24 Ye Cheng Fu


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Ye Cheng Fu

 Chapter 24: 


Her shout thoroughly enraged the Crown Princess, who suddenly turned around to look for various torture devices.

I was finally able to grasp the full extent of human imagination in torture. They began stitching plum blossoms onto my skin with needles, sprinkling salt on each stitch. Hearing my screams, they laughed heartily, their language foul and crude.

I don’t know how long it lasted, but suddenly the Crown Princess said, “It’s getting late… bring ten young men!”

Just then, I heard Shangguan Liulan’s angry roar from outside, “Stand aside!”

My eyes were too swollen to open, but I heard a commotion, and then Shangguan Liulan supported me with one hand, pulling me down from the rack.

“Your mother has entered the palace,” she said solemnly. “Bai Shaotang has taken people to assassinate Shen Ye at Feng Lou. Your mother has mobilized 20,000 troops from the Xiaofang Camp,” she continued with gravity. “She told me to inform you that if she hasn’t left the capital by dawn, you are to attack the city immediately.”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

I jerked my head up, letting Shangguan Liulan drag me out as I ordered, “Drag the Crown Princess into the cell!”

After giving the command, I stumbled and walked out, gripping Shangguan Liulan’s hand tightly.


“Hmm,” she replied calmly. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on the situation for you.”

“Why aren’t you a man?”

“Huh?!” She finally showed some emotion in her tone.

I couldn’t help but sigh, “If you were a man, I’d definitely marry you.”

“Get lost!!”

With that, we arrived at the gate of the Da Li Temple. Looking up at the sky, night had fallen and dark clouds covered the city.

Shangguan Liulan helped me to the horse, then threw me onto it and said, “Go to the Su residence first. I’ll take people to the palace gates.”

“Liulan!” I called out, stopping her. “I will never forget your kindness today!”

“Don’t repay me,” her expression remained flat, but a hint of gloom appeared in her eyes. “Repay the Shangguan family instead. Stop talking, hurry up and go!”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

With that, she gave the horse a smack, and it galloped forward. I gritted my teeth against the pain, hunched over on the horse, and headed towards the Su residence.

When I arrived at the Su residence, supported inside, it was already in chaos. From a distance, I could hear the sounds of fighting, which made me even more anxious. I temporarily forgot my pain and rushed inside.

I wasn’t sure if I was more worried about Bai Shaotang or Shen Ye, but I knew that both of them needed to be safe and unharmed. Even though I told myself to dislike Shen Ye, I still hoped he would live a safe and stable life.

However, things were much worse than I had imagined. When I burst into the backyard, I saw signs of a brutal struggle—there was hardly a place left intact, and the ground was littered with bodies. Yet, Shen Ye sat in the main hall, his face expressionless and his demeanor calm.

He was dressed in a white robe, his ink-black hair and the robe trailing on the ground. In front of him was a complete tea set, with tea bubbling gently on a small stove, giving an air of leisure and tranquility. Opposite him, a young man, probably sixteen or seventeen, knelt with a dignified presence. He exuded an elegant demeanor, reminiscent of noble youth from the Jin and Wei dynasties.

The two of them were calmly enjoying tea while chaos unfolded around them. A man in a pink robe with a refined appearance was fighting Bai Shaotang, both covered in blood. As I rushed into the corridor, the man’s robe suddenly revealed a golden peony, which quickly flew toward Bai Shaotang. Before I could even shout, the peony had pierced into Bai Shaotang's body.

Bai Shaotang let out a muffled groan and collapsed. I was so alarmed that I leaped from the corridor, but was struck by Bai Shaotang’s falling body, spitting out a mouthful of blood. Just as we hit the ground, a long sword was pointed directly at us. I could almost feel the coldness of the blade against my skin when Shen Ye's calm voice halted the sword’s advance: “Peony.”

