42 Ye Cheng Fu


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Ye Cheng Fu

 Chapter 42: 


He kept Shangguan Liuqing by his side, helping her concoct poisons, just to hear stories of her childhood. Her arrogance, her pride—though he could no longer see her, he drew her image in his mind, over and over.

In the deep autumn of that year, he tested the properties of a poison by taking the antidote and poisoning himself. When he woke up, he saw her.

It was deep into the night when he heard the sound of swords clashing in the courtyard. Having been blind for many years, he had learned to discern positions by sound, and the swordplay was exactly like that of Shangguan Liulan's.

He quietly remembered the sight of the girl in ink-colored robes wielding her sword, feeling that it was the most beautiful time of his life.

Unable to resist, he took up a short sword and waited for her at the door.

He had intended to kill her. She didn’t love him; she tried to fool him with another person. He had been sincere, but she treated him with disdain, trampling on his feelings. If he couldn’t live with her, he might as well die with her.

But when the sharp sword pierced her body, he changed his mind.

He suddenly realized he didn’t want her to die; he only wanted her to feel some sadness—for the man named Zheng Can.

So he deliberately claimed that his actions were for Shangguan Liuqing, just to hear her say that she was upset, that she cared.

Yet Shangguan Liulan, with a smile, told him that she was not upset, and Zheng Can had no right to make her feel that way.

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He thought she was right.

Zheng Can, a mere commoner, could never make someone as noble as her feel sorrow.

Even though he remembered the full bloom of osmanthus on that moonlit night, and the moment they fell into the ice lake together, his mouth filled with blood, what could that change?

By now, we had reached the long alley outside the Shangguan residence. White flowers were draped from the gates, and paper money fluttered in the wind. I looked up at the white flowers and couldn’t help but tell him, “But Zheng Can, she never wronged you. In fact, the person you saved on the mountain that year was indeed Shangguan Liuqing. She asked you whom you truly loved, and if you had met at Phoenix Tower for the first time, would you still love her. You gave her an answer—you told her that from the first meeting on the mountain, you decided to love her for life.

“Yet, the person you made a promise to on the mountain was not her, but another woman…” I bit my lip, tears streaming down my face. “How could someone as proud as Liulan bear to have her feelings shadowed by another? So she let you go, because you said you wanted to leave. Zheng Can, your love was to confine her, but her love was to use her whole life to make you happy. You chose Shangguan Liuqing, so she gave you Shangguan Liuqing.”

He said nothing as he entered the Shangguan residence. Upon reaching the mourning hall, he broke away from us, staggering forward, and then stood silently before her coffin.

The surrounding noise and cries were overwhelming. He stood there for a long time before finally speaking.

I heard him say, “That year you asked me if I would still like you if Phoenix Tower was our first meeting place.” He trembled as he touched the black coffin, where his beloved lay still. He gently rested his head against it and, in a hoarse voice, said, “At that time, I couldn’t imagine how I would feel if Phoenix Tower was where we first met. But now, knowing the truth, I can finally answer you. Liulan, the one I loved. Even if FPhoenix Tower was where we first met, I would still love you.”

The warmth of youth was merely a momentary infatuation. The girl who gave him a jar and danced with her sword on that moonlit night was the true light of his life.

But the osmanthus still perfumed the courtyard, the moon continued to shine boundlessly, and that girl in pink robes with the silver sword would never return.

I looked at the black and white of the mourning hall, at the black coffin, and trembled as I touched it.

The glossy black was just like the robe she wore the first time I saw her.

At that time, watching her from a distance, I felt that though she was a beautiful young woman, her attire made her look lifeless.

But later I realized that it was precisely this attire that concealed her brilliance. She was originally a sword unsheathed, feared by everyone and loved by many.

She managed the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Court for four years without a single wrongful case. Despite countless times being reprimanded by the Empress, criticized by the censors, and scorned by the people, she remained steadfast in her commitment to justice, proving her integrity and righteousness over time.

