23 Ye Cheng Fu


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Ye Cheng Fu

 Chapter 23: 


Shen Ye closed his eyes in apparent despair, his voice trembling with a hint of tears, making him appear pitiable: “If I weren’t already bound to you… if I weren’t already your person… why should I, Su Rongqing, suffer such humiliation?”

The entire court nodded in agreement, casting glances between Shen Ye’s anguished face and mine.

My mother, unable to watch the scene any longer, turned her head away and began to fidget with the sandalwood beads in her hand. The Empress, growing impatient, tapped on her desk and turned to my mother: “Lord Shu, what is your opinion on this matter? It seems quite clear what has happened.”

“Your Majesty,” my mother replied with a smile, “children’s affairs should be dealt with by the children themselves. Bringing this to the court seems a bit of an overreaction, don’t you think? Let this matter rest, Your Majesty.” She then called out, “Bring Young Master Su down and take good care of him.”

The Empress called out at the same time, “Take Shu Cheng away and imprison her in the Dali Temple.”

Upon hearing this, my mother’s expression grew cold. At that moment, Shangguan Liulan stepped forward with calm authority and asked, “Your Majesty, what crime has Young Lord Shu committed?”

“Lack of virtue, breach of decorum, and disrespect for imperial authority—are these not enough?” the Empress replied.

“Lack of virtue and breach of decorum are punishable by removal of office or even death, while disrespect for imperial authority can be punished by mutilation or death. What does Your Majesty intend for the Dali Temple?” Shangguan Liulan continued, maintaining a steady tone.

The Empress did not respond immediately, and Shangguan Liulan pressed on, “Is the intention to execute or to disfigure?”

The entire room fell silent, holding their breath. The Empress, seeming to have a headache, scolded, “Shangguan Liulan, you are too rigid. If I tell you to take someone away, you do it without question. As for the final disposition, I will inform you in a few days. I won’t let the Shangguan family take the blame. After all, it’s Young Lord Shu,” the Empress’ voice took on a mocking tone, “Young Lord Shu.”

With that, the soldiers rushed forward and pulled me up. I shook them off and said coldly, “Impudence! I will walk on my own!” After calming my breath, I dusted off my sleeves and prepared to leave.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Shen Ye lay quietly on the ground, watching me. After a moment, he revealed a mocking smile.

I had been to the Dali Temple many times before, usually to visit prisoners. This time, I was being imprisoned.

I had thought about the possibility of ending up here, but I never imagined it would be because of something like this, and so soon.

Not long after I arrived, Shangguan Liulan came with Shangguan Wanqing. They brought me new furniture, and after it was set up, I suddenly felt that the environment was quite pleasant. At least I felt very safe here, without worrying about assassination.

“Thank you both,” I said to them.

Shangguan Liulan nodded, sitting down and picking up her teacup. She took a sip and said, “I never imagined that Su Rongqing was Shen Ye.”

I was drinking tea when she spoke, and I almost choked on the tea leaves. However, I managed to swallow and awkwardly said, “Yes, it’s true. I originally thought it was just my personal romantic affair, but it’s become so complicated.”

“Sixteen years ago, when Her Majesty was still a princess, she frequently visited the Phoenix Tower,” Shangguan Liulan set down her cup and continued, “I checked the records, and at that time, the Phoenix Tower was run by someone named Shen Quan. It was very popular, frequented by the high officials and nobles of Chu. But then, overnight, the Phoenix Tower disappeared, and the place was deserted.

“My mother was a supporter of the Empress, and the Empress secretly gave the Shangguan family a special order to hunt down everyone associated with the Phoenix Tower. So the case of the Phoenix Tower’s disappearance is intricately connected with the Empress.

“In the twenty-eighth year of the Tianqing era, the Phoenix Tower reopened, and its first courtesan was favored by the third princess, Wei Yunxi. This courtesan, who was once radiant, later betrayed Wei Yunxi and helped the current Empress ascend to the throne.”

“What are you telling me this for?” I asked, puzzled.

Shangguan Liulan raised her eyes, her pale face betraying no emotion. “Just a reminder, as friends.”