The sword remained poised before me, with blood droplets trickling from its tip. I looked up to see the sword-wielder panting heavily, his face pale, clearly injured. After a moment’s pause, he sheathed his sword and returned to Shen Ye’s side. Shen Ye stood up, leading the young man behind him toward me. It was a stunning sight, but all I felt was panic, and I instinctively tightened my hold on Bai Shaotang.

Bai Shaotang was unconscious, mumbling faintly in my arms. I forced myself to remain calm as Shen Ye approached. He looked down at me with a measured gaze, examining the bloodstains on my clothes. Then he crouched, pulled out a handkerchief, and gently took my hand, examining it closely.

“You’re injured,” he stated softly, his voice devoid of emotion, “Did they use clamping devices or pull your nails?”

“What are you going to do?” I feigned calmness, but my trembling body betrayed my anxiety. Without answering, Shen Ye continued to examine my hand, then took out a small white bottle from his pocket and sprinkled a white powder over my hand.

“Someone,” I called out to the confused guards in the corridor, “Carry Bai Shaotang back and quickly summon a doctor.”

“Don’t move anyone,” Shen Ye’s voice was low and calm, yet carried a chilling authority, “Anyone who moves will die.”

His tone, though unruffled, had a commanding presence that stilled everyone in place. No one dared to advance. 

“I’ll stay here. Let him go,” I pleaded with Shen Ye, hoping to persuade him.

Ignoring my plea, Shen Ye continued to inspect my hand and asked calmly, “Who did this?”

Bai Shaotang’s body temperature was fluctuating, his face turning from pale to a deep blue. I knew that the golden peony must have been a poisoned weapon. Trembling, I begged, “Please, let him go.”

“Why should I care if he dies?” Shen Ye finally responded, a hint of amusement in his voice. “You refused to marry me for him, you left me for him. Why should I keep him alive?”

“Shen Ye…” I spoke with a trembling voice, “If you continue like this, I will hate you for the rest of my life, truly and deeply hate you.”

He remained silent, his gaze fixed on Bai Shaotang as he gently held my hand.

“What makes him so special?” Shen Ye pondered aloud, his expression one of confusion, “What makes him better than me?”

“Shen Ye, please let us go…” I discreetly reached for the dagger hidden in my sleeve. “You’re not unworthy, Shen Ye. It’s just that our status is incompatible. I can’t reach your heights.”

“No matter whether you are Su Rongqing or the hidden emperor of the Dark Court, neither identity is something I, Shu Cheng, could aspire to. I have no great desires…” My voice trembled as I tightened my grip on the dagger, making a final decision. “I just wish for us to coexist peacefully. You walk your path, and I’ll walk mine. I ask you one last time…” I looked up at him, “Will you let us go?”

He didn’t answer immediately, holding my hand as he quietly stared at me. After a moment, he smiled.

His smile was full of bitterness, mingled with a touch of pleading and sorrow, but he only said one thing: “Don’t draw your sword.”

I was stunned, but he seemed to have anticipated everything I was about to do. He repeated, “Don’t draw your sword. It would make me sad.”

As he spoke, he reached out and slid his hand down mine, feeling the dagger hidden in my sleeve. Then he said, “I have no great wishes. I only hope to be with you. Marry me,” his eyes filled with pain, “Marry me, and I will give you the whole world.”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

I had never imagined Shen Ye would do this.

I had never thought that such a proud man, who was so indifferent to love, would lower himself to this extent, using another man to coerce me into marriage.

Suddenly, I understood the pain in his eyes. Perhaps, for his entire life, he never considered that one day, a man as noble as him would bow down before love, appearing so desperate.

But is this really love? I couldn’t help but wonder: Are there other reasons? Is it a command from the Empress, a blood pact, or perhaps the entire Shu family’s legacy?

I couldn’t help but laugh. “So you only want me to marry you… Shen Ye, you really are… so utterly degraded.”

