Chapter 22: Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" (Are You the One)


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 Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" / Are You the One

 Chapter 22: 


This garden fair was essentially a way to create a lively prelude to the upcoming calligraphy and painting gathering. After all, the formal tea and art events were reserved for well-known scholars and had little to do with common folk.

To project a more approachable image, General Shi organized the garden fair, featuring exotic animals such as camels from the desert and golden silk monkeys from the southern regions, kept in cages. He also hired performers to entertain the crowds with juggling acts and street performances, making the atmosphere quite lively.

Rumor had it that an imperial envoy was secretly visiting Qingzhou to investigate, so General Shi was eager to present a picture of peace and prosperity in the region, showcasing his achievements as a governor.

When Cui Xingzhou arrived at the garden fair, his informants guided him to where Mian Tang and her group were watching a monkey show. Having paid five wen, Mian Tang had secured a bench seat, allowing her to sit comfortably while peeling peanuts and enjoying the performance. After a while, she could even feed some peanuts to the monkey dressed in a small official's costume.

At this moment, Mian Tang appeared carefree and youthful, her dark hair framing her bright eyes, and her slender waist poised as she focused intently on the monkey show.

But as Mian Tang casually glanced to the side, she noticed her husband, Cui Jiu, standing not far away, his hands clasped behind his back, eyes sharp and fixed on her! Mian Tang's face immediately lit up with joy, and she waved at him excitedly.

When Cui Jiu made his way through the crowd to her side, she cheerfully brushed off the peanut shells from the bench and patted the seat next to her, inviting him to sit. As she handed him some seasoned peanuts, she asked, "Mama Li said you'd come in a couple of days. How did you manage to arrive today?"

Cui Jiu’s sharp eyes scanned the surroundings briefly, while he responded casually, "Came early to accompany you."

Mian Tang, not doubting him for a moment, smiled brightly and eagerly took out the carefully wrapped chessboard from behind Mama Li, saying, "Husband, guess what I bought for you?"

Cui Jiu lightly tapped the package with his long fingers, his long lashes lowering slightly as he said, "A chessboard..."

Mian Tang's dimples deepened as she gazed at her husband with admiration, exclaiming, "You guessed it right!"

However, the people around them had lost interest in the monkey show and were now glancing over at the couple seated together. The woman was already strikingly beautiful, but it turned out her husband was just as extraordinary—a figure like a celestial being. Not only was he tall and elegant, but with his strong nose, dark brows, and thin lips crowned with a jade headdress, he exuded a commanding masculinity. The young maidens couldn't help but blush as they watched him, unable to tear their eyes away.

Mian Tang, noticing how the girls were staring intently at her husband, decided to take matters into her own hands. She picked up a hood she had placed beside her and moved to put it on Cui Jiu's head.

Cui Jiu tilted his head slightly, looking at her in confusion.

Mian Tang puffed up her cheeks, glaring at him without saying a word. Her husband, with his busy schedule, was rarely home, and even she, as his rightful wife, didn't get to admire him as often as she'd like. Why should the girls on the street get a free view? Even watching a monkey show cost a few coins!

Cui Xingzhou didn’t know the intricate thoughts winding through her mind, but seeing Mian Tang drop her usual virtuous demeanor and pout like a child, he found her even more charming than before. He couldn’t help but think—how foolish of Lu Wen to give up such a delightful person for wealth and to marry the plump daughter of General Shi. Would he regret it?

But the idea of wearing a woman’s hood was a bit absurd. With the festivities in Qingzhou being so lively these days, General Shi’s future son-in-law was surely around. Since Cui Xingzhou intended to provoke Lu Wen into showing himself, how could he hide his face under a hood?

With these thoughts in mind, Cui Xingzhou took the hood from her and gently patted her arm, reassuring her as he said, "It's too crowded and noisy here. Let me take you to dinner instead."

Mian Tang agreed. Though the monkey show was entertaining, it didn’t quite suit her husband’s elegant and refined nature. Obediently, she stood up and followed her husband out of the crowd.

Cui Xingzhou wasn’t hungry, but Mian Tang had spent the entire morning wandering the streets without eating.

Upon learning that her husband wasn’t in the mood for a meal, Mian Tang quickly changed her mind. Proper restaurants would cost a significant amount of money for just a few dishes, and she believed that street food was not only more affordable but also tastier.