“So you want to tell me that Shen Ye is deeply connected with the Empress?” I laughed at the thought. “Have you heard of the Dark Court?”

Shangguan Liulan's expression tightened. I took another sip of tea and continued, “This world has both an overt court and a covert one. It’s quite fascinating. If I were to die, the Dark Court could probably send someone to replace me immediately, given their skill in disguise... Do you think they would just let me die, or would they find someone to impersonate me and live as Shu Cheng forever?”

“They wouldn’t dare,” Shangguan Liulan replied calmly. “If they did, the entire aristocracy would not forgive them.”

“If they really did, how would you know?” I scoffed. “I won’t marry Shen Ye.”

I closed my eyes. “Not just because he doesn’t love me enough, or because he deceived and hurt me, but because I don’t like him enough. My feelings can’t overcome my fear of him. I’d rather forget him and vanish into the world.”

“Do you know when I first realized I liked him?” I asked Shangguan Liulan, my voice carrying a despair I hadn’t fully recognized in myself. “It was when he said he liked me.”

“Bedding’s ready!” Shangguan Wanqing suddenly spoke up, her voice full of energy that neither Shangguan Liulan nor I possessed. She patted my shoulder and looked at me earnestly. “Shu Cheng, let me tell you, people who take their feelings too seriously don’t live long. Like her…” Shangguan Wanqing pointed at Shangguan Liulan’s pale face with a look of disdain. “I bet if Liulan keeps being this way, she won’t live past thirty.”

“Shut your ominous mouth,” Shangguan Liulan glared at Shangguan Wanqing.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Shangguan Wanqing giggled. “What, not happy? Everyone in the Shangguan family knows you’re not in great health. I’m telling you, you should find a husband soon. If you stay single and continue like this, you’ll become increasingly depressed. The more depressed you are, the worse your health will get. Then you’ll think about your sister Shangguan Liuqing, who’s been waiting for you to die so she can take over the Shangguan family. And that will make you even more upset, leading you to die even faster…”

Before she finished speaking, Shangguan Liulan’s sword had already stopped at Shangguan Wanqing’s neck. Shangguan Wanqing pouted and said helplessly, “Alright, I won’t say anything more. But could you please not lead Shu Cheng astray?”

Shangguan Liulan froze for a moment. I thought she would retaliate, but she simply replied with a curt “oh,” then she sheathed her sword and looked at me. “We’re leaving now. Take care. If you’re uncomfortable, let me know.”

“Liulan,” I couldn’t help but sigh after hearing her, “I always thought that, given your nature, you would strictly enforce the law when I came to the Dali Temple…”

Shangguan Liulan lifted the corner of her mouth, a hint of mockery in her smile. “That shows you really don’t understand me well.”

With that, she suddenly dropped her smile. “When I say you’re a friend, you are a friend. As long as I am the head of the Shangguan family, the Shangguan family will always stand by you.”

With that, she and Shangguan Wanqing left. I sat back on the soft bed, crossing my legs and reflecting on why I had become friends with Shangguan Wanqing instead of becoming friends with Liulan earlier!

I took a lazy nap on the bed, and shortly afterward, I heard the commotion outside and saw Bai Shaotang burst in. Standing outside the cell door, he shouted, “Shu Cheng, did they hurt you? Shu Cheng, they…”

As he shouted, Bai Shaotang was stunned. He looked at my living conditions for a while and finally said, “This is a prison?!”

“Stop making a fuss,” I said, grabbing my hair and standing up. “I’m someone with a wide network of connections. Just say what you need to say, and then let me get back to my nap.”

“Nap? You can’t nap! The Empress has issued an order for you to marry Su Rongqing next week!”

“Oh.” I wasn’t surprised by the Empress’s actions at all. “Anyway, I’m already in prison. Let her do whatever she wants. I’m not going to marry him.”

“Shu Cheng, I love your carefree attitude! Come on, give me a hug!”

“Get lost!” I slapped at him. Bai Shaotang grabbed my hand and laughed. “Alright, alright, I’m not joking. I’m going to ask the Empress Dowager to go to the Empress and make a scene.”

“Oh… right,” I suddenly remembered. “Although the Empress’ biological mother, Lan Jun, is dead, the former Phoenix Empress is still around. But will the Empress Dowager’s face be enough for the Empress?”

