31 Ye Cheng Fu


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Ye Cheng Fu

 Chapter 31: 


At this point, I couldn’t help but give Shangguan Wanqing a slap on the head, saying, “Why choose such a chaotic place? Are you out of your mind?!”

“You know,” Shangguan Wanqing said with a hint of resignation as she patted my shoulder, “You’re married now, but you’re still acting like a child. I’m trying to help you grow up.”

“Thanks for the help…” I resisted the urge to hit her again. “I feel like we’re growing in different directions.”

“Come on, now that we’re here, let’s just have some fun,” Shangguan Wanqing said dismissively, pulling me along. “Let’s enjoy ourselves for today. I’ll make sure you see the best of this place.”

She dragged me to a small table, and once I sat down, everyone started to enjoy themselves. Drinking, playing games, guessing riddles, and shooting arrows, Shangguan Wanqing was more knowledgeable about these activities than most. As the drinks flowed, Qin Yang and Shangguan Liulan joined in the festivities, mingling with the crowd. The room turned lively, with people dancing to the music played by performers on a raised platform.

I’m not one for active participation, so I just sat to the side, sipping my drink and watching. The room had become a blend of high society and casual fun, making it one of the most harmonious scenes I’d ever seen among these officials. I couldn’t help but daydream that if Shangguan Wanqing were emperor, maybe the concept of factionalism would disappear… Every morning, instead of arguments, people would just start dancing when they disagreed.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

The image of my mother, Qin Yang, and Shangguan Liulan leading the dance in front of everyone made me laugh out loud. At that moment, Qin Yang took a seat beside me and casually remarked, “There’s a unique wine here called ‘Carefree Elixir.’ It’s not available outside. Once you drink it, you’ll forget everything.”

I said nothing, keeping a wary eye on her.

Though I had been drinking quite a bit, I wasn't drunk yet. I was wary of Qin Yang, knowing she had it in for me and might try something under the guise of friendliness.

However, she seemed visibly intoxicated, her face flushed. Holding a jug of wine, she casually leaned against the wall, appearing as though she was also inebriated. But her speech was clear and coherent, suggesting her state was more an act than reality.

“I like this wine. Want to try some?” she asked, lifting the jug towards me.

“What exactly are you up to?” I asked cautiously. “I don’t think we’re close enough for this.”

“Congratulations on your marriage,” she said with an honest smile, almost as if she was trying to make amends. “We’ve known each other for a while, haven’t we?” She pushed the jug closer to me. “Just try it.”

She had never been conciliatory with me before, and since I was more inclined to respond to softness rather than toughness, I accepted the jug, suspecting that maybe our rivalry wasn’t at the level of poisoning each other.

The wine was indeed excellent, sweet at first, but strangely had a bit of a bitter aftertaste. I found myself drinking more to counteract the bitterness.

As she watched me drink, her eyes showed a hint of amusement. Leaning against the wall, she said slowly, “This wine is hard to stop drinking. The initial sweetness makes you want to keep drinking, but then the bitterness makes you want to drink more, sweet and bitter, sweet and bitter… What do you think, in the end, is it sweet or bitter?”

“Obviously,” I said, struggling with the bitterness, “the wine will eventually run out, and it will definitely be bitter in the end.”

“Bitter…” Her eyes grew somewhat vacant, and then she gave a resigned smile, handing me a plum.

I popped the plum into my mouth and immediately felt a lot better. I figured that even in something as simple as drinking, she couldn’t resist adding a little bit of mischief.

“Don’t think I’m trying to make things difficult for you,” she said, catching my wary gaze. With a faint smile, she added, “This wine is something I drink every day. It’s my favorite, and I’m sharing it with you because it’s good.”

“Stop with the nonsense.”

“Shucheng,” she closed her eyes, looking weary, “you’re still too young. You’ll come to understand that this wine is genuinely good.”

“What exactly are you trying to say?” I was getting impatient, feeling that she was being unnecessarily convoluted. She finally revealed, “I want to meet Shen Ye.”

As soon as she mentioned Shen Ye, I recalled their past interactions, and my anger flared up instantly.

I hadn’t bothered her, yet she still had the audacity to want to meet my husband?! Was she treating me like a fool who could be easily disregarded?

“No way!” I shouted angrily. “Qin Yang, do you have no shame? To ask to see my man! If you want to see Shen Ye, why don’t you bring Qin Shu out and let me meet him?”

I remembered how Qin Yang had been protective of Qin Shu. Once, just because I made a casual joke about Qin Shu, she had pushed me off the steps.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

As expected, Qin Yang’s expression changed immediately when I spoke. But instead of anger, her face turned an ashen color, filled with an indescribable bitterness. After a long silence, she said coldly, “Your man… do you truly think you’ll be together forever? Others may not know, but I’m fully aware of your entanglement with him. Shucheng,” she smiled in a peculiar manner, “I’ll be waiting for your divorce. Write the separation letter in the morning, and I’ll send the betrothal gifts by noon. After all, I have no family constraints and no parental control. I can wait a lifetime.”

