18 Ye Cheng Fu


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Ye Cheng Fu

 Chapter 18: 


In that moment, I felt a sudden clarity. I wasn’t sure if I loved him, but I knew one thing for certain: I didn’t want to be apart from him.

I didn’t want him to marry someone else. I didn’t want him to be kind to anyone but me. I didn’t like the thought of him being with someone else. I wanted him to always be the Third Young Master Shen who was persistent with me, climbing through my window, kissing me in the dungeon, and making a spectacle of himself just to steal a flower steeped in legend.

Shangguan Wanqing, sensing my cooling hand, tugged at me and smirked with a hint of malice, “Since Young Master Shen comes from a brothel, Minister Qin's marriage to him probably won’t get him the position of a proper wife, right?”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

“I will only marry once in my life,” Qin Yang, resting in Shen Ye’s embrace, looked down at the wine jar, “If I were to marry Third Young Master, it would be with the status of a principal wife, with all the grand ceremonies—ten miles of red silk and a sedan chair carried by eight.”

“A brothel ruffian, and you think such a person deserves Minister Qin's respect? Young Master Shen's purity must surely have been given to our Shu Cheng. Doesn’t it feel uncomfortable for Minister Qin to see Shu Cheng afterward?” Shangguan Wanqing pressed on.

“Shu Cheng and I,” Shen Ye spoke calmly, “are innocent and unblemished. Nothing has been compromised.”

Shangguan Wanqing’s expression changed: “Then I was mistaken. So, Young Master Shen's first experience was not with Shu Cheng, but rather with Minister Qin?”

“Shangguan Wanqing!” Qin Yang shouted furiously, “Is discussing a man’s purity your hobby as noble children?”

As soon as she finished shouting, I drew the sword Shangguan Liulan had left on the table and pointed it at her. Shen Ye’s reflexes were quick; he grabbed the tip of my sword, his smile tinged with mockery, “Shu Cheng, I’m discovering today that your noble class is quite despicable.”

“Are you with her or not?” I asked, trembling. Shen Ye curved his lips into a smile, “What does it have to do with you?”

“I’m asking if you’re going to marry her! Are you with her or not?!”

“It’s none of your business.”

“Shen Ye,” I took a deep breath, “has she touched you or not?!”

Shen Ye remained silent, and his silence terrified me. My emotions churned violently, and after a long while, I slowly started to laugh.

“Do you think that I, a rich and extravagant noble, who relies on my family’s power and position, and has no real ability, am nothing but a tyrant? If you don’t answer me,” my eyes reddened, tears welling up, “I’ll show you what true bullying is! You’re going to marry her, right? She has touched you, hasn’t she? I’ve never made things difficult for her; I’ve never involved anyone else in our entanglements. But this time,” I shouted with all my might, “I will make sure she dies!”

I roared with such intensity that everyone present was stunned. Shangguan Wanqing quickly tugged at my sleeve, nervously trying to explain, “She’s drunk.”

Qin Yang, no longer smiling, straightened up from Shen Ye’s embrace and stared at me with cold intensity. She spoke slowly and deliberately, “Does Lord Shu know that, even though I may be inadequate, I am still a second-rank Imperial Censor? By rank, you are still beneath me.” She rose to her feet, “If you want my life, just take it—does your Shu family think they are above the law or the Empress? You speak so recklessly while the Empress is still in power; does your Shu family truly disregard the Empress?”

“She’s just drunk,” Shangguan Liulan frowned, “Minister Qin is overreacting.”

“Do you think I’m afraid?” Perhaps because of my drunken state, I felt fearless and sneered, “Killing you is just a life for a life. I’ll say this clearly—if you have touched Shen Ye today, I’ll kill you! If you marry Shen Ye, I’ll kill your entire family! Not just you, even my own sister, if she were to marry Shen Ye, either I die or she perishes!”

“Shu Cheng,” Shangguan Wanqing hesitated, “your sister has been dead for a long time…”

"Shut up!" I shouted in anger. Qin Yang suddenly laughed, "Since you won’t let anyone touch him or marry him, why not marry him yourself? The Emperor's decree for you to marry didn't forbid you from taking a secondary consort."

I was momentarily speechless, my heart racing.

Su Rongqing had always been my dream, the one person I believed I had to marry. But I couldn't bear to let Shen Ye go, so Qin Yang's suggestion wasn't necessarily a bad one.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Shangguan Wanqing had said that a person could love many people at once, and she was sincere to each one. Although Shangguan Liulan disagreed, it was perhaps because she hadn't experienced such feelings. Now that I was experiencing them, I understood.

I loved Su Rongqing, and I didn’t dislike Shen Ye. I wanted both men; I wanted to marry them both.

Even if it meant future turmoil in my household, even if it might lead to one or both of them becoming depressed, at this moment, I couldn’t let go.

I turned to look at Shen Ye.

"Shen Ye." I spoke hoarsely, lowering my sword and slowly kneeling before him. He sat there in front of me, so still and gentle, as if I hadn't seen him in a long time.

I reached out tremblingly, caressing his cheek with tenderness. "Will you be my consort?"

"Why?" He gazed at me, his eyes calm.

