Chapter 16: Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" (Are You the One)


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 Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" / Are You the One

 Chapter 16: 


But Mian Tang couldn't indulge in reminiscing about her husband's gallant display. She remembered that her strike with the kettle had landed squarely on him just moments ago.

So when Cui Xingzhou instructed Mo Ru to tie the intruders up and then summon the local constables, Mian Tang hurried over and tugged on his sleeve.

Cui Xingzhou initially shifted to avoid her touch, but after a brief pause, he stayed in place.

When Mian Tang pulled back his sleeve, she saw that his arm was flushed red, with faint signs of blistering.

"My Lord, it's all my fault..." Mian Tang began to speak, but her voice choked up halfway through. Perhaps due to inhaling some of the sedative smoke earlier, her legs suddenly gave out, and she sank to the floor.

Truth be told, Mian Tang was a beauty, and with her tear-filled eyes and trembling voice, she truly looked pitiful. However, the presence of the scoundrel still writhing in pain on the floor and Cui Xingzhou's own burned arm somewhat dampened the romantic atmosphere of the moment.

Cui Xingzhou glanced at her briefly, then gently helped her back to her feet. He allowed Li Mama to bring some cool water to rinse his arm before applying a thin layer of ointment.

It was unclear where Mo Ru had found the constables, but they arrived remarkably quickly. Without saying much, they entered the room and began dragging the gagged and tightly bound intruders outside.

Outside, a carriage had pulled up, and the constables tossed the three intruders onto it like sacks of potatoes before disappearing into the night without even bothering to take statements or ask questions.

Mian Tang wasn’t concerned with that; she was focused on tending to her injured husband, fanning and blowing on his burn, hoping to ease his pain.

When the lights had been lit earlier, she had recognized the intruder in her bedroom as the same lecher who had cornered her in an alley not long ago.

The break-in tonight was all because of her!

Mian Tang felt a deep sense of guilt. Once the courtyard quieted down and they returned to their room, she sat close to Cui Xingzhou, gazing at his ever-calm expression and his swollen arm. With tears in her eyes, she softly said, "Husband, it's all my fault. You... you should scold me!"

Cui Xingzhou didn’t care much about the injury on his arm; after all, in his youth, he had endured far worse during his military service, surrounded by the clash of swords and shadows of death.

However, as he thought about how if he had scaled the wall too early, he might have taken the scoundrel’s place in entering the house first—only to end up with his face covered in burns—he couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow and reply casually, “It’s not like you were the one sneaking around; why would I scold you? I was just worried you’d be wronged. But it turns out you were already prepared...”

Mian Tang, still shaken, said, "Thankfully, I stayed up late and heard Li Mama say that my husband likes his tea scalding hot. I was worried you’d trouble her to boil water late at night, so I had her set up a small stove to keep the water warm. Otherwise, I would’ve had nothing at hand to defend myself with... I could only have died to prove my innocence... then it would have been just you left behind..."

As she spoke through her tears, the sadness overcame her, and she couldn’t stop crying.

Cui Xingzhou let out a soft sigh, gazing up at the newly spun cobweb hanging from the rafters for a moment before finally lowering his head and speaking kindly, "What nonsense are you saying?"

Still feeling regretful, Mian Tang couldn’t help but grumble about the intruder, “I always thought that the people here in Lingquan Town were simple and honest folk. It should be a peaceful place, so how could there be such a wicked scoundrel? Breaking into someone’s home in the dead of night… Everyone says that the Prince Huaiyang is virtuous, but now it seems he's just another good-for-nothing, putting on airs while letting the local officials' relatives run amok!”

Before she could finish, she noticed her husband’s sharp eyes narrowing slightly, a hint of displeasure flashing across his handsome face. He drew out his words, saying, “Your troubles outside—what do they have to do with the Prince Huaiyang?”

Mian Tang immediately realized she had misspoken, letting crude words slip out in front of her husband. She quickly straightened her posture and softly said, “Husband, please don’t blame me for my outburst. It’s just that the officials here are so infuriating! You clearly submitted the complaint, yet there’s been no response. This only shows how the prince’s men are derelict in their duties, covering for each other. And now that scoundrel has come to our doorstep, clearly seeking revenge… If that vile man is released again…”

As Mian Tang spoke, Cui Xingzhou remembered that she had written a formal complaint about the libertine. However, he hadn’t taken it seriously at the time and had tossed the paper into the moat as soon as he left. Later, when Mian Tang asked about it, he had casually brushed it off, telling her that it had been submitted to the authorities.

In a sense, he had been negligent, allowing the rogue to run wild… But directly admitting fault and apologizing to a rebel’s wife seemed absurd.

For a moment, Cui Xingzhou fell silent, a cold expression settling over his handsome face.

Though he usually appeared gentle, it was like trying to grasp at clouds atop a lofty mountain—so close, yet unreachable, something that could only be admired from afar.

When Prince Huaiyang attended banquets with fellow lords and nobles, it was not uncommon for courtesans and dancers to mingle among the guests. However, no matter how much these women flirted and played with the others, none dared to approach Prince Huaiyang.

The reason was simple: women in such settings were adept at reading people.