As Qin Yang left, her laughter echoing in the distance, I sat there, stunned and disoriented. The realization hit me with a jolt—Qin Yang knew Shen Ye was Su Rongqing!

My mind raced. How could she know? Was this some sort of trick or game she was playing? If she knew, how many others might be aware of Shen Ye's true identity? And more importantly, how would this knowledge affect everything moving forward?

I tried to collect myself, my thoughts swirling in confusion and anxiety. I had to think clearly. If Qin Yang knew, I had to be extra cautious. Shen Ye’s identity was a secret that needed to be protected at all costs. The implications of this knowledge could be far-reaching, affecting not just our personal lives but potentially the political landscape as well.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. This new development meant that I had to reconsider my approach with everyone, especially with Qin Yang. I couldn’t afford to be reckless. I needed to be strategic, to protect Shen Ye and ourselves from any further complications. 

The room around me felt like it was closing in, and I realized I needed to get out, to regain some control and clear my mind. I stood up, determined to confront the situation with a calm and collected mind, despite the turmoil inside me.

But when did she find out? Before me or after me? How did she come to know? Does she know Shen Ye is the Dark Emperor? What kind of relationship do Qin Yang and Shen Ye have? Has their trust reached such a level?

This realization made my heart ache even more. Overwhelmed by these thoughts, I drank excessively. Unable to express my frustration, I stood up and joined the raucous crowd, immersing myself in the noise and revelry.

As the sounds of the party filled my ears and I let myself be carried away, I began to feel a bit better. With each glass of wine, I lost track of time, and before I knew it, night had fallen. When everyone was finally tired and scattered, lounging at their small tables for dinner, Shangguan Wanqing suddenly announced, “Friends, it’s getting dark.”

Shangguan Wanqing straightened up with a smile and said, “Since everyone’s of age, would you like to experience the world’s most enchanting place, the realm of the divine and gentle?”

Her words were so blunt that everyone immediately reacted—some faces turned red, others went pale.

I sat to the side, feeling indifferent. In truth, everyone was curious. Whether or not they had such thoughts, they were all intrigued. A few lower-ranking aristocratic youths, uneasy, asked me, “Today is the second day of Miss Shu’s wedding. Is it appropriate to…”

“Just go ahead,” I said expressionlessly. “Invite the best. Put it on my account.”

“Did you hear that?” Shangguan Wanqing clapped her hands decisively. “Even Shu Cheng agrees! Liulan, you’re the most familiar with this. Today, you’ll be in charge!”

I felt as though I had been struck by lightning. I couldn’t help but glance sharply at Shangguan Liulan, who was sitting calmly. Liulan’s expression remained unchanged as she said, “That was many years ago. However, it’s fine to oversee things for Shu Cheng, as she’s still inexperienced.”

I felt a shock of surprise and couldn’t help but touch my face, wondering if I had drunk too much and was hallucinating.

Shangguan Wanqing laughed heartily and clapped her hands, saying, “Everyone, come in!”

As soon as she finished speaking, the door opened, and a line of young men entered, each kneeling on the ground and announcing their names in various tones.

These young men were of different styles—some in light silks, others in long robes with jade crowns, some with a cold demeanor, and others with youthful naivety—but all were exceptionally handsome.

As more and more young men entered, the crowd couldn’t help but gasp. Such a scene was rarely seen by ordinary aristocratic youths. However, despite their beauty, I felt little reaction. Perhaps it was because I had seen someone as beautiful as Shen Ye; even though these young men were attractive, they didn’t impress me much. 

When the space was filled with kneeling youths, a blind man with a bamboo cane shuffled in, slowly kneeling down. When I saw his face, I was so startled I nearly cried out.

I quickly glanced at Qin Yang beside me, only to find her calmly watching the blind man kneel, her expression unchanged.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

I opened my mouth, wanting to ask Qin Yang why this person looked so much like her beloved elder brother, Qin Shu, and how he ended up here. But seeing Qin Yang’s expression, I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. It would be too offensive to question why the second-ranking official's brother was in a brothel.

Once the young men were kneeling, everyone began to select their favorites. One by one, the young men were picked, until only the man who resembled Qin Shu remained on the ground. He smiled slightly, his face expressionless. Qin Yang had already chosen a young man, and Shangguan Wanqing, who had selected a cool, aloof type, was nestled in his embrace. Noticing that I hadn’t picked anyone yet, she raised an eyebrow and said, “Shu Cheng, don’t you like any of these? Should I call more…?”

“That's not necessary!” I quickly interrupted her, forcing myself to speak. “This gentleman… please come forward.”

“Young Lord Shu, you don’t need to be so accommodating!” someone laughed. “We can’t bear such hospitality!”

“No, that’s not it,” I quickly waved my hand. Seeing the man use his bamboo cane to stand, I hurriedly stood up to assist him, guiding him to my seat. I smiled, saying, “I just didn’t want to offend the gentleman.”

At my words, the crowd burst into laughter. Shangguan Liulan raised an eyebrow and commented meaningfully, “Shu Cheng’s taste is indeed admirable.”

