Chapter 105 ROTNDOAHRF


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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 105: 

The imminent wedding.

"Impossible!" Ouyang Ke's eyes widened, her expression terrifying.

Ouyang Nuan looked at Ouyang Ke as if she saw the sorrowful woman who had desperately pleaded with her husband years ago... She remembered how much pain she had endured back then, and now Ouyang Ke was about to experience the same, no, she wanted her to suffer a hundred times, a thousand times more! To truly taste the agony of heartache and torment! 

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She sneered inwardly, her brows holding hidden resentment, yet her smile was exceptionally gentle on her face. "Whether it's true or not, sister will know once she asks Father."

Without waiting for her to finish, Ouyang Ke had already rushed out, her footsteps becoming increasingly pronounced in her urgency. Rui Mama looked up in horror, about to get up and chase after her, but then she heard a cold rebuke, "Kneel down!"

Rui Mama straightened her back, raised her eyebrows, and suddenly sneered, "Eldest Miss, after all, I'm just a servant of Pear Fragrance Courtyard."

"Who are you to boss me around?" Rui Mama retorted. "It's not your place to order me!"

Ouyang Nuan responded calmly, "How could I dare to order you, Mama? I just have something to say. Tong'er is really clever. Such a lovely girl. She should have a bright future ahead of her, shouldn't she, Rui Mama?"

Upon hearing this, Rui Mama was shaken to her core. Tong'er was her youngest daughter, and she loved her the most. Countless thoughts raced through her mind, and finally, she lowered her head and said, "Please forgive me, Miss."

Ouyang Nuan stood up and slowly walked out, this time without needing anyone's assistance. Her trailing long skirt brushed lightly against the dusty ground as she descended the steps, stepping under the faint moonlight scattered across the floor.

Many years ago, she had treated Ouyang Ke as her own sister, genuinely loving and caring for her. She would never withhold anything from Ke'er. Even if she had only one thing, if Ouyang Ke wanted it, she would give it to her without hesitation. At that time, she truly believed that having such a sweet and lovely sister, along with such a gentle and considerate stepmother, was the luckiest thing in the world. And then? What happened?

The red silk lanterns in the corridor swayed gently in the wind, like indifferent and quiet ghosts, sending shivers down one's spine. Ouyang Nuan looked up at the stars in the sky from afar and smiled faintly. "Take good care of Second Miss and make sure she doesn't lose a single hair." 

The next morning, just after Ouyang Nuan had finished washing up and was about to have breakfast, Ouyang Jue rushed in excitedly, his face beaming. "Sister, I heard something amazing happened here last night!"

Ouyang Nuan held a bowl of bird's nest delicately, gently stirring it as she asked, "What's got you so excited?"

Ouyang Jue's eyes gleamed. "Ouyang Ke went crazy last night and caused a scene in Father's study. She insisted Father save that Su Yulou. When Father ignored her, she went back and attempted suicide. Ouyang Ke's suicide was clearly meant to threaten Father, but she must not have realized how heartless he is. Her attempt was in vain." 

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Ouyang Nuan smirked faintly and asked, "Was she rescued?"

Ouyang Jue hesitated for a moment, then asked, "How did you know, Sister?"

Ouyang Nuan replied calmly, "There are so many people in the courtyard; naturally, they wouldn't let her die. Besides, if she had really died, would I be sitting here peacefully drinking tea?" Ouyang Jue's eyes sparkled, and he expressed some regret, saying, "I heard she sent away the maidservants, quietly closed the curtains, stacked up two chairs, took off her belt, stood on the chairs, and looped it around a beam. But she was so foolish; she only managed to get her head through the loop! The loop was too small, barely holding her neck. Unable to bear the pain, she threw herself down with a thud, alarming the maids outside... What was the point of all this suffering?"

"What was the point? For her Young Master Su. Even if she really wanted to die, she would do so willingly." This was already old news. Last night, Ouyang Nuan had instructed Xia Xue to hide in the shadows, ready to rescue Ouyang Ke when she attempted suicide, and then call for help loudly to attract attention. Thinking of this, Ouyang Nuan set aside the bird's nest, stood up, and said, "Grandmother must have been informed by now. Let's go and take a look."

