22 Ye Cheng Fu


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Ye Cheng Fu

 Chapter 22: 


The candle had burned half of my sleeve, but it was nothing compared to the flames of gossip spreading through the palace.

I didn’t have time to change clothes. I hurried into the palace with my scorched sleeve.

When I arrived, it was still early, and the rain was so heavy that I could barely see. After instructing the guards to let me in, I rushed to where Shen Ye was kneeling.

The rain was torrential, and although the servants held an umbrella over me as I got out of the carriage, the large umbrella couldn’t prevent the rain from soaking me. Standing on the steps, I saw Shen Ye in the center of the vast courtyard. His white attire stood out starkly against the night, and even the downpour couldn’t hide his presence.

I grabbed the umbrella from the servant and hurried towards him, feeling the rainwater seeping into my shoes. Panting, I reached Shen Ye’s side and shielded him from the wind and rain. Before I could speak, he said calmly, “You came.”

“You knew I would come?” I gasped, slightly annoyed. “What are you doing? A man should know when to let go. I thought we were clear on this.”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

“I thought we were clear too.” Shen Ye remained kneeling, his tone steady. “Do you know how an animal that has caught its prey will never let go?”

“But we are not beasts,” I sighed. “Shen Ye, let go of me and free yourself as well. Come on.”

I reached out to pull him up, but he grabbed my hand in return and wouldn’t let go.

I maintained a slightly hunched posture, waiting quietly for his response. He slowly lifted his head, looking at me intently.

He had been kneeling all night, drenched through. The rainwater streamed down his forehead and into his clothes, giving him a pitiable appearance. He held my hand, and I could still feel the warmth of his palm, which made me waver slightly. The person before me didn't seem as loathsome as I had thought.

"You’re underdressed," he eventually said, "Wet shoes can give you a cold. It’s still early, you should go change into something dry."

"And you?" I asked, looking at him holding my hand. "Aren’t you going to stop kneeling?"

"Of course, I must kneel," he said with a bitter smile. "Shouldn’t you know that by now?"

"Shen Ye," I straightened up, withdrawing my hand and letting out a laugh. "What are you trying to achieve? I won’t give in to your demands, even if you marry me. I won’t give you what the Empress wants."

"It doesn’t matter," he lowered his eyes. "I don’t mind."

"Do you like me?" I asked, somewhat apprehensive. But before he could answer, I laughed again. "You like me as you would a stray cat or dog. Shen Ye, if you want to kneel, then stay kneeling."

I realized I couldn’t continue; the more I spoke, the more it would hurt me. 

Suddenly, I felt a pang of regret. Why had I come here? I knew perfectly well that with Shen Ye's stubborn nature, he wouldn’t be swayed by others’ words. Even if everyone from the Shu and Su families came to kneel before him, or if someone held a knife to his throat, nothing would change.

So why had I come?

"Here’s the umbrella," I offered, but he didn’t take it. I placed the umbrella beside him. The rain came pouring down immediately, and I felt a sting. I decided I needed to hurry back to the carriage, so I turned to leave, walking briskly. But before I had gone far, he suddenly called out to me:

"Shu Cheng," he raised the umbrella, shouting loudly, "Are you afraid of the Empress, or are you afraid of your own heart?!"

I didn’t answer, closing my eyes in the rain.

The rain was so heavy that I couldn’t open my eyes.

His voice continued to reach me: “Is it my identity you hate, or is it because I deceived you?”

“Shen Ye,” I said after a long moment of contemplation, “what I dislike doesn’t matter much. What’s important is that you and I can’t be together. I didn’t like you all that much, and neither did you like me.”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

I reminded him, raising my head and feeling the pain of the rain against my face. “Look, you didn’t like me enough to care that I was hurt, so you could act so recklessly and toy with me; and I didn’t like you enough to give up everything, which is why I care about your identity and past. I had some feelings for you. When you were Su Rongqing, I gave you a mold and then fell for that mold; when you were Shen Ye, you gave me love, and I fell for that love. Did you think I liked you so deeply?” I turned around and laughed, somewhat dazed, but before I could continue, he interrupted me.

“Don’t say any more.”

He looked up with determination in his eyes. “Whether you like me or not isn’t for you to say, it’s for me to see. You like me,” he said without hesitation.

I couldn’t help but laugh, slowly continuing, “My feelings for you aren’t any deeper than those I have for a stray cat or dog.”

“So why are you here?” he asked with a contemptuous smile. “Isn’t it to bring me this umbrella?”

I was momentarily speechless, unable to respond, as if something deep inside had been precisely exposed, causing me to cough involuntarily.

I hurriedly turned and rushed back to the carriage. Inside, I could hear Shen Ye’s laughter—so wild and unrestrained—mirroring my own inadequacy.

