Chapter 21: Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" (Are You the One)


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 Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" / Are You the One

 Chapter 21: 


As she spoke, Liu Mian Tang sighed dreamily: "Fortunately, the Old Princess Consort has a birthday banquet every year. Although our Burned Jade Porcelain Shop missed out this year, there’s always next year. The prince is esteemed, but who knows when he’ll come to Lingquan Town again? I might as well find out his schedule and intercept him midway to present our shop’s treasured piece. If we earn the prince’s favor, next year we can specially make a plate for the Old Princess Consort, painting a portrait of the prince on it. Then, I’ll shrink a few small longevity characters into his eyes—it would surely win the Old Princess Consort’s favor..."

Cui Xingzhou couldn’t help but laugh aloud at Mian Tang’s unusual birthday gift idea, though his laughter carried a deeper meaning.

His laughter, however, made Li Mama and Mo Ru silently break into a cold sweat for the ignorant Miss Liu.

Cui Xingzhou’s laughter faded slightly, and he said gently: "You’re not a bandit—what reason do you have to suddenly intercept an official carriage? By then, I’m afraid your plate won’t be presented, and you’ll be hit with a few beating rods first to put you in your place. Besides, as for the concept of eyes containing longevity characters… Even if the prince agrees, that aloof Chen gentleman probably won’t stoop to such a level!"

Though Mian Tang's idea was rebuffed, she remained respectful and peeled another shrimp, adding it to her husband’s bowl.

Despite her husband’s usual disinterest in worldly matters, his analysis of the issue was thorough and thoughtful—it truly made her admire him!

Li Mama had mentioned that her husband had once studied, but coming from a merchant family had held him back from pursuing an official career. Otherwise, given his composure and learning, he could have easily become a county magistrate.

The reason Cui Xingzhou laughed was because he truly thought this woman had rattled her brains—sometimes she acted so boldly, completely unlike a young lady raised in an official’s family.

Right now, she was nodding in agreement to him… but what if she turned around and actually went to stop the carriage?

Moreover, this little Miss Liu had once lived among bandits, and sometimes her words carried a hint of roughness that she probably wouldn’t be able to change anytime soon. If her hopes weren’t completely dashed, who knew if she’d end up blocking another carriage just like she did last time outside the tavern.

With this in mind, Cui Xingzhou continued sipping his delicious fish congee and calmly said, "In a few days, General Shi Yikuan of Qingzhou will be hosting a tea gathering to appreciate paintings and calligraphy. He’s always been a lover of fine art. If Master Chen can attend this tea gathering and present his plates to General Shi, he’s sure to win his favor."

Since Lu Wen had the intention of seeking refuge with Shi Yikuan, Cui Xingzhou figured he might as well have Mian Tang take a trip to Qingzhou. Perhaps during her travels, Lu Wen would make an appearance.

However, to his surprise, Mian Tang immediately responded, "I already looked into this. Husband, you might not know, but besides his love for collecting paintings and calligraphy, Shi Yikuan also has a bit of a hobby for collecting beautiful women. The man actually has nine concubines... From my perspective, intercepting Prince Huaiyang's carriage might be the safer bet. After all, though Prince Huaiyang may be somewhat muddle-headed, I’ve never heard of him engaging in any deeds of oppressing men or bullying women..."

Having previously drawn thieves to their courtyard due to her beauty, she couldn’t help but remain cautious. Ever since she was injured, she was no longer the quick and agile Liu Mian Tang of before...

But as soon as she finished speaking, another round of coughing erupted from the small table where the servant Mo Ru was sitting—clearly, he had once again choked on the other half of his braised egg.

Cui Xingzhou, for his part, was unsure whether he should feel gratified by Madam Liu's recognition of his good character, or if he should reprimand her for calling Prince Huaiyang "muddle-headed."

Without raising an eyebrow, Cui Xingzhou spoke gently, "Attending such a prestigious gathering for paintings and calligraphy isn't something just anyone can do. You’ll need an introduction from someone of note. You may not get to attend the formal tea party, but before that, there's a bustling garden market to warm things up. It’s quite lively. You could set up a stall there—perhaps you’ll sell some goods. Also, the fabrics from Xicun in Qingzhou are quite fine. Right now, they're in the process of silk weaving. If you come across something nice, it’d be perfect for you to get some cloth to make new clothes."

