Chapter 2: Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" (Are You the One)


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 Jiao Cang "Delicate Concealment" / Are You the One

 Chapter 2: 


At this time, it was nearing dusk, and the golden light cast a warm glow on the man’s elegant and noble face, making his features appear even more profound. His thick, sword-like eyebrows framed eyes that, though not angry, carried a commanding presence.

He was a strikingly handsome man, with a high-bridged nose and lips that seemed to naturally curl into a slight smile. This smile softened the otherwise stern and somber expression in his eyes.

Liu Mian Tang still remembered the first thought that flashed through her mind when she saw him after her illness: "Though he is handsome, he doesn't seem like a man who would be settled or content. He has a bit of a flirtatious appearance; anyone who becomes his wife would surely be exhausted."

As the saying goes, one should not judge a person by their appearance, or face divine retribution.

In her confusion while lying in bed, she soon found her own comeuppance— the amulet she had prepared to gift her future husband before marriage was now hanging prominently on the handsome young man with the peach blossom appearance.

When she heard the young doctor refer to him as "Master Cui Jiu," she vaguely realized that she was indeed the unlucky wife destined to feel exhausted.

When she got a clear answer from the doctor, she was overwhelmed with mixed emotions, unsure how to face this unfamiliar husband.

At that time, she could not say much; she could only weakly watch as Cui Jiu sat beside her and attentively asked the doctor, “How is her condition? How long before she can speak?”

His deep and magnetic voice gave an inexplicable sense of reassurance...

Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t notice Cui Jiu had already lifted the curtain and walked in, noticing her dazed gaze. He paused for a moment, then said quietly, “I’m back.”

It had been over a month since she had last seen him.

Unfortunately, although she and Cui Jiu had been married for a few years, those memories had completely vanished from her mind. She couldn't even feel the typical longing or sorrow of a wife missing her husband away from home.

Although she had heard bits and pieces of their past from others, she only knew that they had been a loving couple since their marriage.

Despite feeling unfamiliar, she was moved by the thought of how her husband, Cui Jiu, had worked hard for both the Liu family and herself. She regained her composure, stood up, and walked over, intending to help him remove his cloak and dust off the dirt.

However, before she could approach him, Cui Jiu had already unfastened the straps himself and tossed the satin cloak onto a nearby bench.

Seeing that he had taken a seat, Mian Tang went to the table, took a cup, and poured him some water. "Mama Li is still preparing the meal in the kitchen, so there is no hot water available yet. This pot is too lukewarm to make tea. Please, husband, have a drink to moisten your throat."

As she spoke, she followed the etiquette she had learned from her female teacher before her marriage, bending slightly at the waist, lifting the cup of water to her forehead, and presenting it to her husband with respect.

This was the gesture known as "raising the cup to the brows," a traditional expression of respect that a wife should show her husband.

Cui Jiu's deep-set eyes narrowed slightly. Instead of taking the cup from her, he picked up a book from the side and flipped through it. He said with concern, "Doctor Zhao mentioned that after such a severe illness, you should avoid cold drinks, as they can be harmful."

He then called out towards the door, "Mama Li, bring in some hot tea!"

Mama Li was quick and efficient. Before long, she brought in a pot of strong, hot tea.

Cui Jiu took the tea cup from Mama Li, naturally and casually rolling up his sleeves to brush off the tea foam with the lid, and elegantly took a sip.

When Liu Mian Tang had studied the art of tea with her female teacher, she had learned the intricacies of tea preparation—uncovering the lid, brushing off the tea, and polishing the cup, all of which were considered important.

At that time, she admired her teacher's graceful demonstration. However, observing Cui Jiu's refined tea-drinking manner now, she found that even the teacher’s graceful display seemed somewhat clumsy and affected in comparison.

She only remembered that the Cui family was incredibly wealthy in the capital, yet Cui Jiu, a scion of a merchant family who had risen from the ranks of salt traders and cargo boatmen, possessed an air of nobility and grace akin to that of an aristocratic family.

In contrast, she, a somewhat fallen official's daughter, seemed somewhat mismatched against the refined gentleman before her.

After Mama Li served the tea, she respectfully withdrew, leaving Liu Mian Tang and Cui Jiu alone together.

Such moments of solitude were rare for them. During her long illness, she had been attended to by maids and servants, and after she began to recover, Cui Jiu had been busy with his business affairs.

Now, with just the two of them in the quiet room, she realized that being a wife was not just about observing formalities but also about nurturing a deeper connection.

Feeling a sudden pang of nervousness, she realized it was getting late, and she might not be fully prepared.

However, after setting down his teacup, Cui Jiu gently inquired about her recent health and how she had been feeling.

Seeing that her husband was engaging in casual conversation, Liu Mian Tang breathed a sigh of relief and answered him one by one.

After a few minutes of idle chat, Cui Jiu unexpectedly asked, “Since you’re new here, take some time tomorrow to explore the town. If you see anything you’d like to buy, feel free to get it.”

