Chapter 16 Scarlet Heart


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Scarlet Heart 

 Chapter 16: 

(Qing Dynasty) Masterpiece, Best Quality, flat, Manga Scan, Anime, cinematic lighting, drawn Art, by Studio Trigger, cli...

Early summer, the flowers have faded, leaving only the varied shades of green competing with each other. Though the weather has started to warm, the nights still carry a slight chill.

I leaned against the bridge railing, watching the crescent moon gently rippling in the water below, murmuring to myself, "Spring has just come, and now it leaves again." As spring comes and goes, I have now been in the palace for three years.

I still remember the selection of court ladies. Contrary to what I had imagined, it wasn't Emperor Kangxi who personally chose us. Instead, the highest-ranking noble consort at the time, Consort Tongjia, along with several other esteemed imperial concubines, reviewed us first and then presented a list to Kangxi, who then made his selections. In that round, I wasn't included on the list.

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Later, when selecting female attendants for the various palaces, two consorts unexpectedly both named me: Consort Hui of the Nara clan, the mother of the First Prince, and Consort De of the Uya clan, the mother of the Fourth and Fourteenth Princes. The supervising eunuchs were at a loss and had to report to Consort Tongjia. After much deliberation, she assigned me to the Qianqing Palace to serve tea to the Emperor.

Serving tea might seem like a simple task, but anything involving the Emperor, no matter how simple, becomes complicated. Although I knew that tea drinking was an art, I had no idea there would be so many rules. I had to learn everything from scratch: distinguishing tea leaves, identifying water quality, controlling water temperature, selecting tea sets, testing for poison, the hand gestures for pouring tea, the steps for serving it, and even Emperor Kangxi's particular preferences. I couldn't afford to make any mistakes. It took three whole months before my instructor finally nodded in approval.

On one hand, my assignment to the Qianqing Palace seemed suspicious, so the eunuchs and palace maids were unusually kind to me, not wanting to provoke me. On the other hand, I was indeed cautious and humble in my behavior, quickly gaining their acceptance. Now, I lead the twelve palace maids responsible for serving tea and managing daily affairs in the Qianqing Palace.

Thinking about these past three years, I couldn't help but sigh at the moon's reflection in the water. Turning around, I slowly headed back to my room. I still have duties to attend to tomorrow!


While directing Yun Xiang and Yu Tan in selecting tea in the side hall, the young eunuch Wang Xi came running in. He quickly bowed and hurriedly announced, "The Emperor has finished his court session!" 

I smiled and said, "So what if the Emperor has finished court? Why are you in such a rush? Be careful, or your master will scold you again!" 

He caught his breath and said, "This time, it was my master who sent me. He said to warn you to be cautious in your service today. Someone submitted a memorial against the Crown Prince during the court session!" 

Hearing this, I quickly composed myself and said, "Thank your master for me!" He bowed again and quickly left.

Turning to Yun Xiang and Yu Tan, I said, "Did you hear that? Be extra vigilant and attentive today!" Both of them quickly acknowledged.

I thought to myself, ever since the Crown Prince Yinreng's uncle, Soetu, was caught plotting a rebellion and subsequently had his family confiscated and was imprisoned, the Crown Prince's position has been precarious. Although he was not implicated on the surface at the time, his position was no longer as secure. Despite being Emperor Kangxi's favorite son and personally tutored by the Emperor from a young age, perhaps because of this special indulgence, the Crown Prince's virtues are not outstanding compared to the other princes. Furthermore, the other princes are coveting his position, making his status increasingly unstable.

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Emperor Kangxi is now caught in a struggle between reason and emotion. On one hand, he has realized that Yinreng is not a suitable candidate to inherit the throne. On the other hand, Yinreng is the only child raised by Kangxi himself, and there is also his deep affection for his first wife, Empress Xiaocheng Ren, from the Hesheri clan. These factors leave Kangxi wavering between deposing Yinreng and keeping him. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but sigh; today, Kangxi would face this painful dilemma once more.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of the Emperor's entourage returning. Knowing that Kangxi was back, I quickly instructed Yun Xiang to prepare the tea. The two of them hurriedly got to work, and I prepared the tea set. Considering Kangxi's bad mood today, he likely wouldn't want to see bright colors, so I chose a set of sky-blue porcelain teaware with chrysanthemum patterns. Modern psychology suggests that blue can calm and soothe the mind.

