Chapter 33: Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" (Are You the One)


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 Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" / Are You the One

 Chapter 33: 


Zi Yu no longer looked at the tearful Miss Yun and instead turned his gaze back to the rain-speckled green bamboo leaves outside the window. In a deep, somber voice, he said to her, “My father, during the upheaval, was protected by your father and his loyal subordinates, which allowed me and my younger brother to escape the East Palace. Sadly, my brother, weakened in health, could not withstand the poison in that cup, while I was fortunate to have your protection to barely survive. I am grateful for all that you and your family did for us.”

He paused, then continued, “Although Liu Mian Tang was not one of the old palace staff, she has made significant contributions to Yangshan. The income from the properties and shops she managed was all under her meticulous arrangement and handling. If she did take any, it was only what she was due.”

Miss Yun could hardly bear seeing Liu Mian Tang being praised to such an extent despite her alleged faults.

She bit her lip and said, “If Liu Mian Tang feels wronged and takes the shop’s income, it might be excusable. But the accounts also show a loss of your personal assets. That money was carefully hidden by your father for emergencies…”

Zi Yu smiled bitterly and replied with a hint of melancholy, “That old wealth was placed in a very secure location, and Liu Mian Tang had informed me of its whereabouts before she left. There is no need for you to worry about it further.”

Miss Yun was taken aback by this revelation. Zi Yu had never mentioned that Liu Mian Tang had moved any personal assets before. She felt a jolt of surprise and hesitantly asked, “Before Liu Mian Tang left, I had already taken over the accounts. Why didn’t she mention it to me? Could it be that she didn’t trust me?”

As she spoke, tears welled up in her eyes again, showing that she felt hurt by Liu Mian Tang's apparent distrust.

However, Zi Yu was clearly not paying attention to her distressed appearance. He remained standing by the window, not turning around.

Miss Yun wanted to continue, but Zi Yu interrupted, “Let this matter rest. I will find a way to deal with the deficit in the accounts. Do not seek trouble with Liu Mian Tang any further. I’m feeling a bit tired now, so please leave.”

Miss Yun bit her lip. Given that six Dragon Guards had been lost today, she knew that no matter what she said, she was in the wrong. It was better to wait until Zi Yu’s anger had subsided before making any further plans.

After Miss Yun left, Master Qin, the trusted advisor, spoke up, “Master, did Miss Liu’s careful arrangements uncover any discrepancies in the accounts?”

Zi Yu nodded slowly, “Someone has been siphoning off the funds from the mountain stronghold, and it wasn’t just one person. So, Mian Tang decided to cut off the source by taking the funds and hiding the old assets. She then created a new set of accounts to make it difficult for those greedy individuals to find any evidence, which ultimately exposed their actions…”

His heart ached as he spoke, and there was an unmistakable pain in his eyes. “But I blamed her for being jealous and unwilling to delegate authority, and for unfairly resenting Miss Yun… Master Qin, did I make a mistake?”

Master Qin shook his head helplessly and offered some comforting words, “Miss Liu’s ambitions are not aligned with this path. Even if you were to force her to stay, it would be futile. Besides, your future lies in returning to the capital and reclaiming the realm. Miss Liu has the fortitude to be a general, but her temperament lacks the breadth needed to be a empress. It’s simply that she is not on the same path as you.”

However, Master Qin did not mention that, judging solely by Miss Liu’s abilities, she was unparalleled. Though Miss Yun had the support of the former Eastern Palace faction, she could not compare to Liu Mian Tang’s exceptional skills. If Miss Liu had strong backing from her own family, she could have been a consort, or even the empress.

Yet, as someone who was not part of the Eastern Palace faction, and with Miss Yun’s family, the Sun clan, wielding significant power in the mountains, Master Qin chose not to voice these thoughts. He did not want to provoke the enmity of the Eastern Palace supporters.

Zi Yu remained silent, understanding that Master Qin’s words reflected the views of the Eastern Palace faction. Liu Mian Tang’s exceptional abilities, coupled with her status as a woman, made it difficult for her to gain widespread support. Previously, it was only through his own intervention that a balance was maintained.