I felt a bit awkward, but just then, a familiar voice rang out, clear and slightly flirtatious: “I heard that the gentleman is not satisfied with the ones presented. Would you like to see Master Peony?”

As soon as the voice faded, the man with the bamboo cane moved aside, and Master Peony walked in. I stood there stunned, still holding the hand of the man who resembled Qin Shu, and quickly let go in shock. The faux Qin Shu and the other courtesans turned to face Lord Peony and bowed in greeting, saying, “Lords.”

Master Peony, without speaking, stared at me for a moment before smiling: “I didn’t expect to see Shu Shaozhu here. I’m sorry that I didn’t come personally to serve. I hope Young Lord Shu won’t hold it against me.”

He then walked in, kneeling in the center. “Which young lord is dissatisfied? Perhaps Master Peony can still meet her expectations?”

Seeing everyone look at me, Master Peony’s understanding smile grew broader. “So it’s Young Lord Shu…”

“Ah, no, no!” I panicked and waved my hand. “I’m very satisfied. This gentleman is excellent.”

“Since that’s the case,” Master Peony nodded, “then I’ll take my leave.”

“Go on, go on,” I hurriedly waved him off, eager to have him leave. Master Peony smiled, his eyes holding a hint of mischief as he glanced at Qin Shu, saying meaningfully, “So, Young Lord Shu has a preference for this type.”

With that, he walked out.

As soon as he was gone, I grabbed Shangguan Wanqing and pulled her over, fuming, “Are you trying to get me killed?! You actually set the location at Phoenix Tower!!”

Shangguan Wanqing rolled her eyes. “Phoenix Tower is the best brothel in Chu. Where else would I take you? Don’t worry, Shen Ye won’t find out. He’s at the Shu residence dealing with Bai Shaotang. Even if Phoenix Tower is capable, it won’t be able to pass this information to him, right?”

“What if it does?!”

“What if?” Shangguan Wanqing raised an eyebrow, thought for a moment, then turned to me seriously, “Let me ask you, you’re planning on having no future with Shen Ye, right?”

“Yes…” I didn’t quite understand.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Shangguan Wanqing continued, “And you wouldn’t want him to still have feelings for you, right?”


"Exactly!" Shangguan Wanqing nodded. "So why give him any hope?"


"Shu Cheng," she said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear with a knowing look, "if you don't like someone, don’t treat them well. Don’t always consider their feelings. You need to understand that liking someone is like a spark. As long as there’s even a little wind, it won’t extinguish."

I couldn’t find a response. After a moment, I closed my eyes, preparing to speak, when I suddenly felt someone gently grasp my hand.

I was startled and turned to see the man who resembled Qin Shu sitting nearby, his face showing the calm and composure of a noblewoman. Qin Yang was holding a drink, gazing at him absentmindedly. When I looked over, Qin Yang turned her head away.

I considered this for a moment, then asked cautiously, “What’s your name, sir?”

“Ming Chen,” he replied respectfully, “Ming as in ‘brightness,’ and Chen as in ‘morning light.’”

“Oh, oh…” I nodded. His hand was very cool, and for some reason, it made me feel inexplicably at ease. My previous anxiety suddenly dissipated, and I found myself unusually calm.

With this calming effect, I allowed him to hold my hand and continued chatting with him casually. While we spoke, I had the impression that someone was watching me, but despite scanning the room, I couldn’t find anyone.

Ming Chen was a man of few words, with our conversation consisting mostly of me asking and him answering. Nearby, people had already started to revel loudly, some even engaging in overly provocative behavior. Seeing this, Shangguan Wanqing used her fan to signal and had them removed.

I couldn't help but blush. Ming Chen seemed to sense my embarrassment and said, "Is this your first time at a place like this, Young Lord?"

"Not exactly…" 

A young nobleman in his twenties saying it's his first time here would be hard to believe. However, I had never been this reckless before. Ming Chen patted the back of my hand and continued, "There's no need to be embarrassed. Everyone has their own way of enjoying themselves. Stay calm, and you'll find peace."

Hearing this, I couldn’t quite understand how someone like him could be in such a place. I asked, "If you encounter someone who… enjoys themselves in that manner, would you handle it the same way?"

"I'm a courtesan," he smiled, "and as a courtesan, I must serve the guests as they wish."

"Then… isn’t it awkward to engage like this when you’ve just met and there are no feelings involved?"

At my question, Ming Chen's smile deepened. "Young Lord, you're quite the interesting person. The heart is the heart, and pleasure is pleasure. They can be kept separate."

"But if you care about someone, wouldn’t it be difficult to accept?"

"Some people find it difficult, and some do not."

"How would I know if it’s difficult or not?"

"Young Lord," Ming Chen suddenly turned to me with a smile, "you won't know until you try."

I froze for a moment, realizing what he was implying. At that point, he had already placed his hand on my cheek and gently wrapped his other arm around my waist, leaning in slowly and tenderly.

I knew what he was about to do, but I had no intention of stopping him because I wanted to understand how to distinguish between the two.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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