The two arrived at the entrance of the Pear Fragrance Courtyard, where they saw several maids standing in the corridor. As they approached, they noticed Yumei standing at the doorway talking to Rui Mama.

Upon seeing Ouyang Nuan, Yumei quickly stepped forward and said, "Miss, you've arrived!"

"Hmm," Ouyang Nuan nodded in response.

While they were conversing, Old Madam Li, supported by Zhang Mama, emerged from the house with a grim expression on her face. She addressed Rui Mama sternly, "From now on, whether she wants to hang herself or jump into the well, let her do as she pleases. We don't need to pay any attention to her!" She glanced at Ouyang Nuan and added slowly, "Nuan'er, just consider her dead. You don't need to bother with her. Go back."

Ouyang Jue hesitated and said, "Grandmother, didn't you just say that someone saved her?"

Old Madam Li stopped in her tracks, her body motionless. She turned her face and said, "There's no need to save such a thing at all. Zhang Mama, close it. It's all because of Young Master Su. It's better to let her die cleanly and save ourselves the embarrassment of having her alive and causing trouble!"

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Nuan spoke slowly, "Grandmother, as long as my sister is alive, it's good. She's still young and doesn't know any better. Don't be angry with her. She'll be fine after a while."

Old Madam Li only hesitated for a moment, but a cold smile appeared on her face. "She's beyond redemption already!" she said.

Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Grandmother, you're always considerate and kind. As long as there's a breath left, there's hope for salvation. Whether she succeeds or not depends on fate, and whether we treat her or not depends on our actions. Our family lives in the capital, where even the slightest disturbance will be widely known. If we ignore my sister's actions and let her lose her life, it will tarnish both your and Father's reputations."

Old Madam Li sensed an underlying meaning in her words and couldn't help but pause. A worried expression appeared on her face as she sighed, "Ke'er is my granddaughter. How could I not love her? It's just that she's been fixated on asking your father to plead for that Su Yulou. It's like she's been possessed by a ghost. I was just angry and confused for a moment, which is why I said those words about letting her die. Now, what should we do?"

Ouyang Nuan pondered for a moment and then said softly, "Let's wait for a while, Grandmother. For now, let's stabilize my sister. We can tell her that Father is already working on a solution regarding Young Master Su's situation. We'll discuss the rest later." 

"Delaying the matter for a couple of months will allow Young Master Su, this noble gentleman, to taste the bitterness of being imprisoned. Isn't that wonderful?" 

Madam Li thought it over and eventually nodded in agreement.

Ouyang Jue, upon hearing this, smiled brightly at Ouyang Nuan, revealing his white teeth. He seemed quite pleased. Ouyang Nuan pinched him in secret to remind him not to get carried away. Ouyang Jue winced but didn't dare to protest, simply lifting his head to gaze at the sky.


In the blink of an eye, two hurried months passed, and it was time for Ouyang Nuan's coming-of-age ceremony.

Before dawn, Ouyang Nuan got up to bathe and change clothes. After her bath, Fang Mama held a embroidered handkerchief to dry Ouyang Nuan's long hair. Looking at her thick black hair cascading down like a waterfall, exceptionally beautiful, Fang Mama couldn't help but sigh, "I still remember when Miss was just born, she was as small as a kitten. In the blink of an eye, she has grown into a young lady. If Madam were still alive, she would be so happy!"

Ouyang Nuan looked at Fang Mama with a faint glimmer of tears in her eyes, feeling deeply moved. Without thinking, she reached out and held the slightly aged hand of Fang Mama, giving it a tight squeeze.

At that moment, Hongyu walked in carrying a lacquered tray, neatly stacked with the intricately embroidered ceremonial robes that had been prepared in advance. Changpu gently unfolded the robes, eliciting a chorus of admiration. 

It was a smoky purple robe adorned with a myriad of flying butterflies and blooming flowers, with edges of moonlight white silk and shimmering yellow jade and large pearls arranged in intricate patterns of spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums. It exuded a sense of solemn elegance and dazzling brilliance. This robe had been meticulously crafted by the finest embroiderers from the palace, commissioned by the Grand Princess and taking three months to complete.