However, when he had the thought of marrying Mian Tang, resistance came from all sides. At that time, Prince Huaiyang's troops were watching Yanshan closely, causing significant losses in their forces. More and more people on the mountain advocated for surrender and adopting a conciliatory approach.

Letting her go wasn’t truly about giving up; it was a calculated move to unite the fractured morale and survive a difficult period.

But he never expected her heart to be so resolute. After leaving the mountain, she married someone else.

Now, the trap she had set in motion was taking effect. When the news of the financial shortfall broke, the reported figures from all over exceeded the amount of money Mian Tang had hidden and transferred. Many assumed she had taken the funds, and opportunistically inflated the deficits in an attempt to pin the blame on her.

Looking at the figures Master Qin had meticulously compiled, Zi Yu let out a cold laugh—such shameless opportunists, eager to kick someone while they were down. Indeed, they were all too eager to heap the blame onto Mian Tang.

He glanced at the thick ledger that Mian Tang had spent countless nights preparing for him before she left. His heart ached once again. 

Her handwriting was still terrible—despite being an extraordinarily intelligent woman, she never had the patience for penmanship. As he turned to the last page of the account book, he found a line of words she had painstakingly written with careful precision: Those who achieve great things always maintain a calm mind. There is no need for short-lived satisfaction. Once you have the full picture, proceed slowly and steadily...

According to Mian Tang's intentions, once the embezzlers were exposed, one should not act hastily. Yanshan was in a turbulent time, and if they were too quick to purge the Crown Prince's faction, it could easily cause unrest among the people.

If she hadn't left, she would surely have already come up with a plan to deal with these individuals. And seeing him angered by these matters, she would likely be leaning against his shoulder like a soft cat, gently comforting him with her tender voice.

As he thought of this, Zi Yu felt a sharp pang in his chest. Everyone around him said she wasn't right for him. But who truly understood the fierce and capable side of Mian Tang? Her heart was, in fact, the softest. That’s why she couldn’t bear to see him caught in difficult decisions, so she left behind everything on Yanshan for his sake.

After loving a woman like Liu Mian Tang, how could his broken heart ever hold anyone else?

Even if everything went as planned and he succeeded in reclaiming the position that was rightfully his, what meaning would it have if she wasn’t by his side?

But now, with his grand ambitions still unrealized, and power struggles sprouting up like wild weeds after the rain, he had no choice but to forge ahead through treacherous paths alone. When the day of triumph finally came, he would kneel before Mian Tang himself and welcome her back into his life.

As the night deepened, the shadows of bamboo swayed outside the window. Liu Yu, the fourth-generation grandson of the founding emperor of the Great Yan dynasty, touched the pouch close to his chest and, as always, endured another long night.

Meanwhile, life continued in the courtyard on North Street, with smoke from the kitchen rising daily and everything proceeding in an orderly fashion.

Now that Mian Tang had money in hand, she hired many artists to paint and fill in colors on porcelain. Mr. Chen personally oversaw the quality of these workers.

Although their skills didn’t match Chen’s, they were capable of handling the designs of vines and flowers. With their help, Mr. Chen only needed to set the initial patterns and create unique designs, leaving most of his time free to savor Li Mama's delicious food, paired with a small pot of wine.

Mian tang checked the progress reports daily, and seeing that the work could be completed before the deadline, she felt reassured. She could now afford some leisure time to engage in social activities.

On North Street, after Mian Tang arrived in Lingquan Town, most of her social interactions took place on the benches of the neighborhood, leaving her unfamiliar with the noblewomen of Lingquan.

However, things changed once she had the introduction of the third Miss He, giving Mian Tang an opportunity to attend tea gatherings with the ladies and madams of Lingquan Town.

Mian Tang knew that doing business often required social engagements, and the more people she met, the more connections she could establish. Thus, she took these events seriously. However, her jewelry box was rather sparse, and she needed to acquire some new pieces to make a proper appearance. Yet, after visiting a few shops, the beautiful pieces were too expensive, and the cheaper ones weren’t to her liking. It seemed better to wear the old jewelry she already had.