Prince Huaiyang’s elegant smile carried no warmth, nor did his eyes reflect any pleasure in the music and dance. Even though he was handsome and noble, there was a cold ruthlessness in his gaze that made others instinctively feel unworthy and too intimidated to draw near.

Now, the deceptive smile he often wore in public had completely vanished. His tall figure sat there, and his piercing eyes glared at Lui Mian Tang with an intensity that was suffocating.

It was rare for Prince Huaiyang to show anger, but now, he let it flow freely, allowing the suppressed frustration within him to surface without restraint.

Had it been any other woman, she would have been so frightened by his sudden display of anger that she would scarcely dare to breathe, left standing on the side in helpless silence, unsure of how to ease the tension in the room.

Yet, Mian Tang thought her husband must be angry about the corruption of the local officials and worried about the future.

With this thought, she truly felt heartache for her husband, Cui Jiu. Carefully avoiding his injured arm, she finally, upon his awakening, wrapped her arms around his waist. With her soft hands, she gently patted his broad back, and as she nestled her face against his shoulder, she whispered softly, "Husband, do not worry. In the end, he was the one who trespassed into another's courtyard. Even if the officials try to protect him, they cannot twist the facts. It's not as if we dragged him into the yard ourselves, is it?"

Cui Xingzhou hadn't expected Mian Tang to take the initiative to comfort him like this, and for a moment, he froze.

She was so close that he could smell the fragrant scent from her hair, and the arms wrapped around him were soft and delicate...

The Prince Huaiyang took a deep breath, feeling that even in a true marriage, a woman should not be so actively affectionate. Had Lui Mian Tang used such gestures to win Lu Wen's favor and secure her position in the bandit’s lair?

However, as Mian Tang embraced him, the rare loss of control in his anger was pulled back. He steadied himself and finally lifted his hand to gently pat her shoulder. "Don't worry about this matter. I will handle it with the authorities..."

Mian Tang, reassured by his slightly subdued words, felt much more at ease. Although her husband was not particularly fond of mundane affairs, he possessed an extraordinary calmness. Despite the intrusion and the trouble it had caused, he had not uttered a harsh word towards her. Moreover, his broad chest was incredibly comforting to hold, and listening to his heartbeat made her feel much safer.

After this warm embrace, they were ready to rest.

Mian Tang, noting that her husband’s arm was injured and that he might have trouble sleeping, decided to engage in quiet conversation to distract him. She spoke mainly about the daily operations of her shop and amusing anecdotes from the neighborhood.

Although the Prince's men and Li Mama frequently reported on the situation at the small courtyard on North Street, their focus was primarily on identifying suspicious individuals. None of them, however, shared the little details of daily life like Mian Tang did.

In the realm of matters large and small, no one would ever burden the Prince with trivialities. Even when his mother faced difficulties in the palace, she adhered to the decorum expected of noblewomen, choosing instead to confide her grievances to trusted maids and nannies rather than burdening her son with her personal troubles.

Men of high standing, after all, should not be bothered with such trivial matters.

Yet now, the woman beside him, unreserved and unrestrained, discussed everything with him.

“Madam Zhang from the North Street is setting up a ritual altar and has hired a ‘dog spirit’!” Mian Tang remarked.

Cui Xingzhou, though a little bored, showed interest and asked, “Dog spirit?”

Mian Tang quickly nodded, explaining, “It’s an old dog skin blessed by a Taoist priest. It’s said that fox spirits fear this. Madam Zhang said her husband was being haunted by a fox demon and needed to expel the evil spirits. Initially, I thought it was something supernatural. But then I learned it was actually because her husband brought a courtesan from the brothel and wanted to take her as a concubine. I told her, if it’s a human issue, what good is a dog skin? You need a human solution.”

Cui Xingzhou didn’t see any fault in the man from the Zhang family on North Street. However, he did recognize that taking a courtesan as a concubine could damage the family’s reputation, causing distress to the legitimate wife. Thus, he casually inquired, “And what is this human solution?”

Mian Tang leaned closer to him, saying, “Madam. Zhang was originally from a wealthy family, with her family funding their grain store. She’s just too soft-natured, and her husband takes advantage of that. Her family even sent a capable maid to assist her, but Mr. Zhang sent the maid away. If she can't control her husband, she should bring that maid back and not be swayed by his charm…”

At this, Cui Xingzhou abruptly cut her off, “Don't involve yourself in other people’s family matters.”

He had stationed Mian Tang here to draw out the rebels, not to solve neighborhood disputes. If she got entangled in too many local issues, it might distract the guards and Li Mama, potentially missing the real criminals.

Mian Tang, realizing her overstep, quickly said, “You’re right, husband. It’s not my place to meddle in others’ affairs, especially when it’s not about you taking a concubine…”

As she spoke, Mian Tang suddenly paused. Since her injury and amnesia, although her husband had been considerate, he had never been intimate.

She had initially accepted this respectful distance, finding it appropriate. However, now she couldn't help but worry: could her husband, like Mr. Zhang, also have someone else serving him?

Thinking of this, she felt a sudden block in her heart and didn't want to indulge in baseless speculations. She suddenly asked, “Husband, do you want to take a concubine?”

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