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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 267: 

The Finale Prt. Two


In the second year of Qi Lingheng's governance as the Crown Prince, another round of the imperial examination took place.

Lu Chang Gong, despite his filial duties, participated in this year's spring examination as a candidate and emerged as the top scholar, garnering unparalleled attention.

During the palace examination, Qi Lingheng presided over it in place of Emperor Jingshun.

Naturally, he was biased towards Lu Chang Gong, as one tends to favor those they care about.

After the rankings were submitted by the Cabinet, with Lu Chang Gong already among the top candidates, Qi Lingheng reviewed them and found no reason for disagreement. He questioned a few scholars in the grand hall before instructing A'Fu, "Proceed with the announcements."

From the top scholar to the second and third, Lu Chang Gong's name was finally called.

"In the third place of the top scholars, Lu Chang Gong. Bestow upon him the title of Jinshi."

Lu Chang Gong kept his head low in the Golden Luang Hall, his expression calm.

Having observed filial piety for twenty-seven months, he had developed a demeanor even more composed than before.

After the palace examination, the Crown Prince hosted a banquet of honor at the Ministry of Rites.

Qi Lingheng finally found an opportunity to speak with Lu Chang Gong face to face. He chuckled softly and said, "Your essays, I had someone transcribe them for the Crown Princess to read."

Though Lu Chang Gong's expression changed slightly, he remained humble and nervous as he asked, "I wonder what the Crown Princess thought..."

"She said your work was exceptional. The Crown Princess didn't expect you to write such excellent classical essays. Even your prose style is outstanding," Qi Lingheng remarked.

Unable to contain his emotions, Lu Chang Gong subtly pursed his slightly upturned lips.

Back at the table, Qi Lingheng seemed slightly intoxicated as he said to Lu Chang Gong, "I've heard that the third-ranked scholar has yet to choose a courtesy name?"

Lu Chang Gong stood up and replied, "Your Highness, I do not have a courtesy name."

Qi Lingheng seemed to come up with an idea on the spot and said, "Chang Gong—you exhibit restraint and balance, otherwise it would be wasted."

"I grant you a courtesy name, Chi."

"From now on, you shall be called Lu Chi."

Lu Chang Gong's fingers trembled slightly as he thanked the Crown Prince for his grace.

After the banquet dispersed, Lu Chang Gong knew full well that his courtesy name was bestowed by Crown Princess Lin Yunwan.

Still, he sought confirmation, wanting a definitive answer.

"Your Highness, is my courtesy name..." he began.

"It is indeed bestowed upon you by the Crown Princess. Why, does the third-ranked scholar not like it?" Qi Lingheng interrupted.

"No, no!" he exclaimed. He adored it too much.

Qi Lingheng patted Lu Chang Gong's shoulder and said gently, "The Crown Princess mentioned that your bowstring is too tightly wound. In life and in office, one must find a balance between tension and relaxation."

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Lu Chang Gong bowed and bid farewell to Qi Lingheng.

Upon returning home, Zhuqing and Muer celebrated with him.

Lu Chang Gong returned to his study. In the cold night, he wrote his name in clerical script many times over, softly chuckling, "Lu Chi, Lu Chi..."

She was always on his mind.


Lu Changgong attained the position of Tanhua[1], entering the officialdom as a seventh-grade official and was to remain in the Hanlin Academy for observation of political affairs.

Without being in the Hanlin Academy, one couldn't enter the Imperial Cabinet. Most of the scholars in the Hanlin Academy were future officials.

"Although there's not much opportunity for gain in the Hanlin Academy, I see a bright future ahead for our young master!" Zhuqing began to scheme.

Lu Chang Gong changed into his official attire, preparing to report to the Hanlin Academy, but lamented, "The brighter the future, the more I have to rely on my aunt to manage the household for me."

Zhuqing felt deeply ashamed. "After all, I am just an concubine. Master Lu, you should marry. A home cannot be without a Madam."

Lu Chang Gong smiled faintly. "I understand."

As he looked at Muer, who was beginning to resemble a young lady, he also thought about his own marriage and his sister's marriage. In the future, the mistress of the house would have to take charge.