Unexpectedly, one morning, her husband quietly handed her a delicately wrapped box of fine silk. Upon opening it, she found a complete set of tourmaline-embedded jewelry. The designs were unlike anything she had seen in the shops. From the bird-headed hairpin to the flower vine-like necklace, everything perfectly matched Mian Tang’s vibrant beauty.

But quality comes with a price, and such intricately crafted jewelry must have cost a fortune!

Mian Tang stared wide-eyed, hesitant to wear it. She cautiously asked her husband how much it had cost.

Cui Xingzhou remained unfazed, saying, “It was made by a familiar artisan. The materials and craftsmanship are more thoughtful than what you’d find in regular shops. It wasn’t much. If you like it, I’ll have more made for you in the future.”

This was the second time her husband had personally bought something for her, after the scented powders. Being a man of wealth, he had refined taste, and although he didn’t give her many things, each gift was exquisite.

Mian Tang finally felt at ease wearing the jewelry. However, the clasp on the necklace was a bit tricky, and she struggled to fasten it. Cui Xingzhou stepped up to the vanity and reached out to fasten it for her.

Mian Tang's pale skin, coupled with the delicate green tourmaline, made her slender neck appear even more luminous. Satisfied with the look, Mian Tang’s heart filled with joy, and she sweetly smiled up at her husband behind her.

Cui Jiu instinctively reached out and gently stroked her cheek, feeling its smooth, soft texture like mutton-fat jade…

At that moment, a heavy coughing sound echoed from the doorway. Li Mama stood there, holding freshly pressed clothes.

Truth be told, the scene she had just witnessed made Li Mama’s heart skip a beat. She even doubted her own eyes, thinking she must have been mistaken.

The prince had never been one for romance. Even if he was pretending to be affectionate to keep Mian Tang in check, this act of personally helping her with the necklace and caressing her face… that was going too far!

By now, she had realized the truth. Mian Tang had fallen deeply in love with the prince—sincerely and wholeheartedly. And with the prince treating her so well, wasn’t she just further entangling herself in a love that might never be returned? How could she ever hope to free herself from such a commitment now?

If things continued like this, even if Mian Tang encountered a suitable match in the future, she would inevitably compare him to Prince Huaiyang in every way. Wouldn't that leave her feeling disappointed, setting her standards too high, and thus missing out on a good man, ruining her chances at happiness?

What a tragedy! Li Mama darkened her expression as she entered, her mind filled with such thoughts. Recently, that phrase had become a mantra for her inner grumblings.

After Mian Tang went out to the courtyard for her meal, Li Mama purposely lingered behind to help the prince dress, then carefully whispered, "Your Highness treats that lady so well... I'm afraid she'll cling to you and won't let go in the future. What are we to do then?"

Cui Xingzhou, calm as ever, adjusted his sleeves without reacting to her remarks. Instead, he issued instructions, "Mian Tang has a cold constitution, and Zhao Quan said that if it's not properly managed, it could lead to chronic illness. I've already had some tonic herbs delivered to nourish her body. Follow the prescription and prepare them for her to eat… And since she's busy these days, it's hard on you to manage everything alone. Tomorrow, a broker will send two maids. They're not from the royal manor, so teach them the rules thoroughly."

Li Mama dared not press further. She knew that, whatever the situation, the prince had his own plans, and it wasn't her place to question them. All she could do for Miss Liu was what little was within her power.

However, when Li Mama saw the tonics delivered by the steward from the royal manor after Mian Tang and Cui Xingzhou left, she was left dumbfounded.

The herbs were indeed precious and nourishing... But things like deer antler syrup with ginger and the secret Chixianmou Blood Pills—though effective in warding off cold—were mostly used in the royal household to help princesses and concubines prepare their bodies for pregnancy.

What on earth was the prince thinking, having Miss Liu consume such tonics? Was he worried that when she remarried, she wouldn't be able to bear children?

Meanwhile, after Mian Tang left, she and her husband shared a sweet farewell at the entrance of the alley.

She was on her way to attend a ladies' tea party, while her husband was headed to visit some old acquaintances from the capital passing through the area, so their paths diverged.

When Miss Liu arrived at the He family's residence, most of the ladies of Lingquan Town had already gathered.