In the mourning hall, people came and went, their cries reverberating. There were common folk and high-ranking officials.

I lowered my head to touch the cold coffin, feeling a deep sense of peace.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Only the woman sat at a small table, in a black robe and jade crown, with a long sword laid beside her. It was as if she were at one of the countless banquets we attended together, lifting a cup of wine and drinking it all in one go.

I called out to her, “Liulan, Liulan, come join us in the throwing game—I can’t beat them.”

She smiled slightly and walked over gracefully, picking up a small arrow with her slender hand. With a flick of her sleeve, the arrow accurately landed in the pot.

The crowd couldn't help but cheer and clap. Shangguan Wanqing and I were delighted, showing off as we celebrated, while she couldn't hide her happiness either. Then she raised her hand and, with casual grace, said, “Thank you for the challenge.”

Youth is a time of vigor and romance.

However, through the cold coffin, I knew this time, this person would never again stand up to help me throw that arrow.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I could no longer care about my surroundings when I suddenly heard Shangguan Wanqing shout sharply, "Shu Cheng, run!"

I was momentarily stunned and didn’t react in time before someone roughly pushed me to the ground.

At the same time, a burly woman burst in, panting heavily, and pointed at me, accusing, “She is the one who killed my master! It’s her!”

I recognized this woman—she was the housekeeper Shangguan Lin from the Shangguan family. My mind buzzed, and then I heard Zheng Can, with reddened eyes, shout angrily, “Open the coffin!”

It seemed that Shen Ye was waiting for this. His reaction was swift; he used his small fan to break open the coffin lid. The lid shattered into pieces, flying everywhere, causing the crowd to scatter in panic. Zheng Can was faster than anyone, rushing to the coffin and quickly inserting silver needles from his sleeve.

I was pinned down by someone. The newcomer was highly skilled—none other than Wei Xiu, the commander of the Imperial Guards. I pretended to stay calm and asked, “May I inquire, Lord Wei, what crime has Shu Cheng committed?”

Wei Xiu, known for his ruthlessness, stabbed an iron hook sharply into my rib. I nearly screamed but gritted my teeth to endure the pain.

While Shen Ye assisted Zheng Can in examining the body, this was my chance to figure out what was happening. I couldn’t disturb them.

So, I clenched my teeth, trembling all over. Whenever Wei Xiu pulled on the iron hook restraining my ribs, I was forced to stand up immediately.

The pain was excruciating.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

I was unable to resist and was dragged forward by them. Shen Ye finally noticed something was wrong on my end. Before I could speak, I heard Shangguan Wanqing shout again, “Take Zheng Can away! As long as the green hills remain, we’re not afraid of not having firewood!”

I turned to follow the sound and saw Shangguan Wanqing fighting with a group of soldiers. While she fought, she didn’t forget to hurl insults: “I’m Miss Shangguan! You bunch of madmen, how dare you! If you have the guts, kill me! Oh, right, you heartless wolves have already killed my cousin and still care about a side branch like me? Now that Shangguan Liucheng is missing, you’re acting so recklessly. If you have the guts, wait for her to come back. If you dare, kill Shu Cheng! When Shangguan Liucheng returns, I’ll tell her you killed the Shu family’s young master. I don’t believe it— even if you take her away today, you dare…”

“Miss Wanqing has gone mad,” I heard Shangguan Lin's cold voice as I reached the door. “Quickly, arrest her and keep her under guard until the matriarch deals with her. We can’t have her disturbing our guests with her ramblings.”

The chill ran down my spine as I realized that Shangguan Liucheng was currently in charge of the Shangguan family. 

Recalling the situation, I remembered that the current heir to the Shangguan family was Shangguan Liucheng, the legitimate eldest daughter. Shangguan Lin, the housekeeper, was Shangguan Liucheng’s aunt, while her younger sister, Shangguan Yun, was the third in line to inherit the family after Shangguan Liucheng. If Shangguan Liucheng were to die, Shangguan Yun would become the new head of the Shangguan family.