“I no longer care,” he laughed as well, releasing my hand and gently resting his hand on the unconscious Bai Shaotang’s neck. Bai Shaotang was already turning dark and purple. I knew he wouldn’t last long, while Shen Ye quietly watched me, his pale, perfect fingers seemingly poised to snap Bai Shaotang’s neck at any moment.

“One last time…” Shen Ye began. However, before he could finish, I answered, “I will marry you. But Shen Ye, you must know,” I laughed aloud, “that someone who begs to enter the Shu family’s gates like this is destined never to find happiness.”

“Mu Dan, bring the antidote,” he said nonchalantly, extending his hand to the side. The handsome man in a pink robe produced a small vial from his pocket and handed it to the young boy beside him. The boy took the vial, approached, and respectfully bowed before presenting it.

This boy, whose demeanor was one of extreme formality, seemed out of place in Feng Lou and was better suited to our noble families. I couldn’t help but glance at him again, and Shen Ye said, “This is my adopted brother, Shen Cong.”

He administered a pill to Bai Shaotang, who immediately began to show signs of improvement. Shen Cong then gently picked up Bai Shaotang and carried him out of my arms, instructing others to fetch a doctor. As I watched this young man go about his duties methodically, Shen Ye continued to scrutinize me.

Then he asked once more, “Who did this?”

His voice snapped me back to reality. I quickly responded, “You take care of Bai Shaotang. I have something else to deal with.”

I tried to rise, but the pain from my injuries made me gasp. Shen Ye didn’t say anything; he simply picked me up horizontally. I yelped, “Put me down!”

“I’m taking you to the palace,” he said, and I quieted down, “Don’t move.”

He carried me out, reminding the others, “Take good care of Bai Shaotang.”

Hearing this, my heart sank, and I couldn’t help but ask, “They won’t do anything to Bai Shaotang, will they?”

“Nothing worse than what’s happening to you,” he sneered, “You can’t even manage yourself, yet you worry about others.”

I couldn’t retort and fell silent. As Shen Ye carried me outside, I saw Lord Su rush out in a panic, “Rongqing!”

“Mother.” Shen Ye paused. Lord Su looked at him carrying me, hesitated, and eventually said, “Don’t go. Come back home?”

Her eyes were filled with tears, and for the first time, I saw the emotional side of my mentor.

Shen Ye held me silently, looking at Elder Su for a long time before finally saying, “Rongqing is unfilial. Thank you, Mother.”

With that, he resolutely turned and carried me into the carriage.

His movements were incredibly gentle; despite my numerous injuries, I felt little pain. Inside the carriage, he carefully smoothed my disheveled hair, and after a long silence, he said, “Shu Cheng, do you know that sometimes in life there is no turning back?” He smiled to himself again, “Of course, you know. The people of the Shu family are born without a retreat.”

“What exactly are you trying to say?” I couldn’t help but frown. But he only smiled, so tenderly and gently, and said, “Shu Cheng, I will protect you.”

He then lowered his head, pressing his warm face against my cheek. He was so close that I could almost feel the entanglement of our breaths, causing my heart to race. For a moment, I forgot the gravity of the situation, as if this person beside me could solve everything, offering me support and reassurance.

The feeling of being carried by someone sent by the Empress made me deeply worried about myself.

So I could only close my eyes and remain silent.

When Shen Ye brought me to the palace gates, the entrance was brightly lit. Shangguan Liulan was riding a horse in front of the gates, with soldiers standing in formation behind her. The palace gates were tightly shut, and red lanterns swayed in the wind, carrying an air of solemnity.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

The carriage slowly came to a stop before the palace gates. For some unknown reason, the gates began to open slowly. As everyone watched in astonishment, Shen Ye remained seated in the carriage with me in his arms, and we entered the palace.

Inside the palace, soldiers were gathered, holding their weapons and watching our carriage with tense expressions. Even with the curtain shielding us, I couldn’t help but feel a bit uneasy. Shen Ye, however, kept his eyes closed, his expression calm.

