Chapter 12: Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" (Are You the One)


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 Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" / Are You the One

 Chapter 12: 

Cui Xingzhou, being not only Zhao Quan's close friend but also a relative by marriage, could not allow Zhao Quan to act recklessly.

To prevent any future issues, Cui Xingzhou said, "He has many wives and concubines. If you invite his family, it might cause favoritism or neglect, which would be inappropriate. It’s better not to invite him at all."

Liu Mian Tang hesitated, replying, "The doctor and you seem to have a deep friendship. Wouldn’t it be impolite to not invite him?"

Cui Xingzhou, looking down, decided to cut off future problems and said, "Although Brother Zhao is skilled, he particularly envies others’ sweet rewards and keeps his distance from people who are close to his wives and concubines. If it weren’t for your serious illness, I would never have invited him."

Liu Mian Tang blinked and finally understood the deeper meaning in her husband’s words. It turned out that the doctor, despite his refined appearance, was actually a lecher! This... was like a wolf in sheep's clothing!

Recalling the last time when the doctor was so eager to help her, her husband’s displeasure must have been due to jealousy.

However, when she was critically ill, her husband had insisted on inviting Zhao Quan to save her life despite the risks, showing deep affection.

Realizing this, she felt a pang of guilt and an overwhelming sense of tenderness. She quickly reassured her husband, "Since he is like this, I won’t even look at him in the future... Husband, did I make you angry when I spoke with him earlier?"

The woman before him was strikingly beautiful, but what was most captivating was the way her eyes sparkled and her cheeks blushed. Liu Mian Tang looked like that now, with a face like peach blossoms and eyes like autumn water. Cui Xingzhou gazed at her for a while before slowly saying, "Ignorance is no fault. It’s best if you don’t speak with him in the future."

Although she was reluctant, her husband’s study of chess was important. It was said that a good teacher was hard to find, and Cui Xingzhou, who despised idleness, would need to leave early to study.

After seeing her husband off and watching him drive out of the alley, Liu Mian Tang prepared to return reluctantly.

At that moment, Madam Zhang, who had just returned from the night shift next door, happened to catch sight of the departing carriage. She quickly called out to Liu Mian Tang, raising her voice, "Madam Cui, wait! Was that your husband who just left in the carriage?"

Liu Mian Tang confirmed with a smile. Madam Zhang expressed some regret, saying, "I only saw him quickly board the carriage. I must have been seeing things, and since your husband’s cloak was so large, it covered half his face. I could only see the top of his head. If he walked past me now, I wouldn’t recognize him as Mr. Cui..."

Hearing Madam Zhang’s words, Liu Mian Tang paid little attention and responded with a smile, "We are neighbors, and we will have many opportunities to see each other in the future."

While she was responding, Liu Mian Tang turned to head back to the courtyard. She had heard from Li Mama that there was still a large amount of hot water left in the pot, so she intended to use it for a bath. The recent rainy and damp weather had caused her hands and feet to ache. A warm soak would help alleviate the discomfort.

However, Madam Zhang, being a gossip and always keen on probing into neighbors’ affairs, saw an opportunity to gather information for future conversations with the townsfolk.

"Madam Cui, please don’t blame me for meddling. It’s just that your husband always comes home late at night and leaves early in the morning, leaving no trace. You should tell him that this kind of behavior is not good. Over time, it will cause neighbors to gossip."

She lowered her voice and continued, "You should know that a few of the officials on the street who keep mistresses behave similarly, always trying to avoid being seen. It’s made the street quite unpleasant. Every now and then, the official’s main wife will come and cause a scene, disturbing everyone."

After saying this, Madam Zhang fixed her gaze on Liu Mian Tang’s face, trying to see if she would show any signs of discomfort.

However, Liu Mian Tang only smiled slightly, appearing composed and gracious as she responded, "My husband is no frivolous idler; he’s occupied with important matters. What man who’s working hard doesn’t come and go early and late? Why should he delay his work just because of a few people’s gossip? If someone has nothing better to do than slander my husband and tarnish our family’s reputation, they shouldn’t blame me if I end up going to their door to confront them, smashing their property, and reporting them to the village head!"

When Liu Mian Tang spoke, she had a sweet smile on her face, but Madam Zhang felt that there was a fierce light in her beautiful eyes. The look she had seemed more than just a verbal warning; it gave an impression that she might act on her threats.

For some reason, Madam Zhang shivered and lost her nerve, awkwardly laughing as she turned to return home with her night bucket.

Li Mama, who had been standing at the door, had heard everything Liu Mian Tang said. She felt a mix of emotions.

Although Liu Mian Tang was trying hard to defend her husband’s reputation, she didn't realize that her own status was actually worse than that of the official’s mistress. Seeing her face full of righteous calm made it hard for Li Mama to bear.

