29 Ye Cheng Fu


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Ye Cheng Fu

 Chapter 29: 


He was dressed in a bright red wedding robe today, wearing a golden crown identical to mine. His features were free from the usual makeup, revealing his most genuine self. His brows and eyes were sharply defined, and his lips were delicately tinted in crimson. As he walked along the red carpet, backlit by the sun, the pearls hanging from his crown swayed with each step, seemingly dancing on my heart. I felt a surge of unknown joy as he approached me from afar.

It was at this moment that I truly felt that I was getting married today.

As the sun rose higher, my heartbeat quickened until he finally stood before me.

The Empress held his hand, solemnly placing it into mine. Her expression was weary, tinged with a motherly sadness, as she said, “I entrust Rongqing to you. Shu Cheng, you must take good care of him.”

“Your Majesty, rest assured,” I said, holding Rongqing’s hand and bowing slightly, “Shu Cheng would never defy the imperial will.”

“Hmm.” The Empress nodded, her tone somewhat strained. “Take him away.”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

I nodded and looked at Rongqing. According to tradition, I needed to carry Rongqing into the wedding palanquin and then take Bai Shaotang into another palanquin. However, if I carried Rongqing first, it would imply that his status was higher than Bai Shaotang’s, which Bai Shaotang would never accept and it would be a slight to the Bai family. Conversely, if I didn’t carry Rongqing first, it would be a disrespect to the imperial family. So, being as clever as I am, I decided—I'll carry Rongqing into the palanquin and then come back out to ride with Bai Shaotang, thus preserving the honor of both families.

I felt quite pleased with my clever plan and couldn’t help but show a naive smile. I turned to face Rongqing and said, “Master Su, I’ll carry you over.”

Rongqing didn’t respond, and as my back was turned to him, I couldn’t see his expression. Instead, Bai Shaotang’s attendant anxiously spoke up, “You’re supposed to carry our young master into the palanquin first. The proper ceremonies haven’t been completed yet!”

“Shaotang,” I said, crouching and giving him a playful look, “I’ll be back to accompany you in a moment.”

Bai Shaotang understood my intention immediately and smiled broadly, about to respond when suddenly, I felt myself lifted off the ground. I gasped in surprise. Before I could react, I found myself in Rongqing’s arms. He held me securely and said with a calm expression, “I’m too heavy for you to carry.”

“I can carry you…” My mind was blank, and the onlookers murmured in surprise. Rongqing ignored everyone and carried me straight to the wedding palanquin. The ceremonial officers hurried forward to stop him, but the Empress raised a hand to hold them back. The scene became chaotic, with Bai Shaotang standing stunned.

Rongqing gently placed me into the palanquin. I was taken aback and exclaimed, “You’re the one getting married…”

“Shh!” Rongqing placed a finger on my lips, his expression as gentle as spring water, causing me to freeze. My heart melted as I listened to him say, “I’m marrying you. Remember, we agreed on this. I’m marrying you.”

With that, he lowered the palanquin curtain and then turned to Bai Shaotang, extending his arms.

“What are you doing?!” Bai Shaotang exclaimed, alarmed.

Rongqing looked at him with disdain and said, “I’ll carry you into the palanquin for Shu Cheng.”

“Get lost!!” Bai Shaotang roared, “I don’t want you to carry me!”

“Alright,” Rongqing immediately turned around, “Then you can ride a horse.”

With that, he went back to the palanquin and squeezed in with me. Bai Shaotang stood there stunned. After a while, the ceremonial officer hurried over, urging, “The auspicious time is almost here. Everyone, hurry back to the residence and prepare. Young Master Bai,” he urged the still-motionless Bai Shaotang, “please get on the horse or into the palanquin. These are minor matters; after all, you’re marrying Master Shu. What’s the difference between riding a horse and sitting in a palanquin?”

“But… but…”

“Master Bai!” The ceremonial officer was almost in tears, “Don’t miss the auspicious time!”

Bai Shaotang fell silent, finally realizing what had just happened. He took a deep breath, mounted his horse, and, dressed in bright red robes, began to lead the procession down the street.

That was supposed to be my role… Yet, at that moment, I had a peculiar feeling. I couldn’t help but ask Rongqing, who was humming a tune while holding my hand, “Rongqing, why do I feel like Bai Shaotang is marrying both of us?”

“Hmm… Why would you think that?” Rongqing turned to me with a puzzled expression and said seriously, “Besides wearing a red robe, don’t you think he looks more like a commander of the guard in that position?”

I had no reply.

Outside, Bai Shaotang seemed to have heard our conversation and noticed the curious glances from the crowd, realizing why only one groom was seen riding outside. In his frustration, he abruptly pulled on the reins and shouted, “Stop!” Then, without warning, he leaped into the palanquin.

His actions were so swift that he barely touched the ground before crashing into the palanquin, startling me into moving closer to Rongqing. Rongqing instinctively wrapped his arms around me, making space for Bai Shaotang beside him. I was on the left, Rongqing on the right, and the ceremonial officer outside was shouting loudly, “Don’t stop! You can’t stop! Move the palanquin!”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Amidst a chorus of cheers, our palanquin continued to move forward with relentless determination.