At the Hanlin Academy, he met Lin Yunyi. The two exchanged formal greetings, and Lin Yunyi jokingly said to him, "Why the long face? If you have any worries, tell your uncle."

Before entering the Hanlin Academy, Lu Chang Gong had specifically studied etiquette and the proper way to walk as an official, having already mastered the necessary skills.

"It's also the demeanor of an official." He glanced at Lin Yunyi and said, "Do you, uncle, have any good ideas to help me with my marriage worries?"

Lin Yunyi chuckled, "You've asked the right person. Your aunt—she's an excellent manager. She happens to have a younger sister..."

"​A younger sister?" chuckled Chang Gong. What would their relationship be called in the future?

Lin Yunyi cleared his throat and said, "If you achieve a good marriage, it's fine for me to suffer a little loss, nephew. Just compensate me with some silver."

Chang Gong unexpectedly bowed deeply, "I have no silver—please handle the marriage matters for me, uncle." Without waiting for Lin Yunyi's response, he strode off to the Hanlin Academy to report for duty.

"Hey, you rascal—I was just joking! Where would I find a younger sister for you?" Lin Yunyi caught up with him and said, "Let's talk business, I'm about to be dismissed from the academy."

He was going to leave the Hanlin Academy for another place.

After reporting for duty, Chang Gong asked him, "Do you already have a destination?"

Lin Yunyi whispered, "The Crown Prince and Crown Princess want me to teach the Crown Prince." 

Chang Gong raised an eyebrow, "That's an excellent opportunity. Don't you want to go?"

Lin Yunyi sighed, "Jun'er... I mean the Crown Prince, is in his mischievous phase right now. I really don't want to take on this task. But it's not easy to refuse."

Chang Gong teased him, "Aren't you good at being a teacher? When I was in mourning, Uncle spent a lot of effort on me." Otherwise, I wouldn't have passed the imperial examination.

Helplessly, Lin Yunyi replied, "How old are you? How old is he?"

Chang Gong laughed at him, "So many people dream of being the Crown Prince's tutor but can't make it, and you're not willing."

The tutor of the Crown Prince would eventually become the tutor of the future Emperor, the mentor of the empire.

Lin Yunyi remarked, "If you're willing, then you go."

Chang Gong shook his head, not wanting to argue with him.

Both of them were of similar age and reputation, and they were both outstanding young scholars. Their news reached Lin Yunwan and Qi Lingheng's ears. Lin Yunwan sighed, "These people, they also like to make fun of others."

Qi Lingheng just smiled.

He suddenly felt a headache and said, "Both of Jun'er's tutors want to resign, and I'm thinking about who to find to fill the vacancies."

"Wasn't it said that after Yunyi left the palace, he would take over?" Qi Lingheng was troubled by another matter. He tapped the table lightly and said, "We still need one more."

Lin Yunwan suggested, "Why not let Lu Chi give it a try? Let him serve as Jun'er's tutor for a few years first, and then decide whether to keep him."

Qi Lingheng thought for a moment and agreed.

His thoughts differed from Emperor Jingshun's; he didn't like the idea of all the tutors being older than Qi Zaijun. Those elderly tutors would always be ahead of Qi Zaijun. Younger tutors could accompany him for a longer time.

The path of an emperor was lonely; some would leave, while others would stay.

Lin Yunyi and Lu Chi were the people he chose to stay for his son.


Qi Zaijun lived in the palace for a long time, attending classes there every day.

One day, after getting enough sleep, he arrived at the classroom only to find two unfamiliar faces already waiting inside.

"Uncle..." Qi Zaijun began, but he remembered that his father and mother didn't allow him to call Lin Yunyi "uncle" outside, so he stopped himself.

"Your Highness," Lin Yunyi and Lu Chi greeted Qi Zaijun together.

Qi Zaijun politely replied, "Please rise, teachers," and then bowed to them, saying, "Greetings to my teachers."

"Your Highness, please rise," they responded.

Qi Zaijun sat nervously, waiting for the class to begin. For some reason, he had a very uneasy feeling.

His feeling was right.

