13 Ye Cheng Fu


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Ye Cheng Fu

 Chapter 13: 


“Since you remember that I told you this, you should understand,” he suddenly pushed me against the large tree behind me, staring at me like a beast in the forest eyeing its prey. Lowering his voice, he said, “Who you like is your business, and who I like is my business. When you return to Chu Capital, how you love is none of my concern. But here,” he gazed at me, then leaned down to lightly kiss my forehead, murmuring softly, “you are my wife. I obtained the Sacred Flower, and we revealed our faces to each other, so we are married. We will be together always, and if one day you leave, the Flower God will find you for me. From the ends of the earth to the netherworld.”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

After that night, I deliberately kept my distance from Shen Ye. Not only did I set up my own bed, but I also maintained a cold attitude in our conversations. I thought Shen Ye would eventually give up, but I must have underestimated his persistence. His behavior these days was so different from how he was in Chu Capital that I had almost forgotten his previous petty demeanor.

Every day, I would prepare my bed, and in the middle of the night, I would find myself in his bed. I didn’t need to guess why. Later, I applied to open another room, but he refused to pay for it, leaving me no choice but to submit to his demands.

To show my stance, I continued the habit of preparing my bed every day.

I maintained a verbal distance from him daily. For example, if he helped me, I would say “Thank you,” and then he would lean in, smiling, and say, “Want to thank me? Here, give me a kiss.” As a result, I would slap him, only feeling the pain when I pulled my hand back.

I used to be a graceful lady from a distinguished family—how did I end up resorting to hitting men?

After some time, our injuries had mostly healed, but Bai Shaotang still hadn't shown up. I couldn't help but worry and discussed it with Shen Ye in our room.

"Do you think he might have died?" A troubling thought crossed my mind. "For instance, what if, after we left, it was discovered that he was an undercover agent..."

"Stop talking," Shen Ye interrupted me, his eyes reflecting some admiration. "Your ominous predictions have always been accurate. For the sake of Bai Shaotang's safety, it’s better if you keep quiet."

I found his reasoning quite valid, so I shut my mouth and refrained from saying anything more inauspicious. We calculated the days and decided to wait two more days. If there was still no news of Bai Shaotang, we would return to Chu Capital on our own.

Fortunately, that evening, while we were eating, we overheard the people from the Beggar Tribe discussing:

"I heard the Great Chu army has arrived."

"Are they here to attack us?"

"Not likely. We are so pure and lovely. Why would they attack us? They should just come and surrender."

"Then what are they here for?"

"I heard that the Moza Tribe captured their nobility, so the court sent troops to eliminate them."

"That’s great! Let them be punished for their evil deeds! Let’s go and show them the way!"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

As I listened to their discussion on how to assist our Chu army in attacking the Moza Tribe, I exchanged a glance with Shen Ye. After finishing our meal, we packed our things and asked for directions to the Chu army’s camp.

Their camp wasn’t far. We traveled through the night under the stars and arrived at their tents. After presenting my token, they promptly led me to Bai Shaotang’s tent. When I entered, I immediately smelled the blood and saw Bai Shaotang interrogating someone. Looking around, I noticed many armored soldiers, some ugly and some handsome.

Among them, the most handsome was sitting in a chair with one foot resting on the armrest, leaning back, and chewing on a stalk of grass. He looked like a complete ruffian, but his clothing was slightly more refined than the others—silver-white armor with a helmet decorated with pure white feathers, giving him a flamboyant appearance. His eyes were slightly slanted like phoenix eyes, and if it weren’t for the ruffian air about him, he could easily pass for someone from the Feng Lou.

I relied on my memory and recalled Bai Shaotang from my youth. 

I remembered him as being a bit chubby, short, with acne all over his face, and missing some teeth. Scanning the crowd, my gaze settled on a slightly chubby general with a face full of acne, and I thought to myself that he must be the one who looked like Bai Shaotang.

Thinking this, I approached him and slapped him on the shoulder in a very hearty manner, saying, “Shaotang, I didn’t get a good look at you last time when you were in the shadows. It’s great to see you today. After all these years, you’re still just as ugly! That’s fantastic; you haven’t changed at all!”

Hearing this, the slightly chubby general’s face immediately changed. I felt a cold breeze behind me and then heard an angry shout: “Shu Cheng! Is this how you see me?”

At the sound of that familiar angry shout, I instinctively turned around to see the flamboyant young officer who had been lounging in the chair now standing up in a fit of rage. I scrutinized him from head to toe and couldn’t see any trace of Bai Shaotang. Finally, I approached carefully, pulled open his clothes, and revealed a bite mark on his collarbone. Only then did I confirm that he was indeed Bai Shaotang.

