Chapter 32: Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" (Are You the One)


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 Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" / Are You the One

 Chapter 32: 


Liu Mian Tang couldn’t make sense of the ledger, but she instinctively said, “Don’t report this to the young master just yet. I will sort out the accounts myself…”

She then buried herself in the desk, starting to reorganize the accounts meticulously. Somehow, Liu Mian Tang knew she was making adjustments, turning the ledger into a fictitious account, and vast amounts of silver were flowing out in tiny streams from the main ledger…

Next, she watched as carriages passed by, although she couldn’t see what was inside the boxes, she clearly understood that the carriages were filled with boxes of silver and banknotes…

When Liu Mian Tang woke up from a throbbing headache, she felt both exhausted from the dream's frenzy and unsettled by its absurdity. Even if she sold all of her husband's shops, how could she possibly have so much silver? And how could she, like a corrupt official, be falsifying accounts? Had she been confused by the thief's words, leading to such a chaotic dream?

Yet the dream felt too real, making it difficult for her to shake off the disorientation…

She opened her eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling beams.

"You’re awake. Would you like some water?" 

Cui Xingzhou, who had been sitting nearby, put down his book and asked.

It was now night, and the candlelight on the table was faint, casting a weak glow.

Liu Mian Tang turned her head weakly to look at him, feeling disoriented as if she had returned to the initial bewilderment of waking from a serious illness. She tried to sit up but found herself too weak, and asked feebly, "How did I faint?"

Cui Xingzhou said calmly, "The thief you knocked out woke up and ambushed you. How do you feel? Do you remember anything?"

Liu Mian Tang looked at her husband’s handsome and cultured face and felt a fleeting suspicion, wondering if it was too far-fetched to even consider that he might have been the one to knock her out.

Such a thought seemed absurd to her, so she swallowed it and only hoarsely asked, "My head hurts badly... Who were those people? How could they be so audacious as to demand money from me?"

Cui Xingzhou, recalling the recent report from his dark guards after interrogating the criminals, responded, "Those people turned out to be quite hardened. Nine out of ten of them refused to talk, but one finally spoke after being tortured with hot irons."

According to the interrogated thief, Liu Mian Tang had originally left from Yangshan and personally created a false account, making off with a large sum of money from the bandit group. Because the accounts were meticulously done and the bandit’s assets were spread across various locations, the discrepancies went unnoticed until now. It was only when a woman named Miss Yun, who took over the accounting, discovered the discrepancies that they were sent to find Liu Mian Tang.

When the dark guards pressed for more details about Miss Yun's background, who the young master was, and how Liu Mian Tang came into contact with such a large amount of money, the thief rasped, "Our young master is..."

Before the thief could finish speaking, another dying bandit suddenly lifted his head and ejected a concealed poison needle from his mouth, killing the informant instantly. Following this, the remaining bandits exchanged glances and all chose to bite their own tongues, committing suicide.

The dark guards, taken aback by the bandits' unwavering resolve and their trained death-seeking behavior, were left without any live prisoners for interrogation.

Cui Xingzhou, with a stern face, listened to the dark guards’ report and pieced together the situation.

Lu Wen was indeed an odd character, having a habit of letting his women handle the accounts. Even more alarming was that this group of bandits possessed immense assets and had industries spread across various locations. Their ambitions were evidently substantial, making it difficult to understand why they would so readily surrender.

What exactly was Lu Wen’s background?

As for Liu Mian Tang’s involvement in embezzling a large sum of money, Cui Xingzhou had no doubts. Given her current behavior, she certainly had the audacity and capability for such actions. It was no wonder she had her tendons cut back then.

However, Liu Mian Tang could not recall her time in the bandit’s lair, but the bandits were unaware of this. If they had managed to capture her, it was easy to imagine her fate would have been worse than death.

Since the settlement of Lu Wen’s surrender, Cui Xingzhou had been considering withdrawing from the North Street residence. However, he had been somewhat lazy and decided to wait and see the situation. Little did he expect it would reveal such a major hidden secret.

It seemed the North Street residence could not be abandoned just yet. He needed to strengthen the defenses, continue to investigate, and uncover the background of that Young Master Zi Yu and the woman named Miss Yun mentioned by the bandits.

More importantly, he needed to understand what role Liu Mian Tang had played in the Mount Yangshan incident.


For some reason, Liu Mian Tang noticed that since the encounter with the bandits on the street, her husband’s time at home had increased significantly.

Except for going out for half a day during lunch, he usually stayed at home in the afternoon, playing chess and reading with her. He seemed completely relaxed and content, as if he had become lazy and returned to a life of domestic tranquility.

Liu Mian Tang noticed that many times, her husband’s gaze was sharp, carrying an air of investigation.

Although it was a good thing for her husband to be home more often, Liu Mian Tang felt the need to ask him about the reason.