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As everyone assisted her in donning the ceremonial robes, Ouyang Nuan looked at her reflection in the bronze mirror and let out a soft sigh. In her memory, she had undergone a similar ceremony once before, but it had been much simpler and devoid of the grandeur befitting the daughter of a high-ranking official, mainly due to her perceived lack of beauty at the time.

Today, everything was different. Her coming-of-age ceremony would be presided over by the Grand Princess herself, with the Crown Princess as the guest of honor. Up until yesterday, invitations had poured in from the prominent families and aristocrats of the capital.

It was all because now she was the Princess Yong'an, bestowed by the Emperor himself, and the daughter of the Grand Princess. No one dared to slight, insult, or degrade her anymore!

Ouyang Nuan walked gracefully through the grand hall, her wide skirts trailing behind her, drawing the gaze of everyone in attendance. As she passed through the hall adorned with red carpet, every step she took commanded attention. Finally, she reached the embroidered cushion placed in the center of the hall, where she knelt down, hands clasped together, palms raised to her forehead, and bowed deeply in reverence.

In the hall, various noblewomen from the capital sat, their faces betraying a hint of curiosity as they watched Ouyang Nuan. They wondered why the coming-of-age ceremony was being held at the modest Ouyang residence instead of the grander setting of the Grand Princess's mansion.

Among those present, only Ouyang Jue understood his sister's intentions. Everything she did was for him, to maintain his status and protect him. He sat on the side, resplendent in a moon-white robe with colorful patterns, adorned with a light purple inner robe, looking radiant as he observed the ceremony.

Ouyang Ke's eyes were filled with hatred and jealousy, her complexion slightly pale, and she appeared quite haggard. Xia Xue, standing beside her, frowned slightly as she observed her.


The Ceremony

The Grand Princess sat in the main seat, dressed in a deep red plain silk robe with intricate patterns, exuding both elegance and dignity. Only her slightly pointed chin hinted at her resolute and strong character. As she watched Ouyang Nuan perform the ritual, she smiled faintly, stood up, and walked to the side where a golden basin was placed. She leaned over to wash her hands before approaching Ouyang Nuan. With her own hands, she gently combed through Ouyang Nuan's hair, symbolically removing her childish innocence and smoothing the path for her future growth. She wished her a smooth and obstacle-free journey ahead in life.

With the Grand Princess present, both Old Madam Li and Ouyang Zhi could only sit on the side, and no one mentioned Madam Lin. 

The Old Madam Ning sat beside, watching the scene unfold. Unintentionally, memories of Lin Wanqing's coming-of-age ceremony flooded her mind, stirring up a sense of melancholy. 

At this moment, Lin Yuanxin, acting as the ritual assistant, had already handed over the comb. The Grand Princess took it and personally tied up Ouyang Nuan's long hair. Then, she softly recited the traditional blessing: "On this auspicious day of the lunar month, you begin to wear your ceremonial dress. Abandon your childish aspirations and embrace your growing virtue. May you have a long life filled with blessings and prosperity." 

The Crown Princess, standing by, clearly saw a hint of tears in the Grand Princess's eyes. She deeply understood that the Grand Princess must be thinking of her late biological daughter at this moment. The Crown Princess couldn't help but sigh inwardly, but her face remained composed as she approached and adorned Ouyang Nuan's hair with a hairpin adorned with red, blue, and green gemstones. The brightly lit hall, with its elegant and graceful young ladies, was a sight to behold.

The ceremony concluded, and the Grand Princess smiled through her tears, gazing steadily at Ouyang Nuan.

Ouyang Nuan was momentarily taken aback. She had no direct connection with the Grand Princess, yet at the most crucial moment, she extended a helping hand to her. Such kindness could never be fully repaid. Her eyes moistened involuntarily as she deeply bowed.

The Grand Princess's gentle palm lifted her up, and she spoke softly, "Silly child."

After seeing off the guests, the Grand Princess, the Crown Princess, and Lin Yuanxin remained behind. Old Madam Li, understanding the situation well, realized that she felt out of place in the presence of such high-ranking individuals. So, she decided to leave Ouyang Nuan to accompany them and returned to the Shou'an Hall on her own.