Carrying the tea tray, I slowly walked into the room. The chairs around were occupied, but the room was silent. Without looking around, I approached the table, gently placed the teacup down, then lowered my head and slowly backed out.

Once outside the curtain, I finally exhaled the breath I had been holding. I quietly asked the eunuch beside me, "Who is inside?" 

The young eunuch whispered back, "Fourth Prince, Eighth Prince, Ninth Prince, Thirteenth Prince, and Fourteenth Prince." I thought to myself, they have never been this complete before; it seems Kangxi wants to hear their opinions. I quickly went back and instructed Yun Xiang and Yu Tan to prepare more tea.

Before I could say anything, Yu Tan smiled and said, "The tea is already prepared! Right after you went out, Wang Xi came to inform us that the princes had arrived, so I hurriedly got everything ready." I nodded approvingly at her and walked closer to inspect the tea. While I was looking, Yu Tan continued quickly, "I remember all the preferences! The Fourth Prince likes Taiping Houkui, the Eighth Prince prefers Rizhuzueya, the Ninth Prince likes Mingqian Longjing, the Tenth Prince is not particular, and the Thirteenth Prince prefers..." 

I smiled and waved my hand, "Enough, enough! It's good that you remember." 

Yun Xiang laughed and said, "No wonder everyone in the palace says you are meticulous! Previously, those who served tea only needed to remember the Emperor's preferences. Now, you even have us memorize the princes' favorites."

As I arranged the teacups, I thought to myself that I had my reasons for doing so, but it was something I could never speak out loud.

Yun Xiang followed me with a tea tray. Just as we reached the sheer curtain, we heard Kangxi ask, "What do you all think of the Ministry of Rites' memorial submitted today?" I stopped in my tracks, wondering what misdeeds the Crown Prince had committed this time. The eunuch holding up the curtain glanced at me in surprise as I paused. I quickly stepped forward and entered the room.

I walked slowly to the Fourth Prince's side and gently placed his tea on the table. Then, I turned to the Eighth Prince's table, lowering my head as I set down his tea. Only then did I hear the Fourth Prince speak slowly, "In my opinion, the Second Brother has always been very lenient with his subordinates. It's possible that some unscrupulous individuals have embezzled funds behind his back, using his name." As Kangxi listened, he nodded slowly. I thought to myself that it seemed to be about the Crown Prince secretly intercepting tributes meant for Kangxi. Historically, this incident greatly angered Kangxi, but he ultimately did not punish the Crown Prince, dealing only with those involved. It seemed that Kangxi's emotions would prevail again this time.

As I served tea to the Ninth Prince, the Fourth Prince's words had just ended. The Tenth Prince then said, "No servant would dare to intercept tributes meant for the Emperor unless someone powerful was backing him." I sighed inwardly, thinking that the Tenth Prince was always too impulsive.

When I reached the Tenth Prince's table, I turned to pick up his tea from the tray Yun Xiang was holding. Just as I was about to place it on the table, the Tenth Prince continued, "Fourth Brother, your words are strange. But since you and the Second Brother are close, perhaps you..." Before he could finish his sentence, he let out a cry and jumped up from his chair.

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In my haste, I had accidentally spilled the hot tea on his arm. A nearby eunuch immediately stepped forward to help wipe it off and check for burns. I quickly knelt down, saying, "This servant deserves to die! This servant deserves to die!" Meanwhile, I thought to myself, offending the Crown Prince was one thing since he would eventually be deposed, but offending the Fourth Prince could have dire consequences. Although I knew the ultimate outcome could not be changed, I could not bear to see this process unfold before me. Sighing inwardly, I resolved that any small prevention I could manage was worth the effort.

The Tenth Prince, seeing that it was me, suppressed his anger, worried that making a scene would cause me to be punished severely. He reluctantly said, "It's nothing serious!" Li Dequan, the chief eunuch beside Kangxi, came over and scolded, "Clumsy fool, get out of here!" Kangxi seemed not to have paid much attention to this commotion and remained quietly deep in thought.

