39 Ye Cheng Fu


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Ye Cheng Fu

 Chapter 39: 


“So I severed Shangguan Liuqing’s wings, simply because he wanted her, because he liked her.”

Unexpectedly, later on, Shangguan Liuqing actually poisoned Zheng Can to coerce Liulan. To save Zheng Can, she risked her life.

But Zheng Can didn’t know, and she didn’t want him to know. She hoped he could live out the rest of his life peacefully with the person he loved.

She would pave the way for her sister, pass on a complete and stable Shangguan family to Shangguan Liuqing, and let him become the lord of the Shangguan family.

This was the position she wanted to give him, even though she wouldn’t marry him, at least this position was granted by her.

Shangguan Liulan rarely spoke so much.

She talked for so long that it felt like the world had narrowed down to just the two of us.

I didn’t dare say a word, but I recalled the first time I met Shangguan Liulan at eighteen. At that time, I was already in the court, and she had just entered for the first time. Her cold brows and composed demeanor made me think, "What a beautiful young lady."

After that, I only had a nodding acquaintance with her, becoming familiar only because of Wanqing.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

The Shangguan family was known throughout Great Chu as a massive sieve, yet this young lady filled it piece by piece. She entered the court later than I did, but her promotions were faster than mine. By her early twenties, she had become the Minister of Justice and concurrently the Chief Judge of the Supreme Court. Such talent truly amazed the world.

But at this moment, she said to me so calmly, “I’ve given my life to him. I probably won’t live much longer. Shu Cheng, I’ve always been sincere in my friendship with you; actually, I hoped you would repay me.”

“Don’t say that...” I spoke up, my voice choking, “I won’t repay anyone else. Only you are my friend. Your sister... that snake-hearted sister of yours... I’d be doing well if I don’t beat her up! You…”

“You’re speaking out of anger again.” She interrupted me gently, though with a touch of helplessness.

She rarely spoke to me like this. She was always so cold and composed, causing me and Shangguan Wanqing to tease her for her “stone face.” But at this moment, holding a wine glass, she looked at me like an older sister.

“Please don’t be like this,” I turned away, speaking hoarsely, “I used to have sisters. I was the youngest in my family, but they all died. If they hadn’t died, the position of Young Master wouldn’t have been mine, and I wouldn’t have to think so much. I could marry the person I like and go far away with him, as long as he was willing. Of course... maybe by then, he wouldn’t like me anymore because I wouldn’t be valuable. But it wouldn’t matter... If he didn’t like me, he wouldn’t bother me, and I wouldn’t like him.”

I trembled as I took a sip of the wine, then looked up at Shangguan Liulan and said, “My sisters are all gone. I take you as my sister. Please live a bit longer, okay?”

Shangguan Liulan remained silent, her eyes filled with tenderness as she looked at me. After a long while, she finally said, “You silly Shu Cheng.”

I didn’t know why, but tears suddenly fell.

Outside the tavern, the rain pattered softly. She leaned against the corridor, quietly watching the people coming and going on the street.

A man in white with a green cane and carrying a medicine box walked past the crowd. She watched him silently, without a word.

Seeing this scene, I couldn’t help but drink more. Gradually, I became so drunk that I lost my senses and didn’t know what I was doing. In my daze, I seemed to see Shen Ye appearing before me. He was wearing a deep blue robe, holding a purple bamboo rain umbrella, standing downstairs, and then he looked up and saw me.

I couldn’t help but smile at him. Even though he was standing in the rain, he also smiled back at me.

After a while, he appeared before me, picked me up, and said helplessly, “How did you get so drunk?”

I burst into tears immediately, sobbing loudly in his arms.

"I don’t want to see anyone die, I don’t want to see anyone else die."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

"Shen Ye, Shen Ye," I sobbed like a child in his embrace, "I’ve already lost my sisters. I don’t want anyone else to leave."

He didn’t speak, just gently patting my back, over and over.

Gradually, I lost consciousness and stopped speaking. I don’t know how much time passed before an urgent voice suddenly called out from outside, "Young Lord! Young Lord! The head of the Shangguan family is seriously ill. They’ve sent for you!"

I abruptly opened my eyes, clutching my aching head and shaking it. Before I could fully regain my senses, I was pulled out and dressed.

"I’ll go with you."

Shen Ye’s voice suddenly rang out from above me. I didn’t have time to consider much, and he arranged everything, then carried me and rushed out.

He used his lightness skill, speeding all the way to the Shangguan residence. Without even making an announcement, he entered Shangguan Liulan’s bedroom.

The room was crowded with people. I pushed through the crowd and threw myself in front of her. She looked at me with difficulty, her eyes full of struggle and seeming to endure great pain.

"Zheng Can…" Her voice was hoarse, only managing to utter those two words.

I realized instantly.

"Liulan, I’ll find him…" My hands trembled, my voice quivered, and I said hoarsely, "Hold on, I’ll find him. You must wait for me to come back…"

With that, I let go and dashed out. Shangguan Liulan watched me from behind, her eyes filled with hope, repeating those two words over and over: Zheng Can.

I need to find Zheng Can.

