Chapter 31: Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" (Are You the One)


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 Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" / Are You the One

 Chapter 31: 


At the beginning of this month, the merchant association was set to have another meeting.

The assembled masters were all waiting for Madam Cui from the Burned Jade Porcelain Studio to arrive so they could confront her about the obstructive measures she had put in place.

One by one, the merchants gathered early, having already prepared their statements and strategies to pressure Madam Cui into compliance. However, Madam Cui did not appear, no matter how long they waited.

Master He, growing anxious, sent his servant to the Burned Jade Porcelain Studio to inquire about her whereabouts.

The servant returned, reporting that Madam Cui was not at the shop but at her residence on North Street. When the servant went there, the door was slightly ajar, and a sour-faced old woman answered. She said, “Our lady has mentioned that it is not convenient for her to speak with gentlemen, so she will not come and make things awkward. Today, she is feeling unwell, so please do not disturb her!”

When the servant relayed this message back to the meeting hall, the merchants were initially stunned. They then erupted into furious complaints, cursing Madam Cui and criticizing how her husband managed her. They felt that Madam Cui’s arrogance and rudeness were a grave insult to their industry, questioning how her husband allowed her to be so disrespectful and offend their collective interests.

Despite their venting frustrations, the merchants were still at a loss for how to solve the problem of transporting the large quantity of clay. 

Previously, there had been a few boats available for use, but recently, the Water Bureau had requisitioned even those, leaving the porcelain kilns without their essential raw materials. Master He was frantic, realizing that failing to deliver the imperial order could lead to severe consequences.

The position of handling the imperial supply was enviable, but if anything went wrong, it would be a grave offense punishable by death.

Miss He, sitting silently nearby, understood that Madam Cui was likely retaliating for the previous slight from her father and family. It was clear that Madam Cui intended to use this opportunity to exact revenge.

To resolve the issue, they needed to soften their stance and seek Madam Cui’s leniency to allow the clay to be transported through the shortcut via Shuangling Village. However, asking her father to bow down was a significant blow to the He family’s pride. So, Miss He decided to take matters into her own hands and negotiate.

The next day, Miss He prepared a gift box containing ginseng, exotic bird's nest from the South Seas, and several large boxes of honeyed fruits. She went to the Cui residence on North Street to visit the "ailing" Madam Cui.

This time, the stern-faced gatekeeper, Li Mama, opened the door. Miss He entered with a warm smile, exuding friendliness as if meeting an old friend. She approached Madam Cui, who was reclining in bed with a head wrap, and greeted her with the concern and affection of long-time sisters, taking her hand and inquiring about her well-being.

"Madam Cui, it's only been a few days since we last met. How did you come to be so ill?" Miss He asked with a look of genuine concern.

Madam Cui, half-reclining with her hair loosely gathered, appeared convincingly unwell. She sighed and responded, "This is a chronic condition I've suffered from for years, and it occasionally flares up into severe headaches. In the past, I spent a great deal of money in the capital to treat it, nearly exhausting my husband's savings. Fortunately, I found a good doctor who prescribed a remedy. The medicine requires specific conditions for its effectiveness—water and lush vegetation, away from the dust of travel and noise. Thankfully, I managed to acquire some good land recently, which should be perfect for growing the necessary herbs to extend my life... Miss He, I appreciate you taking the time to visit me despite your busy schedule."

Miss He, hearing this, forced a strained smile. She hadn't expected that her brief, polite inquiry would be met with such a comprehensive account of Madam Cui's struggles.

From Madam Cui's words, it seemed that the land in Shuangling Village was meant for growing life-saving herbs and needed to be away from the noise and dust of travel. The implication was that if anyone tried to use that route, it would be as if they were endangering Madam Cui's life.

So, after Madam Cui finished describing her ailments, and asked if Miss He had any other matters, even the eloquent Miss He found herself at a loss for words.