I stood up and withdrew. As I reached the curtain, I heard Kangxi say, "I am feeling a bit tired today. You may all leave now." I thought to myself that he had likely made up his mind. Feeling reassured, I returned to the tea room.

Not long after, Yun Xiang came in carrying a tray, her face showing alarm. "What happened to you today? You scared me to death!" she exclaimed. I sat down silently, my head lowered. I thought to myself that, first, as a benevolent ruler, Kangxi was generally lenient with his servants as long as their mistakes were not severe. Second, since it was the Tenth Prince who was scalded, he would undoubtedly plead for me. Although I was very nervous, I figured that at worst, I would be taken out and beaten, but my life wouldn't be in danger. At that moment, I hadn't had time to consider the consequences; I was only focused on resolving the immediate issue.

I was sitting silently when Wang Xi came in, approached me, and said, "Jie Jie, my master wants to see you!" Hearing this, both Yun Xiang and Yu Tan looked worried and stood up. Ignoring them, I stood up and followed Wang Xi out of the side hall.

Wang Xi led me for a while, and under a tree ahead stood Li Dequan. When we got closer, Wang Xi retreated. I made a bow and stood there quietly. After a moment, Li Dequan cleared his throat and said, "I've always known you to be a careful person. What made you so reckless today?" 

I replied, "Please punish me, Master Li." 

He sighed and said, "Next month's allowance will be entirely deducted." 

I quickly crouched down and said, "Thank you, Master Li!" 

He paid no further attention to me and turned to leave, murmuring as he went, "The palace can't tolerate too many kind hearts."

After he left, I remained standing quietly. A mixture of sorrow and fear began to seep through my heart, spreading inch by inch, gradually sapping my strength. I felt I could no longer stand, stumbled a couple of steps, and finally sat on the ground. Hugging my head in my hands, I pressed my lips together tightly, tears welling up in my eyes but forcing myself not to let them fall.

I was lost in thought when suddenly I heard a voice above me saying, "What are you doing sitting here?" Recognizing it as the Tenth Prince's voice, I decided to ignore him and remained sitting with my head bowed. He crouched down beside me and said, "Hey! I haven't blamed you for burning me, yet you're acting aloof!" Still, I ignored him. After a short silence, he sensed something was wrong. He reached out and lifted my head, his face showing surprise as he exclaimed, "Why are your lips bleeding? How did Li Dequan punish you?"

As I looked up, I was shocked to see not only the Tenth Prince beside me. The Fourth Prince, Eighth Prince, Ninth Prince, Thirteenth Prince, and Fourteenth Prince were all standing nearby. Startled, I quickly wiped my lips and jumped up, hastily paying my respects.

The Tenth Prince, seeing that I only focused on paying respects and didn't respond to him, became irritated. "I'll go find Li Dequan and ask him directly," he said angrily, preparing to leave. 

I hurriedly whispered, "Wait!" 

He stopped in his tracks and said, "Then tell me yourself."

I looked at him, feeling a mixture of emotions. I was annoyed by his impatience yet touched by it. After staring at him for a while, I finally gave him a glare and said, "I've been fined a month's allowance." 

The Tenth Prince slapped his thigh and exclaimed, "You're upset over a month's allowance?" I pursed my lips and retorted, "Why wouldn't I be? While you may not care about that money, I rely on it. Besides, I've never been fined before; it's embarrassing!" 

He chuckled, "Alright, don't be upset. Tell me what rare items you want, and I'll buy them for you." I smiled at his offer but said nothing more.

I stood there, and none of the princes spoke. The Fourth and Eighth Princes wore their eternal expressions of indifference and refinement, while the Ninth Prince scrutinized me with a gloomy face. The Thirteenth Prince smiled and winked at me, then made a puzzled expression. I returned the smile. However, the Fourteenth Prince frowned, his gaze heavy and distant.

Seeing no one eager to speak, I forced a smile and said, "If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave." The Fourth Prince replied coolly, "Go ahead." I bowed and took my leave.

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