17 Ye Cheng Fu


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Ye Cheng Fu

 Chapter 17: 


"Seeing someone unattractive is an eyesore," Bai Shaotang snapped, rolling his eyes at me before turning to the screen and coldly saying, "I'll count to three. One—"

Before he could finish, Bai Shaotang shot forward like an arrow, smashing the screen with a single palm strike. I leapt forward, placing myself in front of Su Rongqing, taking Bai Shaotang’s blow head-on.

Bai Shaotang’s martial arts were far superior to mine. The force of his strike sent me flying directly toward Su Rongqing. Su Rongqing neither dodged nor flinched. He remained seated, extending a hand to catch me around the waist, gently redirecting Bai Shaotang’s force and holding me securely.

This embrace was entirely different from Shen Ye’s.

No warmth, no gentle caress, no inexplicable heartbeat, just a mirror-like calm, unperturbed.

I was stunned in Su Rongqing's arms.

I had never imagined that the moment I embraced him, it would feel like this.

After Bai Shaotang smashed the screen, everyone stood frozen. Su Rongqing, wearing a pure white mask, held me while sitting calmly behind the shattered screen, quietly gazing at the stunned Bai Shaotang.

No one could see his face, but his eyes, cold as the moon, noble as snow-capped mountains, radiated an aura of unparalleled dignity.

Bai Shaotang was the first to recover, shouting angrily, "Why are you wearing a mask in broad daylight?!"

"Breaking into a private residence in broad daylight, General Bai, are you implying there are no laws in Chu Capital?"

"I'll thrash you..." Bai Shaotang shouted, unsheathing his soft sword from his waist and swinging it at me. Before he could finish, I roared, "Have you had enough?!"

Bai Shaotang froze, turning to look at me, "You're angry?" His eyes reddened as he spoke. "You're mad at me for the sake of this masked man! What if he's an ugly monster? You don't even know what he looks like, and yet you're mad at me!"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


"I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear it!" Bai Shaotang covered his ears. "This time I'm really mad. Even if you beg on your knees, I won't forgive you!"


"Don't say anything more! I'll make sure you never see me again! No matter how much you miss me, it won't matter!"


"Your father is right behind you!" I finally couldn't hold it in and interrupted him. Bai Shaotang whipped around to see his father standing behind him, towering and imposing. Bai Shaotang let out a yelp and, just before his father's whip came down, he kicked off the ground and dashed away. As he ran, he shouted, "Shu Cheng! Even if you come tonight, I won't open the door! Nor tomorrow night!"

With that, his figure disappeared. After he left, his imposing father turned to us, bowing slightly. "Lord Shu."

"Uncle." I quickly returned the bow. He nodded, glanced at Su Rongqing, who was still kneeling, with a look of regret in his eyes. After a sigh, he turned and ran in the direction Bai Shaotang had gone. Once they left, only Su Rongqing and I were left in the room. I looked at Su Rongqing, who was wearing a mask, feeling curious.

I thought, given our relationship, he should be willing to take off the mask. However, since he didn’t do so voluntarily, I felt it was inappropriate to ask. But my curiosity grew stronger as he kept the mask on. 

He sipped his tea calmly while I pondered. Finally, I decided to muster the courage to speak up. Just as I opened my mouth, he interrupted me, saying indifferently, "You should go back."


"It's almost dusk." He pointed at the sky, holding his tea, "It's late. You should go back and think things over. Once you've figured it out, we can talk. The fifteenth is approaching." His words suddenly reminded me of our earlier agreement, bringing me back to my senses. He continued calmly, "If you haven't made up your mind, I'll cancel the engagement."

"If I've made up my mind?" 

He didn't respond immediately. Instead, he finished the last sip of tea from his clay cup and looked up at me. His gaze was resolute, in stark contrast to my hesitation.