Mian Tang felt a warmth in her heart. How thoughtful her husband was! He even cared enough to think about taking her out to have some fun. Softly, she responded with gratitude, "Husband, it’s enough that you have such intentions. I have plenty of clothes; there’s no need to spend money on more fabric."

Cui Xingzhou glanced at the worn edges of her sleeves and replied, "It’s no trouble. I won a few more chess games in recent days, so I’ll get you some good fabric."

As he spoke, he placed the money pouch that Mo Ru had prepared for him earlier onto the dining table.

According to Mo Ru, in an ordinary household, this was called "contributing to the household." When a man goes out to make a living, he is supposed to hand over some of his earnings to the woman in charge of the household. If no money is ever handed over while the family expenses keep piling up, it would naturally make someone like Liu Mian Tang suspicious.

She was such a clever person, and though she had heard that he earned silver from playing chess, she had never once asked him for any household money. This showed that she must have been accustomed to being controlled by the rebel leader before, and didn’t dare to ask for money.

Since Mo Ru had reminded him of this, he naturally thought it appropriate to give her some as well, to ensure she had ample funds and didn’t have to live too frugally.

So, Cui Xingzhou instructed Mo Ru to prepare a portion for her.

But when he saw how overwhelmed Madam Liu looked while holding the money pouch, her eyes welling up with tears, he couldn’t help but think that she was a bit too emotional. She seemed utterly surprised, even moved to tears.

Could it be... that she was upset with him for being late in handing over the household money and felt wronged?

Meanwhile, as Mian Tang held the money her husband had handed over for the household, she found it to be so heavy that her weak hands almost couldn't support it.

She had initially heard from Mo Ru that her husband earned money through betting on chess and assumed it was just a bit of pocket change. She never imagined it would amount to such a hefty sum!

In her idle moments, Liu Mian Tang would chat with the neighbors while snacking on sunflower seeds, and she had heard many tales about the bad habits of merchants in the neighborhood—things like sailing on pleasure boats, drinking late into the night... And then there were those who earned a fortune outside but never contributed to the household, spending everything on their mistresses, like that grain merchant Mr. Zhang who had been bewitched by a vixen.

Yet her husband, who had earned money that wasn’t accounted for, could have easily spent it on himself. Instead, he handed it all over to her. This showed that despite his flirtatious appearance and charming looks, he was an honest and dependable man who lived his life dutifully.

Liu Mian Tang couldn't help but feel ashamed for having doubted her husband in the past few days. A gentle and noble man like him—if she even thought poorly of him for a moment, it would sully her heart and soul. She felt she deserved a scolding for such thoughts!

For a moment, she gazed at Cui Jiu with teary, remorseful eyes.

And just then, her husband spoke gently again, "I haven't given you enough... I'll make sure to give you more in the future."

Hearing these words only made her feel even more guilty! It turned out her husband was still blaming himself for not being capable enough to support the family and for giving too little.

Mian Tang could no longer contain the overwhelming emotions in her heart. She threw her arms around him, burying her face in his strong chest as she choked out, "Husband, what are you saying? It's me who lacks the ability, making you worry about earning a living when you should be focusing on your studies."

Meanwhile, from the side, Mo Ru suddenly seemed to be choking again, his voice becoming thin, as if he'd swallowed something the wrong way.

Cui Jiu silently observed the woman nestled against him like a kitten. Her hair, which carried a faint osmanthus fragrance, spilled over his chin like a cloud, and the soft strands seemed to tickle his nose, giving him a slight itch.

After a brief pause, Cui Jiu, his expression unchanged, slowly extended his arm and gently patted the sobbing Liu Mian Tang. In that moment, he suddenly began to understand why ordinary men felt compelled to hand over their earnings to their wives—perhaps after a hard day's work, the sight of their own woman smiling through tears brought a small sense of satisfaction into their otherwise humble and unremarkable lives.

With her jewelry box now replenished and her heart lightened by her capable husband, Liu Mian Tang was eagerly looking forward to the trip to Qingzhou.

In fact, she had long since prepared for the shop's rise in fame. She had carefully researched all the notable figures within a hundred miles of Zhenzhou and had meticulously compared them, listing them on a sheet of paper. That’s why, when her husband mentioned the painting and calligraphy event, she could readily point out its shortcomings.