So, she pulled Cui Xingzhou along from one food stall to another. Fried mochi, steamed chicken feet drizzled with garlic sauce, and roasted flatbreads stuffed with braised lamb offal—many of these foods had never caught Cui Xingzhou’s eye before.

At this moment, Mian Tang eagerly offered each new food item to Cui Xingzhou’s mouth.

In the ordinary moments of daily life, Cui Xingzhou indulged Mian Tang's whims without complaint.

So, one person frequently fed, and the other accepted the offerings with an open mouth.

However, this simple, everyday intimacy between the couple made Li Mama, who had watched the prince grow up, quite uneasy. She knew her master well—his outward warmth masked an inner coldness.

The Old Prince had many concubines, and Cui Xingzhou had many half-brothers, all of whom viewed him, the legitimate son, as an eyesore.

Cui Xingzhou was well aware of this. Despite being repeatedly ensnared by his brothers’ schemes and becoming disfavored by the Old Prince, he maintained a facade of warmth and courtesy towards those who betrayed him.

However, when it came time for retribution, he showed no leniency. The grievances and hardships he had suffered were repaid manifold to each of his brothers.

Now, seeing how intimately he interacted with Mian Tang, Li Mama couldn't help but wonder if this warmth was genuine or merely a means to an end. Once the Prince’s goals were achieved, would Cui Xingzhou turn cold and ruthless, holding Mian Tang’s past closeness with a bandit against her?

Li Mama sighed deeply, feeling a pang of sympathy for Mian Tang. She saw her current happiness and closeness with the Prince as a fleeting moment, possibly overshadowed by past events and future uncertainties.

However, Mian Tang was blissfully unaware of Li Mama’s concerns, fully immersed in enjoying the street scenes with her husband. Their striking appearances naturally drew the attention of passersby. 

In a high building overlooking the bustling street, a young man with a delicate, yet anguished expression watched the radiant couple below. His face contorted with pain, particularly as he saw Mian Tang tenderly wipe her husband’s mouth with a handkerchief. The sight seemed to cut into him like a blade, causing him to clutch his chest, struggling to breathe.

At that moment, a graceful woman walked by, noticing his distress. She reached out to steady him, her gaze following the direction of his. Unfortunately, Mian Tang and Cui Xingzhou had already turned a corner and vanished from view.

The young woman, noticing the distress and the young man’s intense focus on a worn pouch at his waist, quickly summoned her maid to bring some medicinal pills. She gently encouraged him to take them and spoke in a soothing tone.

“Zi Yu, how are you feeling again? I’ve noticed you’ve been troubled since yesterday. The doctor warned you not to let your worries affect your health; it could worsen your condition.”

As she spoke, she noticed Zi Yu’s gaze lingering on the pouch. Her lips tightened slightly, but she tried to maintain a calm demeanor. 

“I understand you miss Sister Liu, but she has decided to leave the mountains of Yangshan. No one can persuade her to stay... If she were willing to reconsider, I would beg her to return, even if it meant bowing my head in apology.”

Zi Yu, observing the woman kneeling at his feet in tears, reached out with his thin, trembling hand to help her up. 

“Miss Yun, please stand. You know her well; she’s always been stubborn. She believed the worst of us and swore to sever all ties, so how could you convince her otherwise? Besides, she may have already moved on from me...”

The woman’s eyes reddened, and she whispered, "It's all my fault..."

But before she could finish, he interrupted her. "It has nothing to do with you. It was I who failed to treat her well..."

At that, the young man fell silent, his gaze drifting to the bustling street below. *But... has she truly found a worthy man now?*

With this thought lingering in his mind, and while Miss Yun busied herself with preparing ginseng chicken soup for him, the young man, accompanied by a servant and three trusted guards, slowly descended the stairs, heading in the direction where Mian Tang and Cui Jiu had walked...

Meanwhile, Cui Jiu and Mian Tang stood in front of the Qingzhou Academy.

Five tables had been set up outside, each arranged with a game of Chess left unfinished by the academy's masters. It was meant to add an intellectual flair to the festival that General Shi had organized.

