30 Ye Cheng Fu


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Ye Cheng Fu

 Chapter 30: 


“I’m not convinced!” The bed began to shake violently again. Realizing that continuing this way would mean no sleep for the night, I took a sedative from the nearby cabinet, circled the bed, and carefully listened to their movements. When I noticed the bed’s shaking had lessened and their arguing had reached a stalemate, I took a deep breath, lifted the bed curtain, and, with a loud shout, delivered a hand chop to Shen Ye’s neck as he was straddling Bai Shaotang. Shen Ye froze for a moment before collapsing onto Bai Shaotang. Without waiting for Bai Shaotang to react, I quickly pressed the other hand, which was coated with the sedative, against his nostrils. Bai Shaotang managed to utter a single word, “Cheng...” before passing out.

Seeing that both were unconscious, I finally felt some relief. I left them in the position with Shen Ye collapsed on Bai Shaotang and Bai Shaotang’s legs entangled around Shen Ye. I flipped the bed curtain and threw myself onto the nearby couch to sleep.

Perhaps the stress of the wedding had taken its toll. The next morning, when the maid came to help me get ready, I barely reacted and just felt annoyed by the noise. I buried myself deeper under the covers, turned over, and continued to sleep. The maids, as usual, approached respectfully and lifted the bed curtain, gently saying, “Young Master, it’s time to...”

Before she could finish, the maid froze, staring at the scene on the bed with disbelief, and said, “Two grooms?! Where’s the Young Lord?”

Hearing this, I immediately woke up. I leaped off of the couch, wrapped in my blanket, and jumped onto the bed. Rolling to the side, I looked at the maid’s astonished expression and said, “I’m here!” Then, without waiting for her to say anything, I pulled the still-drowsy men up, hugged one on each side, and kissed them, saying earnestly, “We did consummate the marriage last night, but it was too tiring. With three of us on the bed, it was too crowded, so I went to sleep on the couch.”

“Three…three…” The maid was clearly overwhelmed by the massive amount of information. However, my earnest expression and unflinching gaze left her momentarily speechless. My mind was blank; all I knew was that the fact that we didn’t consummate the marriage on the wedding night could never be known to anyone else. This maid was someone my father had arranged, and if she spread rumors, my father would definitely find out.

And this was something my father, mother, the empress, and the entire Chu Kingdom could never know!!

Not consummating the marriage on the wedding night is a huge disgrace for these men, and I didn’t want Shen Ye and Bai Shaotang to lose face in the capital. 

However, I hadn’t considered that this would be a huge humiliation for me. Seeing the maid’s expression, I suddenly realized, and my face changed.

The term “debauchery”… seems to be more relevant to me now?

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

I suddenly thought of the faces of the officials I used to manage in the Imperial Censorate. My heart skipped a beat, but since the words had already been spoken, there was no turning back. I could only continue to hold one man on each side, watching as more people entered the room. At this moment, Shen Ye and Bai Shaotang both woke up groggily. With blank expressions, they looked up at me, and without knowing what was happening, they both kissed me on the face in unison.

The crowd’s expressions became more approving, and the maid finally reacted, lowering her head and saying, “Congratulations, Young Lord. Please, masters, get up and wash up.”

“So early…” Bai Shaotang rested his head on my shoulder, speaking lazily. Shen Ye, who was holding me, suddenly looked up. He quickly glanced at Bai Shaotang and me, as well as the people around us, then, while Bai Shaotang was still yawning and not fully awake, Shen Ye delivered a punch to Bai Shaotang’s face. Bai Shaotang was knocked down and collided with a pillar, rolling away. I shivered in fear, and Shen Ye’s cold voice rang out, “Get off the bed!”

Bai Shaotang, covering his eyes, finally came to his senses and struggled to get up.

“Gentlemen, it’s almost time for the tea ceremony. You should get ready. The head of the household and the master are already preparing to head to the living room.”

Upon hearing this, Bai Shaotang was immediately stunned, but he quickly broke into a smile and said, “Then let’s hurry, Chengcheng, let’s go.”