Although Shi Yikuan's name didn’t carry as much weight as Prince Huaiyang, he was certainly more approachable. If, by chance, she found a way into the poetry and painting tea gathering in Qingzhou with her ceramic plates in hand, her future could indeed look very bright!

Since her husband had put in so much effort for their shop, Liu Mian Tang naturally had to give it her all as well!

If their porcelain gained recognition, they would finally break into the official circles. Selling their ceramics at a high price would soon become a reality.

What brought her the most comfort was that her husband was finally showing interest in their business. It was clear now that his previous avoidance was due to the unbearable fear of failure and bankruptcy. But with the business picking up, he was revitalized and engaged once more—something truly worth celebrating.

A few days before the painting and calligraphy event in Qingzhou, Cui Jiu hired a carriage to send Liu Mian Tang, along with the maids and workers, ahead to Qingzhou.

However, Cui Jiu did not accompany her. He explained that his chess studies had been intense over the past few days, and he might not be able to join her until the poetry event began.

Although Mian Tang's wish to travel with her husband could not yet be fulfilled, it did not dampen her excitement at strolling through Qingzhou's streets for the first time.

After all, she was only eighteen years old, right at the age when a young lady delights in exploring and having fun.

In the capital, life had been financially strained, and it wasn't appropriate for her to go out and spend money. After moving to Zhenzhou, their family business was just getting off the ground, and she had to handle many things personally, which naturally reduced her desire to have fun.

Now, with her husband's silver pouch hanging from her waist and plenty of free time, her confidence was soaring, and she was determined to indulge herself in leisurely shopping, thoroughly enjoying each shop.

However, even though she felt the urge to spend generously, it wasn't all for herself. Mr. Chen's robe had become too worn to present himself properly, so she bought two sets of dark blue fabric to make new robes for him.

Her husband, of course, also deserved a new outfit. Mian Tang carefully selected fabrics and felt that a moon-white material would perfectly suit her husband's composed and scholarly demeanor.

As for herself, it was only after Li Mama's persistent urging that she reluctantly purchased some thin cotton fabric to make a summer dress.

The summer here was much hotter than in the capital, and without lighter clothing, she feared the heat would be unbearable and could cause rashes.

As Mian Tang passed by a jade shop, she noticed a beautifully crafted chessboard made from jade. 

The board was set on a base of sheep-fat white jade, with white pieces made of equally fine, translucent white jade, and black pieces carved from precious ink jade.

Seeing the chessboard, Mian Tang couldn't help but imagine her husband’s slender fingers delicately placing the pieces with elegance. She felt that such a chessboard would be perfect for him.

However, upon inquiring about the price, she fell silent. The shopkeeper informed her that the chessboard was already reserved and had not yet been picked up. Furthermore, the price was exorbitant, far beyond what she could afford.

Despite this, Mian Tang wasn’t discouraged. She had rarely been disheartened throughout her life. Although her father was not indulgent, she always managed to achieve what she set her heart on. Her bold and ambitious nature had often alarmed her father, who feared she had inherited her mother’s adventurous spirit and would face rejection from her future husband’s family.

Fortunately, her father’s fears did not come to pass. Her husband was gentle and considerate, never imposing unnecessary constraints on her. The hope of growing old together and enjoying a lifetime of companionship made her life with him all the more eagerly anticipated.

Reluctantly gazing at the chessboard one last time, Mian Tang resolved that once the shop earned enough money, she would save up to buy a similar jade chessboard for her husband.

However, just as Mian Tang was about to leave, a tall, refined-looking young man emerged from the shop. His gaze was intense and fixed firmly on her retreating figure.

The young man’s companion hesitated and asked, "Young Master, isn’t that Miss Liu? Should we call her back?"

The young man, though appearing youthful, had a subtle line of sorrow etched between his brows. His lips quivered slightly as he responded, “Since she has not returned to find me, she must have grown weary of her former life. There is no need to drag her back to a life of scheming and strife. Instead, have someone discreetly find out where she is staying and how she is faring. That will suffice.”

The young man’s servant then quickly set off to follow Mian Tang discreetly, instructing others to ensure they did not disturb her and only to gather information about her current situation.