"I am different from you," he said. "I know exactly what I want. You just need to make your decision, and I will have my choice. Shen Ye, or me," he mentioned that name again, making my heart skip a beat, "you should decide. Of course," his voice took on a teasing tone, "Young Master Bai is also not out of the question."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

I felt as if I had eaten bitter melon and quickly made a sour face as I excused myself. If I stayed any longer, who knew what other nauseating things Su Rongqing might say.

Bai Shaotang isn't bad, I know that, but with him... we're more like siblings.

Do siblings get married?

The mere thought of marrying Bai Shaotang gave me goosebumps all over.

Su Rongqing told me to think it over, so I had to think it over. That night, I called on Shangguan Liulan and Shangguan Wanqing, hired a small boat, and we floated on the lake, clinking gold cups and silver bowls, while I pondered.

They were considerate, not bringing up the topic as long as I stayed silent. Shangguan Liulan was usually taciturn, while Shangguan Wanqing regaled us with her tangled love stories. She talked about Nan Feng from yesterday's Xunxiang Pavilion, then about Bei Yan from the day before in Hua Ge. Her stories of these men vying for favor had Shangguan Liulan and me laughing non-stop.

In the end, I got a bit drunk and asked her, "Wanqing, are you sincere with all these people you're with?"

"Of course," Shangguan Wanqing said earnestly, "My heart for each of them is truer than pearls! Shu Cheng, you're young," she placed her hand on my shoulder, looking serious, "You don't understand, in this world, not all feelings are singular. Just because I love everyone, does that mean it's not true love?"

She spoke so earnestly and convincingly that I almost believed her. Just then, Shangguan Liulan kicked Shangguan Wanqing hard in the knee, making her kneel down on the spot. Shangguan Liulan shook her cup and said with a smile, "It's wrong to lead the young astray. Aren't you going to apologize to Lady Shu?"

Only then did I realize, nearly slapping that rascal. I chased her around the table, causing the boat to rock. The boatman outside cried out in distress. Shangguan Liulan sat seriously drinking her wine. I lunged forward and grabbed Shangguan Wanqing's skirt, pulling it down. At that moment, the boat made a loud "bang" and there was a commotion outside. Shangguan Wanqing and I turned back, stunned, "What happened?"

"The boat crashed." Shangguan Liulan put down her wine cup and stood up, heading outside. Shangguan Wanqing and I quickly straightened our clothes, lifted our skirts, and followed her out. When we got to the edge, I looked across and immediately felt invigorated.

It was Qin Yang—

The one who reports me three times a day, whose memorials about me pile up as high as a person in a year, and who once fought with me even when she was just a minor official.

The grudges between us could fill a whole basket if listed out.

Our boats had collided head-on. Our boat was larger and had pinned her boat against the side, making it immovable, so they had to ask us to move. She and Shangguan Liulan were politely negotiating when I came out. The moment she saw me, her expression changed, and I smiled, speaking gently, "Minister Qin, it seems our boats have collided?"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

She didn't say a word, looking disdainful as she turned her face away.

I could guess with my toes that she probably had just four words in her mind right now—good-for-nothing-playgirl.

Right, she didn't think much of me. She came from a poor family and passed the imperial examination as a top scholar, while I was born into a hereditary noble family. She looked down on my intellect, and I looked down on her background. I was easygoing, which she interpreted as being unserious; I liked fair fights, such as the one I had with her before, which she saw as me bullying her; and having been single for so long, I'd inevitably get a bit lonely and chat up any handsome man I saw—like her brother. She just saw me as a lecher.

Though I've been criticized in my life, it's usually for my personal flaws. But she's the only one who denies me entirely because of my background.

The moment she showed that disdainful expression, I remembered her "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix" performance at Huguo Temple, and my anger flared. I smiled and said, "Minister Qin, why aren't you saying anything? Which beauty are you meeting tonight for a boat ride?"

"There's no need for you to concern yourself with my affairs, Lord Shu," Qin Yang turned her head and replied coldly, "Now that the boats have collided, would you please move your boat?"

"No way!" Shangguan Wanqing suddenly jumped out from behind me, emboldened by the alcohol, and said, "You're fighting with our Shu Cheng over a man, so no way!"