However, as the delay in the imperial assignment was critical and the livelihood of her entire family depended on it, Miss He had no choice but to brace herself and say: "Mrs. Cui, you should be aware that with the canal construction, all the boats have been requisitioned. Our town's porcelain workshops are struggling with the lack of clay supply, which is quite troubling. However, I heard that your shop has a large stock of clay. If it's convenient, could you possibly spare some to our He family to alleviate this urgent situation?"

When Mian Tang heard this, she frowned slightly, looking troubled. "Miss He, if you were asking for something else, it might be feasible. However, asking for clay is a bit difficult. To be honest, our studio has also received a major order recently and is in urgent need of clay. If we were to spare some for you, it would delay our order and damage the reputation we’ve worked hard to build."

Miss He had anticipated this refusal and quickly responded, "The price is negotiable; we are willing to pay a high price."

It was clear that Madam Cui intended to take advantage of the situation, so Miss He decided to meet her demands, hoping to resolve the urgent issue for the He family and then deal with the rest.

The plan was that once the canal was completed and the waterways restored next year, there would be more boats available, and Madam Cui would have less leverage. However, one issue was that while the He family had the resources to manage this challenge, other shops in Lingquan Town might not have the funds to afford the high-priced clay from the Cui family.

By cornering the market in this way, the Cui family could indeed make a profit but risk alienating other businesses in Lingquan Town. It remained to be seen how they would manage their standing in the town after such a maneuver.

So, regardless of how high a price Mian Tang might demand, Miss He was prepared to agree to it, even if it meant spending a lot of money, to damage the Cui family's reputation and drive this outsider out of Lingquan Town without a fight.

However, Mian Tang, hearing that Miss He was willing to pay a high price for the clay, smiled gently and said, "Miss He, you must know that my husband is well-educated. Our Cui family is not the sort to profit from the misfortune of our neighbors. How could we heartlessly profit from the people of our own town? Moreover, our business is making porcelain, not selling clay!"

Miss He, upon hearing this, found it difficult to gauge Mian Tang's true intentions. She had spent nearly half the day trying to persuade Mian Tang, and after much effort, Mian Tang finally revealed a hint of her thoughts: "In truth, if we could make more money from our shop, we might be able to buy the life-saving herbs we need from elsewhere... but the orders we're receiving now are quite small. If we could secure orders as large as yours or from other merchants handling imperial assignments, it would help us greatly."

Miss He realized that Mian Tang was subtly hinting at the need for more substantial orders to alleviate their predicament. It was clear that solving the issue required more than just agreeing to a high price; it needed strategic negotiation and perhaps a larger order to make the deal beneficial for both sides.

Miss He finally understood Mian Tang’s intentions: she wanted a share of the lucrative imperial contracts for herself!

With both parties having clarified their positions, the matter could now be resolved. Miss He stated that the situation was significant and needed to be discussed with her father.

Mian Tang, despite her frail condition, personally escorted Miss He to the door, kindly urging her to discuss the matter with her father quickly. She warned that if the medicinal herbs in their Shuangling fields grew larger, they would be reluctant to clear the path for transportation.

When Miss He relayed this message to her father, Master He was furious and slammed the table again, exclaiming that the Cui family was overstepping their bounds, trying to secure imperial contracts without considering their own foundation.

However, Miss He persuaded Master He, saying that since Mian Tang was keen on making money from the imperial contracts, they should let her do so. Moreover, the coloring techniques used by the her Porcelain Studio were quite impressive, and if they could be utilized by the He family, it would undoubtedly enhance their business.

Master He realized his daughter's intention. After all, the porcelain items contracted by the He family would ultimately bear their name. Even if Mian Tang was exceptionally skilled, she was merely a tool for the He family’s needs. Once the urgent imperial wedding project was completed, they could deal with the Burned Jade Porcelain Workshop later.

Master He understood that his daughter had a sharp mind and was more thorough in her approach. For now, the best course of action was to invite the woman named Liu to join forces and get through the immediate challenge.

Thus, the regular monthly business meeting in Lingquan Town was disrupted this time, and an additional meeting was called the day after Miss He visited Mian Tang.

Mian Tang did attend the meeting, but she was an hour late.