Lin Yuanxin's bright eyes flowed over Ouyang Nuan's face like clear water, and she smiled, "Nuan'er, you are truly beautiful. When you walked in just now, even I was stunned. You're so pretty, seeing you is like seeing your mother. No, even more beautiful than her," Old Madam Ning sighed.

The Grand Princess couldn't help but smile, "Old Madam is right. Your granddaughter is indeed exquisite and lovable, quite endearing." In that moment, Old Madam Ning had to suppress her feelings and put on a cheerful expression, "Princess, you're teasing me. She's now your daughter," the Grand Princess smiled brightly, "With your words, I feel even more reassured."

Ouyang Nuan smiled as she looked at them. Every person here showed kindness and care towards her, deeply touching her cold heart. So, she bowed to everyone again and earnestly said, "I will forever remember the care and kindness from all of you."

The Grand Princess took her hand and smiled, "Since you've accepted me as your mother, you're not allowed to mention gratitude again."

At this moment, the Crown Princess curiously asked, "Does Nuan'er look exactly like her mother?"

The Grand Princess glanced at her with a somewhat strange expression but ultimately smiled, saying, "Indeed, they resemble each other, but their temperaments are quite different." 

Old Madam sighed softly like falling bird feathers, "When it comes to literary talent, Nuan'er is slightly inferior to her mother, but in terms of wit and agility, her mother falls far behind. Otherwise, she wouldn't have ended up in such a situation today." 

"Old Madam, Aunt has passed away for so long, why do you still feel this way?" Lin Yuanxin glanced at the Grand Princess, somewhat worried that she might take offense. 

However, the Grand Princess sighed with concern, "If your aunt were still alive, Nuan'er wouldn't have to endure such hardships." She then continued, "But from now on, she will naturally have my protection, so Old Madam can rest assured."

Old Madam was comforted and smiled, "Although Nuan'er is clever, her thoughts are too deep, and I am old and cannot take care of her properly. However, this child is blessed. With the guidance of the Grand Princess in the future, I can rest assured." 

The Crown Princess chuckled lightly, "Actually, Old Madam is worrying too much. In the future, we'll ask the Grand Princess to find a good husband for Nuan'er to enjoy her blessings."

With the wedding looming, Ouyang Nuan felt helpless, while Lin Yuanxin smiled at her and said, "Nuan'er has already reached the age of marriage. We should hasten this matter."

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Ouyang Nuan remained silent but smiled as she looked at the string of ruby-carved lychee beads on Lin Yuanxin's wrist. The bracelet was sparkling and exquisite, appearing as if it were naturally formed. Lin Yuanxin noticed her gaze and slightly lowered her head, understanding the silent exchange between them.

Such a precious gemstone bracelet was bestowed by the Emperor as a treasure to the Crown Prince, and now it hung on Lin Yuanxin's wrist. It was evident that she had regained favor, and Ouyang Nuan finally felt relieved.

After seeing off the guests, Ouyang Nuan immediately went to Shou'an Hall. When she arrived in the courtyard, she saw Yumei holding a bowl of lotus heart and peppermint soup. She felt a slight movement in her heart and asked softly, "Is Old Madam feeling unwell?"

Yumei nodded, saying, "Yes, just now when Second Miss came, Old Madam felt uneasy after saying a few words. So I warmed some calming tea to relax her."

Ouyang Nuan paused for a moment, then gently responded, "Let me take it in."

She lifted the curtain and entered the room, only to see Old Madam Li's silver hair slightly disheveled. She was sitting in the room with a grim expression, her face flushed with anger. Ouyang Ke was kneeling beside her, looking pale and distressed.

Ouyang Nuan placed the tea cup on the table and looked at Old Madam Li's angry expression. She spoke softly, "Grandmother, what's wrong? Why are you angry again?"

"Ask her!" Old Madam Li glanced at her and said, "She has no shame!"