As soon as Bai Shaotang entered, he pointed an accusatory finger at Rongqing. Rongqing swiftly produced a small golden fan from his sleeve and used it to strike Bai Shaotang, angrily saying, “The palanquin is too small and you’re too heavy, get down!”

“Get down yourself!” Bai Shaotang dodged Rongqing’s attack and began to tussle with him. I sat in the middle, worried as they fought, and said, “Maybe you both should just get out…”

“No!” They both shouted in unison, continuing their fight.

The palanquin began to shake violently. It was originally meant for one person, but now with three squeezed inside, the bearers struggled, and the palanquin swayed erratically, causing the bearers to walk unevenly.

I couldn’t help but worry, “Stop fighting! The palanquin might collapse!”

“Bai Shaotang, you’re too heavy, the palanquin might collapse!”

“Get off! I’m beautiful and perfect; you get down! This is my palanquin!”

“Yours is behind! You get off!”


As the two of them fought and argued, I faintly heard the sound of the wooden structure creaking. Before I could warn them, there was a thunderous crash, and the three of us were thrown out of the palanquin and landed on the ground. The palanquin continued its momentum and hit my head, and at that very moment, their punches landed squarely on my face.

I had expected the palanquin to tip over and for us to roll out, but instead, the bottom of the palanquin gave way first. Before we could roll out, the palanquin's body hit my head, and their fists struck me simultaneously.

I was struck hard enough to see stars, and everything went black as I lost consciousness. Just before I passed out, I could still hear the startled voice of the ceremonial official—

“Are you trying to kill yourselves? Are you still getting married?!”

In my pain, I thought: Official, I’m not getting married anymore… Mother, take me home…

Being knocked out by a palanquin on the day of my wedding—this is something that probably only happened to me in all of Great Chu.

When I woke up, the auspicious time had already passed. Shen Ye and Bai Shaotang were each sleeping in a chair, while I was in my own bed. Seeing that I had awakened, both of them rushed over, concerned about my condition.

I looked at their worried faces and finally managed to say, “I’m fine.”

I struggled to sit up and realized it was already late at night. The outside was quiet, no eavesdropping or drinking contests, just peaceful silence. I couldn’t help but ask, “So, did we get married?”

“Yes!” Bai Shaotang immediately jumped up. “We’ve both paid our respects to heaven and earth! Are you trying to back out now?”

“Yes, I’ve carried you and paid respects,” Shen Ye, who was sitting nearby with a weary expression, added. “Do you want to back out?”

“I’m not planning to,” I said, waving my hand. I thought for a moment and then pointed at Shen Ye. “But I have a question. You carried me and paid respects, and,” I pointed at Bai Shaotang, “you also paid respects with me. So, did both of you pay respects together?”

Hearing my question, both of them had a change in expression, looking like they'd just eaten something unpleasant. I couldn't help but laugh; finally, I found some amusement in this otherwise dismal day. But my laughter quickly turned to tears again when Shen Ye said, "We should talk about the wedding night. I was married according to the prince's rank." He folded his arms and smiled at Bai Shaotang, “Your rank is lower than mine.”

“You may have been married as a prince, but you're not actually a prince,” Bai Shaotang retorted with a sneer. “My military rank, however, is something I earned step by step.”

“Do you really want me to spell it out?” Shen Ye toyed with the small fan in his hand, looking down at it. “No matter how many military achievements you earn, you can’t surpass my rank.”

“But are you brave enough to say it out loud?” Bai Shaotang raised an eyebrow. “You’re the Dark Emperor of Great Chu, second only to the Emperor, on par with the Prime Minister. Go ahead, say it out loud!”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

“Bai Shaotang,” Shen Ye said, his smile genuine but chilling, “I’ve actually given you quite a bit of face.”

His smile felt oddly cold, and Bai Shaotang’s expression darkened. After a moment, Bai Shaotang sneered, “I’m not going to argue with someone who’s doomed to an early death. You’ve won this round.” 

With that, Bai Shaotang stood up, grabbed a blanket from the wardrobe, and threw it on a couch with a frustrated shout, “I’m going to bed!”

Shen Ye, stretching and yawning casually, remarked, “A bed is still better. Shu Cheng, your bed is quite large.”

"My bed's too small for your esteemed self," I said, feeling utterly defeated. Shen Ye chuckled, seemingly reminded of something. He turned around, picked up a rolled-up painting from the table, and gently unrolled it. He then found a spot and hung the painting on one side of the bedroom.

The painting was filled with portraits of exceptionally handsome men, each with their own unique charm, all representing the top beauties of Great Chu. I was taken aback by the sheer beauty of the figures and took a deep breath, asking, "What is this painting?"

"These are portraits of the courtesans from Phoenix Tower throughout the ages. They think of me, and I think of them," Shen Ye replied with a smile.

"Wait a minute!" I suddenly realized, "You’ve hung up a bunch of courtesans' portraits in my home?!"

