replied with a stiff tone. "Lord Chen, you may return. I will accompany Lord Shu."


"Does Lord Chen not trust me?" Shen Ye narrowed his eyes. The woman hesitated, then stepped aside and said, "Of course not. Please, Your Highness, escort Lord Shu."

Shen Ye nodded and turned to instruct someone to bring the carriage. The woman in blue observed us as Shen Ye looked up and said, "What is Lord Chen still doing here? Go back and report to Her Majesty. With such merit, a promotion to second rank should be imminent."

"Thank you for your kind words, Your Highness," the woman said with a smile and a bow, then called her people and turned to leave. I glanced around and saw the bodies scattered on the ground in the dim light of the night.

Shen Ye stood calmly in the darkness and said, "Peony."

"Master," Peony responded, lowering his gaze as he approached Shen Ye. Shen Ye remained impassive and said softly, "Dispose of the bodies and leave them by the roadside."

"Yes," Peony replied before retreating into the darkness. I was taken aback by the straightforwardness of the Dark Court's methods.

Once everything was dealt with, the carriage arrived, and Shen Ye walked to it, climbing in without looking back.

I followed and entered the carriage to find Shen Ye with his eyes closed, seemingly in deep thought. The carriage started moving slowly, and he acted as if I wasn’t there, remaining silent. After a while, he suddenly laughed derisively and asked, "So, do you find the palace terrifying now?"

"Mm," I responded, keeping my expression unchanged while subtly rubbing my sleeve.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

My mother told me to wait and didn’t provide any further details, so I decided to follow her instructions and be patient. She only needed an opportunity; there was no need for me to interfere further.

However, Shen Ye had a different perspective. He opened his eyes and looked at me with a hint of amusement, saying, "Tell me, what news has changed you?"

I remained silent. Shen Ye sat up and continued, "Is it that you've learned something, or from the beginning, you weren’t planning to enter the palace and were just using it as a pretext to create discord between me and Her Majesty? Or is this a way to test my loyalty to you?"

"Shen Ye," I finally spoke, "Not everyone needs to test someone's loyalty."

Shen Ye seemed taken aback by my words. I recalled events from before our marriage and slowly said, "When I love someone or trust someone, I don't test them. Matters of the heart cannot be tested."

"You’re still blaming me," he realized what I meant and his expression darkened. "You still hold it against me that I deceived you…"

I didn’t respond. Shen Ye closed his eyes and chuckled softly, "Shu Cheng, before I told you I was Su Rongqing, you liked me, didn’t you?" He added with a touch of bitterness, "Or rather… even now, do you still like me?"

"Do you want the truth?" I looked up at him. His face stiffened, and after a moment, he raised his hand and said, "Don’t say it. I don’t want to hear anything."

With that, he closed his eyes again and leaned against the wall of the carriage, holding a large, old-fashioned white cotton-linen bunny-shaped pillow. It looked quite worn and gave him a somewhat childlike appearance.

I stayed silent, observing the bunny-shaped pillow and wondering if this was some sort of quirk of Shen Ye’s.

After holding the pillow for a while, Shen Ye finally couldn’t resist and opened his eyes.

"Shu Cheng," he said through gritted teeth, "I’m angry."

"Mm," I nodded. "And then?"

"Why aren’t you trying to soothe me?" His tone carried a hint of annoyance. I was taken aback, watching him clutching the bunny pillow.

I couldn’t help but think about how many times he had compromised with me. He always got angry, always argued with me, and we always drew clear boundaries. Yet every time, he would come back to me as if nothing had happened.

I lowered my gaze and found myself unable to say anything for a long while.

I had a strange thought that no matter what I did in this life, he would likely turn around and act as if nothing had happened, continuing to be the carefree Shen Ye.

We rode in the carriage, swaying as we arrived at the palace.

When we got out of the carriage, I saw that Shen Cong had been waiting there for quite some time. He had composed himself and was quietly watching us. As we reached the palace gates, he bowed and said, "Now that you’re here, I can relax."

Shen Ye nodded and led me into the palace. Shen Cong stood at the palace gate, watching us with an inscrutable expression.

I couldn’t help but feel a bit concerned and stepped forward to say, "Shen Cong, you seem to have a deep mind."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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