Inside the carriage, the sounds of my labored coughing filled the space as servants quickly changed me into a dry ceremonial robe. I leaned against the wall of the carriage, quietly listening to the rain. Occasionally, I lifted the curtain to see him still stubbornly and earnestly kneeling there.

As dawn broke and the rain eased, I finally jumped out of the carriage and returned to the entrance of the main hall.

A few officials had gathered at the hall’s entrance, whispering among themselves. As soon as I arrived, everyone turned to look at me. I could easily guess what they were discussing. With a smile, I glanced around, and everyone showed a hint of embarrassment, nodding at me before hurriedly turning away.

I stood at my position for a while, and the murmurs resumed. I focused on my feet, holding my ceremonial tablet and saying nothing. The noise eventually quieted again. As I turned my head, I saw my teacher approaching with a cane.

Though my teacher was not old, only in her early fifties, the years had worn her down, leaving her hair white. She walked slowly towards me and, just as I had anticipated, she came to stand right in front of me. To my shock, this usually graceful teacher, who had never spoken harshly to me in over a decade of instruction, slapped me across the face in public!

The slap left me stunned and clutching my face. My teacher, undeterred by my silence, shouted at me, “Shu Cheng, you beast!”


“I have only one child!” she grabbed my collar tightly, glaring at me with fierce intensity. “I raised him all these years, kept him close to my heart. I have no other wish in life but for him to live well, to move past his past, marry a good person, have a child, and live a stable life!”

“But you, you beast! You beast!”

Her face suddenly turned pale, and her breathing became rapid. Her hand gripping mine began to tremble, and she started to slump backward. Reacting quickly, I caught her and shouted, “Physician! Call the physician quickly!”

"Marry him!" My teacher, clinging to me in distress, grabbed me with frantic strength. "Since you have sullied him... you must marry him..."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

"I really didn't do anything to him..."

I tried to soothe her, feeling on the verge of tears. 

As a girl raised with such innocence, who had barely even touched a man's hand, the notion of having sullied a man seemed utterly absurd. 

And besides, would a man like Shen Ye be the kind who would marry me for the sake of his so-called purity? 

Teacher, are you sure you truly understand your son? Are you sure you know where he spends his nights and what schemes he engages in? Are you really convinced that he would let his entire life be ruined by me sullying him?

If Shen Ye were truly the type to ruin himself over being sullied, I wouldn’t dare go near him even if I had a hundred lives.

But who is Shen Ye?

He is the lord of Phoenix Tower, a man who can defeat a fire qilin and the young hero Bai Shaotang with just a small fan. He is a man who can effortlessly switch between the noble Su Rongqing and the eccentric Shen Ye, someone who makes me fearful whether I marry him or not!

Teacher, does he even deserve your defense? Can you please stop creating obstacles for me?

The more I thought about it, the more frustrated I became. The imperial physician arrived in a hurry, but Teacher, still clutching me, repeatedly chanted, “You must marry him, you must marry him…”

The murmurs of the crowd grew louder, and I could faintly hear derogatory terms like “shameless” and “didn’t expect such a person” being used. The physician began treating Teacher, but she wouldn’t let go of me. I was left kneeling while she held onto me. 

Soon, I heard Shangguan Wanqing’s loud voice from the crowd: “Shucheng, weren’t you the one who broke off the engagement with Su Rongqing and proposed to Shen Ye? What’s going on now…”

Before she could finish her sentence, I shot a fierce glance her way, causing everyone around to gasp in shock. 

Teacher suddenly began to convulse violently in my arms, and with one final breath, she collapsed into unconsciousness. The physicians quickly administered needles and rushed her away on a stretcher. The crowd’s murmurs turned even more unpleasant, with Shen Ye’s name being mentioned repeatedly. Some people spoke with an undertone of suggestive malice.

Shen Ye was incredibly handsome. 

In that moment, all I could think was how Shen Ye’s looks had sparked so much gossip in Chu City. Despite few having seen him, every woman in Chu who mentioned him linked his appearance to scandalous rumors. When a man is exceptionally good-looking, people often associate him with immoral behavior, leading to the crowd’s sudden shift in tone. Discussions revolved around the idea that I had broken off my engagement with Lord Su's son for this “little courtesan,” suggesting that his skills must be extraordinary.

Their repeated mixing of my and Shen Ye’s names was becoming unbearable. I could no longer contain my frustration and shouted, “Stop talking! This is the morning court, don’t you have other matters to discuss?!” 

“Why would Lord Shu know what the officials are discussing?” Qin Yang’s voice cut through the crowd sharply. She stood diagonally in front of me, smiling smugly. “Oh, of course,” she said, “since Young Master Su has been kneeling at the palace gate all night, it’s the hottest topic in Chu City. Even if Lord Shu wasn’t eavesdropping, it’s only natural that he’d guess. After all, it’s quite a scandal—breaking off an engagement with the son of Lord Su for a courtesan…”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

“It’s not for a courtesan,” I interrupted sharply, “I have already proposed to the Bai family.”