The moment she said that, I felt a strong urge to strangle Shangguan Wanqing. Qin Yang paused, showing an understanding expression, then suddenly smiled and faced me directly, saying, "I've only pursued Master Shen of Phoenix Tower recently. Could it be that Master Shen is Lord Shu's beloved?"

"Whether he's my beloved or not is none of your business," I said through gritted teeth. "Haven't we already got enough scores to settle?"

"Exactly because there are so many scores, I must consider whether to add another one," Qin Yang replied with a troubled expression. "Lord Shu, aren't you set to marry Grand Secretary Su's son? A marriage bestowed by Her Majesty, no less. With such a grand event, are you still pining for others? Aren't you worried that Master Su will be upset?"

"Minister Qin, I just realized today how annoying you can be." I clenched my fists, looking at Qin Yang's smiling face. Remembering the rumors about Qin Yang preparing for a wedding, I suddenly pictured Qin Yang and Shen Ye getting married. My blood boiled, and I immediately told the boatman, "Back up."

Qin Yang smiled, seemingly thinking I was about to leave. The boat moved aside a bit, and I looked at Qin Yang's face and continued, "Crash into her, hard."

Qin Yang's expression changed. The boatman, hearing my command, crashed the boat into hers again. Qin Yang's small boat, less sturdy than ours, shook violently and a hole was immediately punched through it. Qin Yang stepped forward, shouting, "Shu Cheng, you've gone too far!"

"I am going too far! What of it!" I raised my voice. "Years ago, I teased your brother, hit you, bullied you. Today, I rammed your boat. I'll bully you for the rest of my life. What can you do about it?"

As soon as I finished speaking, Qin Yang lunged at me.

She hadn't learned martial arts. Even after becoming an official and hiring people to teach her some rudimentary skills, she was no match for someone like me, who had been trained by top masters since childhood. As she lunged at me, I kicked her back onto her own boat, breaking through the cabin door as she crashed inside.

I quickly followed, ready to continue the fight. As I pulled back a curtain, I saw Shen Ye sitting inside, one hand supporting the weakened Qin Yang, the other holding a wine cup, his expression calm.

Beside him, water was steadily flowing in, and the small boat was gradually sinking. He gazed at his cup, his face serene, revealing no emotion.

My heart raced with panic.

I hadn't seen him in so long, and I never imagined our next meeting would be like this.

He must have heard the conversation just now and would surely know how I bullied Qin Yang. In his eyes, I must appear as a spoiled scion, bullying others, starkly different from someone like Qin Yang, who had succeeded through her own hard work and self-improvement.

He said nothing, but my heart was suddenly filled with sadness. I struggled to find the right words, and in the end, forced a smile. "The boat is damaged. Ours is bigger. Why don't you both come aboard our boat?"

Water had reached Shen Ye's feet. He helped Qin Yang up, and as he approached me, his jewel-like eyes were void of any emotion. Supporting the stumbling Qin Yang, he said to me quietly, "Lord Shu, you went too far."

I suddenly had the urge to draw my sword. I thought, maybe it would feel better if I just killed them both right now.

As Shen Ye half-supported and half-carried Qin Yang onto my boat, I felt an inexplicable sense of being a "cuckolded king." This feeling didn’t arise on my wedding day when my spouse appeared with a child at the ceremony, nor when my betrothed eloped with someone else. But now, as Shen Ye helped Qin Yang past me, I felt it vividly.

This was a mix of anger and pain that left me completely devoid of composure. I turned abruptly and shouted, “You’re not allowed on the boat! Go jump in the lake!”

Shen Ye paused, holding Qin Yang at the boat's edge, and frowned at me. “Are you out of your mind? If you’re sick, go get treated. What’s with you causing trouble for innocent people?”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

As the boat continued to sink, soaking my shoe tips, I endured as best as I could, but eventually jumped back onto the boat and joined Shen Ye and Qin Yang in the cabin.