Li Yiniang, who was standing by, concealed her hidden joy in her eyes, but her face was filled with worry. She said to Ouyang Nuan, "No wonder Old Madam is angry. Second Miss seems to be possessed. A few days ago, she suddenly came to ask Old Madam for permission to pursue marriage matters. When Old Madam asked her whom she had in mind, she actually said it was Master Su."

She paused for a moment, appearing somewhat shocked, and then continued slowly, "Old Madam was immediately furious and refused her. I heard from Old Madam that Master Su is still in prison. If Second Miss were to marry him, wouldn't it be... wouldn't it be..." She sighed and shook her head, "Alas, Second Miss, after being refused by Old Madam, not only reduced her food intake these past few days but also seemed depressed every day. She looks haggard. And today, she came back to revisit the matter..."

Old Madam Li snorted coldly and said in a deep voice, "She insists on marrying a destitute merchant's son. Clearly, she wants the entire capital to laugh at our family!"

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, her expression as elusive as smoke, as she turned to Ouyang Ke and said, "Sister is confused. Can she really marry such a person?"

Back then, Madam Lin also said this in public, word for word. But behind the scenes, she praised Ouyang Nuan for not seeking power and wealth, only seeking sincerity, and finding a good son-in-law. Now, Ouyang Ke is also seeking this son-in-law, but unfortunately, Madam Lin is not here to witness this spectacle firsthand.

Ouyang Ke suddenly lifted her head, her breath still unsteady. "Sister, how could someone as narrow-minded as you understand how exceptional Young Master Su is? In my eyes, none of the nobles in the court can compare to him! You always say that a daughter should marry into a noble family, but I don't care for that!"

"Ke'er, you're becoming more and more unruly. How dare you raise your voice at your sister?" Old Madam Li sternly exclaimed. "Even if he is as extraordinary as you claim, so what? He is just the son of a humble merchant. Even if you marry him, you will still be ridiculed!"

"Grandmother!" Ouyang Ke's eyes widened in anger, her face flushed with indignation. "Ridiculed or not, what does it matter? Do you think I won't be laughed at if I marry into a noble family? You're not doing this for my sake at all; you're doing it for your own reputation! Talking about being laughed at, as long as I go with him to Jiangnan, who will dare to laugh at me?"

Ouyang Ke, being an unmarried young girl, had spoken extremely rudely. Ouyang Nuan's face carried a thin layer of icy smile as she said, "Ke'er, what nonsense are you spouting? Isn't it shameless for a girl to speak like this?"

Ouyang Ke shouted loudly, "I love him, and I will marry him!"

Before Li Yiniang could intervene, there was a crashing sound as Old Madam Li slammed the tea cup in front of her. Her face turned purple with anger! She abruptly stood up, rushing to Ouyang Ke, and fiercely slapped her. The force sent Ouyang Ke stumbling, unable to remain kneeling, and she fell onto the nearby mahogany chair, her head bleeding from the impact!

Li Yiniang exclaimed in shock, "Old Madam, please..."

"Take her away! Why aren't you dragging her away yet?!" Old Madam Li trembled with fury, her face filled with resentment. In her eyes, Ouyang Ke had become a deep thorn. Old Madam Li detested anyone who sought to tarnish the reputation of the Ouyang family.

Xia Xue glanced at Ouyang Nuan with a hesitant expression. Ouyang Nuan gently curled her lips and calmly said, "Didn't you hear what Old Madam said? Help Miss Ke back and get a doctor to attend to her."

Xia Xue responded with an acknowledgment and, along with a maid, supported Ouyang Ke out of the room. Ouyang Ke was barely conscious, her head tilted, relying heavily on the support of others. 

Li Yiniang, who was nearby, noticed her pale complexion and felt a slight unease. With a hint of suspicion on her face, she lifted her head and said with a smile, "Doctor Wang is here today to check everyone's pulse. He's in the next room. There's no need to bother others. Let's ask him to take a look."

Old Madam Li retorted coldly, "She has a wound on her head. Isn't it inviting ridicule to act like this?"

Li Yiniang smiled faintly, "It seems to be just a superficial wound on her head. Later, we can have a maid bandage it up. I'm afraid she might do something reckless if she doesn't calm down. It wouldn't hurt to have Doctor Wang check her pulse and prescribe some calming medicine to settle her down."