I couldn’t help but gasp and quickly took two steps back. Looking at the smug Bai Shaotang, I couldn’t resist blurting out the words that shouldn’t have been said: “Shaotang, all these years you’ve been in the army? You must be wearing a painted skin!” 

“Shu Cheng, you’re talking nonsense!” Bai Shaotang, like a wild horse that had escaped its reins, lunged straight at me. I was so frightened that I ran around wildly, and he chased after me. Seeing Shen Ye standing calmly by the door, fanning himself, I quickly hid behind him. 

Bai Shaotang charged forward, and just as he was about to reach Shen Ye, Shen Ye suddenly raised his hand, and with a “swish,” opened his folding fan, placing it against Bai Shaotang’s neck. He coldly said, “What’s the matter? Haven’t you been beaten enough last time?”

Bai Shaotang was taken aback, looked at the fan, then up at Shen Ye’s face. He then covered his cheeks with his hands in astonishment, exclaiming, “There’s actually someone more beautiful than me in this world!”

Hearing this, Shen Ye closed his fan with a “snap,” lifted Bai Shaotang’s chin, and showed a satisfied smile: “You have good taste. I appreciate you.”

“You… you…” Bai Shaotang, clearly not very quick-witted, took a long time to process what was happening. “Who are you?”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

“I introduced myself last time,” Shen Ye replied, retracting his fan, “I’m Shen Ye from Phoenix Tower, Shu Cheng’s fiancĂ©.”

“Shu Cheng, you actually have a fiancĂ©?” Bai Shaotang turned his gaze to me, “Didn’t we agree back then? You were supposed to marry me!”

“I don’t mind you being a servant,” Shen Ye quickly added. 

Bai Shaotang immediately spat and I quickly poked my head out from behind Shen Ye and said, “That was all in your imagination. I never agreed to it.”

“Shu Cheng... Shu Cheng, how could you abandon me!” Bai Shaotang immediately reddened his eyes, looking heartbroken. He slumped back into his chair, staring vacantly and murmuring to himself, “Falling flowers have intentions... the flowing water is heartless... things are the same, but people have changed... wanting to speak... tears flow first...”

“General! Don’t be too heartbroken!” I thought he was the only one acting out of the ordinary, but to my surprise, after he made this strange display, the other generals in the tent all gathered around, squatting beside him, serving him tea, and patting his back. They said, “You have us! We are your support!”

They were all comforting Bai Shaotang, who was crying pitifully in his chair. Shen Ye and I exchanged glances and went over to the other side of the tent, where several people were lying on various torture devices.

There were five people undergoing torture, including Yan Zhuang, Yan Zhuang’s guard, and the leader of the Mossa tribe. The Mossa tribe leader had already fainted. Shen Ye lifted his chin and examined him for a moment before saying, “He’s here too. The Moza tribe should have been defeated.”

“Of course.” Yan Zhuang, gasping weakly, lying on a bed of nails, said with difficulty, “The most elite troops of Great Chu, plus a traitor who had been undercover for two years, left the Moza tribe with no ability to resist.”

“Are you a Moza tribesman?”

Shen Ye frowned. Yan Zhuang struggled to smile, making peculiar noises, while Shen Ye’s face remained calm, though his eyes changed expression.

Yan Zhuang continued speaking in a language I couldn’t understand, mumbling incomprehensibly. However, Shen Ye seemed to understand, standing silently by. After a long while, Shen Ye sneered and made a peculiar sound, seemingly inquiring about something. Yan Zhuang gave a wry smile, about to speak, when Bai Shaotang suddenly exclaimed, “They’re still communicating! Kill him!”

With that, he rushed forward and pressed Yan Zhuang down on the bed of nails, saying gently, “I’ve already learned almost everything about your Moza tribe, and the Empress knows almost everything too, so you don’t need to say more.”

As he spoke, he gripped Yan Zhuang’s neck. Yan Zhuang couldn’t make any sound, struggling painfully and turning to look at Shen Ye, as if pleading. Shen Ye’s small fan flew out, slicing towards Bai Shaotang’s hand. Bai Shaotang immediately withdrew his hand, and the fan sliced through Yan Zhuang’s neck, ending his life on the spot.

Bai Shaotang turned to Shen Ye, sneering, “Young Master Shen, I advise you not to meddle in too many affairs or know too much, or you might end up with a short life.”

“Then you’ll surely have a shorter life than I,” Shen Ye replied with a light laugh. “Bai Shaotang, you know much more than I do.”

“Flattered, flattered,” Bai Shaotang cupped his hands in greeting. “I may know quite a bit about one thing, but Master Shen, you seem to know about everything under heaven.”

“I wouldn’t say I know everything under heaven,” Shen Ye said indifferently, glancing at Bai Shaotang’s groin. “But I do know one thing quite well. One day, I will certainly find a miraculous elixir to help you, Bai Shaotang.”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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