45 Ye Cheng Fu


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Ye Cheng Fu

 Chapter 45: 


Late at night, the Empress finished approving the last memorial with her vermilion brush. Sensing something, she looked up and coldly instructed her attendants, "Leave us."

Linran, who had served the Empress for over a decade, knew well what this meant. It signaled the arrival of that person.

The Dark Emperor.

No one knew his name, his appearance, or his identity, but Linran did. Only the person most trusted by the Empress could hold this position. Even she, Linran, had never received such trust.

Smiling bitterly, Linran withdrew with the others. As she reached the door, she gently closed the crimson door. Through the crack, she saw a young man in a moonlit robe, wearing a silver mask, appearing ghost-like in the Imperial Study.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Shen Ye sipped the tea that had been prepared in advance, then approached and knelt on one knee before the Empress. "Your servant greets Your Majesty. Long live the Empress."

"Still can't sit still?" Wei Yunan closed the memorial and tossed it aside. Looking at his respectful demeanor, she smiled, "I told you, when you see me in private, you should address yourself as 'son'."

"Your son... has not yet been entered into the royal family records..." Shen Ye hesitated, but there was a trace of joy in his eyes.

Wei Yunan's smile widened. She stepped forward to help Shen Ye up, gently saying, "You are my son, regardless of whether you're in the records. That won't change our relationship."

"Yes..." Shen Ye lowered his head, seemingly shy. Wei Yunan led him to sit beside her, adopting a maternal tone, "I entrusted the Dark Court to you because I trust you. I have few children; the Crown Princess is your only sister. You must support each other. If you always see yourself as a mere subject, it will create distance."

"Your Majesty is right," Shen Ye smiled, "It's just your son overthinking."

Wei Yunan nodded in satisfaction and gently asked, "Are you still investigating your father's death? Have you found any leads?"

"No," Shen Ye's eyes darkened, "When Father brought me back to the capital to see you, we returned to the Phoenix Tower together. He sent me out to buy some sugar pills, and when I came back..." Shen Ye's voice grew hoarse, "After that, I was constantly pursued and couldn't find out who was responsible. I finally managed to escape them, but I could no longer see you. Fortunately, I had some skills and joined the Dark Court..."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

"You've been through so much," Wei Yun'an tenderly held his hand, "Those years in the Dark Court... you must have suffered."

"No, I didn't suffer," Shen Ye shook his head. Despite being a grown man, he looked up at the kindly woman before him like a boy, his voice choked with emotion, "In the end, I got to see you again. It was all worth it... I have lost my father, but I will protect my mo..." Realizing his slip, Shen Ye quickly corrected himself, "Your Majesty."

Wei Yunan's expression remained unchanged, as if she hadn't heard the slip. She gently stroked Shen Ye's hair and softly said, "Coming so late and bringing up these old stories, are you trying to ask me for a favor?"

"I wouldn't dare!" Shen Ye hurriedly knelt, his head touching the cold floor, "Though I have feelings for Shu Cheng, you are always the most important in my heart. I would never disobey your orders. Tonight, I came with some questions, hoping Your Majesty could enlighten me."

Wei Yun'an remained silent, allowing Shen Ye to kneel quietly, seemingly in acquiescence. Shen Ye hesitantly looked up at her and said, "You instructed me to get close to Shu Cheng, to gain her trust and steal the blood contract... Now that Shu Cheng and I have grown closer and I am close to completing my mission, why... why..."

"Why did I ask you to turn against her, right?" Wei Yunan's smile was full, "It was I who sent you to win her favor, and it is I who wants you to betray her; it is I who planned everything, and it is I who had you leave Zheng Can in the palace to become the key to her case... You are troubled, aren't you?"

Shen Ye remained silent, effectively confirming her words. Wei Yunan took a sip from her tea cup and softly said, "Shen Ye, the Shu family may seem foolish, but they are quite cunning... Their genuine trust can't be easily fooled by mere charm and sweet talk. Especially since you have already done so many foolish things!"

At this, Wei Yun'an couldn't help but glare at Shen Ye.

She sent him to seduce Shu Cheng, but he caused so much trouble! He was supposed to marry into the Shu family as Su Rongqing and cultivate a relationship, but he complicated things by bringing in Shen Ye's identity to toy with Shu Cheng.

Shen Ye remained silent, respectfully kneeling on the ground. Wei Yun'an continued, "You don't need to know what I plan to do. Knowing would spoil it. You just need to do what you truly want to do."

"What I truly want to do?" Shen Ye was puzzled.

Wei Yun'an smiled, "Don't worry about me. No matter what you do, I won't blame you. True feelings can only be reciprocated by true feelings," Wei Yunan lightly tapped Shen Ye's chest with her fingertip, "A false act will never become real; only genuine emotions can evoke genuine emotions. Just be Shen Ye and let me be the sovereign. If you only think that way, how can you truly love Shu Cheng? Always considering my feelings," Wei Yunan shook her head, "You won't outmatch Bai Shaotang."

