Chapter 14: Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" (Are You the One)


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 Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" / Are You the One

 Chapter 14: 


The discovery of such a hidden detail in a tiny spot was indeed surprising to Zhao Quan. He hadn’t noticed this nuance himself.

It seemed the painter took pride in this subtlety, and was rather blunt towards Zhao Quan for not recognizing the painting’s finer points. However, the painter was caught off guard by Liu Mian Tang’s keen observation. She had truly identified the hidden intricacies of the painting, making her a rare kindred spirit to the painter.

The old scholar couldn’t help but admire Liu Mian Tang, stroking his beard as he said, “This lady has excellent insight.”

Liu Mian Tang smiled slightly. She wasn’t sure how she had perceived the painting so well; she had simply noticed something unusual about the dragonfly’s eye and decided to look closer. There was something familiar about this technique of embedding hidden details, but she couldn’t quite place it at the moment.

Her interest was piqued, leading her to accompany Zhao Quan in search of the painter. Unlike Zhao Quan, she wasn’t motivated by the desire to be a patron of the arts. Her practical aim was to see if the painter’s works could be transferred onto porcelain items. If the artist truly had the talent Zhao Quan claimed, then having his designs on porcelain plates, bowls, and vases could potentially increase their value and help boost sales.

To the painter, Liu Mian Tang’s proposal to commission plates with his designs seemed rather mercenary, but he couldn’t deny that she had recognized his talent. He had thought of her as a rare connoisseur, a kindred spirit beyond his late wife. 

Liu Mian Tang was eager to explain her intentions: she wanted to hire him to create designs for porcelain plates and was willing to pay a high price. 

On the other hand, Zhao Quan was secretly thrilled. Despite feeling a bit embarrassed for not discovering the detail first, he was overjoyed to have uncovered such a talent. He had initially believed the old scholar’s work to be limited to tranquil and refined artistry, but it was clear now that his skill extended to intricate, masterful craftsmanship.

Zhao Quan had hoped to discuss the painter’s promising future and the possibility of his work gaining widespread acclaim. However, Liu Mian Tang’s focus on commissioning practical work rather than celebrating his artistry seemed to undermine the painter’s lofty status.

Zhao Quan, sensing the old scholar's temperament and fearing that he might drive them away, quickly turned to Liu Mian Tang and said, “Madam, this is truly absurd! How could someone of Mr. Hate Pen’s refined nature be reduced to working as a mere craftsman? If you need artists for painting plates, there are plenty of workshops nearby. You can hire as many as you need, and I’ll cover the costs!”

Liu Mian Tang, noticing that it was getting late and not wanting to stay in the same courtyard with Zhao Quan any longer, turned directly to the old scholar and spoke candidly, “Sir, to be honest, I run a porcelain shop. However, business is poor, and if things continue like this, we will have to close down. This shop is the first business my husband set up after moving here from the capital. Closing it would deeply affect him. As his wife, I can’t offer much help, so I wish to ask for your artistic skills to create a signature piece for our shop. By doing so, we hope to establish a reputation and connect with established porcelain kilns to bring in high-quality goods. If we can revitalize our business, I will be forever grateful and will repay your kindness sincerely!”

However, this straightforward truth evidently moved the old scholar. He studied the sincere Liu Mian Tang and asked, "How much silver will you offer?"

Liu Mian Tang considered her modest means and felt a bit disheartened. She replied, "How much do you want, sir?"

Before the old scholar could respond, Zhao Quan, fearing that the scholar might undervalue himself, quickly interjected with wide eyes, "Mr. Hate Pens, all the paintings are yours to sell to me. I am willing to pay a hundred taels of silver for each your works!"

What a joke! Her husband is deeply affected and disheartened? That fellow named Cui must be so frustrated from failing to catch thieves that he's become despondent!

If it were something else, it might be fine, but he doesn’t want to let a once-in-a-lifetime talent be held back because of Prince Huaiyang's scheme!

A humble, refined scholar from the countryside is the most touching. How could he accept that such a rare talent would be reduced to working as a painter for a porcelain shop? Zhao Quan absolutely wouldn’t let this talent debase himself!

Liu Mian Tang’s eyes widened in surprise; she hadn’t expected a physician to dare raise the price so high!

Although her husband had mentioned that the physician had many wives and concubines and shouldn't be worried about making a living, spending a hundred taels of silver on a painting was madness! Was he not afraid of eventually having to beg on the streets with his wives and concubines?

More importantly, she simply couldn’t afford a hundred taels. Zhao Quan was truly a terrible person! He had completely ruined her plans!

Forgetting all politeness, Liu Mian Tang couldn’t hide her anger and glared fiercely at Zhao Quan.

Zhao Quan, who had just rescued a potentially fallen genius and hadn’t yet had a chance to feel pleased, was now met with a glare from Liu Mian Tang. Her eyes, sharp as daggers, gave him a shiver.

What a fierce lady; yet, even when glaring, she was still so strikingly beautiful…

At this moment, the old scholar spoke up, "I sell my paintings for forty wen per piece. Please pay me according to this price."

Upon hearing this, Liu Mian Tang was overjoyed, while Zhao Quan was left completely dumbfounded.

The Marquis was deeply pained and stamped his foot, saying, "Why must you lower yourself like this?"

But the scholar walked over to a nearby straw shed, which seemed to be his usual painting space. There, he pulled out a scroll from a wooden bucket, opened it, and gazed at it wistfully. He said, "This lady reminds me so much of my late wife. Her sincere request to paint is deeply touching, so I will certainly lend her a hand."