When Madam Liu entered, she repeatedly apologized, explaining that as a woman, her appearance and preparation took extra time, causing the delay.

The merchants of Lingquan Town welcomed her with smiles, praising her for her attention to the meeting and her effort to look presentable.

The meeting continued, and the distribution of the imperial contracts was discussed once more. The most lucrative job, which was the detailed coloring of porcelain, was awarded to the Burned Jade Porcelain Studio. Originally, this task was to be monopolized by the He family, and Master He was reluctant to give it up. However, Madam Liu was demanding this specific task alone and refused the other smaller jobs.

The other merchants, relieved that Madam Liu was not interested in their lesser contracts, supported her request and urged Master He to agree.

Master He was furious and nearly lost his temper, but his daughter, Miss He, discreetly stepped on his foot to calm him.

In the end, Master He relented, and Madam Liu, in a show of sincerity, spoke about her illness, claiming she was willing to sacrifice her health and delay her treatment for the good of Lingquan Town and to serve the Emperor.

Madam Liu, with her delicate appearance and the high-quality cosmetics she had used, appeared genuinely frail, convincing many that her condition was severe and that she was indeed sacrificing for the greater good.

The merchants nodded in agreement, acknowledging Madam Liu’s broad-mindedness and dedication.

However, Master He was privately enraged, thinking that Madam Liu’s so-called “life-saving herbs” were nothing more than ordinary vegetables like cabbage and scallions, which were unlikely to cure any serious illness.

After the meeting, Madam Liu received an advance payment for her imperial contract work. The deposit for the porcelain coloring task alone amounted to eight hundred taels of silver notes, with the promise of an additional sum upon completion.

Madam Liu had not previously known the amount of money involved in the imperial contracts. Now, with the substantial silver notes in her hands, she finally understood why the other merchants had flattered and pandered to the He family. The profits involved were indeed very tempting!

While the Burned Jade Porcelain Studio was making a substantial profit, over in the military camp, Cui Xingzhou, having heard the recent progress of the water bureau's work, finally relaxed his expression with satisfaction and waved for the reporting official to leave.

However, the official had another matter to report and cautiously asked, “Your Highness, you previously ordered that all the ships within a hundred-mile radius of the county be requisitioned. Now that the construction is nearly complete, can the requisitioned ships be released from their duties?”

In fact, there was no real need for the water bureau to have been so urgent in requisitioning fishing boats. Cui Xingzhou had not given it much thought at the time; his decision had been a spontaneous act of leniency, considering the empty hole under the bed in the northern street residence and extending a bit of convenience to the young woman who was preparing to play hardball.

It had been a casual comment at the time, and he had not thought much about it afterward. Hearing the official now brought the matter back to his mind, and he wondered how that Madam Liu’s situation was progressing.

Nevertheless, the prolonged requisition of fishing boats had indeed impacted the livelihoods of the people. Thus, with a wave of his hand, the Prince Huaiyang agreed to release some of the ships from their duties.

However, during his leisure time, when he went to the northern street to eat, he learned from Mian Tang that she had successfully blackmailed the situation.

But hearing that Liu Mian Tang had taken on the business from the He family, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

To be honest, the initial purchase of the shop was merely to settle her mind. He hadn’t expected that within just over a month, she would expand the business so much.

"You act so boldly; aren't you worried that the He family might meddle with the porcelain in your shop, using various excuses to sabotage you?"

Mian Tang smiled sweetly and replied, "My dear husband, you think so thoroughly. However, these shops are actually just tools for making a living; they bear the name of the He family. If they were to tamper with the porcelain, it would only tarnish their own reputation, causing them to be implicated. For now, we have just established ourselves on the northern street and must manage well. Though it might seem like our shop is under someone else's shadow, one day our shop’s name will proudly be on the royal imperial porcelain!"

Mian Tang had made a grand statement, but Liu Xingzhou merely smiled slightly and said, "If you enjoy it, dedicate yourself to doing it well. It's not just for me; even for your own sake, you should manage it diligently. It’s a way to earn your own livelihood."