Shen Ye's expression stiffened as he seemed to grasp the Empress's intention. He bowed deeply and softly replied, "I understand."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

"Leave now," Wei Yunan yawned as she stood up, "Take Zheng Can out of the palace. Whatever you need to do, just do it."

With that, Wei Yunan yawned again and walked away. Shen Ye, still kneeling, had a glint of mockery flash in his eyes.

True feelings can only be exchanged for true feelings...

This Empress truly understands the ways of the heart.

That night, a light rain fell, making it even colder. But that’s how it is in the capital of Chu; before summer fully arrives, there’s always a cold spell.

The Empress’s watch over me became even tighter. My mother couldn’t visit anymore, and several days passed without any news from outside. The jailers didn’t dare to treat me too well, nor did they dare to treat me too poorly, so they stayed far away, only coming by at meal times. I couldn't help but think that with this kind of treatment, breaking out of prison was becoming more of a possibility.

I spent a few days in the cell, eating and waiting, almost falling into despair. Then, one night, a strange fragrance filled the air. The moment I smelled it, I knew something was wrong and instinctively held my breath. Sure enough, moments later, everyone within my line of sight in the cell collapsed. Then, in an instant, the entire prison was brightly lit, and guards in black armor streamed in, lining up along the corridors. A red carpet rolled in from outside, and only then did I cautiously start breathing again, noticing no unusual scent in the air.

I heard someone approaching.

I looked up and saw him. Dressed in a pure white wide-sleeved robe, with a jade crown on his head and a small golden fan tucked into his sleeve, revealing a blood-red knot that peeked out with his steps. In the light of the torches, he looked almost unreal, his white shoes stepping on the red carpet, untouched by the filth of this place.

I stared at him in a daze, watching him walk out of a painting and approach me step by step.

He stood silently at the cell door, looking at me. I didn’t speak either. After a long while, he smiled gently and asked, "Did you miss me?"

“Lord Shen, you jest,” I said with a wry smile and shook my head, “I wouldn’t dare have such audacity.”

“You’re blaming me.” He understood, but didn’t reproach me, smiling as he said, “You blame me for deliberately delaying, for not bringing Zheng Can back sooner.”

I remained silent. At this moment, I felt that there was nothing more to say between us.

He has always deceived me, constantly.

I knew my own heart and knew how much I liked him. The more I liked him, the more blind I became, so I could only stay silent and pretend he didn’t exist.

“Shu Cheng...” he sighed. I took a deep breath and looked up at him.

I had parted with him many times, but never before had my heart felt as calm as it did now.

I suddenly realized that I couldn’t erase my love for him, but I also couldn’t possess his love.

I used to deceive myself, telling myself that I didn’t love him, or sometimes that I would eventually forget him.

I always harbored a small hope that maybe he loved me, that perhaps he loved me just as I loved him, but couldn’t betray his mission, masking his love with duty. So I kept telling myself to ignore him, yet I always inexplicably ended up believing him.

But this time, reality slapped me hard, making it clear that love and his mission would never compromise. He was like a venomous snake, always ready to strike, lurking by my side.

He didn’t just bite me; he bit everyone around me.

If it weren’t for him, I might have saved Liulan. In those two agonizing days, if I had brought back Zheng Can in time and mobilized the troops, Liulan wouldn’t have died. If it weren’t for him, Her Majesty wouldn’t have known about my involvement with Aunt Shu Huang, wouldn’t have acted so ruthlessly against Aunt Shu Huang, forcing me to take the blame without even a chance to retract my confession. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be trapped in this prison, bringing endless trouble and repercussions to the Shu family...

Because I trusted him out of love, he used that trust to harm everyone I loved.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

My love for him could never outweigh my love for my family. There is no bond more important than family in this world.

But I always refused to see that, never understood it, until Liulan’s death ripped apart that veil, exposing the ugliness and abyss beneath.

I finally understood that between him and me, it was either he used me, or I used him. This relationship could never be clean. Even if I were willing to let go, he wouldn’t.

Thinking this, I couldn’t help but smile. His expression changed instantly, and he stepped forward, grasping my hand. Just as he was about to speak, I cut him off, “It doesn’t matter.”

I knew what he was going to say, nothing more than justifying that he had no choice. In the past, I might have tolerated this excuse, but today, I couldn’t.

His state of mind, his reasons—all of that no longer matters. What matters is that I am trapped here, and Liulan is buried in the yellow earth.

He seemed to understand what I was saying, his face suddenly turning pale. I let him hold onto me, smiling as I said, "Nothing you say today matters. Liulan is dead." I reached out, gently covering his hand, prying his fingers away one by one. He clutched me tightly, but I stubbornly and resolutely pried his fingers open.

Softly, I spoke, "You have your reasons; I know, I understand you, just as I have my reasons."

"Shu Cheng... I didn't mean to..."