"Do you look down on courtesans?" Shen Ye raised an eyebrow. I immediately felt a pressure and quickly said, "No, no, it's just... my mother is quite traditional. I'm worried she might not accept it if she finds out."

"She knows my identity," Shen Ye said with a “you’re overthinking it” look. "She’s accepted that I’m the owner of Phoenix Tower; you’re underestimating your mother’s capacity to handle things."

"But my father doesn’t know!" I protested. Shen Ye furrowed his brows, thinking for a moment before replying, "That’s fine. With his intelligence, he won't be a threat."

I was left speechless.

"Can we go to sleep now?" Bai Shaotang, who had been lounging on the couch, lifted his head and said with a fierce look, "If you don’t go to bed soon, I’m taking the bed!"

"Sure," Shen Ye raised an eyebrow, "Then I’ll sleep on the couch with Shu Cheng. The couch is small, so she’ll sleep on the bottom, and I’ll sleep on top."

"You shameless scoundrel!" Bai Shaotang immediately roared. Shen Ye, looking impatient, replied, "Then you just shut up and go to sleep!"

Shen Ye hung the painting carefully, and noticing my intense gaze at it, he said with a hint of amusement, “Chengcheng, among all these men, have you taken a liking to anyone?”

I remained silent, staring intently at the painting. Earlier, I had only glanced at it without much thought, but now, looking closely, I realized that every figure in the painting was a striking beauty, and it was hard to look away.

I recognized one of them as Peony, who often follows Shen Ye. The others, however, were unfamiliar to me. Shen Ye watched me examine the men quietly, and after a while, I focused on the most enchanting figure in the painting. A fleeting memory flashed in my mind. The man with a flame pattern on his forehead reminded me of a palace banquet from my youth. At that time, the current Empress was still a princess, and the most favored third princess, Wei Yunxi, was still alive.

I remembered that banquet vividly because a dancer performed that night, captivating much of the palace, and then he broke through the crowd and knelt before Wei Yunxi.

That night, my mother had said, “The third princess is likely finished.”

Sure enough, as my mother predicted, despite her deep favor with the Emperor and almost being named heir, Wei Yunxi was eventually executed by the current Empress in the autumn of the nineteenth year of Tianqing.

This once-renowned princess, who died childless, caused such upheaval that it took several years for the Emperor to quell the rebellion in her name after coming to power.

A princess’s death, without an heir, could incite such chaos. Had she lived, she might have been a great ruler. But she was gone. I had thought her death was due to conspiracy, yet now, looking at the man in Shen Ye's painting, and recalling that palace banquet and my mother’s words, I suddenly understood something. I turned and asked, pointing at the man, “Who is he?”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

“Lian Yan,” Shen Ye replied, his eyes revealing deeper meaning. “He was Wei Yunxi’s beloved back then, and the first courtesan of the Phoenix Tower after I established it.”

I fell silent, feeling that I shouldn’t ask further. Shen Ye, however, looked at me openly and smiled, “You can ask more if you want to. I can tell you anything you want to know.”


“Gentlemen!” Bai Shaotang suddenly interjected, his face full of distress. “I don’t want to know so much. The more I know, the sooner I’ll die. Shen Ye, if you don’t plan on living long, I still want to live. Can you spare my life?”

“Well, you could just leave,” Shen Ye raised an eyebrow. “No one is forcing you to stay here.”

“Pfft!” Bai Shaotang showed a “I know exactly what you’re up to” expression and complained, “Tonight, whoever leaves will be the small one. Do you think I’m a fool?”

Hearing this, Shen Ye had a look of realization and then cupped his fists, saying, “Thanks for the reminder, Brother Bai. I was planning to say a few more things and then go to sleep on the big bed, but it seems I can’t leave now.”

With that, he walked over to the bedside and started undressing piece by piece. As he removed his clothes, he said, “Come on, Chengcheng, let’s sleep. It’s not like it’s our first time sleeping together. You don’t need to be shy. I’ll teach you.”

“What nonsense are you spouting?!” I was on the verge of a breakdown. “Who has slept with you before?”

“Are you trying to back out?” Shen Ye was now only in his undergarments, revealing his long neck. I couldn’t help but swallow. Bai Shaotang, noticing my reaction, immediately changed his expression. He looked at Shen Ye, then at me, and suddenly jumped off the couch and lunged at Shen Ye, shouting, “Shen Ye, I’m going to fight you! Tonight, I’m the one who sleeps with Chengcheng!”

Shen Ye was knocked onto the bed by him. His fan flew out from his sleeve with a bit of stiffness, revealing that his injuries hadn’t fully healed. Bai Shaotang noticed this and gained confidence. The two of them began a loud and chaotic struggle on the bed. The bed shook violently, causing the bed curtain to fall down and completely obscure the scene inside. All I could see was the bed shaking fiercely and hear the sounds of their argument.

“You little vixen also has your bad times. Let’s see if I don’t beat you today!”

“Your skills may be lacking, but your verbal skills are quite strong,” Shen Ye responded, accompanied by a crisp “slap” and his smiling voice, “Are you convinced now?”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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