Ouyang Nuan glanced at Li Yue'e with a hint of curiosity. It was strange. Logically speaking, Li Yiniang harbored deep hatred towards Madam Lin, so naturally, she would dislike her own daughter as well. Why was she suddenly showing kindness today?

Li Yiniang whispered, "Old Madam, if others see Miss Ke's condition, they might speculate wildly. It's better to have the doctor examine her behind a curtain and just say she's a Yiniang from the mansion."

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Old Madam Li nodded, instructing Zhang Mama to accompany them and keep an eye out.

After nearly half an hour passed, Zhang Mama suddenly returned with Doctor Wang. Old Madam Li was slightly taken aback, her expression showing a hint of surprise.

However, Li Yiniang seemed to confirmed her suspicions and smiled, "Doctor Wang, please take a look at our Yiniang's condition."

Doctor Wang, assuming that Ouyang Zhi had welcomed a new member into the family, chuckled, "Speaking of this Yiniang's condition, I have good news to share with Old Madam."

Old Madam Li was puzzled, "Oh? What's the matter?"

Doctor Wang replied, "It's a sign of joy in her pulse."

"Happy pulse?" The rosary in Old Madam Li's hand clattered to the ground, and the thread wearing the Buddhist beads unexpectedly broke, with beads scattering all over the floor, rolling all the way to the feet of Ouyang Nuan.

Ouyang Nuan stared only at Doctor Wang, a faintly imperceptible cold smile curling her lips. Ouyang Ke was pregnant? This was completely beyond her expectations. Originally, she merely intended for Ouyang Ke to lose her chastity to Cao Rong, then marry Su Yulou, and at the appropriate time, reveal this matter to the Su family, letting her taste the humiliation of being branded an adulteress. But she never expected... Ouyang Ke was pregnant with Cao Rong's child. This was truly too perfect.

"Indeed. Congratulations, Old Madam, on becoming a grandmother once again," Doctor Wang said, although he sensed something amiss in Old Madam Li's expression.

Strange, Doctor Wang took Old Madam Li's reaction as just being overly happy, so he continued to smile in response.

However, Old Madam Li slowly stood up and scrutinized Doctor Wang, leaving him somewhat puzzled. After a while, Old Madam Li suddenly snorted and swept out of the room. Doctor Wang watched her leave, bewildered. He saw Old Madam Li, with an angry expression, followed by the maidservants, all leaving the room one by one.

Auntie Li quickly followed, but Ouyang Nuan, feeling guilty, smiled apologetically at Doctor Wang and said, "Thank you for your trouble, Fang Jiji, please see Doctor Wang off."

Doctor Wang was escorted out by Fang Jiji. Ouyang Nuan silently watched their departing figures, not saying a word. Hongyu cautiously asked, "Miss, what do you think Old Madam is..."

Ouyang Nuan smiled gently, "What do you think?"


In the evening, Ouyang Zhi brought back a gift from Lin Wenyuan. Since Madam Lin's confinement, Lin Wenyuan had been sending gifts from time to time. Ouyang Nuan understood that he was reminding Ouyang Zhi not to act recklessly with Madam Lin's confinement in place.

Ouyang Zhi was showing the things he brought back to Old Madam Li, while Ouyang Nuan sat beside them. On the table lay a jade Buddha, an antique vase, and some miscellaneous items.

"This jade pendant was specifically brought for Ke'er by him. He said it was a gift from Grand Prince Qin..."Ouyang Zhi was not actually pleased about this, as he knew that Lin Wenyuan was using the Grand Prince Qin's name to warn him. Nevertheless, he had to pretend to be happy. He glanced around and said, "Why isn't Ke'er here? Let's call her to join us for dinner later."

Old Madam Li's face darkened. "No need. She hasn't been feeling well these days."

Ouyang Zhi was surprised. "This child has always been healthy since childhood. Why has she been falling ill so frequently lately?" After a moment of thought, he said to Li Yiniang, "I haven't seen her for quite some time. Go and call her here!"

Li Yiniang stood still, her expression slightly nervous. She glanced at Old Madam Li and didn't dare to speak.