"I... I..." I found those words so difficult to say. After a long pause, I finally managed to say, "Shen Ye, I think... I might like you."

"And what about Su Rongqing? Do you like him?"

"I... I do like him too."

"Shu Cheng," Shen Ye laughed at my response, lowering his head and coming close to my cheek. I almost thought he was going to kiss me. He looked at me tenderly and murmured, "How can you think so highly of yourself?"

With that, he suddenly stood up, bumping the table towards me. His sleeve brushed against my cheek, filled with his scent.

"How could one possibly love two people at the same time? If that's true, then such feelings are too shallow. I, Shen Ye, never settle." He looked down at me, high and proud, like a phoenix. "In this world, perhaps only you, Shu Cheng, would dare to ask me to be your consort."

"I am sincere..." I whispered. 

Shen Ye laughed heartily, "Shu Cheng, your sincerity is truly worthless."

"Think it over," he said as he moved towards the bow of the boat with Qin Yang. "It can only be either Su Rongqing or me. If you want to marry me, then it must be only one."

With that, he stepped onto the water, carrying Qin Yang with him.

I stared blankly at his retreating figure. Shangguan Liulan, who had been watching as well, finally remarked, "Quite a skill."

Shangguan Wanqing clambered up my back from behind and couldn't help but exclaim, "Shu Cheng, why are the men you choose always so difficult? With his skills, aren't you afraid of being beaten to death in your own home?!"

“Before he kills me, can I kill you first?”

I pushed Shangguan Wanqing away, then sat back down, pushed the wine jar onto the table, and asked Shangguan Liulan, “Have you ever liked someone?”

“Yes, I have.”

“And where are they now?”

“I’ve never seen them again.” Shangguan Liulan smiled, but her smile was full of bitterness. “You know, my reputation wasn’t great when I was young. A spoiled young master, with nothing to show for it. If it weren’t for the fact that I was born of the main wife, the position of head of the Shangguan family would have gone to my half-sister—Shangguan Liuqing. Later, when I met that person, I changed.” She seemed somewhat nostalgic. “A reformed person is worth more than gold.”

“Then... do you like only that person?”

“Shu Cheng,” Shangguan Liulan looked up at me, “Feelings can only accommodate one person at a time. Wanqing is a fool; she’s never really liked anyone. You shouldn’t listen to her nonsense. In reality, the difference between liking and obsession is just a thin line.” She gazed out at the moonlit lake and continued slowly, “Obsession is merely a habit, an escape. People are always unwilling to change and to face their own changing selves. Everyone thinks love should last forever, but it’s not shameful to love someone for a long time and then stop loving them.”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

I didn’t respond. We both silently drank a lot, and then I had the boat docked and stumbled my way to the Su residence.

I didn’t send an invitation. I climbed over the wall into the backyard. Most of the people in the yard were asleep, but Su Rongqing’s room still had a light on. Drunk, I staggered to the door and knocked. Su Rongqing opened the door, still wearing that pure white mask. I leaned against the door and couldn’t help but laugh, “Why do you always wear a mask?”

“I don’t like others seeing my face.”

“Is it because it’s too beautiful or too ugly?”

He didn’t answer, turning slightly to the side, “You’re drunk. Come inside.”

“Su Rongqing,” I grabbed him firmly and asked stubbornly, “Do you like me?”

“You’re drunk.” He didn’t answer my question and tried to help me inside. I grabbed at his mask, and he quickly seized my hand.

“What are you trying to do?” His voice was husky. “Do you want to see my face? But if you do, you must marry me, and you can only love me, never anyone else. I cannot tolerate a consort or anyone else. Do you understand?”

His words left me stunned.

“Have you decided whether or not to lift this mask?”

“He had a mask too…” I felt weak, leaning against him, and murmured, “In the beggar tribe, I helped him remove it… But Rongqing, I’ve known you for so many years.” I looked up at him, dazed. “You are my dream, my obsession. Before I knew I could marry someone I truly liked, I never thought of anything. I just wanted to keep you in my heart, cherish, love, and protect you for my whole life. But now that I know I can marry you, I value you more than life itself. I like you so much… so much, don’t I?”

“But you don’t really know me. How can you say you like me?”

His embrace was warm, and the gentle rain began to fall outside. In his arms, I felt a strange sense of peace.

There was no tension, fear, or satisfaction—no emotions at all, as if this embrace was completely unreal.

“Your memory of me is really just that encounter in the bamboo forest that year, and the letters over the years. I never revealed much about myself in those letters. For so many years, I’ve only been helping you through your troubles. Shu Cheng, you’ve never truly understood what kind of person I am. What you’re infatuated with is only the warmth and support I’ve given you, the gratitude you have for the refuge I provided in the bamboo forest. The world is so vast, and you’re afraid. That refuge in the bamboo forest has become your eternal sanctuary. You don’t actually like me… Shu Cheng,” he said with a soft laugh, “what you like is the Su Rongqing you’ve imagined for yourself.”

I was silent, dazed in his embrace. After a long time, I finally asked, “And what about you? Do you like me?”

He held me close, the sound of rain growing louder, droplets splashing onto us.

