Chapter 3: Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" (Are You the One)


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 Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" / Are You the One

 Chapter 3: 


As a wife, it’s important to be attentive to her husband's comfort and add clothing according to the seasons.

With her health improving and having some free time, she had picked up sewing again, using the leftover fabric from the inner garments she had made. After adding some cotton stuffing, she managed to create this jacket.

At this moment, Cui Jiu looked at the jacket with its somewhat rough stitching with a gaze that was both inscrutable and revealing.

Liu Mian Tang felt a pang of regret, realizing that showing her shortcomings was not ideal. If her husband found it lacking, it would be quite embarrassing.

However, her husband, after a moment of looking at the jacket, accepted it and took off his outer robe to try it on.

Liu Mian Tang's eyes brightened, and she eagerly helped him put it on. Fortunately, the fit was decent and suited him well. Against Cui Jiu's tall and upright frame, the jacket looked quite stylish, and the rough stitching was less noticeable.

As Cui Jiu donned his outer clothing and draped the cloak over it, Liu Mian Tang noticed that his fingers, though elegant, were somewhat clumsy when tying the belt. After several unsuccessful attempts, he finally managed to tie a tight knot.

Feeling the knot constricting around his neck, Cui Jiu gently grasped the back of her neck with his large hand and, with a slight smile, said, “Are you trying to strangle me?”

With his hand on her neck, she was enveloped in his faint, indescribable scent. Being so close, she could clearly see his long, dark lashes and his eyes, which seemed to hold an untapped smile.

Liu Mian Tang felt his grip was a bit too strong. Out of reflex, she attempted to use a small technique to release his hold.

It wasn’t out of disrespect; it was merely a reflexive move from her martial arts training.

However, her once-familiar technique, now weakened by her frail wrist, had no effect. As a result, she lost her balance and fell into Cui Jiu's embrace. 

She said with a hint of frustration, "Didn’t Dr. Zhao say I was fully recovered? Why do I still lack strength in my hands?"

Her late mother had been the only daughter of the renowned Shenwei Escort Agency in Great Yan, so she had practiced martial arts with her mother from the age of three. Though her mother passed away when she was only ten, she had continued the daily practice of martial arts.

But now it seemed that due to her recent illness, her limbs were still weak, and she might not be able to retain the skills her mother had passed down.

Cui Jiu looked down, noticing her expression of frustration. He eased his grip and gently helped her up. Gazing at her pale face, he said softly, “Haven’t you improved a lot? If you get out more and move around, you might recover even faster.”

As he spoke, he thought for a moment and then took out a small, delicate box from his inner robe. "This is a powder from the Xiangxiang Studio in Jiangnan. It has a pleasant fragrance. You can use it to add a touch of color when you dress up tomorrow."

Liu Mian Tang received the exquisitely crafted box. The Xiangxiang Studio was likely a supplier for wealthy families, as the box was not the usual porcelain container for rouge and powder but an extravagant piece inlaid with turquoise and gilded details.

Since it was her husband's kind gesture, she naturally accepted the gift with a smile, though she sighed inwardly. The saying "hard to adjust from luxury to frugality" seemed to be true. Her husband was used to spending lavishly, and it was clear that their household could not afford such extravagance now.

In the future, she would need to subtly tell her husband that such expenses were unnecessary. Nevertheless, when she took the powder box, she still gave him a grateful smile.

Her smile was like a blooming flower, making it hard for anyone to look away. Cui Jiu stared at her for a while, then silently turned and left.

Liu Mian Tang watched as her husband's tall figure disappeared behind the shadow wall of the courtyard, thinking to herself: He seems slender and refined, but his strength is impressive, and he appears to be quite fit. He might have practiced martial arts as well.

In the capital, she had mostly stayed in the courtyard and hadn’t been out for a while. She was looking forward to strolling around and seeing the local customs of Lingquan Town, feeling a bit excited about it.

The next morning, before she had even gotten up, Li Mama was already in the room with warm washing water, calling, “Madam, it’s time to get up.”

Liu Mian Tang lazily emerged from under the covers, thinking: Usually, she had to make requests, but today, Li Mama was attentive and prompt, perhaps because of her husband's return. It seemed even the old servant was picking up her manners and doing her job diligently.

Since the warm water had been brought to her, she couldn’t stay in bed any longer. She got up, washed, and prepared herself.

Usually, Liu Mian Tang didn't like using makeup such as rouge or powder. However, she didn't want to disregard her husband's thoughtful gesture from yesterday. So, she applied a light layer of powder and a touch of crimson lipstick.

Li Mama, looking through the bronze mirror, found the woman truly dazzlingly beautiful. The beauty even seemed to carry an almost bewitching allure, causing her to snort slightly in disapproval.

Liu Mian Tang had grown accustomed to Li Mama's subtle sarcasm. While getting ready, she casually asked, “Li Mama, before my memory loss, did I ever harshly punish any of the servants?”

Li Mama, helping her put on silver bracelets, replied, “Madam, you have always been kind and have not punished the servants harshly.”

Upon hearing this, Liu Mian Tang turned to her with a smile and asked, “If that’s the case, why do you always seem dissatisfied with me? Is there something bothering you?”

