Chapter 18: Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" (Are You the One)


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 Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" / Are You the One

 Chapter 18: 


Cui Xingzhou spent his days training with soldiers in the military camp, so his appetite was different from that of the young masters and ladies who idled away their time in the government offices.

Although, in addition to the plate of crab roe buns, Lian Binglan had also carefully prepared a small bowl of bird’s nest soup and a dish of honey-glazed dried meat.

While these delicate snacks were indeed tasty, they were quickly eaten and left him feeling neither full nor satisfied, much less compared to the hearty steamed buns with radish made by Li Mama.

Nonetheless, Cui Xingzhou politely left one bun on the plate to show that he was full and complimented his cousin on her improved skill in making these treats.

Lian Binglan blushed at the praise and said she would make more exquisite snacks for him whenever she had the chance.

She did not mention her father’s previous recommendation letter but instead spoke in detail about the Old Princess Consort's daily activities. Seeing her cousin’s smile becoming more genuine, she took her leave with understanding.

However, before leaving, she glanced at the slightly worn pouch hanging from Cui Xingzhou's waist that held the incense, and with a sweet smile, said, “This pouch I embroidered isn’t very well done. It’s been a while since you’ve had it. Tomorrow, I’ll find some time to embroider a new one for you…”

Cui Xingzhou curved his lips into a faint smile and replied, “I don’t care much for new things. Once I get used to something, I don’t need to replace it. I appreciate your thoughtfulness, cousin.”

This pouch was indeed the one his cousin had given him through a matchmaker when they were engaged. To be honest, the embroidery was quite well done. According to the matchmaker, it was personally embroidered by Miss Lian Binglan, and the unique design of the "Empty Valley Orchid" was very suitable for a man to wear. Therefore, to show his appreciation for his cousin, he had kept it on him.

As Cui Xingzhou said, he was not one to chase after new trends. Once he found something that worked well for him, he would continue to use it.

Just as with the pouch, Cui Xingzhou had similar expectations for his future wife. He didn’t hold any grand hopes for her, nor did he expect that the needlework skills she might pride herself on would have any significant impact. All he wished for was a wife with a gentle and virtuous temperament; the household tasks would be managed by the maids.

However, he had always believed that the pouch was crafted with Lian Binglan’s own hands—until he saved Liu Mian Tang.

Liu Mian Tang identified Cui Xingzhou as her betrothed based on the pouch he was carrying.

Yet, Liu Mian Tang, devoid of the vanity typical of young ladies, honestly admitted when he subtly inquired about the pouch that although it was part of her dowry, it was not made by her. Instead, it was bought from a traveling embroiderer at an inn after one of her maid’s discovered that a pouch was missing while sorting through the dowry list.

It is said that the embroiderer was hired by a high-ranking official in Zhenzhou to do the "substitute needlework" for the dowry. This kind of work is a well-known secret among the elite families of the Great Yan Dynasty.

Although the high-ranking young ladies are all reputed to be skilled in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, they occasionally have shortcomings. Therefore, embroiderers who specialize in substitute needlework are quite common. These embroiderers travel from place to place, creating dowries for ladies who lack needlework skills. They do not seek fame or recognition, and each family receives a unique embroidery style, thus enhancing the reputation of the young ladies for their craftsmanship.

Interestingly, this embroiderer was likely from the Lian family. She, being lazy and seeking convenience, probably thought that a bride moving to the capital and a local noble lady from Zhenzhou were unlikely to cross paths.

So, the pouch was sold at a high price to Liu Mian Tang. When it arrived at the Lian family in Zhenzhou for the selection of patterns, the same grass and orchid design was chosen. The embroiderer replicated the design, and it became the betrothal gift for Lian Menglan.

This series of coincidences led Liu Mian Tang to mistakenly believe that the man wearing the somewhat worn pouch was her betrothed, Cui Jiu.

When Cui Jiu learned that Mian Tang had taken the pouch given to him by Miss Lian as her own, he was somewhat surprised. Upon inquiring further, Mian Tang honestly revealed the truth.

This revelation made Cui Jiu realize the hidden vanity of his cousin. However, such trivial details and matters of needlework were not something he would normally dwell on. It is natural for young ladies to seek reputation and vanity.

However, today, when Lian Menglan brought up the matter, Cui Jiu couldn’t help but wonder whether his cousin’s needlework was truly impressive or if she had merely employed an embroiderer to do the work.

Already troubled, the additional irritation from his future brother-in-law’s advice added to his frustration.

After seeing off the Lian siblings, Cui Jiu had Mo Ru prepare casual clothes for him. Once changed, he took a leisurely stroll along the dirt roads outside the military camp, seeking solace in the rural countryside.

Under his governance, Zhenzhou had opened up many new fields for farming, cultivating rice crops that yielded two harvests a year. The rice plants had grown tall and lush.

In the irrigation ponds, which also held the crabs similar to the ones in Lian Binglan's crab yellow buns, the crabs were thriving.

The freshness of the "June Yellow" crabs couldn’t last long, and once their shells hardened, their flavor changed.

Seeing Cui Jiu gazing intently at the farmers catching crabs from the pond, Mo Ru quickly understood and went to ask the farmers about the prices.

Soon after, he bought two large baskets of crabs and eagerly asked, “Your Highness, would you like the camp’s cooks to steam the crabs for you this afternoon?”

Cui Jiu considered the rough style of the military camp’s cooks and thought they would likely fail to do justice to the crabs’ delicate flavor. He replied, “Have a carriage ready and take us to Lingshuan Town for lunch.”

In Lingshuan Town, he planned to find a modest restaurant with skilled chefs to prepare the crabs properly.