The prize for solving the Chess puzzles was a coveted seat at the main calligraphy and painting event. This meant that the winner could listen to the masters discuss their art, and if they had any works of their own, they could present them for admiration.

In Mian Tang’s eyes, this prize was more valuable than gold! Hadn't her husband said that he had no way of gaining entry to the calligraphy and tea gathering? Well, wasn't this opportunity a gift from the heavens?

Upon realizing this, Mian Tang’s eyes glowed with excitement. She grabbed Cui Jiu's hand eagerly and said, "Husband, it's all up to you now! The future prosperity of our shop depends on this!"

However, Cui Jiu had no intention of letting Mian Tang attend the prestigious calligraphy and painting gathering. Not only would he be present in his princely identity, but his aunt's family and his fiancée, Lian Binglan, would also be there.

So, looking at the Chess boards, he remarked indifferently, "It's too difficult to solve…"

Hearing this, Mian Tang was momentarily stunned. She quickly reconsidered her words, realizing she might have unintentionally hurt his pride. Seeing her husband now with an unenthusiastic expression, she worried that she had wounded his self-esteem.

She immediately reassured him, "Of course, the puzzles created by the academy's great scholars are bound to be complex. Husband, you haven’t finished your studies yet, so it’s normal that you couldn’t solve them. Let’s see if there are other ways to get in…”

Before she could finish speaking, a slender man suddenly stepped forward from the side, approached one of the Chess boards, and moved a piece with his long fingers.

The academy's boy standing nearby immediately shouted, "The puzzle at the second table is solved! Claim the prize!"

At this moment, Mian Tang turned her head to look, her eyes narrowing in focus. She saw the slender young man, draped in a black cloak, gazing at her with a sorrowful, melancholic expression.

At that moment, it felt as though something had violently struck Mian Tang’s mind, causing her unbearable pain. Out of sheer reflex, she twisted her body and collapsed softly into Cui Jiu’s arms.

To the young man observing from a distance, it appeared that Mian Tang had turned away from him, choosing instead to fall into the embrace of her new lover. This sight stabbed his chest with a thousand painful thorns…

Struggling to suppress his emotions, the young man spoke softly to the boy who had come to present the prize, "It seems that young lady desires this prize very much. I’ll give it to her."

His words prompted Cui Jiu to lift his sharp gaze and slowly focus on the youth. Speaking in a gentle tone, he said, "How could my humble wife accept such a grand gesture from you, my good sir?"

The young man’s expression remained cold as he looked directly at Mian Tang and replied, "If this gentleman couldn’t solve the puzzle, what harm is there in me offering a small effort?"

Upon hearing this, Cui Jiu’s lips slowly curled into a smile.

It had been a long time since anyone had dared to challenge Prince Huaiyang so openly.

Cui Xingzhou's eyes swept up and down over the young man. For some reason, he felt a vague sense of familiarity. He gently patted Mian Tang's shoulder, signaling Li Mama to support her, before addressing the young man, "Sir, your move to solve the puzzle just now was quite brilliant. May I ask your name? Would you care to spar with me a bit?"

The young man, hearing Cui Jiu's words, seemed to find this precisely to his liking. He stole another longing glance at Mian Tang before replying coolly, "I am known as Zi Yu. And may I ask how you are called?"

Cui Xingzhou glanced at the sharp-eyed guards standing behind Zi Yu and smiled, "I am Cui Jiu."

Since the puzzle at the second table had already been solved, the two men decided to sit cross-legged at the table, reset the board, and begin a new game.

Cui Xingzhou, dressed in his moon-white robe with a jade crown and embroidered belt, had eyes as clear as the stars in a bright sky. Across from him, the young man wore black attire, slender but exuding an air of elegance. Their appearance together was strikingly harmonious, immediately drawing a crowd of onlookers.

Mian Tang, having taken a sip from the water flask handed to her by Li Mama, began to feel better. When she saw her husband engaged in a game with the stranger, she naturally stood nearby with Li Mama’s support, watching the match with curiosity.

Perhaps it was the presence of a beauty at his side that stirred the competitive spirit within the black-clad Zi Yu. Every move he made was without hesitation, his hands moving swiftly across the board.

Surprisingly, Cui Xingzhou kept pace effortlessly, also placing his pieces with rapid precision.

