28 Ye Cheng Fu


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Ye Cheng Fu

 Chapter 28: 


Shen Ye and I sat together for a while in silence, which grew somewhat awkward.

It was only when Shen Cong came in that I found an excuse to leave. I quickly said, "I’ll be going now."

Shen Ye didn’t say anything, nor would he even look at me. I hurried out, and as soon as I was outside, I heard things being smashed in the room. The sound was as if something had been thrown at me, making me shiver involuntarily.

By the time I returned to the banquet, it was nearing the end. Bai Shaotang had been driven drunk by his friends and lay on the ground, completely dazed. I went up and patted his face, and he clung to me like a cat, repeatedly saying, "You’re back! It’s good you’re back!"

Feeling a pang of sadness, I dismissed the others and helped him up. The Empress had long since disappeared, and everyone else was too drunk to function. Bai Shaotang leaned heavily on me as I dragged him forward. Just a few steps in, Shangguan Wanqing grabbed me, saying, "Hey, don’t leave."

"How much have you had to drink?" Her approach brought a strong smell of alcohol, making me wrinkle my nose. I turned to see her face flushed red. Shangguan Liulan was sitting properly at a table behind her, but her face was buried in a wine bowl. I couldn’t help but wonder if she might be dead.

"Good sister!" Shangguan Wanqing patted my shoulder and leaned in, mumbling, "Shu Cheng, I’ve known you since I was a child. You’re closer to me than my own sister. You’re my best friend! I’ll give you anything, as long as you two are happy together, I can give you anything!"

“What are you rambling about?” I was completely confused by her words. Shangguan Wanqing laughed heartily and asked, “Where did you just go?! Tell me, where did you go?!”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

“Yongqing is ill,” I said, a bit impatient with her drunken behavior, “I went to check on him. Stop drinking—you and Liulan are in terrible shape! Go back to your room!”

“Oh… ill.” She stared blankly, repeating the word, “Ill…”

Then she grabbed a wine jug, suddenly turned, and shouted “Drink, drink, drink!” as she stumbled off into a crowd of drunkards. I quickly dragged Bai Shaotang back home.

Bai Shaotang was so drunk he was practically unconscious. Seeing this, I decided to bring him back to the Shu residence, took care of him for the night, and then slept in the adjacent room.

When I woke up the next morning, I was completely disoriented. I clearly remembered sleeping in the adjacent room, but somehow, I found myself lying next to Bai Shaotang. He was sprawled over me, half undressed, snoring away.

Feeling a headache coming on, I confirmed once more that Bai Shaotang had been the one who got drunk last night, not me. At that moment, the door burst open with a kick, and Bai Shaotang’s father’s voice rang out, “You little rascal…”

Before he could finish, he stood frozen in place, staring at me holding the disheveled Bai Shaotang in shock. After a long pause, his father finally reacted, his face turning awkward. “Shu Cheng, although you and Bai Shaotang are to marry eventually, isn’t this a bit too soon?”

“Uncle, please don’t misunderstand!” I hurriedly explained, starting to dress. As I moved, Bai Shaotang groggily woke up, slowly sat up, yawned, and, seeing his father’s stunned expression, casually said, “Good morning, Father.”

As soon as he finished speaking, his father hit him on the head with a book, followed by a furious shout, “You bastard! Why on earth did you end up in Shu Cheng’s bed?!”

“Isn’t this a good thing…” Bai Shaotang mumbled, still half-asleep.

“A good thing?!” His father roared. “You’ve ruined the family reputation! Do you even have any pride as a man?!”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

“Yes, indeed!” Bai Shaotang protested.

“Don’t talk nonsense!” his father snapped.

His Father charged at him, and it looked like a fight was about to break out in my room. I quickly stepped in between them, looking earnestly at him and said, “Uncle, it’s my fault. It’s all my fault. If anyone should be punished, it should be me!”

“Shu Cheng, this brat can’t be spoiled!” Elder Bai said, deeply pained. “He’s getting too full of himself! Here,” he said, pulling out a small leather whip from his belt and handing it to me, “give him a good beating. That’ll teach him a lesson!”

I felt something was off about this, but I couldn’t be too direct. I gently took the whip, smiled, and said, “Uncle, have you had breakfast? Why don’t we all have a meal together…”

“No need for that. I came specifically to catch this rascal! You two need to set a wedding date soon. Since he’s so eager, why not set it earlier? How about this,” he said, pulling out a calendar and flipping through it rapidly. I was a bit surprised at how many things he had with him and couldn’t help but glance at his pockets. He seemed oblivious to my stare, and after a moment of flipping through the calendar, he fixed his gaze on a date. “November 3rd looks good. How about that? Once we set it, you can bring him home early, and you can do whatever you want.”

“Dad, is that date really good? Shouldn’t we ask the Imperial Astronomer?” Bai Shaotang, now dressed, glanced at the calendar.

Elder Bai confidently declared, “Trust me, I’ve been studying this for years. I’ve looked it over carefully; on that day, you’ll definitely be able to control Su Rongqing!”