Not only so that Liulan can see him one more time, but also because Zheng Can, as the master of the Medicine King Valley, might be able to save her if he arrives in time.

I dashed out, and from a distance, I saw Shen Ye waiting for me at the door.

The spring rain continued to fall. I ran straight over and, before he could say anything, I knelt on the ground.

"Take me to find Zheng Can..." I began to knock my head desperately, my voice hoarse, "Please, take me to find Zheng Can."

Actually, I don’t have many friends.

Shangguan Wanqing is one, and the other is Liulan.

She rarely spoke, but she always helped me, silently and quietly.

When Her Majesty threw me into the prison, she defied her usual principles to make the cell look like a bedroom; when the Crown Princess interrogated me, she brought people to the Supreme Court and dragged me out; when my mother entered the palace, she gathered people outside to surround it.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Such friendship, I have never repaid. Even my own sisters never gave me such feelings.

Shen Ye looked down at me, turned around, and held the umbrella over my head, shielding me from the fine rain. He said gently, "Shu Cheng, is Shangguan Liulan really that important?"

"Yes, she is."

"What about me?" He continued to ask gently, but there was no warmth in his words, "Am I important, or is she?"

I didn’t dare to speak, the names of the two people tangled on my tongue. Shen Ye sighed lightly, crouched down, and said, “I’ll take you to find him.”

“Thank you…”

“But I have a condition.” He extended his hand, lifted my chin, and said, “When we return, we will consummate our marriage.”

“Alright.” I nodded immediately.

After all... I wouldn’t be at a disadvantage.

So he quickly grabbed me and rushed out, getting two horses from Feng Lou and heading straight out of the capital with me.

“Is Zheng Can at the Medicine King Valley?”

“Yes.” He seemed to know what I was thinking, “But without me to guide you, you won’t be able to get in.”

No one knows the exact location of the Medicine King Valley; people only know a general area. Every year, people can only leave the tokens issued by the Medicine King Valley at a fixed location and wait for the valley to send someone to pick them up.

Not long after we left the city gates, we felt someone following us. I couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious, but Shen Ye remained calm and said, “It’s fine, let them follow.”

Saying this, he suddenly tightened the reins and increased the speed. The people following us immediately became flustered and, unable to hide any longer, revealed themselves. As soon as they appeared, several shadows dashed out from the woods. Shen Ye’s expression remained unchanged as he continued forward, and I followed behind him, feeling a bit nervous at the sounds of “bang bang” from behind.

I wasn’t afraid of these people blocking our way; I was worried they might delay us, and Liulan couldn’t wait.

Shen Ye seemed to share this concern, frowning slightly. Just then, a flying dart whizzed towards us from behind. I dodged to the side, while Shen Ye used his small fan to deflect the dart, sending it back with even greater force.

“You go straight ahead, I’ll be back soon.”

He suddenly said this, abruptly pulling the reins and turning back. The horse, startled by the sudden tight rein, neighed in alarm, and I couldn’t help but shiver.

This is truly a fierce man…

Su Rongqing has remained unmarried for years due to his reputation for being sickly and unattractive. Even if people knew he was not only not sickly and unattractive but also strong and handsome, it wouldn’t change his situation. In the entire Great Chu, apart from me, who would have the courage to marry him?

Thinking of this, my eyelid twitched.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Well, if it weren’t for Her Majesty’s insistence, I wouldn’t have had the courage either… I still don’t have much courage.

As I was lost in these thoughts and hurrying forward, the sounds of fighting from behind grew distant. After a moment, I heard the sound of a horse galloping back, and when I turned around, I saw Shen Ye rushing towards me.

Under the moonlight, the gentleman in a blue robe with a golden crown riding a horse left me mesmerized. It wasn’t until he reached my side that I snapped back to reality and looked away.

He didn’t seem to notice anything unusual, only frowning and shouting, “Hurry up!”

As his voice faded, I heard the sound of horses’ hooves behind us and smelled the blood on him.

I couldn’t help but be taken aback. “You’re injured?”

“Move quickly.”

He gritted his teeth and moved forward. The forest was full of shadows, and only then did I realize how many people there were!

I couldn’t help but gasp. Shen Ye’s horse suddenly turned and plunged into the forest. I hurried to follow, seeing Shen Ye’s small fan flying out, hitting the trees and causing muffled groans from people. Shen Ye stopped the horse and let me pass, grabbing me and saying, “In a moment, abandon the horse and hide. Let the horse run on its own.”

Before I could react, he suddenly kissed me.

As silver needles shot towards us, he flicked his wide sleeve to send them back and then kicked my horse. The horse neighed in fright and dashed into the forest. I then heard Shen Ye’s loud laughter: “With so many of you, aren’t you going to show yourselves?”

I didn’t dare to look back, just desperately moving forward. Once the shadows thinned out, I quickly dismounted.

I avoided walking to prevent leaving tracks and, being fairly adept at lightness skills, grabbed branches and moved through the forest like a monkey.

When I reached a cave, I stopped. I decided to wait for Shen Ye inside the cave.

The cave seemed frequently used, likely by hunters, as there were hunting bows and a grass mat inside. There were also some dry firewood. I gathered the wood in the dark and waited for him.