Ouyang Nuan silently held the tea cup in her hands, sipping her tea quietly.

Ouyang Zhi frowned and asked, "Did you hear what I said?"

"Yes," Li Yiniang's face turned pale, though she managed to reply with some difficulty.

Looking at the gifts on the table and thinking about Lin Wenyuan's threats, 欧阳治 softened his tone. "Forget it, if she's unwell, let's not disturb her. I'll go check on her later."

Li Yiniang's eyes showed a hint of joy, but her face betrayed panic as she hastily interjected, "There's no need, really. Ke'er is perfectly fine."

Ouyang Zhi grew more suspicious. "You just said she's unwell, and now suddenly she's fine?"

Li Yiniang sneered inwardly, but her face showed a lack of response, unable to come up with an answer.

Old Madam Li couldn't contain her anger any longer and spoke with a chilly tone, "Zhi, I have something to say to you. Come with me!"

After a long while, Ouyang Zhi emerged from the small flower hall, his expression stormy, and headed directly towards the direction of the Pear Fragrance Courtyard. Li Yiniang, noticing his troubled expression, quietly asked Ouyang Nuan, "Miss, would you like to come along and see what's happening?"

Ouyang Nuan maintained her usual calm demeanor, with a subtle curve at the corner of her lips. "If Auntie wants to go see, then I will accompany you."

With heavy steps, Ouyang Zhi slowly made his way to the Pear Fragrance Courtyard. Upon reaching the entrance, he glanced inside to see the maidservants all bowing their heads, and the courtyard was eerily quiet. "Get out! All of you, get out!" he bellowed.

The maidservants exchanged glances and quickly hurried out of the Pear Fragrance Courtyard.

Ouyang Zhi stared at the tightly closed door, his anger boiling over. In three swift steps, he marched forward and forcefully kicked the door open. Inside, Ouyang Ke lay on the bed, startled by the sudden intrusion. Ouyang Zhi's eyes blazed with fury as he reached out, grabbing her by the front of her clothes and yanking her off the bed, throwing her onto the ground.

As Ouyang Ke fell to the ground, she cried out, "Father..."

Ouyang Zhi interrupted her, his voice dripping with disdain, "Don't call me father! Shameless! You've brought disgrace upon my name!"

Sobbing, Ouyang Ke pleaded, "Father, I know I've made a mistake. Please forgive me, spare me!"

Ouyang Zhi's tone turned menacing, "Will you confess? Whose child is this?"

Ouyang Ke shrank back, and Ouyang Zhi raised his hand threateningly, "Will you confess?"

Trembling, Ouyang Ke stuttered, "I... I..."

Outside the room, Li Yue'e stood with a mixture of gloating satisfaction and genuine concern on her face. "Master, why resort to violence? Can't we talk things through calmly?"

"Talk things through?! After she's brought such disgrace upon us, what's left to discuss?" Ouyang Zhi's face was contorted with rage, his temples throbbing with veins, his eyes burning with anger.

Ouyang Nuan's lips curled into a distant smile, her eyebrows slightly raised. "Sister, no wonder you pleaded for Young Master Su. Sigh, why are you so foolish..."

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Ouyang Ke seemed to be jolted by her sister's words. She trembled all over, her face growing even paler. Countless thoughts raced through her mind, and in an instant, she had made a decision. Rushing to Ouyang Zhi's feet, she pleaded desperately, "Yes, this child is his! Father! Father! I beg you, for the sake of me, for the sake of your grandson, please save him! Please grant us your blessing!"

Ouyang Zhi sneered, "Grant you your blessing? How ridiculous! Let him rot in prison, and you, don't even think about staying!"

As he raised his foot to kick Ouyang Ke, a cold voice suddenly interrupted him, "Father, think about Second Uncle! If he finds out, he'll be furious!"

Ouyang Zhi paused, looking back at his composed eldest daughter, then down at the tear-stained face of Ouyang Ke. He begrudgingly lowered his foot, squatting down to forcefully pry Ouyang Ke's fingers apart. With a cold tone, he commanded, "Get lost!"