After giving his instructions to the servant, the young man’s gaze lingered on the pristine jade chessboard. He turned to the shopkeeper and said, “Keep this chessboard here. If that young lady returns, sell it to her at a very low price.”

The shopkeeper, puzzled, replied, “Young Master, you’ve already paid for this chessboard. If you wish to give it to the young lady, you could just do so directly. Why sell it at a low price?”

The young man, with a bittersweet smile, said, “Although she seems to like this chessboard, if she knew it was from me, she might refuse it.”

The shopkeeper, having seen many such sentimental dramas, understood that this was likely a tale of old affections. He wisely refrained from pressing further questions.

The young man then took out a slightly worn orchid-patterned pouch from his pocket and gently traced its design with his fingers. The style was identical to the pouch worn by Cui Xingzhou.

Slowly, he brought the pouch to his nose, inhaling its faint orchid fragrance. Closing his eyes in anguish, he whispered, “Mian Tang, do you hold a grudge against me, is that why you avoid seeing me?”

However, Mian Tang was unaware that someone was pining for her name.

Due to her injuries, she was utterly exhausted after leaving the jade shop, so she led Li Mama and the others back to the inn to rest.

Li Mama fetched a pot of hot water from the kitchen to help Mian Tang with a hot compress for her sore hands and feet.

Mian Tang cherished these moments of relaxation. She rolled up her pant legs and lay quietly on the bed with the hot compress applied. The warmth brought her comfort, and she closed her eyes, her eyelashes fluttering gently.

But with concerns on her mind, she asked, “When is my husband coming? If he arrives too late and the garden fair is over, our trip to Qingzhou will have been in vain!”

Li Mama, accustomed to Mian Tang’s tendency to worry, reassured her while washing the cloth. "The master said he’ll be here in a couple of days. You should relax and enjoy yourself. He had Mo Ru ask a favor of the manager of the garden fair, so if you go to see the play, you’ll have seats in the front row, and there will be tea and fruit for you."

Mian Tang felt relieved but was still concerned about the lecherous General Shi attending the garden fair. She worried that her appearance might cause trouble for her husband.

However, Li Mama was unconcerned. "I heard that General Shi will be dining with Prince Huaiyang at a banquet tomorrow. Only the prominent families from the two courts will be attending, so he won’t have time to wander around the streets. Moreover, as a general, he won’t act as recklessly as you might imagine. The master has ensured that you can enjoy yourself without worry tomorrow."

Upon hearing Li Mama's reassurances, Mian Tang felt relieved and content. Her husband’s meticulous planning and concern for her itinerary, despite his tight schedule with the chess academy, filled her with joy.

However, amidst her happiness, she couldn't help but feel a pang of regret about the jade chessboard she couldn't afford at the moment. She wondered when she would be able to save enough to buy it.

So, early the next morning, after finishing her grooming and getting dressed, Mian Tang decided to take a detour and visit the jade store again to catch one more glimpse of the chessboard.

To her surprise, as soon as she stood by the display stand, the shopkeeper approached her with a beaming smile and said, “Madam, you were here yesterday, weren’t you?”

Liu Mian Tang smiled and nodded in response, listening as the shopkeeper continued, "It seems you really like this chessboard. What a coincidence! The person who originally ordered it found it unsatisfactory and didn't want it, even forfeiting the deposit. I was worried about what to do with it. If you’re interested, I can sell it to you at a very low price."

Mian Tang, puzzled, examined the chessboard closely but found no visible flaws. Yesterday, the shopkeeper had quoted a price over a hundred taels, and even at half price, she couldn't afford it.

Refusing to give up, she asked, “What’s the reduced price?”

The shopkeeper, gauging her interest, hesitated before saying, “Twenty taels?”

Seeing Mian Tang turn to leave, he quickly revised his offer. “Five taels! If you can pay five taels, it’s yours.”

Mian Tang turned back, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She gave him a slight smile and extended three fingers. “Three taels. Not a penny more!”

As Mian Tang left the jade shop with the neatly wrapped chessboard and Li Mama, she reflected on her experience. "It's true what they say about the profit margins in gold, silver, and jade shops," she mused. "I didn’t believe it before, but now I’ve seen it for myself. A chessboard that’s only worth three taels can be priced at over a hundred taels! The material must not be the best; they’ve used some trick to make it look so transparent. I wonder how much the previous customer was swindled by this unscrupulous merchant."