When she inquired, Cui Xingzhou replied calmly, "I’ve been learning for so long, but my chess skills haven't improved much. I might as well stop."

Liu Mian Tang was shocked by this revelation. She hadn’t expected to diminish her husband’s enthusiasm for learning chess. But she was also puzzled, "I used to not know how to play chess. Does my husband know who I learned from?"

Having just finished a game of chess with her, Cui Xingzhou, while collecting the pieces, looked at her with a slightly cold smile and said nonchalantly, "I don’t know for sure, but it’s probably from Young Master Zi Yu..."

Liu Mian Tang reflected on how familiar that Zi Yu’s chess-playing style seemed to her and began to think that her husband’s words might indeed be true. She wondered why she had engaged so closely with someone other than her husband while he was away. How many games of chess must one play to develop such skill?

Her interest in chess vanished, and she decided to shift her focus. She picked up some fabric from a basket and began measuring it against Cui Xingzhou.

With summer coming to an end and the weather turning cooler, her husband would need more clothes. While outer garments should be bought to ensure a proper fit, inner garments should be made by his wife to be more personal and caring.

Due to her recent illness, Liu Mian Tang had forgotten some of the duties of a wife. Fortunately, she often sat on benches outside various shops on North Street, where she learned about the changing seasons and the tasks of a housewife. Now she felt prepared to make clothes for her husband, following the practices she had observed from other women.

Since Mo Ru had brought back a box of clothes for her husband, Liu Mian Tang took out one of Cui Xingzhou’s old inner garments and used it as a template to cut the new fabric. After several days of painstaking sewing, she finally managed to produce something that resembled the original.

Cui Xingzhou stood up, allowing Liu Mian Tang to measure and adjust the fabric on him.

Although Liu Mian Tang was taller compared to most women from Jiangnan, she still looked quite small beside his tall and sturdy frame.

Unlike her sharp and efficient demeanor in business, Liu Mian Tang was quite clumsy with needlework. She had already had to adjust the sleeves three or four times.

He lowered his eyes, observing her as she carefully measured the waistline and, after some consideration, smiled with satisfaction. Her radiant smile was captivating, but to Cui Xingzhou, it only made him feel more unsettled.

Lately, he had been preoccupied with the thought: was this woman, while staying by Zi Yu’s side, merely enduring hardship or had she genuinely developed feelings for him? 

Even if she had started as a virtuous woman, if she was captured by such a refined man and became his wife or concubine, could she have developed some genuine affection? Otherwise, why would she willingly handle his accounts?

However, considering that this woman had the audacity to embezzle the bandits' money, Cui Xingzhou found it slightly easier to forgive Liu Mian Tang.

At least she knew to return to the right path and avoid associating with those bandits and outlaws.

But how did she dare to take such a large sum of silver? Having lived as a fake couple with her for so long, he could sense her character. Although she valued money, she was certainly not someone who would betray her principles for profit. Furthermore, how could a delicate woman like her embezzle such a large amount?

Moreover, no one had sought her out until Zi Yu discovered she was still alive and came looking for her.

Recalling what the bandit had said about a woman named "Yun," Cui Xingzhou sneered.

Bandits are indeed treacherous. The idea that someone would let their lover manage the accounts suggests that Liu Mian Tang had fallen out of favor, and a new favorite had taken her place. The accounts were likely transferred to this new “head wife.”

It was unclear who the new favorite might have colluded with to embezzle the money and frame Liu Mian Tang, the discarded concubine.

Cui Xingzhou was well-acquainted with the ruthless and scheming women from his father's household. Having grown up amidst their dirty tactics, he could piece together the general situation with relative ease.

As Cui Xingzhou reflected on Liu Mian Tang's plight, he remembered how she had once been drifting helplessly in the river, on the verge of death. No matter how shrewd or capable she was, she had been exploited and discarded like trash, thrown into the river to float away.

When Liu Mian Tang finished measuring the fabric and looked up, she saw her husband staring at her intently. However, his gaze was cold and distant, conveying an unmistakable sense of detachment.

She couldn’t help but hesitate, glancing down at her own clothes and belatedly noticing that the sleeves were uneven—one long and one short.

“Oh no!” she exclaimed in embarrassment. No wonder her husband looked at her that way; the sleeves had gone wrong again.

“Dear husband, do you think I am too clumsy?” She no longer looked at him, but instead threw the clothes back into the ragged basket in frustration.

Cui Xingzhou, snapping out of his reverie, found her embarrassment somewhat amusing. Seeing her so flustered, he said gently, “You’re so adept with the abacus; a bit of clumsiness with needlework only makes you more endearing. If you were perfect at everything, what would become of the other young women?”

His words were like a small light, brightening Liu Mian Tang’s downcast face. She looked at him with renewed affection, feeling that even his compliments, though understated, were particularly pleasing and heartfelt.