“That’s great! Shu Cheng, let’s go with that date!” Bai Shaotang immediately shouted in excitement. I looked at the father and son and wondered how Bai Shaotang’s mother had managed all these years.

Bai Shaotang dressed quickly and came to pull me, trying to act cute. I was startled and quickly said, “Alright, alright! As long as you’re happy, whatever you want!”

So, November 3rd was set as the wedding date. I had Wanqing submit the documents to the Department of Rites, which immediately began working overtime.

Actually, I wasn’t sure why the Department of Rites was so invested in my wedding. Wanqing privately told me that the Empress had secretly ordered that Su Rongqing’s wedding should be handled with the specifications of a royal wedding.

I mused that even a political marriage that was destined to end in failure was still treated with such importance.

The wedding day arrived quickly since we set the date so early. It was a good weather day. Early in the morning, Wanqing burst into my room with a group of people and dragged me out of bed. I was still half-asleep when I heard Wanqing yelling, “Shu Cheng, don’t you know you’re getting married today?!”

Yes, I knew. 

But for some reason, as the wedding approached, I felt completely uninterested. It was as if I was replaying a chess game that had already been played—where to move and the outcome were already known, leaving no anxious feelings.

I lazily stretched and looked at the dark sky outside, somewhat disgruntled. “I remember the bride doesn’t need to get up so early. Why are you waking me up now?”

“What do you know!” Wanqing kicked me awake. “Don’t forget, Su Rongqing’s wedding is being treated like a royal affair! You need to be at the palace gate before dawn and then parade him around the streets before bringing him back to the Shu family.”

“You put it quite plainly…” I was touched by how Wanqing explained the complex ceremony so clearly, but then I realized, “What about Bai Shaotang?”

“That’s why you need to pick him up first and then head to the palace gate together.”

I was stunned.

“What are you still dawdling for?! Everyone’s waiting for you!” Wanqing slapped me on the head. “Didn’t you read the booklet I gave you?!”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

“No…” I admitted candidly. The booklet Wanqing had given me wasn’t just a booklet but a thick book with hundreds of pages, detailing exactly what I needed to do today, what clothes to wear, where to stand with Shen Ye and Bai Shaotang, the distances I needed to maintain while walking, how long it would take to reach the Empress and the Phoenix Empress…

I figured that even if I read the whole book, I would only remember one or two points. So, I had long decided to pretend not to know anything and rely on Wanqing to save the day.

Wanqing showed an expression of “just as I expected” annoyance and scolded the servants to help dress me.

As everyone dressed me, she continued to lecture me on the etiquette. I paid close attention and took note of the key points for the wedding. Once I was dressed and my makeup was done, I felt I had a general idea of the day’s proceedings and prepared to go out for the wedding procession.

When I stepped outside, the wedding procession was already ready. Shangguan Liulan was dressed in a bright red and pink robe, riding a horse, with a silver crown on her head and a long sword at her waist, which starkly contrasted with her somewhat chilly demeanor.

In formal occasions in Great Chu, women are required to wear a crown, with its grade depending on the material. On my wedding day, I was dressed in a bright red robe and a golden crown, while my maid of honor, Shangguan Liulan, wore attire of a slightly lower grade in both color and material. Her pale complexion contrasted starkly with the festive colors, adding a touch of vibrancy to her appearance.

Standing at the head of the wedding procession, she frowned and said, “You look like you’re seeking trouble today.”

I gave her a sheepish smile, hoping to defuse her anger.

Then, I led Liulan forward, mounted my horse, and with a wave of my hand, shouted, “Let’s go,” as we hastened towards Bai Shaotang’s home.

I wasn’t sure if it was the unusually good weather or if I had simply woken up a bit late, but as we were on our way, it felt like the sky was changing. Wanqing, visibly anxious, said, “We need to get Bai Shaotang out quickly, or we won’t reach the palace gates before dawn.”

Seeing Wanqing so worried, I couldn’t help but feel nervous as well, and urged everyone to quicken our pace.

In the end, I couldn't hold back any longer. Taking advantage of the night, I led Shangguan’s two members and rode straight to Bai Shaotang's house.

When we arrived, the wedding procession was still lagging behind. Bai Shaotang's house was already brightly lit. I shouted from the entrance, “Aunty Bai, Shu Cheng is here to pick up Shaotang!”

“No, no!” A young man’s voice came from inside, laughing. “You can’t come in so easily! According to the rules, Young Lord Shu must answer three riddles correctly to pass through the first gate.”

Guessing riddles was probably the worst thing I was good at, so I looked towards Shangguan Wanqing, who had spent years mingling in brothels and taverns. Wanqing quickly said, “I don’t know.”

Then I turned to Shangguan Liulan. Liulan, without looking at me, said coolly, “Are you a woman?”

“I am…” I didn’t quite understand her meaning. Liulan sneered and then directly charged up the steps. With a flourish of her sword, the gate was abruptly shattered. The people inside screamed in surprise. Wanqing whipped my horse with her reins, and my horse charged straight into Bai’s courtyard.