Zhao Quan, now as if mourning the death of his own loved ones, approached and looked at the woman on the scholar's painting scroll. His nose wrinkled in displeasure.

Although the husband had embellished his wife's portrait with his personal affection, this woman had a wide waist and a face like a persimmon cake (very round face)... How blind must one be to think she resembled the slender-waisted, oval-faced Liu Mian Tang?

Feeling angry, Zhao Quan shouted without reserve, "Where does the lady resemble Liu Mian Tang?"

The scholar's eyes were filled with tears, and his voice trembled as he said, "Her eyes are so similar..."

His late wife had never allowed him to do any household chores, shouldering everything herself and maintaining their home. She was a well-known capable woman in the area.

If his wife were still alive, he would have certainly accepted Zhao Quan's high price, made a name for himself, and given his beloved wife a life of ease and comfort.

However, with his beloved wife deceased, there was no one left to share in his success, and what use was there for such fleeting fame? A grand mansion could not compare to the humble thatched house his wife had lovingly maintained. He had no desire to go anywhere else.

Instead, he preferred to do what little he could to support this young woman who, like his late wife, was devoted to her husband and shouldered the burden of their home.

After Liu Mian Tang and the scholar finalized their agreement, she, fearing that Zhao Quan might interfere, paid an extra silver tael as a deposit.

The scholar, whose surname was Chen and given name was "Shi," did not demand a high price. Liu Mian Tang, unwilling to take advantage of him, agreed that if the excellent painting helped improve her shop's business, she would provide additional payment to Mr. Chen.

Liu Mian Tang believed that if her business thrived, her reward to Mr. Chen would be far more than just a hundred taels of silver.

The unfortunate Marquis, having come in high spirits and leaving in disappointment, did not even glance at Liu Mian Tang as he mounted his carriage and departed. Clearly upset, he instructed his servant to pass on a message: "Tell the lady that her behavior is infuriating, and I will not forgive her!"

With that, the Marquis waved his sleeve in anger and left.

This was just as well; Liu Mian Tang was not afraid to confront the doctor. In any case, her husband had told her not to speak with Zhao Quan, and she didn't mind at all. She happily returned home.

Having found an excellent painter and secured a signature piece to establish her shop's reputation, Liu Mian Tang's porcelain would no longer fade into obscurity among ordinary shops!

In the future, her husband could focus on studying chess with peace of mind, and the servants like Li Mama could stay at the Cui household in their old age.

Liu Mian Tang’s modest ambition was simply to manage her household well and live a good life.

The next day, she selected a kiln with finer porcelain from among several suppliers and had them send a stack of pristine white porcelain plates for the painter to use.

However, just as everything was set for her grand endeavor, Liu Mian Tang was doused with cold water by a kiln worker who delivered the plates.

The worker, upon learning that these plates were to be painted, kindly offered some advice to the inexperienced lady.

"Madam Cui, hand-painted porcelain plates are not like painting on paper. You can't just paint freely and be done. Due to the smooth surface of porcelain, even small patterns need to be dipped in paint five or six times. Moreover, the paint does not dry as quickly as it does on paper. The drying process is much slower, and after outlining, the plates need to be fired again before you can continue coloring, which is quite time-consuming. Even if you manage to paint well, if the kiln temperature is not controlled properly during firing, the porcelain could crack…"

As the worker spoke, he shook his head and said, "Madam, if you don't believe me, you can inquire around. In the entire town, there's only one place that does hand-painted porcelain, the old He family shop with a hereditary craft. They even supply the imperial court! Your ambitions are great, but they’re quite unrealistic!"

After finishing his advice, the worker shook his head and went back to work at the kiln.

Liu Mian Tang now understood what it meant to be out of her depth in a different field.

She had originally thought that with Mr. Chen’s skillful brushwork, painting a few plates would revitalize her business and make her shop thrive. Now she realized how simplistic her thinking had been.

Realizing this, she turned to Mr. Chen, who had been standing quietly to the side, and said, "Mr. Chen, you heard that too. I’m truly sorry. If you hadn’t agreed to help me, you could have received a hundred taels from Mr. Zhao... Since painting on porcelain isn’t feasible, I will personally go to Mr. Zhao to apologize and ask him to continue buying your paintings. If he refuses... I will still offer you some money as compensation, though it won’t compare to the amount Mr. Zhao could have given."

Mr. Chen was sitting at the table enjoying the lunch that Li Mama had prepared for Liu Mian Tang. Recently, Li Mama had been in a good mood and often made meat dishes for Mian Tang. Today’s meal was a bowl of richly braised, bright red Dongpo pork, its skin gleaming enticingly. When he picked it up with chopsticks, it quivered with tenderness.

Mr. Chen hadn’t had such a delicious meal in a long time, and he ate it with great enthusiasm! After finishing the meat, he even wiped the bowl with the bread, savoring every bit of the meat juice.

Hearing Liu Mian Tang’s words filled with remorse, Mr. Chen wiped his mouth and waved his hand dismissively. “Since you haven’t tried it, how can you give up so easily? If painting requires firing, then I’ll go to the kiln today and keep an eye on the furnace to give it a try. All I need from you is to send me two meals a day.”

Seeing that Mr. Chen was willing to put in the effort to try, Liu Mian Tang was deeply grateful and instructed Li Mama to prepare meals for Mr. Chen, ensuring that each meal included fish and meat.

Li Mama had no interest in revitalizing the business on North Street, but seeing Liu Mian Tang’s enthusiasm, she didn’t dissuade her. After all, since there weren’t many good days left, it was fine to let her indulge in her desires. If they did make money, perhaps the prince would reward her, giving this lonely woman something of value.

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