I realized that I was likely caught up in the power struggle over the new head of the Shangguan family. Shangguan Liulan had called me here in her final moments, probably knowing that the Shangguan family would be in turmoil after her death. She hoped that my Shu family’s reputation could help suppress the upheaval and ensure Shangguan Liucheng’s smooth succession. However, it seemed that…

Wei Xiu yanked the chains attached to my ribs, making me gasp in pain as I stumbled along. 

I listened to the sounds of battle behind me and observed the Imperial Guards ahead. Narrowing my eyes, I thought about the audacity of Shangguan Yun, who was willing to drag my Shu family into this conflict to challenge Shangguan Liucheng.

Given the current situation, only the Empress could have given Shangguan Yun such courage.

I knew that the Empress was unlikely to take any action against me, so I followed Wei Xiu’s lead quietly as he dragged me to the prison. 

They didn’t say a word to me. After securing me, they stationed guards to keep watch and then left.

Without Shangguan Liulan, there was no longer anyone to make the prison cell feel like a bedroom. The dungeon was as it originally was: cold stone bed, a crude toilet, and a strange, unpleasant smell pervading the entire room. Occasionally, rats emerged from holes, causing me to shiver with dread. I couldn’t help but kill them with a swift motion before they could fully emerge.

The dungeon was eerily quiet at night, with everyone seemingly dead. I sat quietly on the stone bed, reflecting on what had happened.

Shangguan Liulan had fallen ill after we drank together. Believing her time was short, she called me to find Zheng Can. I initially thought her request to find Zheng Can was merely to see her beloved one in her final moments. However, now I couldn’t help but wonder if there was another reason behind it.

After finding Zheng Can, we were quickly pursued. These pursuers were from the Empress’ side, attempting to stop me, while Shen Ye feigned illness to prevent me from locating Zheng Can. What was their real motive for not wanting me to find Zheng Can?

Then my troops arrived. I forcibly sought Zheng Can, and Shen Ye led me into the Medicine King Valley, only to close the stone door behind us as we descended, leaving only the two of us. What about my private soldiers? Why were they left behind? Was their purpose to stop me from finding Zheng Can? Why did Shen Ye initially agree to help me?

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Upon my return, I was immediately arrested by Shangguan Lin on the charge of poisoning Shangguan Liulan. With Shangguan Liucheng missing and Shangguan Wanqing captured, it was clear that Shangguan Lin had taken control of the Shangguan family. The conversation I had with Shangguan Liulan that night could now be twisted by Shangguan Lin to suit her agenda.

Although the situation is chaotic, I can confirm a few things.

First, the Emperor wishes to support Shangguan Lin or Shangguan Yun as the head of the Shangguan family, and does not want Shangguan Liucheng or Liuqing to become the head.

Second, Shen Ye is aligned with the Empress in this matter; otherwise, he would not have feigned severe injury to deceive me, nor would he have blocked my five thousand private troops outside the Medicine King Valley.

What has caused the Empress to suddenly change her stance? How does she plan to turn this intention into concrete action? Does she really believe that merely having Shangguan Lin’s servants accuse me will be enough to execute me, the young lord of the Shu family? And what role is Shen Ye playing in all of this?

Aside from the official government, Zheng Can is currently the only physician who has been close to Shangguan Liulan. Now that I have had Shen Ye take him away, how will Shen Ye use Zheng Can?

My mind is a mess, growing more fearful with each passing moment. I hit my head twice, trying to force myself to calm down.

In the middle of the night, as the weather grew colder, footsteps suddenly echoed from outside. I looked up abruptly and saw two figures in black cloaks entering swiftly. As they pulled back their hoods, I recognized them as my mother and Bai Shaotang.

Bai Shaotang, sword at his waist, surveyed the surroundings and said in a low voice, "I’ll keep watch. Mother, please be quick."

After speaking, Bai Shaotang walked outside. My mother turned to look at me with a somber expression and said, "Chen'er, listen to me. This is the work of the Empress."

"I know."