After a long pause, he spoke in a hoarse voice, “Yes, I do. Because I like you, I want you to truly, clearly, and unequivocally like me. You need to understand your own feelings. I can wait, whether it’s a year or two, no matter how long. If one day you realize you truly like me, then come find me. If you end up liking someone else, we’ll remain friends as before. You can still write to me with any troubles, and I’ll help you.”

I fell silent. In that moment, it felt as if I had a brother, his broad shoulders sheltering me from the storm.

I slowly lifted my head, gazing at his pure white mask.

I said, “Rongqing, kiss me.”

He looked at me, and I closed my eyes slowly. This was my final gamble—if I still liked him, I would open my eyes.

I heard the sound of him removing his mask, then felt his lips press against mine.

It was cold, soft, and reminded me of that dominant kiss from Shen Ye in the dark prison.

There was no panic, no tension, no shyness or even the faintest pleasure of that time. It felt like a fleeting touch, a fleeting connection from someone who seemed entirely unrelated.

I kept my eyes closed throughout the kiss until I heard him say, “Alright, you can go now.”

I finally opened my eyes.

“I’ll give you an answer,” I said. “Rongqing, goodbye.”

With that, I left. Before I went, I couldn’t help but look back. I saw him with his black hair flowing like a waterfall and his white robe with wide sleeves, standing quietly at the door, watching me. When I looked back, there seemed to be a smile at the corners of his eyes and eyebrows. He waved his hand and said, “Go on.”

That night, I went home and wrote a memorial. I revised it over and over until I finally managed to articulate my thoughts: I had found my beloved and would marry no one but him. I hoped the Empress would show leniency and allow lovers to be together, rather than keeping them apart.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

After finishing it, I dried the ink and tucked it into my pocket. The next morning, I stood silently in front of the Empress during the court session.

After the court adjourned, I hurriedly followed the Empress to the imperial study. As soon as I entered, I heard the Empress teasing, “I heard you’ve been getting along well with Young Master Su recently. Are you planning a wedding? Have I guessed correctly about this marriage?”

“I was just about to discuss this matter with Your Majesty.” I presented the memorial with a serious face. The Empress took the memorial with a hint of a smile and said casually, “I also have something to discuss with you. That fellow Bai Shaotang has returned. Since our families are old friends and his family is in Yunzhou…”

Before she could finish, the Empress's expression changed as she read the memorial. After finishing, she looked up and said slowly, “I granted a marriage several months ago, and now you have someone else in mind. Shu Cheng, don’t you think you’re changing your affections too quickly?”

“Feelings can change in an instant…”

“Nonsense!” The memorial was slammed onto my face. The Empress shouted, “I granted a marriage, and you think you can just choose or reject at will? Do you still see me as the sovereign?”

“Your Majesty, please calm down!” I hurriedly knelt, “Your Majesty is the sovereign, and I dare not defy you. But people are not made of wood; it's common to be unable to control one’s feelings. I hope Your Majesty can understand. I am willing to face any punishment!”

“Face any punishment?” The Empress laughed, “Shu Cheng, you have this courage only because you rely on the fact that I can’t do anything about your family, right?”

“I dare not!”

“Dare not? What do you dare not do? Let me tell you, Su Rongqing must be married! If you don’t marry him, then you can forget about holding this office!”

I remained silent, kneeling on the ground. The Empress seemed to realize she had gone too far and calmed down, turning to me and saying, “Actually, what is it about that man named Shen Ye that you like? Everyone likes handsome men, but how can you let such a person affect your career? You…”

“Your Majesty!” I interrupted her, “Please demote me.”

The Empress was stunned and asked in disbelief, “Can you say that again?”

“Your Majesty!” I stood up and said, “I am loyal to Your Majesty, but I cannot go against my own heart. I ask that Your Majesty demote me, so I may live a carefree life and be with the one I love!”

“So, you’re determined to resist the marriage, are you?” The Empress smiled, but there was a harsh edge to her voice. “You talk about being loyal to me and not defying your heart, but you know that if I demote you, the Shu family will definitely come to me for help, and in the end, I will have to compromise, right?”

“I would not presume to think that.”

“Presume? What do you dare not do? Your Shu family has never respected me. What you want to do, no one can stop you from doing. What you don’t want to do, no one can force you to do. You’d rather have a beauty than honor, wouldn’t you?”

The Empress’s grip on my chin tightened. If she used that force on my neck, I would probably be dead by now. I felt as if she wanted to kill me, but she said nothing, merely staring at me, breathing heavily.

After a long while, she suddenly slapped me and then began to beat me. The attendant beside her, Lintian, quickly closed the door. The Empress seemed to have lost her mind, kicking and hitting me while shouting, “It’s all you… it’s all of you! I am the sovereign! How dare you make a fool of me!”

“Your Majesty…” I said with difficulty, curled up on the floor, trying to protect myself, “Please have mercy.”

“Your Majesty!” Lintian, unable to stand it any longer, knelt before the Empress and hugged her legs, shouting, “This is Lord Shu after all!”

The Empress seemed taken aback by this. After a moment, she regained her composure and looked down at me from a high vantage point.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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