4 Ye Cheng Fu


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Ye Cheng Fu

 Chapter 4: 


"No need!" Shen Ye pulled me into his embrace and said tenderly, "Third Young Master knows you care about him, so he no longer wants to die. If the mountains crumble," he lowered his head, looking at me deeply, and slowly said, "and the earth meets the sky, only then will I..."

"Break up with you!" I gritted my teeth and completed the sentence. Shen Ye nodded fervently. I took a deep breath, pushed him away, and sat down on a chair myself.

I realized my mother was always right. She told me to visit Phoenix Tower often, and she must have had her reasons. Although Shen Ye was a bit vile, and the people here were rather despicable, I still needed to follow my mother's instructions.

So, I took several deep breaths to calm myself and then said, "I've come to tell you that I've thought it over, and I'm willing to keep you."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

"You're so clever, Cheng'er!" As soon as I spoke, he immediately changed how he addressed me, which sent a shiver down my spine. Completely ignoring my feelings, he continued, "By ruining your reputation, if Young Master Su genuinely wants to marry you, he will definitely be disgusted and call off the engagement, rendering the emperor's decree useless. But if he has other motives, he will insist on marrying you regardless, and once you confirm his intentions, you can break off the engagement without worrying about your teacher's dignity, right?"

"Why don't you think I'm just lusting after your beauty?" Remembering his usual narcissistic demeanor, I couldn't help but sneer. He chuckled softly and got up, walking toward me.

Without any makeup on his face, his features were clearly visible, like a beautiful mountain and serene waters. As he silently approached me, he looked exactly like the person I had always admired in my dreams.

His beauty was truly unparalleled, leaving people in awe. I found myself unable to look away as he slowly reached me. He suddenly burst into laughter, "Of course, I know you are infatuated with my beauty, from the first glance until now," he extended his hand, his cold fingers slowly touching my face. His voice seemed to carry some kind of magic, leaving me in a state of mental void, only able to hear him slowly say, "I knew you liked me very much."

His words made my heart race, and I found myself unable to deny it. He gently bent down, gazing at me with eyes as vast as the starry sky. I felt an inexplicable sense of pressure, and the person in front of me suddenly exuded a sense of nobility and dignity.

"I belong to you now," he slowly said, "Will you marry me?"

Hearing this, I snapped back to reality. It took me a while to respond, "When the people of Phoenix Tower first arrive, who trains them?"

"Me!" He blinked, "Although I've never taken a client, I know a lot."

"Oh." I felt a bit relieved for a moment. It's normal for the head of a brothel to know a lot about romantic affairs. It seems that there isn't anything wrong with me; it must be because he used some kind of enchanting spell on me.

I forced myself to stay calm and nodded, "Whether or not to marry you, let's talk about it later. I'm leaving for now."

"If you don't marry Third Young Master," he smirked, "then who will you marry? Are you still going on blind dates?"

"That's none of your business." Feeling restless, I stood up and walked straight out. Shen Ye didn't chase after me, so I assumed he was satisfied with me agreeing to keep him.

Walking down the road, I thought about what he said. If I don't marry him, who should I marry? It's widely known that the Emperess has betrothed me, so sons from respectable families likely wouldn't marry me. Those willing to marry me must either love me deeply, which gives them immense courage, or I love them so much that my determination gives them the courage.

But both are hard to find.

Speaking of those who like me, there is indeed one person from my past. General Zuo's son, Bai Shaotang, grew up with me and confessed his love when we were eleven. However, since he was missing a tooth, short, and had a crooked mouth, I flatly rejected him. He then went to the frontier and has been there for over a decade. Whether he still remembers liking me is uncertain, but even if he does, a frontier general cannot return to the capital at will. If he tries to come back without the Emperess' approval, it would be a grave crime punishable by death. He probably won't make it back before I get married, so Bai Shaotang isn't a viable option.

And then there's Shen Ye... I definitely can't count on him.

As for someone I truly like... there is indeed one person.

However, I've never actually met him. We only communicate through letters, so we are essentially just pen pals. I like him, but he might not like me. Even if he does like me, and I am willing to protect him no matter what, he might not believe in my sincerity. After much consideration, though it's not ideal, I still need to write him a letter and also urge Shangguan Wanqing to arrange a blind date for me as soon as possible.

I went to urge Shangguan Wanqing and then went home to write a "love letter" to my pen pal.

Writing a memorial is easy, but a love letter is truly difficult. I worried that it might seem presumptuous, but at the same time, I was concerned that if it wasn't bold enough, it wouldn't show my sincerity. For several days, I wrote numerous drafts but didn't dare to send any of them.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Of course, I feel that my inability to write a good love letter is partly related to Shen Ye.

Every day, I have several things to do. First, I have to attend court and listen to the Empress' instructions. Next, I have to visit home and listen to my parents. After that, I go to the brothel and spend the night there. Going to the brothel is merely a temporary measure to throw people off, so I always imagine being assigned a quiet room where I can peacefully write my love letter.