"That day you were summoned to the Shangguan residence, and then you disappeared. Two days later, news of Shangguan Liulan's death spread, and the following day, Shangguan Yun accused you before the court, claiming that you had murdered Shangguan Liulan."

"What’s the evidence?"

"Shangguan Liulan died from a sword wound, and the method of injury matches your sword technique exactly. Servants of the Shangguan family who were present that day testified that you had entered Shangguan Liulan’s room and left in a hurry. By the time they entered, Shangguan Liulan was already dead."

Hearing this, I couldn't help but tremble.

Liulan did not die of natural causes... Liulan was murdered. She could have survived...

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

"Why was the accusation made only two days later?" I suddenly realized an issue, and my mother’s gaze revealed some agitation.

"Shangguan Yun said that there was chaos in the Shangguan family at the time. She initially intended to wait for the new head, Shangguan Liucheng, to handle the matter. But when news of Shangguan Liucheng’s disappearance arrived two days later, Shangguan Yun took matters into her own hands and temporarily assumed the position of head to address the issue."

“It's quite an excuse,” I said with a cold smile. 

My mother remained composed and continued, “However, I investigated and found another piece of news. Almost all of Shangguan Liulan’s trusted aides who were with her at the time also died. One is missing and Shangguan family is searching for him everywhere. They say this missing aide was in collusion with you, and together you killed Liulan and the others before fleeing to avoid punishment. I suspect that as soon as you left, they took action. Shangguan Liucheng immediately informed Shangguan Liuqing, who stayed behind in the Shangguan residence for two days. But Shangguan Liuqing was also deceived and went missing halfway. It was only after two days that they killed Shangguan Liucheng.”

“Aren't they afraid of the autopsy revealing the truth?”

“With the Empress as their backing, why would they fear the officials in the Ministry of Justice? There is a kind of secret drug that can alter the appearance of the body and falsify the time of death. This is usually a palace secret, but I suspect…”

“What exactly does the Empress want?” I asked urgently. “Does she really want me dead?”

“She doesn't dare,” my mother said calmly, stroking her jade bracelet. As I sighed in relief, she continued slowly, “She only wants you to suffer more than death.”

I was stunned.

“The situation with the Shangguan family is not unsolvable. But I received a message from the palace about a petition concerning the military funds from the first year of the Yuan De era.”

I frowned at the mention of this. “What about it?”

“In the first year of Yuan De, someone tampered with the military funds and embezzled one hundred thousand taels from the Huizhou military funds. The Ministry of War has been auditing the accounts and sent people to investigate.”

I listened quietly, recalling what had happened during the first year of Yuan De.

At that time, the new empress had just ascended the throne, and the country was in chaos with enemies threatening the three provinces of Yun, Hui, and Jing, and internal uprisings everywhere. My aunt, Shu Huang, was the commander of the troops in Jing Province, I was the military supervisor, and Shangguan Liulan was... seemingly being forced by her mother to gain experience and temporarily handling matters in the Ministry of War for a “sick” official.

“This military fund…” My mother lowered her eyes and said slowly, “It was embezzled by your aunt.”

“This matter…” I frowned deeply, trying to recall what had happened back then. I had a vague sense that my aunt Shu Huang was not entirely clean, but I had never confronted it. After all, she was my family, and I always believed that she must have had difficulties that led her to such actions.

“So, all these years I’ve been on edge, worrying about when this would come to light.”

My mother understood my thoughts and deliberately slowed her speech, providing some reassurance. She continued, “At that time, Jing Province was in a crisis. But the governor of Jing was a low-born general, unlike Yun and Hui provinces, which had family powers, reserves, and connections. The Ministry of War wanted to send all the funds to Yun and Hui provinces. The poorest province faced the strongest soldiers. Your aunt had no choice but to secretly withhold one hundred thousand taels and allocate it to Jing Province, which helped Jing Province through the crisis.”

“What does this have to do with me?” I asked, frowning. I had a feeling that my mother wouldn’t bring up such details without a reason.

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