Lingquan Town wasn't large, and there weren't many grand festivals throughout the year. For these wealthy women, events like these tea parties were one of the few occasions where they could show off their new outfits and accessories.

Thus, every tea party was a dazzling display of opulence and elegance, with the ladies competing to outshine one another in their splendid attire.

But the local ladies' well-prepared splendor was once again outshone by the arrival of the out-of-town Madam Cui.

When Liu Mian Tang appeared in her light moon-white narrow-sleeved ruqun, all eyes were immediately fixed on her.

Currently, the trend favored pairing narrow-sleeved tops with skirts. This kind of close-fitting outfit best showcased one's figure, and any extra weight or disproportionate shape would easily be revealed, making it difficult to pull off.

Yet, on Madam Cui, this tricky attire enhanced her form in all the right ways—her figure was curvaceous yet graceful. If one were to say she was slender, her more voluptuous areas soared sky-high; but if one claimed she was plump, her slender waist seemed so delicate it could be held in a single hand. It was truly the kind of figure that would make anyone green with envy!

This woman was already born with natural beauty, and she had the skill to enhance it. Not to mention, the headpiece she wore today was clearly expensive and uniquely styled, stirring envy and admiration among those present.

The ladies gathered had already inquired about this Madam Cui prior to today. All they had heard was that her husband had once faced business ruin and that they had settled in a house on North Street.

Now, North Street wasn’t known for housing the wealthy; it was mostly home to small-time merchants or, at most, places where officials housed their mistresses.

Because of this, these wealthy ladies held a certain disdain toward Madam Liu. They also knew how she had managed to secure work with the He family, attributing it to some clever opportunism—buying out the road used to transport clay and squeezing out other merchants in the process.

In their minds, she was nothing more than a newly-rich outsider, and this naturally led to a sense of condescension.

But when they saw her in person, their perceptions quickly shifted. This foreign woman exuded an air of wealth and refinement. Her looks, her attire, everything about her was tasteful, and she carried herself with an aura that was nearly untouchable.

For a moment, the united front these women had planned to use to subtly snub Madam Liu began to crumble under the sheer force of her presence.

As the hostess, He Zhen was unusually warm and welcoming, ushering Liu Mian Tang to a seat with genuine hospitality. The third Miss of the He family had thoughtfully organized various amusements for the tea party—flower arranging and card games to pass the time.

However, Madam Liu seemed unfamiliar with these idle pastimes favored by women of status. She simply smiled and watched, observing the others with an air of calm detachment.

Amongst women, gatherings like this often lacked the intense competitiveness seen among men. The conversation drifted casually, with no particular direction.

To Liu Mian Tang, it was not so different from the gossip exchanged on the benches outside homes in North Street—save for the absence of a few roasted sunflower seeds.

The difference, however, lay in the nature of the stories being exchanged. The women here engaged in conversations far more colorful than the usual back-and-forth about neighbors on North Street.

For example, they spoke of the town's garrison officer whose nephew had mysteriously disappeared for some time. His wife, left in limbo, had taken her family to the local magistrate to demand a divorce so she could be free from the misery of waiting for him in vain.

At this point in the conversation, He Zhen subtly turned the discussion toward Liu Mian Tang, curious to see if she knew anything about the situation.

Liu Mian Tang maintained a composed demeanor, appearing entirely unaware of the discussion about the missing garrison officer's nephew. She had no intention of mentioning the scandal involving the man who had scaled her family's walls, especially since her husband had paid a considerable sum to silence the officials and prevent any damage to her reputation.

Seeing that she could not be drawn into the conversation, He Zhen smoothly shifted topics and continued chatting with a smile.

The ladies from the porcelain merchant families were particularly interested in the upcoming wedding of high-ranking officials. Such events meant exquisite porcelain decorations and custom-made wedding dishware, which represented lucrative business opportunities.

Liu Mian Tang perked up at the mention of the future Princess Consort of Huaiyang, Miss Lian, her eyes sparkling as she listened to the ladies discuss her.

Li Mama, however, maintained her usual stern demeanor. A few times, as the excited conversation continued, the ladies looked up only to find Li Mama glaring at them with her wide, intimidating eyes.

When the third young lady, He Zhen, heard this, her face went pale and she looked quite distressed.