Ouyang Ke watched as Ouyang Zhi walked away without a glance back, feeling a sense of panic. She kept calling out for her father, but Li Yiniang gently waved her hand, and maidservants came to lock the door, cutting off Ouyang Ke's desperate cries.


In the Shou'an Hall,

Old Madam Li sat with a dark expression, while Ouyang Zhi paced back and forth anxiously. Suddenly, he turned to Old Madam Li and said, "Grandmother, what should we do about this?"

Old Madam Li sighed and replied, "This incompetent girl is truly a burden. I initially thought of just letting her die, but she's with child. If she dies, it will be two lives lost. If Lin Wenyuan exploits this matter, we won't be able to explain ourselves. If we let her give birth, as a young lady, having a child out of wedlock would bring shame to our family. We absolutely cannot allow it. Removing the child may even cost lives. Therefore, we must find a marriage proposal and marry her off as soon as possible."

Old Madam Li seems to intend to marry Ouyang Ke to someone else. Upon hearing this, Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and said, "Grandmother, there are a few words that I must say, please don't blame me. Marrying Ke out while she's pregnant might not be a good idea. Just imagine, if she enters the household and gives birth immediately, with the timing not right, wouldn't the in-laws blame her? Her life would be difficult, and we would be subject to ridicule as well."

"What should we do then?" Old Madam Li asked.

Ouyang Nuan pretended to ponder for a moment before saying, "Well, since Ke's pregnancy is not yet apparent, why not play along and arrange for her to marry Su Gongzi? This would fulfill their relationship and preserve our reputation. The child would be from the Su family, and they might not mind. However, given Young Master Su's current situation..."

Old Madam Li, especially worried about damaging the reputation of the Ouyang family if the news were to spread, racked her brains to suppress the matter.

Ouyang Nuan interrupted her, "Grandmother, please don't worry. In my opinion, this matter is not difficult to handle. I've heard that Young Master Su was also innocently implicated in a homicide case. He hasn't truly harmed anyone. If father agrees and seeks a favor from the Jingzhao magistrate to release Young Master Su as soon as possible, they can proceed with the wedding on a chosen day. I understand that the Su family's status is low, but Ke also has a disability. Besides, this marriage was ultimately her decision. This way, it will sound better when discussing it with Uncle." 

The matter has escalated to this point, and we must deal with it. Even if Ouyang Zhi is angry and stubborn, he will have to agree. 

After some contemplation, he said, "Madam, Nuan'er is right. Only by doing this can we both quell this disaster and preserve our family's reputation. There's no time to waste. I'll go to the Jingzhao magistrate and ask for his help in releasing Young Master Su as soon as possible. They can get married next month. Then, I'll have him take Ouyang Ke to Jiangnan and never return! I'll consider her as if she were never my daughter!"

Ouyang Nuan looked at her father, who appeared stern and impartial, with a cold gaze. She couldn't help but smirk inwardly. Back then, she too had vowed to marry Young Master Su. Ouyang Zhi, constrained by the Old Madam's dignity, dared not take it seriously, only spitting out these words with malice. Now, everything seemed like a replay of the events from back then, minus the poisonous Lin Shi lurking behind the facade of a loving mother.

Exiting the study, Li Yue'e looked at Ouyang Nuan with confusion, "Miss, why not take this opportunity to drive Miss Ouyang Ke out of the estate?"

Ouyang Nuan turned to look at her, a soft smile gracing her face like gentle autumn sunlight. "Aunt, what are you talking about? She's my dear sister, and I naturally want to take good care of her."

Li Yue'e chuckled nonchalantly, her cheeks adorned with a soft glow. "Sending her off to Jiangnan is quite advantageous, isn't it?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled calmly, the silver tassels on her hairpin rustling softly against her smooth forehead, casting a cool and intricate sheen. "Do you really think so, Aunt?" A hint of elusive laughter, like the fleeting spring breeze, danced in her eyes. Without saying another word, she gracefully walked away, her footsteps light and airy.

Li Yue'e watched her stroll away until the swaying hem of her dress disappeared at the door, her face still filled with lingering perplexity.

The next day, surprising news spread outside the mansion: Prince Qin knelt outside the imperial study, pleading with the Emperor for a marriage decree...

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