Mian Tang, however, wasn’t concerned about the authenticity of the jade. She was more interested in its appearance. Her husband, after all, wasn’t a prince or noble who would care about the genuine quality of the jade.

But Li Mama, having been refined in the opulence of the Prince's family, could easily recognize that the chessboard was made of top-quality sheep-fat jade.

The chessboard, worth a hundred taels, was sold to Mian Tang at a significantly lower price. There must be some underlying reason for this.

Recalling that two young men in blue clothes had been trailing them since they left the jade shop, Li Mama suspected that either Mian Tang had attracted some unwelcome attention or that it was a former acquaintance seeking her out.

Given the generous but indirect manner in which the chessboard was offered, Li Mama could only think of Lu Wen as the likely source.

With this realization, she quickly signaled the hidden guards to send a message to the Prince.

At this time, Prince Huaiyang was attending a banquet at the largest restaurant in Qingzhou, socializing with Shi Yikuan.

Shi Yikuan was known for his vanity and took great pride in being a disciple of the famous calligrapher and painter, Qingzhu. This year marked the fifteenth anniversary of his apprenticeship, and he was hosting a gathering of renowned artists from Jiangnan to remind the world of his status as Qingzhu's successor.

To Shi Yikuan's surprise, Prince Huaiyang, usually busy with affairs, had deigned to attend the event. Shi Yikuan suspected that this visit was due to recent efforts to win favor, which might have unsettled the prince.

Shi Yikuan believed that unsettling Prince Huaiyang would naturally please the current emperor, so he felt quite pleased with his strategic move. His smile toward the prince grew even more courteous.

"Prince Huaiyang, your renowned cursive script is admired far and wide. At this calligraphy and painting gathering, we would be honored if you could demonstrate your skill and allow us all to feast our eyes on such art!" Shi Yikuan's words were followed by nods of agreement from the other officials present.

However, Cui Xingzhou, Prince Huaiyang, only responded with a faint smile, casually raising his wine cup in acknowledgment. Though he maintained proper decorum, he did not engage warmly, creating an atmosphere that was somewhat cold and awkward.

Fortunately, the others present were not here merely for amusement; each of them had their own calculations and motives. When no one spoke, they remained patient, waiting for someone else to break the ice and ease the tension in the room.

As the host, Shi Yikuan couldn't let the silence linger for too long. After a brief pause, he turned to the Marquis of the South, Zhao Quan, who was seated next to Cui Xingzhou, and asked, "I wonder if Marquis has brought any new paintings or calligraphy to share with us today?"

Zhao Quan, known for his discerning eye in artistic talent, was often the source of fresh and unique works at such gatherings. When Shi Yikuan mentioned this, Zhao Quan's interest was piqued.

Zhao Quan had been eager to promote the exceptional work of Master Chen, whose painting skills were truly outstanding and should not be overlooked. Although Master Chen had fallen on hard times and was now working as a painter in a ceramics shop, Zhao Quan was determined to help him regain recognition. Moreover, he knew that Mistress Liu was working hard to revive her shop, and he was happy to assist her in any way he could.

So, when Shi Yikuan brought up the topic, Zhao Quan was quick to respond, "I do indeed have a remarkable artist to recommend to everyone. This man's painting skills are exquisite, though currently, he is biding his time in a humble ceramics shop. After this gathering, I'm certain his fame will spread far and wide. His hand-painted ceramics are few, but I suspect their value will rise significantly in the near future. Ah! The shop is called 'Burned Jade Ceramics Workshop.' If anyone here has a keen eye for talent, you should consider acquiring his work early on."

Those familiar with Zhao Quan's typically aloof and principled nature couldn't resist teasing him. "Could it be that the Marquis has a stake in this ceramics shop? You’ve always been so above worldly affairs—how is it that you're promoting it so enthusiastically now?"

Zhao Quan shot a sharp glance at the man beside him, Cui Jiu, and snorted, "I'd love to invest, but someone here won’t allow it…"

After this lighthearted banter, the conversation finally shifted to more serious matters. Someone brought up the recent negotiation to pacify the bandits of Yangshan, praising Shi Yikuan for turning conflict into harmony.