He rushed to the maid, not giving anyone else a chance to attend to him, and efficiently went through his grooming. Shen Ye, on the other hand, lazily got up and called, “Come in.” Immediately, Shen Cong led a procession of people into the room to help Shen Ye dress and groom.

Shen Ye brought more attendants than my own, and they quickly set to work in the room. Some organized the space, some lit incense, and two people came forward to help Shen Ye dress. Shen Cong took a small, rolling incense burner and placed it on the fire, rolling it over Shen Ye’s clothes.

Though their actions appeared slow and elegant, Shen Ye was already done by the time I finished my grooming.

Bai Shaotang was even faster. Dressed in white with a golden crown, he stood at the door with an unfriendly expression. Shen Ye, dressed in a blue wide-sleeved robe with a white jade pendant and adorned with a floral scent, looked much more refined and noble despite similar attire. His presence made the women in the room lower their heads, afraid to look up for fear of being captivated by his appearance.

Shen Ye then bowed to me, as any husband would, and greeted, “Greetings to the mistress.”

A chill ran down my spine, and I felt as though I was being watched by some beast. I instinctively looked behind me and saw Shen Cong standing there with a gentle smile. As soon as I glanced his way, he immediately lowered his eyes, slightly bowed, and stepped back behind Shen Ye.

I couldn’t help but touch the back of my neck and tried to push away the unsettling thoughts as we headed towards the living room. Shen Ye and Bai Shaotang followed closely behind me. We moved quickly, and upon arriving at the living room, we found that the family had already gathered.

The Shu family was large and prosperous, with many branches. Thus, for the tea ceremony, not everyone from the family could be present; only my mother’s siblings had come. Despite this, the hall was still packed.

Seated next to my mother was her full sister, Shu Huang, my aunt. My mother had three full sisters; she was the second eldest. The eldest, Shu Ran, was renowned for her medical skills from a young age and had left home to travel as a healer, earning the title of “Sacred Doctor.” The youngest, Shu Huang, was exceptional in martial arts from an early age and had joined the battlefield as a teenager, becoming a formidable general of the Chu Dynasty, commanding a hundred thousand troops in the western regions. She taught me martial arts when I was young, and we shared a close bond. As a child, she often told me that if I couldn’t win a fight, I should run. The first lesson she taught me was agility. Her advice led me to discover that I often couldn’t beat others, so I focused on running, which made me excellent at lightness skill but not very good at combat.

Despite being the one who taught me to run rather than fight, she had made a crucial stand during the war with the Chen Kingdom in the first year of Yuan De. To buy time for the attacking forces, she led five thousand soldiers to defend the city. In the end, the city was breached, and Chu won, but she was brought back with both legs shattered and barely clinging to life.

I was sixteen at the time and had been appointed as a military observer by the emperor. I led my own troops to the city’s gates, hoping to rescue her, but she shot me back with an arrow. I still remember her standing on the city wall, pulling back her bow and shouting “Go back” at me. It was the first time I truly felt her deep commitment to her country and people. This was something I could never learn in the capital, but she taught me on the frontier.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Later, she passed her general’s position to her daughter, Shu Xuan. The empress summoned her back to the capital under the pretext of recuperation. While it appeared to be an imperial favor, everyone knew that it was really because the empress was uneasy about the Shu family holding the command over a hundred thousand troops at the border. Shu Xuan was still young, and without Shu Huang’s presence, it was deemed almost impossible for her to manage such a large force effectively.

Everyone had said the same, yet she still came, and then she stayed with the Shu family. She rarely went outside, keeping herself shut away in the courtyard, likely to avoid seeing people from her past. A once-great figure reduced to a disability, while the old acquaintances remained the same—such a situation was undeniably painful for anyone.

However, she was out now, seated in a wheelchair, her face pale yet touched by joy. Seeing me enter with Shen Ye and Bai Shaotang, her smile deepened. I led the two men to kneel in the main hall and, in turn, offered our greetings: "Shu Cheng greets Mother and Father, and also extends my respects to all the aunts and uncles."