Mian Tang considered Cui Jiu’s suggestion and replied, “I don’t need anything in particular, and the street is crowded and noisy. It’s better to stay at home and tidy up in peace.”

With the Cui family now in decline, and having sold off valuable properties in the capital, they had moved to Lingquan Town to engage in the porcelain business. Starting a new venture was always difficult, and it seemed prudent to save money rather than spend lavishly as they had in the past. 

However, not wanting to hurt her husband’s pride, she refrained from mentioning concerns about spending money.

Instead, she stood up and retrieved her jewelry box from the luggage. Inside were two silver notes given to her by her grandfather when she got married.

After she had fallen ill, most of her dowry had disappeared, but her mother’s jewelry and this silver box had remained untouched under her bedding. Even during the hard times faced by the Cui family, Cui Jiu had never asked her for the dowry.

Now, without hesitation, Mian Tang took out one of the silver notes and handed it to him, saying, “I heard from Mama Li that you’ve bought a new property in the town and are planning for great things. My dowry isn’t much, but consider this as an investment. As the store opens, I would like to share in the benefits with you.”

Her gesture was also meant to preserve Cui Jiu’s dignity, avoiding directly saying, "Husband, you’re at a loss now, and I’m worried you might not have enough capital, so let me supplement you."

Cui Jiu seemed taken aback by her action. He stared at her for a moment without accepting the money, and then asked, “Aren’t you worried about the business failing? Are you prepared to lose your dowry?”

Seeing that he did not take the money, Mian Tang placed the banknote on the table and said with a smile, “In business, there are always gains and losses. Is it really possible for someone to earn all the money in the world? It’s better for you to use it than for me to remain in the dark.” She looked at him hopefully, wishing he would accept it.

Mian Tang was already beautiful, but beauty alone, if it lacks charm, is like a jade carving without a soul. However, when she smiled gently, the aloofness of an ice-cold beauty melted away, revealing a sweetness akin to that of a blooming flower. The two faint dimples on her fair cheeks made her look incredibly sweet, almost like a naïve young girl.

Cui Jiu squinted slightly, observing her for a moment before reaching out to take the banknote. “In that case, I will accept it for now... However, you still need to visit the market. I have ordered some new fabric for you at the cloth shop. Go take a look, and if you don’t like it, you can choose something else you prefer.”

Since it was a gesture of kindness from her husband, Mian Tang couldn’t refuse any longer and nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Li Mama came to inquire whether Master Jiu would be dining. Hearing that the meal was ready, he sent Li Mama to bring out the food on a lacquered wooden tray.

Today’s dishes were all in the style of Jiangnan. There were lotus root slices stuffed with flavorful minced meat and fried to a golden crisp, beggar’s chicken emitting the fragrance of lotus leaves, and a bowl of tofu soup topped with crab roe, exceptionally fresh and delicious.

Perhaps because of Master Jiu’s return, Li Mama, who usually prepared meals carelessly, had put extra effort into today’s dishes.

Having eaten only plain porridge and vegetables for some time, Mian Tang found herself truly craving meat. Seeing the spread before her, she became engrossed in the meal.

After the savory meat satisfied her taste buds, she suddenly realized that she might have been improper while eating. She quickly ladled a bowl of tofu soup, revived the etiquette she had practiced before marriage, and respectfully presented it to her husband.

She had been so absorbed in the meal that she forgot her manners. Back at her family home, she had been reprimanded by her father for poor table manners, and since then, she had always tried to eat more demurely in public.

However, she had been so focused on her own enjoyment that she felt guilty. The family was currently short on money, and lavish meals like this were rare. Her husband was busy with business every day and needed nourishment to replenish his energy. As someone who stayed at home, she should be more considerate and eat less.

Realizing this, she quickly set down her chopsticks and began to eat rice in small bites.

Cui Jiu didn’t eat much; he only took a few bites occasionally, most of the time watching Mian Tang eat heartily.

A beautiful woman eating should ideally display grace and poise—such as chewing without showing her teeth and drinking soup quietly. Unfortunately, although his wife was beautiful, she ate with round, bulging cheeks and wore a focused, almost indulgent expression.

However, her focused eating actually had the opposite effect, making the meal seem more appetizing.

Unintentionally, he found himself eating more than he had planned. But as she stopped moving her chopsticks after she was full, he followed suit and ate a little more.

With both of them not focused on the meal, the atmosphere became somewhat chilly and quiet.

After finishing the meal, Cui Jiu rinsed his mouth with fragrant tea and said, “A new batch of goods has arrived at the dock. I need to go inspect them, and I may not return tonight. You should rest after your long journey.”

Liu Mian Tang, who had been nervously anticipating whether they would share a bed that night, breathed a sigh of relief at his words. She spoke with a lighter tone, “Though it's Jiangnan, the nights can still be chilly. You should dress warmly…”

She then pulled out a small jacket she had sewn over the past few days and handed it to him.

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