Cui Xingzhou, however, remained silent and impassive, not engaging in the discussion.

Everyone knew that Cui Xingzhou favored a more aggressive approach, while Shi Yikuan was now aligning his actions with the emperor's preferences. As long as the rebel chaos was quelled, there would be no further need for the stationed troops in Zhenzhou. The emperor had long been planning to trim the power of non-imperial princes, and this move seemed to be a part of that larger strategy.

Zhao Quan shot a sharp glance at the man beside him, Cui Xingzhou, and snorted, "I'd love to invest, but someone here won’t allow it…"

After this lighthearted banter, the conversation finally shifted to more serious matters. Someone brought up the recent negotiation to pacify the bandits of Yangshan, praising Shi Yikuan for turning conflict into harmony.

Cui Xingzhou, however, remained silent and impassive, not engaging in the discussion.

Everyone knew that Cui Xingzhou favored a more aggressive approach, while Shi Yikuan was now aligning his actions with the emperor's preferences. As long as the rebel chaos was quelled, there would be no further need for the stationed troops in Zhenzhou. The emperor had long been planning to trim the power of non-imperial princes, and this move seemed to be a part of that larger strategy.

If Cui Xingzhou were to openly oppose the pacification efforts, it would paint him as harboring ulterior motives. So, he only smiled without speaking, silently listening to how far Shi Yikuan's negotiations with the rebels had progressed.

From the discussion, it became clear that the rebel leader greatly admired Shi Yikuan's generosity and had voluntarily submitted a letter of surrender, expressing a desire for peace. This leader, Lu Wen, was not just any bandit—he came from a respectable background and was quite the handsome gentleman. Along with his willingness to surrender, he also expressed interest in marrying one of Shi Yikuan's illegitimate daughters.

The emperor had already given Shi Yikuan his word that he intended to set an example for others by rewarding rebels who sought to mend their ways. Lu Wen would be highly praised by the emperor for his surrender.

With an official title and a beautiful wife in his arms, Lu Wen would certainly have cause to celebrate his fortunes!

The moment Zhao Quan heard of Lu Wen’s desire to marry Shi Yikuan’s daughter, his expression immediately darkened.

Cui Xingzhou hadn’t expected Lu Wen to be so callous and unfaithful. First, he had abandoned the injured Liu Mian Tang without a care, and now he was turning his attentions elsewhere, seeking to marry an official’s daughter and secure a government position. If Liu Mian Tang were to regain her memories, who knows how heartbroken she might be over her former lover’s betrayal?

But then again, it seemed unlikely that Liu Mian Tang held any deep feelings for the bandit. After all, as a respectable woman, she hadn’t willingly followed Lu Wen in the first place.

Cui Xingzhou resolved to make up for all the suffering Mian Tang had endured. He would ensure that she never shed tears of sorrow again…

Cui Xingzhou wasn’t particularly surprised by Lu Wen’s actions. It confirmed his suspicion that Mian Tang had been deliberately discarded by Lu Wen, who had likely considered her a mere pawn in his plans. Now that Lu Wen had no further use for her, it seemed that the trap had been set, and the safe house on North Street could finally be dismantled.

For a moment, both men sat in silence, each lost in his own thoughts.

Just then, one of Cui Xingzhou’s undercover agents slipped into the hall, leaning close to whisper something in his ear.

Cui Xingzhou remained outwardly calm as he listened, but a gleam appeared in his eyes.

The fish had taken the bait! And what a move it was—Lu Wen had practically gifted the hundred-tael chessboard to Liu Mian Tang, as if it were nothing.

If it truly was Lu Wen behind this, then it was clear he still harbored lingering feelings for the beautiful Mian Tang, and there was hope yet for reeling him in.

With this thought in mind, Cui Xingzhou no longer had the patience to remain in the company of the sycophantic officials drinking their fill. Using the excuse that he was feeling unwell, he excused himself and left the banquet.

Rather than wasting his time in the wine hall, he figured it would be more worthwhile to visit the garden fair and stroll alongside Liu Mian Tang. If the bandit Lu Wen still harbored feelings for her, he might not be able to resist and would eventually reveal himself.

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