Chapter 6 Scarlet Heart


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Scarlet Heart 

 Chapter 6: 

(Qing Dynasty) Masterpiece, Best Quality, flat, Manga Scan, Anime, cinematic lighting, drawn Art, by Studio Trigger, cli... 

The southern and northern pavilions were designated for different purposes: the southern one was for the princes to rest, while the northern one was for the ladies. My sister asked Qiaohui to accompany me to the northern pavilion to rest and said she would call me when it was time to watch the performance. After speaking, the eunuchs and maids accompanied her as they went straight ahead.

Upon entering the pavilion, we found two lovely girls, around fourteen or fifteen years old, chatting and laughing. Hearing our arrival, they stopped talking and looked at us. The girl in the lake-green palace dress, upon seeing me, first stared in astonishment, then pursed her lips and glared at me before turning her head away. Qiaohui stepped forward to greet them, but she ignored us and continued her conversation. However, the younger girl next to her awkwardly said, "No need!"

I wondered what grievance there could be. I went upstairs and found a seat by the window, then asked Qiaohui, "What’s going on?" 

Qiaohui whispered in a wronged tone, "Second Miss has made an enemy, but it’s I who suffer. This is Guoluo Mingyu, known as Mingyu Gege, the younger sister of the principal wife." 

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I pondered and roughly understood. The former Ruoxi acted recklessly, likely because she felt her sister wasn’t favored and thus picked on Mingyu. But Mingyu’s mother was the Heshuo Princess, daughter of Prince An of the first rank, a cousin of Emperor Kangxi, and her father was Ming Shang, the imperial son-in-law. Her sister was also the principal wife, so how could Ruoxi have gained any advantage?

Qiaohui whispered in my ear, "When Miss fell from the upstairs, only Mingyu was present. She claimed that Miss slipped and fell by herself. We privately think she had something to do with it." I nodded, resolving not to provoke her in the future as long as she didn't trouble me.

Having instructed Qiuhui to fetch some snacks, I glanced out the window. I saw the eunuchs and attendants surrounding three individuals, walking towards the southern pavilion. One of them was the handsome Fourteenth Prince, accompanied by another young man of similar stature but with a slightly rebellious air, dressed in a blue robe. I presumed him to be the Thirteenth Prince. Leading the way was a figure in a dark blue robe, his complexion slightly pale, yet his countenance stern and imposing, unmistakably the renowned Fourth Prince! I stood up, leaning out of the window to get a clearer view of the future Emperor Yongzheng.

Eighth Prince greeted them, paying his respects to the Fourth Prince before stepping aside to let him pass. Suddenly, the Fourteenth Prince halted, looking up, and the Thirteenth Prince followed his gaze, both fixing their eyes on me as I leaned out the window. Startled, I quickly retreated, straightening myself and offering a nod of respect. The Fourteenth Prince smirked, offering me a smile, and the Thirteenth Prince mirrored the gesture before they both turned and entered the building.


The sky had turned completely dark, and palace lanterns were being lit one by one. Though not as bright as electric lights, the soft glow added a dreamy beauty akin to viewing flowers through mist. People were gathered downstairs, while only Qiuhui and I sat upstairs. Laughter drifted up from below as I leaned against the window, casually observing the bustling activity of maids and servants, occasionally exchanging words with Qiuhui.

Qiuhui whispered, "Miss!" Startled, I turned to her, only to find her standing respectfully behind me, head bowed. Puzzled, I turned back to look across the room. There stood the Fourth and Eighth Princes, tall and elegant, side by side at the window. Through the flickering candlelight, their faces appeared and disappeared intermittently. Instinctively, I rose to my feet, thinking, these princely figures, so beautiful like jade, standing side by side today, but one day they will face each other in battle, life or death. Despite the pleasant scenery before us, a tinge of sadness welled up within me. Qiuhui tugged at my sleeve from behind, bringing me back to reality. I quickly forced a smile and bowed in greeting. Both princes raised their hands in acknowledgment, and I straightened up slowly, standing beside Qiuhui.

A servant hurried to the Eighth Prince's side, whispering something to him, and he in turn exchanged a few words with the Fourth Prince. The Fourth Prince nodded, and the two of them left, one after the other. After a while, a maid came to inform us that the banquet was ready. I asked, "Hasn't the Crown Prince arrived yet?" 

She replied with a smile, "Just now, the Crown Prince sent word that he had just finished some business and needed to change his clothes before coming. He asked everyone not to wait any longer and to start the banquet first!" I nodded and followed her downstairs.

Seated at my table were two young girls about my age, who were engaged in conversation as I arrived. Upon seeing me, they both nodded in greeting. After taking my seat, I surveyed the surroundings and noticed that the table at the front and center was empty, presumably reserved for the Crown Prince. On the left side were the Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Princes, while on the right side were the Fourth, Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thirteenth Princes.

© translations belonging to If you read this somewhere else instead of then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.\A eunuch, carrying a wooden tray draped with scarlet satin and bearing the playbill, stood beside the Fourth Prince's table. The Fourth Prince didn't glance at him but exchanged a few words with the eunuch. Then, the eunuch walked over to the Tenth Prince's table and spoke to him. The Tenth Prince listened without saying a word, just nodding in response. He took the playbill, quickly glanced at it, made a mark, and handed it back to the eunuch. Only then did the eunuch return to the Fourth Prince's table, where the Fourth Prince also made a mark. The young eunuch then approached the Eighth Prince to ask for his selection, but the Eighth Prince waved him away.