However, since her husband had given up on learning chess, it was only natural for him to manage the shop in the future.

“Dear husband, since you think I’m decent with the abacus, would you be willing to learn how to use it from me tomorrow? Also, the shop's accounts give me a headache; it would be better if you could take over managing them.”

Cui Xingzhou was taken aback by her suggestion and hesitated, frowning slightly. “You should handle the shop’s matters.”

Liu Mian Tang, who was helping him out of his clothes, blushed when she heard this. Shyly, she said, “The ladies from the street, like Madam Yin, keep asking when the Cui household will have an addition. They say that copper and silver are of the yin nature, so if we wish to conceive, we should be cautious. I thought that since you're not young anymore, it might be a good idea to rest and adjust your health…”

As she continued, her voice grew softer. Although what she said was reasonable, it felt awkward coming from her own lips. To make matters worse, her mother-in-law had passed away, and there was no one to push for an heir, leaving her to broach the subject herself with a face as red as a sunset.

Oh no, would her husband think she was lonely in bed and was urging him to resolve his issues so they could be a couple?

Cui Xingzhou seemed to misunderstand. He looked down at Liu Mian Tang, whose face was flushed with a rosy glow that extended all the way to her neck.

Given that this woman had shared the same bed with him for over a month, although he had upheld the gentleman's decorum and had not touched her, her reputation had still been tarnished.

In the past, Cui Xingzhou would have sent her to a nunnery. However, he had shown rare kindness and decided to let her establish her own life. 

But now, it seemed that the bandits from Yangshan were not going to let her go. Even after clearing out the bandits, there might still be stragglers. If someone were to come after her again, threatening her as they had before, how could a woman with both hands and feet incapacitated protect herself?

For the moment, Cui Xingzhou was deeply concerned about finding a suitable husband for her. Marquis Zhao Quan of South Town was indeed fond of her, but his lazy and slack demeanor was unlikely to offer the protection Liu Mian Tang needed. There was a real risk that he might end up causing more harm than good.

After much contemplation, Cui Xingzhou decided not to dwell on it further. He gently reached out and patted her head, soothing her like a child. “You’re in poor health and need to rest. In the future... I will definitely give you a child.”

Liu Mian Tang hadn’t realized that her husband had been considering her health and had refrained from consummating their marriage for her sake. She felt that her previous words had been too hasty. Forgetting her embarrassment, she embraced his slender waist and buried her face in his chest, laughing happily.

Cui Xingzhou looked at her with a hint of resignation. He suddenly felt that everything was coming together, and taking Liu Mian Tang as a concubine wouldn’t be an issue. 

His future father-in-law’s family had already been investigating. They had misunderstood his intentions, thinking he had taken in a concubine. His cousin, Lian Binglan, hadn't even asked about it. As long as he settled the Lian family’s issues and provided them with sufficient benefits, it seemed that the Lian family tacitly accepted the arrangement.

With that settled, everything would naturally fall into place. After all, he wouldn’t be elevating Liu Mian Tang to the main wife, which would otherwise undermine Lian Binglan’s future status as the mistress of the Prince residence.

As for Liu Mian Tang, he would clear up the misunderstandings and reveal the truth to her. As long as she was willing, he would provide her with a dignified and prosperous life, ensuring her safety and well-being.

With this thought, Cui Xingzhou felt a sudden sense of relief, as if the recent discomfort had been resolved.

For a moment, the "husband and wife" of North Street both felt their emotional burdens lighten, and they settled back into bed together.

The two of them didn't fall asleep immediately. Liu Mian Tang nestled in Cui Xingzhou's arms and began discussing some domestic trifles. Their conversation soon shifted to her recent chaotic dreams.

Perhaps due to the head injury from the bandit, she had been dreaming a lot lately, with her dreams being fragmented and disjointed. For several nights, she had been preoccupied with transporting silver and exchanging notes.

Usually, she would wake up alone in bed, feeling disoriented and unsure of the time. Fortunately, her husband had been home frequently recently and would sleep with her at night. Whenever she had a dream, he would carefully wake her and ask what she had dreamt about.

During the quiet of the night, having someone speak to her dispelled the feeling of loneliness.

Despite the dreams, Liu Mian Tang still felt uneasy and hesitated to ask her husband, “Husband, has the government mentioned the background of those people? Why did they rob the road? Could it be… that I really took someone else’s money?”

Cui Xingzhou, absent-mindedly twirling Liu Mian Tang's long hair, asked, “It’s just a dream. But would you really take someone else’s money?”

Liu Mian Tang thought seriously for a moment and replied, “Why would I take someone else’s? If it’s not mine, whether it’s money or anything else, I wouldn’t want it even if it were given to me!”

Her words were also a declaration to her husband that she would never be swayed by men like the so-called Master Zi Yu or Zhao Quan, who had numerous wives and concubines. She wouldn’t even look at them, let alone be tempted by their sweet talk!