After all, once this matter is settled, the shop and house will be entirely hers. If Liu Mian Tang manages them well, she benefits herself.

Liu Xingzhou, though rarely this relaxed, was providing guidance, which Mian Tang saw as encouragement to boldly pursue her endeavors.

With such trust from her husband, Mian Tang’s eyes sparkled with admiration, looking at him with a glimmering, almost autumnal gaze.

Liu Xingzhou, accustomed to her affectionate looks, calmly placed a piece of fish into her bowl and said, "Eat quickly; didn’t you say you’d head back to the shop to check on the porcelain being delivered?"

Realizing her gaze had been somewhat forward and unseemly for a virtuous wife, Mian Tang playfully smiled and then promptly began eating.

After finishing her meal and rinsing her mouth with bamboo salt, Mian Tang tidied up and prepared to leave.

Liu Xingzhou was also heading out that day. Apart from enjoying Li Mama's cooking, the primary reason for his visit to Lingquan Town was to pay respects to a retired high official returning to his hometown. Noting the time, he decided to accompany Mian Tang in leaving.

The prince’s carriage would happen to pass by the Porcelain Shop, and Liu Xingzhou hesitated momentarily. Deciding it wouldn’t be appropriate to leave Mian Tang behind, he invited her to join him in the carriage.

This was Mian Tang’s first outing with her husband, and she felt a sweet sense of happiness. Sitting demurely beside Liu Xingzhou, she savored the subtle, refreshing scent that clung to him, reminiscent of bamboo.

As the carriage rolled out from the northern street, the town still appeared quiet, with few people returning from their midday rest. The carriage glided slowly over the stone-paved road towards the porcelain shop.

As the carriage turned into a secluded street, several burly men suddenly jumped down from the high walls on either side. Two of them approached and held the driver by the neck, while the others took up positions at the alley entrance, clearly organized for an ambush.

One of the men tore down the curtain, glaring at Liu Xingzhou without a word. He brandished a sharp sword, pointing it menacingly at Liu Mian Tang’s throat, and spoke in a cold, sinister tone: “Miss Liu, you might have left quietly before, but why did you secretly hide the money your master had painstakingly gathered? The account book has revealed discrepancies, and your master has instructed that if you return the money, he will overlook the matter!”

The statement was baffling to Liu Mian Tang. Confused, she furrowed her brows and asked, “Who is your master? I haven’t taken anything. You must have mistaken me for someone else.”

The thug, seeing Liu Mian Tang's denial, let out a cold laugh and grew impatient. He intended to pull Liu Mian Tang from the carriage and bind her without further discussion.

As for the man sitting beside Liu Mian Tang, the thug didn't even spare him a glance. They had been informed in advance by Miss Yun that Liu Mian Tang was married to a mere merchant, a useless and indulgent playboy. It was expected that such a man would be more concerned with his own safety. If he dared to interfere, the thugs would make sure to deal with him severely.

However, just as the thug's hand was about to reach Liu Mian Tang, the seemingly idle man spoke up calmly: “I don’t know how much money she allegedly took, but I will pay it for her.”

The leading thug nearly laughed himself silly upon hearing this. He sneered, “Three million taels of pure silver—do you think you can afford that? Just get out of the way!”

As he spoke, he swung his sword, aiming to slash the pretty-boy’s face.

But just as the thug's hand reached forward, the seemingly idle man extended two fingers and deftly pinched the thin blade of the sword. With a quick twist, he yanked the thug into the carriage.

As soon as the thugs attacked, Liu Mian Tang reached for the pair of bronze bells Li Mama had placed beside her. These bells, a gift from the renowned healer Zhao Quan, were meant for hand exercises and rehabilitation.

Now, they served a different purpose. Liu Mian Tang raised the bells high and, while Cui Xingzhou was pulling the thug into the carriage, she brought them down with force onto his head.

Her aim was precise; despite her hands being relatively weak, the impact was enough to knock the thug out cold, leaving him sprawled with eyes rolled back.

Cui Xingzhou, witnessing her in action for the first time, was impressed by her seemingly gentle yet accurate strikes.