“I don’t know.” Bai Shaotang shook his head honestly, a hint of malice in his eyes. “But if the Empress insists, don’t blame me for taking drastic measures.”

“What drastic measures?”

“I’ll find a way to make Su Rongqing really lose his purity!”

I was momentarily stunned. To find someone to violate Shen Ye... who in the world could even manage that? It would be a feat just to protect oneself from being violated by him.

To prevent Bai Shaotang from doing something foolish, I could only tap his head through the bars and advise, “Listen, it’s okay if your brain isn’t working properly, but don’t act on it. Think about it: who among your subordinates has the ability to violate Shen Ye?”

“If I try my hardest, it’s still possible!” He had a determined expression, as if he was ready to risk everything.

I drew in a sharp breath and quickly dissuaded him. “Shaotang, don’t make such sacrifices!”

“Shu Cheng…” He turned to me, holding my hand and looking down. “Actually, I’m quite happy.”

“Hmm…” I wasn’t sure what to say.

Bai Shaotang grinned foolishly and repeatedly asked, “You like me, right? You like me, right?”


“Alright,” Bai Shaotang let go of my hand. “I’m going to make a scene with the Empress. I promise, Shu Cheng, I’ll definitely get you out in three days.”

With that, Bai Shaotang left. I sat back on the bed, contemplating why the Empress had locked me up. But then, I suddenly heard a familiar voice: “You like him?”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

I was momentarily stunned. To find someone to violate Shen Ye... who in the world could even manage that? It would be a feat just to protect oneself from being violated by him.

To prevent Bai Shaotang from doing something foolish, I could only tap his head through the bars and advise, “Listen, it’s okay if your brain isn’t working properly, but don’t act on it. Think about it: who among your subordinates has the ability to violate Shen Ye?”

“If I try my hardest, it’s still possible!” He had a determined expression, as if he was ready to risk everything.

I drew in a sharp breath and quickly dissuaded him. “Shaotang, don’t make such sacrifices!”

“Shu Cheng…” He turned to me, holding my hand and looking down. “Actually, I’m quite happy.”

“Hmm…” I wasn’t sure what to say.

Bai Shaotang grinned foolishly and repeatedly asked, “You like me, right? You like me, right?”


“Alright,” Bai Shaotang let go of my hand. “I’m going to make a scene with the Empress. I promise, Shu Cheng, I’ll definitely get you out in three days.”

With that, Bai Shaotang left. I sat back on the bed, contemplating why the Empress had locked me up. But then, I suddenly heard a familiar voice: “You like him?”

As expected, when I looked up, I saw Shen Ye hanging outside the cell. I was momentarily speechless, then said, “Can you take a normal path? At least you’re a young master…”

“It’s too troublesome to apply for approval. I can just come in directly.”

I was at a loss for words.

“Do you want to get out?” He beckoned to me with his finger while hanging. I ignored him, so he flipped down, pulled a hairpin from his head, and used it to pick the lock. Moments later, the lock clicked open. He blew on the hairpin, put it back in his hair, and walked over to me, bending down to look at my face.

I turned my head away, but he followed. I turned again, and he followed again. I turned once more, and he suddenly pressed my head down and kissed me.

His familiar, soft lips pressed against mine, and I couldn’t help but shiver. For a moment, I found myself feeling less angry.

However, I quickly realized how weak this emotion was, and I became furious, slapping him.

He caught my hand, crouched down, looked up at me, and smiled. “Do you want to get out?”

“Get lost,” I said coldly.

“If you want to get out, marry me.”

“Get lost!”

“Shu Cheng,” he sighed, touching my face, his gaze gentle and affectionate, “I really won’t hurt you. The Dark Court isn’t something I wanted to join, and the Empress isn’t someone I wanted to serve.”

“Then why do you still work for her?”

He didn’t answer, resting his head gently on my knees.

“I’m not lying to you.” His voice carried a vibration and warmth that made me uneasy. He tilted his head and continued slowly, “So I can’t tell you. But one day, someday, I will.”

“Shen Ye…” I couldn’t help but soften my voice. “Just leave me alone.”