However, reality is always cruel. Every time I go there, I'm assigned to a "particularly quiet" room, only to open the door and find Shen Ye, heavily made-up, wearing revealing clothes, either lounging on the bed, leaning on the desk, or even propped up on the windowsill, gazing at me with a romantic look, as if ready to shout, "Come here!"

Every time, I had to throw him out, and then struggle with his constant attempts to break in—through prying doors, climbing walls, or windows, and all sorts of deceitful tricks. I used every possible method to prevent him from entering my room.

He would stop at nothing to get in, even going as far as pretending to issue imperial edicts. I thought to myself, if I ever wanted him dead, his recent actions would be enough to annihilate his entire family. Sometimes, I couldn't tell if he was incredibly bold or simply legally ignorant. I’m not afraid of uneducated people; what I dread the most is someone who’s both uneducated and cunning.

Fortunately, I am a third-rank Imperial Censor who has grown up dealing with clever and scheming people. After putting in all my effort, I managed to achieve almost a hundred percent success rate in keeping him out of my room.

But did you think that keeping him out was enough? No. If he couldn’t get into the room, he would sing outside, one lascivious and provocative song after another, making my hand tremble as I tried to write my love letters.

In this situation, the love letters I wrote were filled with a sense of insomnia, completely mismatched with the idealized image of my dream lover. Thus, I wrote many drafts, but none were fit to be sent.

While my love letters remained unfit, rumors started circulating outside. It was said that I had fallen for Shen Ye, the brothel’s proprietor, and was spending every night in the brothel. Soon after, rumors spread that I had even fought for Shen Ye, quickly dragging me down from my pedestal as a "gentlewoman" and turning me into a debauched playgirl. My teacher sent me several admonitory letters, expressing her disappointment and concern for her son, who would be disheartened by my behavior. Each letter she wrote made me more pleased, as it meant I was pushing her son further away from me.

I was entangled in this cycle of joy and torment every day. Eventually, I couldn’t take it anymore. One night, I decided to skip the brothel, and quietly stayed in my own room, enjoying a peaceful night’s sleep.

However, that very night, in the middle of the night, someone suddenly knocked on my door.

I had no doubt it was Shen Ye!

I was convinced that no one else would dare to knock on my door in the dead of night! So, I pretended not to hear and continued to sleep, hoping Shen Ye would leave quickly.

Yet, the knocking persisted.

The knocking was very polite and gentle, suggesting a high level of cultivation. I began to hesitate, wondering if it could be someone else. After considering it, I took up my sword, cautiously approached the door, and asked in a low voice, “Who is it?”

“It’s Su Rongqing, the son of the esteemed Su Gonglao, here to pay a visit.”

Su Rongqing, the son of Su Gong Lao!!

The name made my mind go blank for a moment. After a while, I finally came to my senses and couldn’t help but wonder if Shen Ye was tricking me. Shen Ye had previously used false pretenses, such as pretending that the Empress had arrived, to get into my room at the brothel. I had heard that Su Gonglao’s son was a very gentle man—how could he possibly come to my house’s back courtyard in the middle of the night?

So, I remained very cautious and asked, “Why has the young master come to the Shu family in the middle of the night? And how did you gain entry to the Shu residence?”

“Please open the door, I have something important to discuss,” came the voice from outside.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

The request to open the door only made me more suspicious, and I was nearly certain that it was Shen Ye outside. My anger flared up, but I managed to control my emotions and said slowly, “If you have something to say, you can do so from outside. It is inappropriate for us to meet in the middle of the night when we are not yet married.”

There was a brief silence before the voice responded, “Please open the door, I have very important matters to discuss.”

This made me recall how Shen Ye had previously pretended to be the Empress, speaking in a grandiose tone with words like, “I have come tonight to discuss important matters…” 

I was burning with anger. Even though I had retreated to my own home to escape him, he still wouldn’t leave me alone! This was intolerable. Even though I was a cultured noblewoman, I had my limits. Tonight, I had to make him feel my wrath—I was determined to punch him!

I knew that if I saw his face, I wouldn't be able to hit him. A handsome person has an advantage in such situations, so I resolved to strike swiftly and decisively the moment I opened the door.

Taking a deep breath, I flung the door open and threw a punch at the unsuspecting figure.

The next thing I saw was the figure stumbling back, rolling down the steps and landing in the courtyard. A servant hurried forward, holding a lantern and anxiously asking, “Young Master! Are you alright?”

I was stunned by the sight before me. A man dressed in a cream-colored long robe and wearing a plain white mask lay sprawled on the ground, being awkwardly helped up by the servant.

Even in his disheveled state, he maintained an air of aristocratic grace and dignity.

I stared at him, watching as he got up, gently dusted off his clothes, and then turned to me, bowing slightly with an apologetic tone. “I apologize for disturbing you at this late hour. It is my fault.”