Cui Xingzhou simply lifted the corner of his mouth and said nothing further.

Meanwhile, in the secluded residence of Miss Yun in Yangshan, the situation was quite different. She was fuming and had just smashed a cup in frustration.

“How could this be? She’s already crippled and lost her martial arts skills, married to an ordinary merchant. How could none of the Dragon Guards return?”

Her confidant, Yanchi, cautiously added, “I’ve looked into it. It seems that on that day, there were indeed people stopping carriages in the streets. Coincidentally, a group of soldiers in plain clothes from the nearby Lingquan Town were out, and they managed to capture them for questioning. However, there were reports of their bodies being taken out of the official’s prison in Lingquan Town. It appears they didn’t divulge anything or switch sides…”

Miss Yun gritted her teeth, her brows furrowed tightly, and said, “Liu Mian Tang is so audacious! Not only did she move the hidden revenue from the bandit camp’s businesses, but she also took the private property left by the Crown Prince. She... she is so greedy, betraying the deep feelings the young master had for her!”

After uttering these words, Miss Yun paced anxiously. With the large number of soldiers and the dwindling funds in the bandit camp, if they couldn’t find that money, there would be very little left. Without funds to pay her subordinates, she would have no choice but to resort to more robberies.

At that moment, someone outside announced, “Miss Yun, the young master requests your presence in his study.”

The maid, Huaping, looked worried. Once the messenger had left, she whispered to her mistress, “What should we do? Will the young master find out about the money that was used by the general’s men?”

Miss Yun shot her a sharp look and replied, “Don’t worry. Just pin it all on Liu Mian Tang. Compared to the vast amount of money she’s hidden, the amount my father took is just a drop in the bucket!”

Feeling somewhat reassured, Miss Yun changed her clothes and tidied her hair before heading to the young master’s study.

Zi Yu had refined taste. Outside the study was a cluster of precious jade bamboos, and inside, the calligraphy and paintings were all by renowned masters. Each piece was priceless.

Zi Yu stood by the window, listening to his subordinates report on various matters. Dressed in a black fox fur coat, he appeared unperturbed by the summer heat, as the mountain's chill after the rain seemed to bother him.

Miss Yun, observing him staring out at the bamboo grove that Liu Mian Tang had specifically planted for him, felt a pang of discomfort. 

She walked over slowly, bowed respectfully, and said, “It has just rained. Young Master, you should stay away from the window to avoid catching a chill…” She approached him, intending to adjust his collar.

However, the usually gentle young master roughly brushed her hand away and stared at her intently. “Why did you secretly send people down the mountain to trouble Liu Mian Tang?”

Yun Niang bit her lip, tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at Zi Yu with a tearful and pitiful expression. "Young Master, if you think of me this way, it would be unthinkable for me to have been so desperate. If it weren’t for the fact that the accounts of the bandit camp couldn’t be reconciled, I wouldn't have been so anxious to check the accounts and discovered Sister Liu’s mistakes. I only sent people to find out about the large sums of money she might have taken. How can it be said that I was seeking trouble for her?"

Although Miss Yun's appearance was charming and delicate, it paled in comparison to Liu Mian Tang’s radiant beauty. However, her gentle and refined demeanor made it hard for men to treat her harshly, as they were instinctively inclined to be kind and considerate toward her.

At this moment, Miss Yun’s voice trembled slightly, resembling a frightened rabbit. Anyone with a compassionate heart would find it hard to remain stern.

Zi Yu seemed to realize that his tone had been too harsh. Seeing Miss Yun’s tearful eyes, he softened his voice. "Liu Mian Tang has always been methodical in her actions. Why did you act on your own without consulting me, causing such a mess? It has attracted the attention of the authorities and resulted in the deaths of six loyal subordinates. How will you handle this?"

Miss Yun, feeling helpless, spoke in a soft and weak voice, "I only instructed them to inquire, and I didn’t mean to cause difficulties for Sister Liu. How could she, who once showed such loyalty, now call the authorities to deal with her former loyal subordinates?"

"Shut up! Didn’t the scouts say that it was merely bad luck that they happened to run into Prince Huaiyang’s guards in civilian clothing? How could Liu Mian Tang have the ability to command the Prince Huaiyang's subordinates at will?"

Zi Yu's anger was ignited further by Miss Yun’s attempt to shift blame onto Liu Mian Tang.

At this moment, Master Qin, who was strategizing with Zi Yu, spoke up. "Young Master, Miss Yun was only anxious about the discrepancies in the accounts, which led her to send people down the mountain to inquire. She could not have anticipated such an outcome. There’s no need to be too upset."

[Author's Note:] Meow~~ Mian Tang: Who says I'm the only one good with an abacus? Everyone’s abacus is clicking away~~

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