“Do you like him?” he asked again. 

I remained silent, and after a long, long while, I finally said, “I’ve known Shaotang since I was very young. He has always been good to me, always protected me, never letting anyone bully me. To protect me, he trained hard; when I didn’t like his looks, he became handsome. Shen Ye, no one can remain unmoved by such feelings.”

“Do you like me?”

“Shen Ye,” I touched his beautiful long hair, speaking both to him and to myself, “You’re too wonderful. When something is so beautiful, it’s hard for a person to distinguish between infatuation and true affection.”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

He laughed softly and then looked up, gazing at me quietly. “Shu Cheng, when Bai Shaotang appeared, I had already thought about it. You would be moved by his kind of affection. He has grown into who he is today bit by bit for you, while Shen Ye is excellent just because of himself. That kind of dedication is different, isn’t it? But Shu Cheng…” He closed his eyes in pain, “I survived because of you. When I was twelve… If it weren’t for you, I would have already given up on myself. I persisted because of you. If it weren’t for your letters, I would have given up on myself long ago. Who works harder? Who is more affectionate?”

“Don’t say anymore…” I pleaded with a trembling voice.

Shen Ye laughed. “I thought you liked me, so I liked you so much. But even though I liked you so much, you told me you don’t like me. Because I didn’t come early enough, because I haven’t been by your side long enough…”

“Don’t say anymore…” I cried out in pain. “Leave, Shen Ye, just go. Leave my life, leave my world. Shen Ye, my life should be stable; I don’t want you in it. Your presence is the greatest disaster of my life.”

Hearing my words, he seemed stunned. Time seemed to stand still as he looked at me, frozen with the same expression for a long time.

Then he closed his eyes, turned, and left the cell. He leaped suddenly and disappeared into the Dali Temple.

I breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to lock the cell door carefully. I thought no one would come again, but then I heard footsteps approaching from outside. My head ached a bit, and I couldn’t help but rub my temples. Moments later, the entire corridor was suddenly filled with soldiers. Someone with a key opened my cell door, and before I could react, they grabbed my hair and drove a chain into my scapula.

I screamed in pain as they tightened the chain, forcing me to walk quickly with them. After being led out, they strapped me to a rack and hung me up. A cloaked woman sat in the shadows, drinking tea and watching them as they suspended me. After a moment, she raised her hand, and two people inserted clamps onto my fingertips.

“Shu Cheng.” The voice was unmistakably the Crown Princess.

The rarely seen, only princess in the court.

She lifted the hood of her cloak, revealing her delicate face. Then she walked up to me, holding a spiked whip, and smiled cruelly. “I heard that you’ve defied the Empress.”

Seeing the whip, I couldn’t help but swallow. I had heard that the Crown Princess had some peculiar tastes, and I couldn’t help but wonder if these preferences would be applied to me.

“Do you think the Shu family is so impressive that we wouldn’t dare kill you or even cut off your nose or chop off your feet?”

“Mistake,” I quickly smiled apologetically. “Your Highness, you must have misunderstood my intentions. I have always been loyal to the Empress and to you.”

“Then why won’t you marry Su Rongqing?”

“Your Highness,” I was on the verge of tears, “I just… want to marry someone I truly like…”

“In this world, the land belongs to the ruler; the people belong to the ruler. When the ruler wants a subject to die, the subject must die. How dare you defy a marriage arrangement?!”

Hearing this, I realized why the Empress had been reluctant to bring the Crown Princess out—it’s because she’s out of her mind!

No one I’ve ever met has spoken so brazenly. Such words are usually only spoken by sycophantic officials, and when rulers or heirs say them, it’s very dangerous.

Does she think the power in the hands of the nobility is just a game?

But the real danger is when a thug has the status of a scholar. I knew this person was crazy, but such people are prone to impulsiveness. I would believe it if she decided to kill me here today.

“The Empress sent me to discuss the marriage with you,” she said, striking my face with the whip. “So tell me, Su Rongqing, are you going to marry or not?!”

I remained silent, and she lashed me again. The person holding the clamps immediately tightened them, sending sharp pain through my fingertips.

In that moment, I found my resolve and shouted, “I refuse to marry!”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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