His words jolted me back to reality. Flustered, I stammered, “No… no, it’s not your fault. It’s my responsibility. I thought… I thought…”

I thought you were someone Shen Ye had sent to prank me…

But I couldn’t say that. After a long pause, I finally managed to say, “It’s very late and the night is cold. You should come inside.”

“No need,” he gently shook his head, “You’re right. It’s not proper for us to be in the same room when we are not married.”

Hearing this, I wanted to bite my tongue in frustration. Why did I speak so recklessly earlier? But then I thought, no, I shouldn’t leave a good impression on him. So I forced a laugh and said, “Yes, it would be improper.”

His servant, looking quite angry, seemed about to speak, but Su Rongqing stopped him with a gesture and calmly said, “It seems that you are not very fond of me.”

“Sort of,” I awkwardly cleared my throat, “I prefer someone more like… Shen Ye from the brothel.”

“I’ve heard about that,” he said with a lower tone, “I came tonight to discuss this marriage. Since a good match relies on mutual affection and it seems we’re not quite suited for each other, I think there’s no need for further discussion about canceling the engagement.”

“Wait, you’re canceling the engagement?” I asked, somewhat surprised, and then clarified, “You’re really going to resist the imperial decree?”

“As you said,” he replied, pulling out a letter from his sleeve and handing it to me. His hand was very white, glowing faintly in the moonlight like a finely sculpted jade figure. I couldn’t help but be mesmerized, wondering how his appearance would compare to Shen Ye’s if he removed his mask. I pondered whether Shen Ye was more charming or if he was even more impressive.

“Half a month later, at the temple festival, I will enter the palace to formally cancel the engagement,” he said, handing me the letter and reminding, “The reasons for the cancellation are written in this letter, so please remember them.”

“Oh…” I nodded, thinking he was quite considerate. He gave a nod and then, with his servant, gracefully left. I watched his figure as he effortlessly leaped over the wall with his servant, disappearing from view.

His agility was impressive, and I felt a shiver of relief, thinking that it was good he was canceling the engagement. Otherwise, the dangers in a marriage with him might have been even greater.

As I considered this, I felt a pang of regret. If he weren’t a marriage arranged by the empress, he would have been a good match. While thinking, I opened the letter, and the familiar handwriting came into view.

I realized that I might not be able to open the letter later. A letter I sent recently provoked Shen Ye, and tonight, receiving this letter brought an old acquaintance…

The handwriting was unmistakable; after years of correspondence, I knew it well. I hurried to catch up and called out in the alley, “Young Master Su!”

He stopped, turned, and looked at me. His eyes, deep as ink, reminded me of Shen Ye’s beautiful eyes.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

I swallowed hard, struggling to find the right words. 

What should I say?

Should I say that I like you and plead with you not to cancel the engagement? First, tell me if you are aligned with the empress, if you will harm me, and if you are willing to spend your life with me. If you agree, I will protect you for the rest of my life.

Should I admit that I know you are from a prestigious family that has supported the monarchy for three generations, and although my teacher, who taught me when I was young, is deeply loyal to the empress, I am unsure how much she leans toward her. I wonder how much your loyalty has shifted.

Should I ask if you, Young Master Su, actually like me?

These thoughts swirled in my mind, initially burning like magma but gradually cooling to become a tangled string of steel needles piercing my heart, causing me some pain.

After a while of my silence, he grew somewhat impatient and finally asked, “Do you have something to say?”

“Young Master…” I spoke slowly, feeling a touch of bitterness, “Could you please remove your mask so that I can see your face?”

“Why?” His voice grew colder, clearly wary. 

I realized the request was abrupt and hurriedly added, “I mean no offense. I simply… I just want to see you.”

“Why?” he repeated, stubbornly like the young man I first met behind the bamboo wall, coldly asking why I wanted to borrow a few silver coins.

My heart softened suddenly, and I replied slowly, “Because that year, when I borrowed a few silver coins from you and never returned them, I have felt uneasy. I will personally come to repay you in the future.”

At my words, he showed a look of surprise, and after a moment, he seemed to express a hint of regret, saying, “So it’s you…”

At this moment, the moon was high in the sky, bathing the entire land of Great Chu in its light. Dressed in white and wearing a pure white mask, he shone under the moonlight. My heart raced, and I found myself speaking without thinking, “It’s me, Young Master. Do you still want to cancel the engagement?”

As soon as the words left my mouth, I lost my composure. I feared that if he decided not to cancel the engagement, I would have to bring him into my family and deal with the complications between the Shu family and the empress. But I also dreaded the thought that he might still choose to cancel, leaving me heartbroken.

However, he said nothing, only gazed at me silently. After a moment, he slowly approached and gently touched my cheek.

His response was like a gentle breeze brushing against my face, carrying the faint chill of that night.

I suddenly found myself missing Shen Ye. Sometimes, having someone who argues a bit isn't so bad.

After Su Rongqing left, I returned to my room and tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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