That afternoon, Li Mama made an exception and prepared a nourishing dish of red date ginseng chicken for Liu Mian Tang.

Liu Mian Tang watched the tender, well-cooked chicken in the pot, the aroma filling the air.

As Li Mama lifted the lid, she said, "Madam, you’ve been feeling unwell due to the cold recently. This soup, with red dates, goji berries, and ginseng, will help warm and strengthen your body and dispel the cold…”

But Liu Mian Tang, feeling concerned, interrupted, "Such good ingredients should be saved for when my husband returns! Otherwise, it will be like last time, where the meat went to waste without him coming back!"

Li Mama, with a stern face, replied, "Men don’t need such nourishment. The Cui family is well-off, so you don’t need to be overly frugal."

As the saying goes, "A thousand miles of riverbank can collapse from an ant hole," and Liu Mian Tang was starting to understand— the decline of the Cui family was not only due to the master’s lack of business acumen but also the servants’ lack of thriftiness.

However, since Li Mama meant well, Liu Mian Tang couldn’t bring herself to scold her too harshly, even though she felt a pang of regret seeing the large ginseng root. She only instructed Li Mama to inform her before using such expensive medicinal ingredients in the future, and to do so only when her husband was home.

Li Mama, with a darker expression, silently served her the soup and placed it heavily in front of her, saying, “What Madam says is true. This old servant was indeed meddlesome today.”

Liu Mian Tang took a spoonful and sipped the warm, flavorful soup, which immediately brought comfort to her body. She looked up at Li Mama, who still seemed upset, and said, “Please don’t mind my fussiness. The family’s finances are tight right now. Once the shop opens and starts making money, we’ll be able to have meat every day… and not just me, but even you should have ginseng chicken soup regularly then. You have been loyal to the Cui family all this time, and I want to thank you on behalf of my husband.”

Hearing this, Li Mama’s stern expression softened. With a sigh, she picked up a long pair of chopsticks, separated the chicken, and placed a chicken leg into Liu Mian Tang’s bowl.

She didn't know how the prince would deal with this woman in the future, but days of eating meat so freely might become rare. Though she had little influence over the prince’s decisions, out of sympathy, she decided to cook extra meat for this poor woman.

The opening day of the shop was carefully chosen by Liu Mian Tang for a lucky day in the middle of the lunar month. Two red firecrackers were hung high at the entrance, and the newly made "Jade Burnt Porcelain Workshop" sign was prominently displayed, covered with a red cloth for now.

Although the Cui family had no friends or relatives in the area, Liu Mian Tang invited the local neighbors to create a lively atmosphere.

At this point, the townspeople realized that the new owners of these two shops were actually the newly arrived Cui family from the North Street.

Curious onlookers inquired about the price Liu Mian Tang paid for the two shops, marveling at her shrewdness and secretly admiring her business acumen.

Seeing the newly decorated shop, with its shiny porcelain and Liu Mian Tang’s efficient management, even the gossipers no longer thought of her as merely an outsider. Despite her striking beauty, it was clear that she was a serious and capable businesswoman.

Those who had once been courtesans, accustomed to lazy lives and lavish spending, couldn't endure the hardships of managing a business. They were used to flashy displays and easy money, not the grind of diligent work.

Soon, the neighbors sincerely congratulated Liu Mian Tang, wishing her prosperous business.

However, despite the grand opening, the male head of the family was noticeably absent from the shop. Liu Mian Tang explained that her husband had taken on a famous teacher to study chess and was thus unable to leave the mountain.

This revelation clarified everything for the townspeople. It turned out that the Cui family's master was merely a dandy, truly a hands-off manager. While his beautiful wife was out managing the business, he was engrossed in scholarly pursuits and pastimes, neglecting practical affairs that could earn money.

It was a pity! Such a capable and beautiful woman was matched with such an impractical gentleman.

Amidst their regret, some who admired Liu Mian Tang’s beauty harbored inappropriate thoughts. Since her husband was often away, they wondered if her chambers were left unattended. They planned to check the back door in the evening to see if there might be an opportunity.

As the firecrackers exploded to signify the auspicious start, and the red cloth was removed with the sound of a gong, Liu Mian Tang's shop officially opened for business in Longquan Town.

However, opening a business is not as simple as just unveiling a red cloth.

In the town, where porcelain shops were numerous, competition was fierce. Established stores had loyal customers and steady sales, which meant they didn't have to worry about their business. Many of these were even run directly by porcelain kilns, producing and selling their own goods, cutting out middlemen and reducing costs.

In contrast, the Jade Burn Porcelain Shop was a new venture, and as outsiders without local connections, they were at a disadvantage. Opening such a shop was like throwing money away.

After the initial lively opening day, the shop remained quiet for several days, with no customers coming through the doors.

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