I didn’t dare light a fire, just watched the cave entrance anxiously. For some reason, I wasn’t worried about him in this situation.

After all, in terms of combat ability, I had never seen him lose—no matter how many opponents there were, I always felt that Shen Ye wouldn’t die in such circumstances, nor would he fall to weapons.

He was so strong, so smart.

I thought this with great certainty, but as the night wore on, I couldn’t endure the waiting and paced back and forth.

I wondered why it was taking him so long to return.

As the moon reached its zenith, I could no longer contain myself. I dashed out under the moonlight, carefully searching through the bushes.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

It wasn’t long before I found Shen Ye.

He was leaning against a tree, his clothes stained with blood and looking extremely exhausted, quietly gazing at the night sky.

That was a rare expression for him, as if he were a child—so innocent, so clear, as if he had just arrived in this world, so quiet and cautious.

Seeing him like this, my heart raced. I suddenly dropped to his side and asked, “What happened to you?!”

He stiffened slightly and, after a moment, looked up in disbelief and said, “You came?”

“If I hadn’t come, would you have died here?” 

I reached out to help him, and he let out a faint grunt. It was only then that I realized how badly he was injured.

I softened my movements and helped him onto my shoulder.

As I did this, his entire body was shaking, as if he was forcing himself to stand. He could hardly walk.

My anxiety surged, but I forced myself to sound casual. “You always bully others, but now you’re like a sick cat… Where are you hurt?”

He didn’t reply, gritting his teeth as beads of cold sweat rolled down his forehead. I knew his injuries were severe and felt a pang of urgency. On one hand, I was worried about his condition, and on the other, I was trying to figure out how to find Zheng Can.

With him in this state, it would be difficult for him to survive if I left. Besides, without him to guide me, I couldn’t possibly enter the Medicine King Valley, let alone find Zheng Can. However, if I stayed with him, I had no idea how long it would take for him to recover. Liu Lan’s condition couldn’t be delayed, and there might still be hope if I could bring Zheng Can back...

I was thinking quickly, trying to find a solution that would work for both situations.

After pondering for a long time without coming up with a viable plan, I could only move Shen Ye slowly towards the cave. He kept his teeth clenched and remained silent. When we finally reached the cave, I helped him lean against the wall. He immediately slumped, and I caught him to steady his fall. He collapsed into my arms.

The heat of his breath brushed against my neck. For some reason, I forgot the danger of the situation and couldn't help but blush.

I controlled the turmoil in my heart and carefully laid him on the ground. I then took out the medicine, bandages, and silver needles I had brought with me and asked, “Where are you injured?”

“Start with the detox pill,” he said through gritted teeth. I realized he had no strength left and must have been poisoned. I efficiently took out a detox pill, placed it in his mouth, and then began tearing the bandages. I asked, “Where are the injuries?”

“Left shoulder, right thigh, and side of the waist.”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

He quickly listed the locations. I was stunned and thought, rather than being cautious, I might as well strip him entirely. He looked at me quietly, his eyes clear as if he hadn’t thought of anything. I couldn’t help but glance away, trying to hide the fleeting indecent thought.

After laying out the medicines, I picked up a broken basin from the edge of the cave and went outside.

The previous occupant of the cave must have had a water source nearby. Following the method taught to me by an old hunter, I found a small stream. I quickly fetched water and hurried back.

When I returned, Shen Ye seemed to have improved significantly. He was no longer shivering, only quietly watching me.

Summoning my courage, I went up to him, undid his belt, and removed his clothes, leaving only his underpants.

His clothes were stained with blood—his and others’, mixed together, making it indistinguishable. Even the pure white underpants were marred with mottled bloodstains, which made me look a few extra times.

“Don’t worry,” he said with a teasing tone, noticing my gaze, “nothing was injured there.”

“Shut up if you don’t want to die!” I turned him over, tore the sleeve of his shirt, and carefully cleaned his right shoulder and waist wounds with a hint of anger. “Otherwise, I might not be able to stop myself from hitting you.”

He chuckled quietly, as if afraid it would make his injuries worse. I didn’t provoke him further and continued applying the medicine in silence.

He didn’t speak, dutifully lowering his head, like a quiet, obedient youth. After treating his shoulder and back, I moved to his front thigh. Seeing his expression, I couldn’t help but pause. He quickly noticed my reaction and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing…” I quickly looked away, muttering, “You just look too much like a good person. I’m not used to it.”

With that, I went to lift his underwear.

The injury was in an awkward place, not very deep but long, extending from the outer to the inner thigh, just missing a crucial area.

I had no choice but to pull his underwear up, revealing his long, pale thigh.

His legs were well-shaped—or rather, there was nothing about him that wasn’t well-proportioned. Oddly enough, despite being someone who lived on the edge of danger, his legs were unscarred, smooth as jade, and felt like satin when touched, causing my heart to skip a beat.

I touched him briefly and then immediately withdrew my hand, afraid to touch him again.

I started pretending to concentrate on preparing the medicine and applied it to his wound. Throughout the process, I couldn’t bring myself to look at him or his leg, focusing solely on the injury with a grim expression.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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