To those who were skilled in the art of chess, this style of play was known as "fast chess." The saying goes, "Once the piece is placed, there is no regret," and unless one possessed exceptional skill, they would never dare to play in this manner.

Remarkably, the two young men seemed to be evenly matched, their game locked in a tight contest. Gradually, their skill began to draw the attention of the great scholars of the academy, who gathered around the table, occasionally nodding in approval.

At first, Mian Tang had simply been enjoying the spectacle. Watching her husband, Cui Jiu, with his sleeves rolled up and long arms moving elegantly and decisively, she found his demeanor irresistibly charming.

But as time passed, her gaze shifted to the chessboard itself. Although they played at a quick pace, strangely, she found that she could follow their strategies with ease. Especially with Zi Yu's moves—she could predict almost every piece he placed, as if... as if she had played this game before.

Just as Mian Tang was lost in her thoughts, the speed of the game between the two players began to slow down. As the match approached its endgame, the situation grew more complex, and each move required careful consideration. A single misstep could cost either player the entire game.

However, it was apparent that the young man's focus was wavering. His mind seemed to be elsewhere, as he frequently lifted his head to steal glances at Mian Tang.

After catching him staring several times, Mian Tang grew irritated. She took the hood from Li Mama and pulled it over her head, shielding herself from the impertinent gaze of this presumptuous man.

Seeing the look of disdain in her eyes as she glared at him, Zi Yu felt his heart clench painfully: Had she truly resolved never to look at him again?

Caught in a moment of melancholy, Zi Yu missed the decisive move. Cui Jiu placed his piece on the board, sealing the game's outcome.

It was a cunning maneuver, one that left no room for debate. Zi Yu had no choice but to accept defeat gracefully. This time, he lifted his head and gave Cui Xingzhou a deep, respectful look.

His spies had reported back with only superficial details the day before. They had followed Mian Tang to her lodging and learned from the innkeeper that her husband's surname was Cui and that he was supposedly a merchant.

From this, Zi Yu assumed that after leaving Yanshan Camp, Mian Tang must have been disheartened and married some random man out of spite. After all, there were few men in the world truly worthy of her, and in her anger, what kind of man could she have possibly found?

But even if she intended to degrade herself, he could not allow it to happen. Zi Yu resolved to wait until Mian Tang calmed down and regretted her decision, at which point he would offer her a way out. If need be, he was willing to overlook her reckless behavior after leaving the mountain.

Thus, when Zi Yu heard that the man named Cui Jiu was unable to solve the fairly simple puzzle, he felt a wave of disdain and decided to step in and solve it. He hoped to subtly remind Mian Tang that she had entrusted herself to the wrong person. How could such a shallow man, no matter how handsome, be worthy of her?

However, what Zi Yu hadn't anticipated was that this seemingly decorative "flower pillow" of a man was concealing great skill. Cui Jiu played a brilliant game of chess, clearly having invested a significant amount of effort in his mastery of the game.

Meanwhile, Mian Tang's eyes were fixed solely on her husband.

No wonder her husband could make a living through chess—his skill was indeed remarkable! For a moment, she felt a small glow of pride light up her face. Smiling, she gestured for Li Mama to hand her a handkerchief so she could delicately wipe her husband's hands as he stood up from the game.

Yet Cui Jiu, as he glanced down at her, noticed that her face was still as pale as paper. Clearly, her earlier discomfort had not subsided.

When he looked back again, the young man named Zi Yu seemed unable to bear the blow of losing the match. He had already disappeared into the bustling crowd with his attendants.

Cui Xingzhou's sharp eyes caught sight of his planted spies quietly slipping away, following close behind Zi Yu. Satisfied, he allowed himself to relax.

If Cui Xingzhou’s suspicions were correct, this young man named Zi Yu was surely connected to the rebels at Yangshan. He intended to see if his men could follow the trail and uncover more information.

As for Mian Tang... her intense reaction upon seeing that youth—could it be that she remembered something?

With this in mind, he gently supported the still-weakened Mian Tang and guided her out of the crowd, heading back to the inn where she had been staying.

Perhaps the long day of wandering the streets had truly worn her out. Once they returned to the inn, Mian Tang quickly grew drowsy.