“Members of the Dark Court can enter the palace city at any time,” he said.

“I know,” I replied with a smile, “It’s quite interesting that the Dark Court, established by the First Empress herself, operates like this. If I were to die, would you find someone with similar talents to take my place in the court, or would you have someone impersonate me, pretending I’m still alive?”

“You won’t die,” he said, finally opening his eyes. “As long as I am the Hidden Emperor, the Dark Court won’t harm you.”

“Is the Dark Court truly the Empress’ people or yours?” I scoffed. “Do you really have control over them?”

He said nothing, just glanced at me with a stern look. “Shu Cheng, this is my fault,” he said, reaching out to gently touch my cheek. “I shouldn’t have left your side today.”

“Please don’t do this,” I said, feeling awkward. I turned my head away, and he didn’t speak further. After a while, when we reached the side of the main hall, he lifted me out of the carriage and carried me inside.

Outside the main hall stood numerous soldiers. The coachman beside Shen Ye produced a token, and all the guards immediately knelt. Shen Ye, seemingly used to such procedures, carried me to the entrance of the main hall. Inside, I could hear a heated argument. My mother’s voice rang out: 

“If Your Majesty truly intends to act this way, why don’t you just kill me? Perhaps Your Majesty has forgotten the longstanding agreements between the Shu family and the imperial family. Have you not considered the consequences of repeatedly overstepping your bounds?”

“Impudent!” The Empress’s voice roared in anger, followed by the sound of a sword being drawn. My heart raced in fear. Shen Ye, perceptive as always, kicked open the door. 

Upon entering, I saw my mother lying on the floor, her hair disheveled and her hairpin askew. The Empress, with reddened eyes, had her sword pointed at my mother’s neck. She was breathing heavily, seemingly struggling with her emotions, and said slowly, “Shu Rou, you are too audacious.”

“Too audacious…” My mother laughed bitterly, “It is my Shu family that has endured too long. Have you forgotten your own status, Your Majesty? For so many years, the Shu family has been loyal and supportive. Your Majesty’s constant suspicion has surely chilled the hearts of your ministers! What has my Shu family done wrong?” My mother raised her head and stared directly at the Empress. “When Your Majesty ascended the throne, the Shu family gave its full support, never overstepped our bounds. Now, Your Majesty’s relentless suppression of the Shu family is merely a sign of Your Majesty’s inability to tolerate the slightest grievance. Does my Shu family deserve such treatment? Your Majesty, you have already lost Shen Quan and suffered a lifetime of pain. Must my daughter also follow in Your Majesty’s footsteps and endure a lifetime of suffering?!”

“Be quiet…” The Empress’s voice trembled, and I felt Shen Ye’s body slightly quiver as well. My mother, however, paid no heed and continued to stare directly at the Empress. “Just because one person deceived you, you hate the entire world; just because one person wronged you, you think everyone has wronged you. If my Shu family wanted the throne, could this land still bear the surname Wei? Wei Yunlan, you may kill me today, or destroy the entire Shu family! I just… I wonder why I chose you back in the Guozijian…” My mother’s voice carried pain, “Back then, in the Guozijian, we were friends. Regardless of your humble beginnings or your subsequent scandal with a courtesan, as a friend, I never harmed you. But you… you want to treat me this way today?”

Wei Yunlan was silent, her hands trembling. After a long while, she finally spoke, “The Daughter of Heaven should maintain the dignity of the throne. Shu Rou, you always say you’ve done no wrong, but isn’t this how you wrong me? Shu Cheng must marry Su Rongqing,” the Empress steadied her grip on the sword. “If you truly had no rebellious thoughts, you would not doubt or guard against me so.”

“The heart of the Daughter of Heaven…” My mother laughed bitterly. She suddenly stood up, her expression calm but defiant, and pointed at the Empress, shouting, “Then please, Your Majesty, go ahead and kill me.”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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