However, his plans were disrupted when, upon arriving in Lingshuan Town and stepping out of the carriage, he heard a delighted voice call out, “Husband!”

Turning around, Cui Jiu saw a woman in a light gray pleated skirt running towards him with a look of surprise. Old servant Li Mama followed, out of breath.

“Just now, while delivering food to Mr. Chen, I recognized your carriage from afar,” Mian Tang said, catching her breath. “But Li Mama insisted it wasn’t yours and wouldn’t let me follow. I almost missed the carriage!”

Having run a few steps, Mian Tang was slightly out of breath, her cheeks flushed, making her fair neck appear even whiter. The unfamiliar strain on her legs caused a dull pain in her ankles. She instinctively grasped the carriage for support to ease the discomfort.

Cui Jiu noticed that Mian Tang, who had been cheerfully speaking, suddenly fell silent, and he guessed her old injury must be acting up. 

He recalled how her tendons had been severed some time ago, and although Zhao Quan had reconnected them, the injury would never fully return to its original state. Such injuries are most sensitive to intense activity, and it was clear she must be in excruciating pain now.

Thinking this, Cui Jiu reached out to steady her arm to prevent her from stumbling or falling. The touch of her soft arm, well-cared for over the past year, made him unconsciously tighten his grip.

At that moment, Li Mama, panting heavily, hurried over and, breathless, knelt before Cui Jiu, saying, “Lord... I couldn’t stop the lady. Please, Lord...”

Li Mama was initially trying to prevent Mian Tang from approaching, hoping the Lord would reprimand her for such an impulsive action. However, seeing Cui Jiu's meaningful gaze, she quickly stopped herself from speaking further, to avoid revealing any inconsistencies.

Mian Tang, having recovered from the pain, noticed the two large baskets of crabs in Mo Ru's hands and weakly asked, “Husband, why didn’t you return home and instead came to this tavern? Are you planning to eat here?”

As she spoke, her gaze fell on the crabs.

Mo Ru, quick on his feet, immediately spun a story, “The master knows that Madam loves crabs, so he personally bought two baskets from the countryside and planned to have the tavern make crab roe buns. They were supposed to be taken back to the house.”

Mian Tang indeed had a fondness for crabs. When her injury was still fresh, she had insisted on eating crabs in the fall, but Li Mama had scolded her, saying that the household couldn’t afford such luxuries. Since then, she had not asked for any special foods again. She was touched to find that her husband had remembered her preference and had bought so many crabs.

Her heart warmed, and she looked at Cui Jiu’s handsome face with a soft smile, “Why make crab roe buns? June crabs are soft-shelled; they taste best when stir-fried with spices! I bought some homemade fermented bean paste from the neighborhood yesterday, which is perfect for stir-frying. It would be a waste to let the tavern profit from them.”

Cui Jiu had originally planned to enjoy the crabs alone, pondering quietly by the railing. But seeing Mian Tang's delighted eyes and hearing her suggestion, he smiled faintly, evidently having made a decision. He said slowly, “Since you prefer spicy crab, let’s stir-fry them instead…”

Cui Xingzhou helped Liu Mian Tang back into the carriage and then, in full view of the curious neighbors, assisted her down from the carriage once they reached the North Street residence. This time, he made no effort to hide his actions. 

The neighbors, who had long speculated about the nature of Liu Mian Tang's husband, had mostly imagined him to be a dandy or a wastrel. But now, under the bright midday sun, they saw Cui Xingzhou for what he truly was.

Their collective surprise was palpable. The delicate and beautiful Liu Mian Tang had willingly taken charge of the household business for such a distinguished-looking man! Cui Xingzhou stood tall and handsome, clad in a moonlit-colored robe, broad-shouldered and narrow-waisted. His dark eyebrows and deep, refined eyes, combined with his calm demeanor, suggested that he was far more than a mere merchant—he could easily be mistaken for a high-ranking official.

Indeed, this striking gentleman was a perfect match for Liu Mian Tang, a pair of true beauty and grace.

Old Madam Yin, known for her warm and friendly nature, was the first to speak up. She called out to Liu Mian Tang, “Madam Liu, is your husband back? Would you like to come over and sit for a while? I’ve just roasted some melon seeds, and they’re perfect for snacking!”

Liu Mian Tang, standing beside Cui Xingzhou, raised her voice deliberately to show off, “We won’t sit just yet; my husband went out to buy crabs from the countryside and missed our meal. We haven’t eaten yet!”

With that, she took her husband’s arm and, smiling brightly, led him back into their residence.

The neighbors, who had often whispered that her husband was a wastrel, were now given a different perspective. Seeing Cui Xingzhou’s impressive demeanor and the affection between the couple, they realized that he was far from the idle, disreputable man they had imagined.

Cui Xingzhou had his own calculations in mind.

Liu Mian Tang had been staying in this place for a while without any contact, which suggested that her abandonment by Lu Wen was likely intentional. It seemed the bandit had grown tired of his charming lady and deliberately discarded her.

In light of this, Cui Xingzhou thought it might be best to make a grand display of his presence and openly acknowledge Liu Mian Tang as his consort. This would ensure that Lu Wen, who had been probing into his affairs, would be cautious if he learned that his former lover had become the favored consort of the Prince of Huaiyang. Lu Wen, aware of Liu Mian Tang's new status, would be wary of any potential leaks and might hesitate in his actions.

Given that Lu Wen was looking to make a deal with Shi Yikuan to turn over a new leaf, Cui Xingzhou's internal disdain was palpable—if the bandit wanted to don the guise of an official, he would see whether Cui Xingzhou would play along.

[Author's note]: Meow~~ Mian Tang: My husband has been exposed~~~

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