Before long, the opera began on the stage with lively singing. At that time, Peking opera had not yet emerged, and the performance was in the style of Kunqu opera. It's a pity that over three hundred years later, Kunqu opera had declined in popularity. As far as I knew, only a few famous plays like "The Peony Pavilion" and "The Romance of the Western Chamber" remained, along with "Ma Gu Pays Birthday Respects," which I had learned from Dongyun just last night. However, judging from the costumes, I could tell that the play being performed was "Wu Song Fights the Tiger," chosen by the Tenth Prince for the sake of excitement. Just as the scene where Wu Song was about to punch the tiger began, a eunuch suddenly shouted loudly, "The Crown Prince is here!" Immediately, everyone on and off the stage bowed down. Peering through the crowd, I saw a figure dressed in a yellow silk robe with a dignified face slowly walking in.

As everyone rose and sat back down at their tables, another eunuch brought the playbill over. The Crown Prince announced, "Today is the Tenth Prince's birthday, so let the birthday boy make the selection first!" The Tenth Prince stood up and replied, "The first round has already been chosen; we'll wait for the Second Prince to make his selection." Only then did the Crown Prince take the playbill and examine it closely.

Now, I had no idea what was being performed onstage, but the two girls next to me were completely engrossed in the show.

The older princes chatted and joked occasionally, but they didn't drink much. However, starting from the Tenth Prince downwards, the wine flowed like water. The Tenth Prince and several other princes stood by the Thirteenth Prince's table, urging him to drink, and he didn't refuse, raising his cup and downing it. After finishing, he loudly declared, "We must toast the birthday boy several more times tonight." The other princes all raised their cups to toast the Tenth Prince again! I thought to myself, this is truly bringing trouble upon oneself.

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After eating our fill, the play on stage changed, but I still had no idea what was being sung. Seeing the Tenth Prince rise from his seat, I quickly followed suit. I glanced over and saw my sister watching the play and chatting with other consorts. I stood up and followed the Tenth Prince. When Qiaohui offered to accompany me, I said, "You wait here; I'll be back soon." A young eunuch carrying a lantern led the way, while the Tenth Prince staggered along. I thought to myself that he really couldn't hold his liquor compared to the Thirteenth Prince, who remained clear-headed, while he was already showing signs of drunkenness. When we reached a building ahead, I realized he needed to relieve himself. I quickly turned back and walked a short distance away to wait.

After a while, the young eunuch came out with him. Seeing me standing there, he hurried over and asked, "What are you doing standing here?" I replied, "I've come to give the birthday boy a gift!" He looked at me empty-handed and asked, "Where's the gift?" Glancing at the young eunuch beside him, he instructed, "You go back first!" The eunuch nodded and left.

I led the way, and the Tenth Prince followed behind me, asking again, "Where's the gift?" I ignored him and continued walking, leading him to the pavilion by the lake. It wasn't far from the stage, and the lights were bright over there, still visible even though the sound of the opera was only faintly audible, as there were no speakers at the time. I stopped and pointed to the wooden bench by the railing, instructing the Tenth Prince, "Sit there!" He looked puzzled and a bit impatient, but he walked over and sat down by the railing. Facing him, I earnestly greeted him.

There were no lights in the pavilion, only the crescent moon in the sky. He sat in the darkness, and I couldn't see his face clearly. I only heard him ask, "Is your gift just a greeting?" I cleared my throat and softly sang:

"The fragrance of longevity rises, the shadow of longevity candles rises high,

The jade cup of longevity wine adds to the longevity assessment.

Today's plate of longevity fruits, long-life peaches,

Wishing blessings as vast as the East Sea, longevity as enduring as the Southern Mountains.

The green deer presents auspicious herbs,

All wish longevity to be ever higher.

The celebration hall on the birthday is bustling,

The foundation of longevity is solid and strong.

The longevity in the capital is continuous and joyous,

The longevity banquet brings laughter to everyone.

Congratulations on the birthday in the midst of joyful celebrations."

The applause outside the pavilion erupted just as the last note fell. "I was wondering where Tenth Brother went! Turns out there's a small stage set up here," said the Fourteenth Prince as he clapped his hands and entered the pavilion, followed by the smiling Thirteenth Prince. I greeted them, feeling a bit awkward and unsure of what to say. Surprisingly, the Tenth Prince remained uncharacteristically silent, not offering any retort. Instead, he simply stood up and said, "I'm feeling a bit tipsy from the wine, so I'll take my leave now." 

The Fourteenth Prince circled around me, eyeing me up and down, and remarked, "When will you sing for me?" His words irked me slightly. "If you don't mind, I'll sing for you on your birthday, Fourteenth Prince," I replied. He chuckled a few times, about to say something else, but the Tenth Prince quickly interjected, "Fourteenth Brother!" The Fourteenth Prince waved his hand hurriedly and said, "Alright, alright, let's go!" The three of them left the pavilion one after another. I plopped down, thinking, What was that all about?

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