Shen Ye and Bai Shaotang followed suit, bowing in respect.

Everyone in the room fell silent, staring at Shen Ye and Bai Shaotang. After a long pause, my mother cleared her throat. Shu Huang was the first to react, though still somewhat stunned, as she gazed at the two men and remarked, "The appearance of Cheng’er’s two husbands is truly remarkable. To be able to have such a good match, Cheng’er is indeed a fortunate person..."

Upon hearing this, everyone in the room nodded in agreement. I rolled my eyes at my mother’s subtle expression, realizing that she was the only one who truly understood me—understood how troublesome these two men could be.

After a while, the maidservants came over to pour tea for the three of us who were kneeling. I led Shen Ye and Bai Shaotang to present the tea to each elder. The elders then gave each of them a red envelope. Throughout the process, Shen Ye remained silent, maintaining his calm demeanor. His actions were both respectful and courteous, showing the elegance and poise of a noble scion, with a touch of enigmatic dignity.

Perhaps his appearance was too striking, as everyone seemed momentarily stunned when handing out the red envelopes. Bai Shaotang’s side went much smoother, quickly finishing the tea ceremony and standing aside. Shen Ye, on the other hand, took his time. When it was his turn to present tea to Aunt Shu Huang, she handed him the red envelope with an unreadable expression and casually remarked, "Looking at Rongqing always reminds me of an old acquaintance."

Shen Ye did not respond, standing respectfully and waiting for Aunt Shu Huang to continue. A hint of regret appeared in her eyes as she sighed, "This was many years ago. There was a distinguished young man in Chu State named Shen Quan. I..."

"Third sister," my father interjected, unable to listen any longer. "Why can't you stop comparing every handsome man to Shen Quan? It's been nearly decades. How can you not forget him? Besides, Rongqing is the son of Elder Su, and he's marrying into our family with the status of a prince. Comparing him to a courtesan is completely inappropriate."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone felt a palpable awkwardness. I imagined my mother must have been tempted to press my father’s face into a basin of water. It was clear to everyone that Aunt Shu Huang’s comparison was inappropriate, but it was one thing to think it and another to have it stated so bluntly in front of so many people. It felt like a public slap to the face.

However, Shen Ye’s expression remained unchanged, and he even displayed an unexpectedly tender look in his eyes. He said gently, “It is indeed fortunate for Rong Qing to receive such praise from Aunt Shu Huang. I have heard of Master Shen Quan’s beauty and am honored by your words.”

With this, the atmosphere improved somewhat, and everyone resumed their light-hearted conversations. I guided Shen Ye and Bai Shaotang to a side where we observed the relatives chatting and laughing, occasionally interjecting and introducing family members. After a long while, when most people had left and only my parents and the three of us remained in the hall, my mother suddenly said, “There is one thing I nearly forgot. Since Cheng’er has married, we should no longer trouble your father with matters of the inner court. Your father is of an age to enjoy his later years. One of your two husbands should take on the responsibility.”

Upon hearing this, everyone became tense. Bai Shaotang, seemingly indifferent, looked out the window but kept twisting his sleeves. Shen Ye, on the other hand, calmly sipped his tea, as if he were genuinely indifferent.

My mother fiddled with the lid of her teacup, as if discussing something too trivial to warrant much debate. She continued, “You should decide who will handle the affairs of the household.”

“Teacher is a person of great learning, and Rongqing has never managed the inner court affairs during his time at the Su residence. Bai Shaotang has been familiar with our Shu family since childhood and has a more adaptable nature. It would be best for Bai Shaotang to manage the household affairs, to avoid Rongqing becoming entangled in worldly matters. Each person has their own nature, and Bai Shaotang is better suited for this role.”

I lowered my head, speaking the falsehood without blushing. Shen Ye showed no reaction, maintaining his calm demeanor, while Bai Shaotang’s eyes clearly reflected his delight. I dared not look directly at either of them and instead focused on the swaying branches outside the window.