The moment the words left my mouth, the entire hall fell silent. 

When I said I had proposed to the Bai family, everyone in the court knew the significance of this statement. 

Breaking off an engagement with Shen Ye was a matter of personal romance, but proposing to the Bai family after the Emperor had stripped their military power was not just about marriage. It was a political maneuver, a power play, and a transfer of influence. 

The silence from everyone was satisfying. I smiled and looked around, gently stating, “There are many rumors outside. Please don’t be misled. The only person I, Shu Cheng, will marry is Bai Shaotang.”

As soon as I finished speaking, there was a commotion in the crowd. The officials standing on the steps parted, and I saw Bai Shaotang at the front, dressed in white, wearing a jade crown and a silver sword, smiling triumphantly. Beside him, Shen Ye stood, drenched and almost unable to stand, supported by attendants. His appearance was pitiable.

This was the first time Shen Ye appeared in front of everyone as Su Rongqing. He wasn’t wearing makeup, unlike his usual appearances as Shen Ye or Shen Sanlang, where he was always heavily made up, obscuring his true face.

Standing there in such a disheveled state, he was a stark contrast to Bai Shaotang, who was permitted to wear his sword and walk in the Empress' presence. 

Yet, no one could look away from Shen Ye. His beauty was beyond description—no matter how skilled the painter, they could never capture such a flawless visage.

The atmosphere was uncomfortably tense. Bai Shaotang strode confidently towards me but was stopped by Shen Ye, who grabbed his hand. The two stood there hand in hand by the door, unable to move forward. After a moment, the voice announcing the Emperor's arrival sounded, and everyone quickly returned to their places, falling silent. The great hall doors slowly opened, and the Empress, dressed in her imperial robes, sat waiting on her throne. The officials filed in and knelt to pay their respects. Once the officials had risen, the Empress spoke, “Before we discuss state matters, I would like to address some troubling personal issues.”

I immediately grew anxious. As expected, the Empress continued, “Bring Su Rongqing and Bai Shaotang to me.”

I could hardly breathe. 

I didn't want to discuss my marriage here, as decisions made in this place were rarely to my liking.

Even my mother, who stood at the head of the officials, couldn’t help but frown. However, she said nothing, merely watching as Shen Ye and Bai Shaotang walked in together. After they had paid their respects, the Empress turned her gaze toward me and said coldly, “Shu Cheng, come forward and face the trouble you’ve caused!”

“Your servant is at fault!” I immediately took responsibility, stepping out of the ranks and kneeling on the spot, “It is my mistake. I will take both gentlemen back and discuss the matter properly.”

“There’s nothing to discuss!” The Empress thundered, “Su Rongqing is a marriage bestowed by me. Since you have… since you have committed such an act, you must immediately return and marry him!”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

“But I—”

“But what?” The Empress roared, “You have tarnished the reputation of the gentleman with your vile actions. Are you not going to take responsibility? How can our great Chu rely on ministers like you who cannot even handle their own affairs? How can you manage state affairs?”

“But I haven’t defiled him!” I finally cried out in frustration, interrupting the Empress’s scolding. I was so desperate to prove my innocence that I almost wanted to smash my head against a pillar in the hall, but I was no fiery official; such acts were reserved for those with more backbone. I had little backbone, only the ability to repeat, “Your Majesty, I really haven’t defiled him!”

“Are you saying that I am falsely accusing you with my own purity?” Shen Ye suddenly spoke from the side, his voice full of mockery. I turned to see him with a face full of despair and eyes brimming with tears.

I thought to myself: Oh no, I forgot this guy is a master of acting!

As expected, he stood up with tearful smiles and walked slowly toward me, his expression one of “you heartless woman,” and began, “Not long ago, you visited the Su residence every day and stayed alone with me in my room. At night, you would come to the Su residence and sneak into my bed. Have you forgotten all of this?”

“Do you need me to recount the number of invitation letters you sent me for the others?”

“I… even though we were alone in the same room, I never did anything with you!” 

I was on the verge of tears. Around us, murmurs of sympathy arose, while Bai Shaotang remained calm and unreadable.

Shen Ye sneered and gently touched my shoulder, “Master Shu, I remember very clearly the butterfly birthmark on your shoulder.”

Suddenly, he yanked down the sleeve of my clothing, exposing the butterfly birthmark on my shoulder. At that moment, Bai Shaotang reacted swiftly, striking Shen Ye with a forceful blow and pulling my sleeve back up, shouting, “What are you doing?”

Shen Ye pretended to be weak and was thrown several meters by the strike. Qin Yang rushed forward to support Shen Ye, exclaiming, “Bai Shaotang, what are you doing! Bullying such a helpless and weak man is hardly heroic!”

Upon hearing this, both Bai Shaotang and I couldn’t help but shudder.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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