“Men take what they want!” Wanqing shouted from behind.

By now, I had already rushed into the courtyard, and Bai’s people had started to react. A group of guards rushed at me. Wanqing and Liulan followed closely, defending me as we engaged in a fight with the guards.

I admired Shangguan Liulan’s style of doing things. Riding through the courtyard, Bai’s guards, knowing they were dealing with a bride-snatching incident, mostly let me pass after a few exchanges. I charged towards Bai Shaotang’s room and saw him standing by the window, admiring himself in the mirror with a self-satisfied expression, saying, “Today, I really am…”

Before he could finish his sentence, I rushed to his window, threw the reins aside, and grabbed his waist, pulling him out through the window and onto the horse.

“Shu Cheng!” Bai Shaotang shouted angrily. I tossed him onto the horse and rode out. 

As the sky slowly brightened, I said apologetically, “Sorry, sorry, I was really running out of time. I had to resort to grabbing you.”

“You…” Bai Shaotang struggled to get up, but I immediately held him down and said, “I’m not very good at horseback riding or martial arts, so please don’t struggle. If you do, I can’t guarantee the outcome of this wedding…”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

“Why are you so nervous!” Hearing my words, Bai Shaotang obediently lay flat on the horse, looking shy as he said, “I just wanted to compliment you. You pulling me out from the window while riding the horse was so impressive!”

As he spoke, another group of guards blocked our way. Seeing that we were about to reach the gate, I raised my whip, ready to strike. Suddenly, Bai Shaotang roared, “Whoever dares to ruin my wedding, I will never forgive them!”

At his command, the guards in mid-air immediately retreated. I rode the horse out of Bai’s gate.

As the sky gradually brightened, my wedding procession finally arrived at Bai’s house. I then rode quickly to the next location. Seeing the despairing expressions of the procession, I felt somewhat cruel.

However, I thought that if I weren’t a bit harsh with them, Shen Ye and the Empress might be even more unforgiving. So, I pushed the horse to go faster and made it to the palace gate before sunrise.

When I arrived at the palace gate, I was surprised to find that my parents were already there with their attendants. After adjusting Bai Shaotang on the horse, I walked over and stood next to my mother, asking, “Mother, why are you here so early?”

“Royalty marrying down requires the entire family to come and greet them,” my mother said, her gaze fixed on the red and weathered palace gate. “You were sleeping too soundly. I was worried about something going wrong, so I brought people over early.”

“Oh, I see.” I quickly moved on from the topic to avoid my mother’s potential outburst, standing to the side as we awaited dawn.

The wait felt long, and I couldn’t help but engage my mother in conversation: “Mother, do you know why the Empress insisted on having Su Rongqing married off with the status of a prince?”

“That sort of thing doesn’t need a reason,” my mother answered casually. Then, as if recalling something, she added, “But I am curious as to why the Empress is so insistent on Su Rongqing having the status of a prince.”

“Isn’t it to bolster his position?” I asked, somewhat naively. My mother did not respond immediately. She wrapped her hands in her sleeves and looked up at the palace gate. After a long pause, she said, “Whenever I see Su Rongqing, I am reminded of an old acquaintance from long ago.”


“Shen Quan,” my mother said, her eyes reflecting a hint of reminiscence. “Over twenty years ago, he was the most dazzling man in Great Chu. Even now, the only man who can compare to him is Su Rongqing.”

“Mother,” I said, feeling a bit confused despite my efforts to follow along, “could you explain a bit more clearly?”

My mother remained silent. At that moment, the sky began to brighten, and the sun rose above the horizon, bathing the ground in a golden light. The palace gate creaked open slowly, and a grand procession began to file out, stretching all the way across the square and into the main hall. I took a deep breath, realizing that the current Emperor was indeed putting a lot of effort into honoring Shen Ye. I had thought that Shen Ye was merely a pawn in the Emperor’s game, to be discarded or supported at will. But seeing this display, I suddenly found myself questioning Shen Ye’s true significance.

I couldn’t help but feel that the hidden court was far more important in the Empress’ eyes than I had imagined.

As I watched the chaotic procession, accompanied by my mother and the white-robed Bai Shaotang standing beside me, we all knelt down at the sound of the ceremonial officials' chants. The procession spread out, forming two neat lines, while palace servants unfurled a red carpet from the golden palanquin all the way to the palace gate, rolling out like a fiery tongue.

Then, the Empress stepped out from a side palanquin, supported by attendants, and walked slowly to the side of the golden palanquin. She stood there for a moment, a deep sadness etched on her face. It wasn’t until someone gently reminded her that she seemed to snap back to her usual composure. She extended her hand toward the palanquin and called out, “Rongqing, I am escorting you.”

From within the palanquin, a hand reached out to grasp the Empress' hand, and the curtain was lifted. Guided by the Empress, Rongqing emerged and began the procession.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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