Cui Jiu listened to Mian Tang complain about her headache, and carefully removed the tightly placed hairpins from her hair, letting the long, black strands cascade down. He gently massaged her scalp, easing her discomfort. Then, he cautiously asked, "When you saw that Zi Yu just now, did anything come to mind?"

Mian Tang held his hand, rubbing her cheek against it affectionately, though confusion clouded her face. "It's just this splitting headache, like an axe cleaving through... Husband, why do you ask? Is this Zi Yu an old acquaintance of yours?"

Cui Jiu smiled faintly and replied, "I don’t know him."

Seeing that Mian Tang still seemed weary, he instructed Li Mama to bring over the calming tonic that Zhao Quan had specially prepared for her. With the steam still rising, Mian Tang drank it down and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Once she was resting peacefully, Cui Jiu’s spies returned with their report. They informed him that the young man named Zi Yu had gone to a large inn nearby. However, that inn had been completely taken over by the forces of the local commander, General Shi, ten days prior. Guards stationed outside, all under General Shi’s command, kept ordinary people from approaching. The spies could only follow the trail to the perimeter before being forced to retreat.

Cui Xingzhou, having heard the report, gestured for the spies to keep a close watch on the inn.

Now, he was nearly certain that the young man who had proactively given Mian Tang the prize today was the same person who had the jade chessboard sold off at a loss through the jeweler yesterday. Moreover, this young man was likely her former husband, Lu Wen!

If he was indeed Lu Wen, it was a significant surprise to Cui Xingzhou.

Despite the young man’s somewhat ill appearance today, he was well-groomed and far from the rough, bandit-like look one might expect. His evident reluctance to part with Mian Tang suggested that Cui Xingzhou's plan had worked well. It would be interesting to see how Lu Wen would handle his jealousy and what steps he might take to reconnect with Mian Tang.

Cui Xingzhou knew he needed to stay close to Mian Tang in the coming days.

Meanwhile, Mian Tang awoke from her dream-filled slumber, her mind still foggy. The sun was setting, and the room was beginning to light up with lamps. Her husband, Cui Jiu, was seated at a nearby table outside the curtain, engrossed in a book. His imposing profile was bathed in the warm light, making it hard for anyone to look away.

Seeing her wake up, Cui Xingzhou set aside his book and helped her sit up, speaking gently, "Do you feel better now?"

Mian Tang snuggled against him like a cat, her voice still drowsy, "I had such a confusing dream..."

Cui Xingzhou, trying to hide his curiosity, narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "What did you dream about?"

Mian Tang rubbed her face against his chest, her voice soft and weary, "I dreamed that my man was with another woman. I wanted to cry, but I had to hide it and it was so hard..."

Cui Xingzhou, with half-closed eyes, watched her slightly drooping red lips and the dimple that had vanished from her cheek, seemingly lost in the dream's aftermath.

After a pause, he gently asked, "Was it me with another woman in your dream?"

Mian Tang, feeling a bit guilty under his questioning, gave a vague response, but she was starting to wake up more fully.

The dream she had was not about Cui Xingzhou, but rather... the young man, Zi Yu, whom she had only met once!

In the dream, she was angrily berating the pale-faced youth, though she couldn't remember exactly what she was saying. The intense sense of finality and betrayal left a lasting impression.

Mian Tang was unsettled by the dream and the possibility that she might have known Zi Yu before. Although it was just a dream, it was troubling to dream about another man.

When Cui Xingzhou asked her again, she avoided the topic and changed the subject. Yet, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was something significant about Zi Yu, especially considering her husband had mentioned him just before she went to sleep. Did she know him from before?

Driven by unease, Mian Tang decided to discreetly ask Li Mama about it while Cui Xingzhou was away for a meal.

Li Mama, aware that she needed to balance revealing information with not alarming Mian Tang, found herself in a difficult position. She needed to subtly guide Mian Tang's memory without making her suspicious. This kind of delicate questioning was indeed challenging.

Finally, pressed by Mian Tang's urgency, Li Mama decided to be straightforward and bluntly revealed, "He was your previous lover..."

When these words were spoken, Mian Tang's almond-shaped eyes widened in disbelief. She angrily threw the bowl of jujube soup she was drinking, causing it to crash to the floor, and she shouted, "Li Mama, what nonsense are you talking about?"

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