Liu Mian Tang, quietly enjoying her refreshments and observing, could tell that some of the ladies were deliberately watching He Zhen's reaction. It was clear there was some underlying context or scandal to their remarks.

After the tea party ended, Liu Mian Tang, having drunk too much tea, went with Li Mama to a nearby room to attend to her needs.

As she emerged, she overheard two departing ladies whispering behind a rock garden:

"Look at how pale Miss He turned just now; she really took it to heart. She's not young anymore, still delaying marriage, and she's dreaming of becoming a consort in the Prince Mansion. It's like a pipe dream! And Master He, her father, doesn't even control her!"

The second lady, who seemed well-acquainted with the He family, whispered back:

"How can they control her? They can't! Everyone says Prince Huaiyang is so handsome that once a young lady sees him, she’s doomed to fall for him. Miss He now doesn’t look at anyone else…”

The two ladies, unaware that someone was behind the rock garden, laughed quietly and then left the area.

Liu Mian Tang was surprised by the overheard gossip about He Zhen’s reluctance to marry. It was evident that even high-society gatherings could be as filled with gossip and personal misfortunes as the less refined circles of North Street.

Sighing softly, Liu Mian Tang turned around and saw He Zhen standing behind her, visibly tense and clearly having overheard the conversation. The atmosphere had become somewhat awkward.

Liu Mian Tang, initially intending to pretend she hadn’t heard and politely excuse herself, found it hard to ignore the distressed look on He Zhen’s face. Deciding to address the situation directly, she said:

“Miss He, how can you let people talk about you like that? Come, let me help you confront those ladies and make them apologize.”

He Zhen, with a wry smile, replied, “They are speaking the truth. I have no grounds to force them to apologize.”

Liu Mian Tang, who respected the capable and practical nature of the third young lady, was surprised by her apparent naivety in matters of marriage. It seemed strange that someone so intelligent and practical would harbor such unrealistic hopes of becoming a consort to Prince Huaiyang instead of focusing on a proper marriage.

At a loss for words, Liu Mian Tang could only awkwardly say, “Miss He, you’re being a bit misguided in this matter.”

He Zhen, surprisingly calm, took a deep breath and composed herself. She replied with determination, “You don’t understand. When you fall for a man like that, other men seem like mere mud in a ditch. What’s the big deal with becoming a concubine? I’d rather remain unmarried for life than settle for someone else…”

With her expression set, He Zhen coolly added, “It’s getting late. I must ask you, Madam Cui, to return to your residence.” She then turned and swiftly led her maid away, not looking back.

With the host having given her the dismissal, Liu Mian Tang knew it was time to leave the uncomfortable situation. Once she had returned to her own home, she remarked to Li Mama, “It’s astonishing that such a foolish woman exists. With no financial worries and good looks, why would she willingly become a concubine? It seems Prince Huaiyang must be quite the scoundrel, likely deceiving young ladies with his charm.”

Li Mama, somewhat caught off guard by Liu Mian Tang's candid remarks, was just in time to hear Prince Huaiyang arriving back from his visit. As the curtains rustled, she realized Liu Mian Tang’s criticism was now directed at the very man they were discussing.

Li Mama sighed inwardly and, seeing Liu Mian Tang happily greeting her husband, decided it was best to leave the scene. Having worked in the household for so long and accumulated some wealth, she preferred to avoid such contentious situations and retire to a more peaceful setting.

As soon as Cui Xingzhou entered the house, he overheard Liu Mian Tang angrily criticizing him. Initially, he feared she might have suddenly regained her memory and was about to confront him about past grievances.

However, much to his surprise, Liu Mian Tang greeted him with the enthusiasm of a happy little rabbit, eagerly helping him change clothes and clean up. She seemed to be acting perfectly normal, without any hint of the earlier outburst.

Upon further inquiry, Cui Xingzhou realized that he had unknowingly accumulated another romantic entanglement in Lingquan Town, one that he was completely unaware of. He had no recollection of the so-called Miss He or any deliberate action on his part that might have led to her desire to become a concubine.

[The author adds a note:] Meow~~~~ Cui Jiu: Why am I accumulating so many debts without knowing?

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