Li Mama seemed taken aback by the direct question. After a moment of hesitation, she grit her teeth and knelt, saying, “I come from humble origins and may speak coarsely. If I have been disrespectful or uncareful, please forgive me, Madam.”

Seeing Li Mama admit her fault, Liu Mian Tang did not want to reprimand her further and gently instructed her to get up.

Being young and having been seriously ill recently, she had been unable to manage things on her own. It was no wonder the servants had lost their manners and failed to show her proper respect.

Li Mama was an old servant of the Cui family, said to have watched Master Cui grow up. Given this, Liu Mian Tang felt it was not right to reprimand her too harshly, especially for her husband's sake.

Since Li Mama had acknowledged her mistake after being admonished, Liu Mian Tang decided to let the matter rest there.

After getting dressed and having a bowl of thin porridge, she chose a slightly faded white dress with dark patterns from her trunk and prepared to leave the courtyard and get into the carriage.

However, Li Mama said, “Yesterday, when the master left, he specifically instructed me that today you should walk to the street. Doctor Zhao mentioned that you need to walk more to aid in your recovery.”

The suggestion made sense. With the pleasant spring sunshine and the fresh morning air, taking a walk among the blooming flowers would indeed be quite enjoyable and relaxing.

Thus, Liu Mian Tang agreed and set out with Li Mama from the blue-tiled house.

By now, breakfast time had passed, and the men on North Street had already gone to work. The local women who did mending were gathered outside their doors, basking in the sun.

Seeing the beautiful woman from the blue-tiled courtyard come out, the talkative Old Madam Yin immediately approached with familiarity, asking, “May I ask how this young lady is addressed?”

Liu Mian Tang knew that these were just neighbors. Even if the Cui family had fallen on hard times, they were still merely merchants, and she should not act aloof or provoke the neighbors' dislike. So, she stopped, smiled slightly, and replied, “My husband's family name is Cui, so you may call me Madam Cui.”

However, Old Madam Yin seemed not quite satisfied and continued to ask, “Madam Cui, what does your husband do, and from where did you move?”

Liu Mian Tang smiled and replied, “My husband is a merchant, and we have moved here from the capital.” She then tried to take a step forward to leave.

But Old Madam Yin, eager for more information, got up and asked, “Since he is a merchant, where has he set up his shop?”

This question left Liu Mian Tang somewhat at a loss. She couldn’t help but look back at Li Mama.

She had indeed asked Li Mama about this before, but Li Mama had vaguely mentioned it was somewhere in the town without specifying the exact location.

Now, with the neighbor asking, it was natural for Li Mama to answer.

Li Mama, having been scolded earlier in the morning and in a sour mood, looked particularly aggrieved. With a face that seemed more dark and bruised than usual, she glared and said, “I spend all my time looking after the madam and am not very clear on the exact location of the shop.”

Seeing that she could not find out any details about the new neighbor's background, Old Madam Yin was somewhat disappointed but remained friendly, saying, “Please don’t mind my curiosity, madam. We old ladies of the town are very familiar with the shops and their conditions. If you have any questions in the future, just come and ask me, and I will certainly tell you everything I know…”

After bidding farewell to the friendly new neighbor, Liu Mian Tang was finally able to walk out of North Street.

Although Lingquan was a small town, it was bustling with merchants from all corners of the world.

However, her thoughts were not on the various stalls displaying goods. She, as the mistress of the house, felt embarrassed that she knew so little about the town while the unfamiliar neighbors seemed to know more.

“Li Mama, if any of my husband’s servants come back today to fetch food, make sure to ask clearly where the shop is. My husband works tirelessly, and I’m sure he doesn’t always get timely meals. Tonight, you should prepare some delicious dishes, and I will personally deliver them to him.”

Upon hearing the lady's request, Li Mama's face seemed to darken even more, and she hesitated, saying, “The master is very busy, and he probably won’t be back for the next few days. There’s no need to worry; his servants are attentive and will take good care of him.”

Liu Mian Tang smiled slightly, chose not to press the issue, and continued walking forward.

In Great Yan, it was common for women to go out without head coverings, especially in Jiangnan, where short jackets and long skirts were the norm, allowing their snowy necks and charming faces to be on full display.

Following local customs, Liu Mian Tang did the same. However, with her tall stature, striking features, and light application of makeup today, she attracted considerable attention in the market. Passersby and vendors alike frequently turned their heads to glance at her and whispered about which family she might belong to. Some even wondered if a celestial being had descended to the mortal realm.

Moreover, the fabric shop her husband had arranged was located in the busiest part of Lingquan Town, causing a growing crowd to gather behind Liu Mian Tang as she walked. This made it increasingly difficult for Li Mama to protect her and move through the throng.

In Lingquan Town, where merchants and brothels are numerous, and where there are countless rascals, a lone beauty with no male escort naturally attracts unwanted attention. Seeing that Liu Mian Tang was alone and not accompanied by any male relatives, a brazen scoundrel approached her boldly.

"May I ask where this young lady is heading? Such delicate feet might get sore if you walk too much. I have a sedan chair available; if you don't mind, you could share it with me!"

Liu Mian Tang cast a sharp, sidelong glance at the man. He was a local dandy in a green robe, wearing his headscarf askew. It was clear he was a notorious local troublemaker, and he had two smirking lackeys behind him.

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