Just then, as Liu Mian Tang peered outside to see the commotion, she felt a sharp blow to the back of her neck and everything went dark.

Cui Xingzhou, with a swift hand strike, rendered her unconscious. Meanwhile, his hidden guards swiftly subdued the remaining thugs outside.

“Your Highness, we have captured all the assailants!” one of the guards reported, kneeling.

Prince Huaiyang gave a nod, indicating they should be taken away for interrogation. 

Though the words exchanged were few, they provided enough clues for Cui Xingzhou to piece together the situation.

Liu Mian Tang's audacity was indeed remarkable. Not only did she abscond with a box of jewelry and silver notes when she fled, but she also made off with a substantial sum of stolen money—three million taels of silver—belonging to the notorious Zi Yu!

Such a vast amount of wealth was no small matter, and it seemed Young Master Zi Yu had managed to remain patient, only now coming to reclaim what was his.

Cui Xingzhou had been patient in setting up his residence on North Street, and finally, he had caught some significant prey, making his efforts worthwhile.

With the thieves being dealt with by specialized interrogators, Cui Xingzhou didn't need to be directly involved. Instead, he had Liu Mian Tang transported back to his residence while she was still unconscious.

As the carriage arrived at the residence, Cui Xingzhou was seen carrying the unconscious Liu Mian Tang down from the carriage. At that moment, Zhao Quan, the young Marquis, along with his servant, was at the door, peering anxiously.

Seeing Liu Mian Tang being carried out, Zhao Quan was initially alarmed, fearing her old illness had relapsed. However, upon learning that Cui Xingzhou was responsible for her condition, Zhao Quan's anger flared.

Marquis Zhao had long regarded Liu Mian Tang as a member of his own household. He was enraged at the thought of Cui Xingzhou treating her so harshly. With a fierce expression, he confronted Cui Xingzhou:“Have you grown so accustomed to bullying soldiers in the military camp that you can now lay such brutal hands on a delicate woman?”

Cui Xingzhou had expected Liu Mian Tang to wake up on the way back, but she remained unconscious and seemed to be troubled by nightmares. Concerned, he frowned and said, “I only used a gentle force to put her to sleep. My strength was not excessive. Please check what’s wrong with her.”

With that, Cui Xingzhou swiftly carried Liu Mian Tang into the house, rolling up his sleeves to reveal a portion of her wrist for Zhao Quan to check her pulse.

However, when Zhao Quan’s fingers were about to touch Liu Mian Tang’s wrist, Cui Xingzhou’s brow furrowed. Even though Liu Mian Tang had fallen from grace, she shouldn’t be handled so casually by others. He took a handkerchief from his pocket and placed it over her delicate wrist.

Zhao Quan thought this extra precaution was unnecessary and shot Cui Xingzhou a disapproving glance. He wanted to remove the handkerchief to examine Liu Mian Tang more closely, but the stern look in Cui Xingzhou’s eyes deterred him. Thus, he proceeded to check her pulse through the handkerchief.

Liu Mian Tang’s pulse was erratic, indicating that her previous blood stasis issues hadn’t yet resolved. It was clear that she would need additional treatment and remedies.

After examining her, Zhao Quan wrote out a prescription and handed it to Li Mama to prepare for Liu Mian Tang. He also solemnly advised Cui Xingzhou, “Women’s constitutions are inherently delicate. Such harsh treatment should never be used again.”

Usually, Prince Huaiyang would have given a cold smile, as someone who was ruthless and unscrupulous would hardly show pity for a fallen woman. 

However, this time, Prince Huaiyang did not respond with mockery. Instead, he listened in silence and then slowly nodded.

When Zhao Quan left the North Street, he was still in a daze, feeling that his long-time friend seemed to be off in some way. However, he couldn’t quite pinpoint what was wrong.

Liu Mian Tang found herself trapped in a nightmarish dream, where someone presented her with a ledger and asked, “Miss Liu, what should we do about this?”

[Author’s Note:] Liu Miantang, get me a ledger. I need to keep track of everyone who owes me.

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