"It doesn't matter if it was intentional or not, Liulan was meant to die." I looked up at him, smiling with my eyes. For a moment, it seemed as if I could see Liu Lan standing behind him, looking at me with a sorrowful expression.

Shen Ye abruptly raised his hand to cover my eyes, his voice hoarse, "Stop smiling!"

"Whether you delayed or not, Liulan would have died in the end, right?" I felt his hand trembling and blinked. For some reason, tears started to fall from my eyes. "Even if we had arrived back in the capital on time, even if Liulan was still alive, as long as the Empress gave the order, you would still have acted. In a way, I am somewhat grateful that you stopped me and didn't act yourself..."

"I was wrong..." He clutched me through the bars, "Shu Cheng, I was wrong."

"You weren't wrong either..." I lowered my head, looking at his pale knuckles, feeling somewhat lost, "It's just that the two of us, we aren't meant to be..."

Two people who shouldn't be together—what's there to talk about right or wrong?

My tears suddenly fell as I couldn't help but remember the ceremony in the beggar tribe, when he picked an everlasting flower for me, gently placing it in my hair while sitting on his horse.

So gentle, so beautiful.

He held onto me tightly, and as I recalled that moment, I slowly raised my head.

He lowered his hand, looking at me with fear, a pleading look in his eyes, like a pitiable little beast.

That tiny softness in my heart was stirred by him, and I couldn't help but take a deep breath, giving him and myself one last chance.

I said, "Shen Ye, why don't we just let go? Look," I pointed to the sky outside the cell, "there's so much beauty in this world, mountains and rivers, sun and moon, beautiful people, and the bustling world. You and I are destined to have no future together, so why not let go gracefully? Before we grow to hate each other, while there is still some tenderness, let's not wait until it comes to an endless struggle."

I quietly looked at him, waiting for his answer.

His expression changed several times, his thin lips parted, moved a few times, but no sound came out. After a long time, he finally chuckled softly, "I know, you blame me."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

I didn't respond, keeping my eyes lowered.

"I want to say yes," he wrapped his hand around mine, speaking gently, "I know you're right... I can't betray Her Majesty, I can't stop being the Dark Emperor, because I have to live. The best ending for us is to part ways. I can't bear to see you sad, Shu Cheng," he sniffed, "I really, really want to agree with you. But," he looked up, tears in his eyes, and smiled, "I can't say it. It hurts too much. I can't say 'yes'. Just now, I quickly imagined a life without you, Shu Cheng, and I finally realized... I can't agree to it."

His voice was so gentle, yet filled with despair.

"In a world without you, I can't see the great beauty, I can't appreciate the sun, moon, mountains, and rivers. The bustling world and beautiful people are just fleeting shadows and bones. This world, to Shen Ye, only has its countless beauties because of you, Shu Cheng. I want to let you go," his voice was hoarse as he held my hand and slowly placed it over his heart, "but it can't. I'm afraid you'll hate me, I'm afraid you'll be sad, but I'm even more afraid that from now on, we will be strangers. So I can only do this..."

He trembled all over, as if making a vow, "In any way possible, I must stay by your side, until death do us part..."

I didn't say anything. After a long time, I looked at him and said softly, "Since you want to come, then come."

This relationship is about who can be more heartless, who can be more ruthless.

Since we can't let go, let's entangle until the end, until death do us part.

With these words, we both seemed to understand each other. He held my hand and checked my pulse. After a while, he showed an angry expression: "Qin Yang told me she would take care of you, and this is how she does it?!"

As soon as he spoke, I immediately understood that Qin Yang's care for me was because of him. I couldn't help but sigh. Compared to Qin Yang, I was indeed a bit narrower in heart. To be able to plot for the person who married your beloved, such endurance is indeed incomparable to someone like me. No wonder she could rise to the position of a second-rank official from a humble background, while I, a noble descendant, am only a third-rank official.

I felt a bit of satisfaction and decided to advise Shen Ye, since I am someone who values gratitude. I said, "Master Qin has been very kind to me recently. These injuries were caused by Wei Xiu."

"Wei Xiu?" Shen Ye frowned, then nodded, "I understand."

His response made me a little uneasy. 

Hey! What are you planning to do? Don’t go around causing trouble!

But then I thought, what does it matter to me?

So, I simply turned my head and cleared my throat, "What exactly are you here for?"

Hearing the question, Shen Ye’s expression softened. He looked around the room, showing a hint of displeasure, then said, "You’re injured and it’s very cold here. Since you’ve already been hurt once, staying here could cause long-term issues."

His voice was gentle, and I raised an eyebrow, "Can you take me out of here?"

"I’ll take you into the palace."

At this, I jumped back a foot, horrified.

The palace is the Empress’ domain. How could I get out once I’m in? The prison is at least a government place where a jailbreak might be feasible; breaking into the palace would be considered treason. Shen Ye really is ruthless. After going through all the trouble to see me, he wants to insult my intelligence by tricking me into the palace.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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