My mother nodded nonchalantly and said, “The two husbands cannot share the same courtyard. Jingxin Water Pavilion will be assigned to Rongqing, and Ninglan Courtyard to Bai Shaotang. Cheng’er will continue to live in her own courtyard. When she calls for you, you can go to her.”

“Aun... Shu... Aunty Shu,” Bai Shaotang exclaimed, wide-eyed, “Isn’t this a rule from the palace?”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Hearing this, my mother raised an eyebrow. “No, in the palace, you’d be stripped and sent to the inner chambers. Cheng’er calls for you, so you can simply walk over. This is the rule of the Shu family.”

“Um...” Bai Shaotang was at a loss for words and, after a moment, finally nodded in agreement.

Seeing Bai Shaotang subdued, my mother added, “Yesterday you passed out, and your friends from various circles have all sent invitations. Today, you should go meet with them.”

I nodded and then stood up, saying, “I’ll head out now. As for Rongqing and Bai Shaotang...”

“I have something to discuss with them!” My father suddenly spoke up, sitting upright with a proud expression, clearly assuming the role of the Shu family’s master. I saw Shen Ye and Bai Shaotang both raise their eyebrows, while my mother covered her forehead with a pained expression. Deciding to avoid the impending conflict, I quickly said, “I’ll leave now and probably won’t return for dinner tonight.”

With that, I hurriedly left the room and took the invitation from the servant. There was only one invitation, from Shangguan Wanqing. Considering Shangguan Wanqing’s personality and her wide network of connections, I anticipated that the gathering would include all the prominent young women from the court who were my peers.

It was for the best, as it would save me from having to visit each one individually. I tidied up my appearance, barely glanced at the invitation, and handed it to the servant, saying, “Inform them to send me according to the time and place stated on the invitation.”

The servant quickly went to prepare the carriage, and I casually brought along a novel as I boarded. 

The novel was quite captivating, and I lost track of time while reading it. I was engrossed in a particularly thrilling part when the servant informed me that we had arrived. Reluctantly, I had to leave the novel behind, allowing myself to be helped out of the carriage and guided to the gathering place. Upon arriving, I stood at the entrance, finished reading the exciting passage, marked the page, and then confidently pushed the door open.

As soon as I entered, I was stunned. The venue was different from our usual meeting places; it was incredibly spacious. At the front of the room was a small but exquisitely decorated stage, where several handsome young men were performing, playing and singing tunes from Shangguan Wanqing’s favorite vulgar folk songs. The lyrics made me flinch, and I took a step back. Before I could retreat, Shangguan Wanqing grabbed me by the arm and pulled me inside, shouting, “Oh, the guest of honor has arrived!”

Hearing this, I felt a headache coming on but had no choice but to enter and close the door behind me. As expected, almost all of the young men from prominent families who were my peers in the court were present, as well as some clean stream colleagues who were not from noble families.

In contrast to the hedonistic behavior of the young aristocrats, the clean stream colleagues maintained their decorum. They sat at small tables, drinking quietly and behaving modestly. The leading figure among them was none other than my nemesis, Qin Yang.

Upon entering, I courteously punished myself with three drinks, greeted everyone cheerfully, and then pulled Shangguan Wanqing aside, lowering my voice. “Why are these people here? Are we going to have a fight?”

"Who knows," Shangguan Wanqing shrugged and said, "She originally sent someone to your house to invite you, but on the way, she just happened to run into one of my servants delivering an invitation. She got the time and place out of my servant, and before you arrived, she came here with a whole group."

"What do you think she's here for?!" I asked, feeling a bit anxious. "She brought so many people. Do we have enough?"

"Shu Cheng," Shangguan Wanqing tapped my head with her fan, "Get a grip! My cousin can handle them all by herself."

She pointed to Shangguan Liulan, who was sitting next to Qin Yang and chatting with her. I couldn't help but twitch my lips and admit something I didn’t want to acknowledge, "Wanqing, don't you think that, in comparison, Liulan seems more like one of them?"

So upright, so aloof, so unwilling to mingle with the likes of us...

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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