Inside the cabin, I and the two ladies from the Shangguan family immediately took up three sides of the table, glaring at Shen Ye and Qin Yang.

“Let’s have a chat,” I said, pulling out a jar of wine from under the table and slamming it down with force.

Shen Ye raised an eyebrow and smiled, holding Qin Yang. “Relax, it’s just a chat, no one’s going to get killed.”

I felt my intimidation wane, and Shangguan Wanqing quickly came to the rescue, pulling out another jar of wine from under the table with a cheerful smile. “Yes, let’s chat and get to know each other better.”

“We’re already quite familiar, aren’t we?” Shen Ye glanced around. “We know what we need to, and what’s left is best left unasked.”

Shangguan Wanqing was left speechless.

Shangguan Liulan then pulled out another jar of wine and placed it on the table along with her sword.

“I’m from the Department of Justice,” she said indifferently, with a hint of chilling menace, reminiscent of the dark corridors of a prison, making me shiver involuntarily. She looked up and stared at Shen Ye. “When it comes to chatting, I prefer a Q&A format—Young Master Shen, be accommodating and give me some face.”

Shen Ye finally fell silent. Shangguan Wanqing and I exchanged glances, our eyes filled with tears of relief—finally, someone who could hold their ground!

We then all opened the jars of wine. I pulled out another jar and opened it, handing it to Shen Ye. I realized that since there were two of them on Shen Ye’s side, one jar might not be enough.

So, I quickly took out the last jar of fine wine, smiling as I handed it to Qin Yang. “Well, Qin Yang, I’m sorry for earlier. Here’s some wine to make amends.”

Qin Yang looked at me with a mixture of horror and confusion as I handed her the jar. With that, we all sat around with a jar of wine in front of each of us, staring at each other in silence.

Shangguan Wanqing took the first sip and cheerfully asked, “Young Master Shen, I heard recently that Minister Qin has been pursuing you. Is that true?”

“Mm,” Shen Ye responded with a calm demeanor, lifting his jar and taking a sip.

As Shen Ye drank, his Adam’s apple bobbed, and the wine trickled down his neck, the candlelight casting a glow on his jade-like skin. I was mesmerized by the sight. Then I heard someone swallow loudly and immediately jabbed my gaze toward Shangguan Wanqing, who held onto my hand. Shen Ye set his cup down, smiling at us, and Shangguan Wanqing and I quickly clasped our fingers together in a friendly gesture.

“Wanqing, you’ve lost weight,” I said, staring at her hand.

“Shucheng, I haven’t eaten meat recently. Could you treat me to some?” she said with a pitiful look.

Qin Yang spewed out a mouthful of wine.

Shangguan Liulan took a sip and continued, “So, what is your stance on Minister Qin?”

“Well,” Shen Ye turned to her with a smile, “it seems it doesn’t concern Lord Shangguan.”

“I heard Qin Daren is preparing for a wedding. If it’s confirmed to be you, I need to prepare a wedding gift.”

“Does Lord Shangguan plan to give a different amount if it’s not me?”

“The amount would differ.”

“I didn’t expect that in the Lord's eyes, Shen Ye would be held to a different standard,” Shen Ye raised an eyebrow, “Are you planning to give more or less?”

Hearing this, I felt a pang in my heart. It seemed Shen Ye and Qin Yang’s marriage was indeed going to happen. I held onto Shangguan Wanqing’s hand, lost in thought, unable to speak.

Shangguan Liulan chuckled, “If it’s Young Master Shen, of course, I’d prepare a bit more as a wedding gift. After all, he was once the beloved of a close friend. It’s only right to show some respect.”

Shen Ye remained silent, his gaze fixed on Shangguan Liulan, his expression inscrutable. After a long pause, he let out a wry smile, “When did Lord Shu ever consider Shen Ye as someone dear? Perhaps the respect you’re talking about is misplaced.”

I couldn’t find the words, feeling as though my heart was being torn apart.

I remembered that night, watching as he slowly removed my mask.

It’s not that I didn’t like him.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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