Lin Yunyi and Lu Chi, one taking the strict role while the other the lenient one, together orchestrated a remarkable performance. As a result, Qi Zaijun's academic performance soared, and his demeanor became much more stable.

Later, when Qi Lingheng ascended the throne as Emperor, he appointed Qi Zaijun as the Crown Prince and bestowed the title of Penglai Princess[2] upon his only sister.

The two Crown Prince tutors, both outstanding scholars from the Jingshun era, were renowned as the "Twin Gems of Jingshun."

— The End —

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[1] Tanhua (探花): is a term used in the imperial examination system of ancient China. It refers to the candidate who achieved the third highest rank in the final imperial examination, known as the "palace examination" (殿试). The top three candidates in the palace examination were awarded the titles of Zhuangyuan (状元), Bangyan (榜眼), and Tanhua (探花), respectively, representing the highest academic achievements and earning prestigious positions in the imperial bureaucracy.

Being a Tanhua, or achieving the third highest rank in the imperial examination, conferred several benefits and opportunities in imperial China:

1. Official Position: Tanhua ranked among the highest officials in the imperial bureaucracy. They were appointed to prestigious positions in the government, often at the capital or in important regional administrative centers.

2. Social Status: Achieving the rank of Tanhua brought significant social status and prestige. It elevated the individual and their family in the eyes of society, leading to increased respect and recognition.

3. Wealth and Income: Tanhua enjoyed substantial salaries and benefits associated with their official positions. They had access to lucrative government salaries, stipends, and other perks, allowing them to live comfortably and support their families.

4. Political Influence: As high-ranking officials, Tanhua wielded considerable political influence and power. They participated in decision-making processes, advised rulers, and had a say in government policies and affairs.

5. Career Advancement: Success as a Tanhua opened doors for further career advancement within the imperial bureaucracy. Many Tanhua went on to hold even higher positions, such as provincial governors, ministers, or advisors to the emperor.

6. Educational Opportunities: Achieving the rank of Tanhua solidified one's reputation as a scholar and intellectual. It often led to opportunities for further study, research, and participation in scholarly activities, contributing to personal and intellectual growth.

[2] Penglai Princess: refers to a title bestowed upon the sister of the Crown Prince in this context. The term "Penglai" could be a symbolic or honorary title, often used in historical Chinese contexts to denote nobility or royal lineage. It signifies the high status and noble position of the sister within the royal family.

Yay!! We Did it!! This was my first ever novel I have translated! I hope it was an easy read! Thank you so much for sticking with me until this point! I appreciate all of you!

Prev  :  TOC :  FIN


  1. It was great, well done! Thank you.

    1. Thank you for reading! 💜

  2. Thank you so much for this! It was a great novel to read!

    1. I appreciate you coming here to read it! ♥️

  3. Loved this work! Well done!

    1. Thank you for reading! 💜

  4. thank you very much for translating this novel! I enjoyed it very much!

  5. It was a very satisfying read. Thank you for your hard work, I enjoyed your translation!

  6. Thank you for your hard work.

  7. Thank you! I really enjoyed this.

  8. Thank you for your hardwork. Would love to know Lu chi future more. The ending abit simple but the whole book is good. Thank you

  9. I really lucked out when I found this on NU. This was such a great find. And you - you were one of the fastest (and still most accurate!!) Translator I've ever seen. Thank you a lot not only for bringing such a good story for us but also for your feat. I've never seen anything like this

    Thank you for all of your hard work! 💖

    1. Thank you! I really appreciate you reading!

      I really enjoyed the story too, and so even when I was super tired I just had to know what would happen next so I would force myself to *just finish one more chapter.... okay just one more!*

      I really just enjoy reading these stories and I have read my share of translations that really made my brain feel like it was being bent into a pretzel. I figured since I was translating to read on my own, I would just post them instead of deleting it when I was done. I do use an AI program to help me translate, but even then, it's all mixed up, or names are translated multiple ways, and don't get me started on pronouns! So it is a labor of love to edit even though I guess I kind of cheat(?) on the translation part.

      My pace is because I become obsessed with a story and cannot stop! I sometimes get frustrated when a chapter ends because then I have to take time from reading to link the chapter in the TOC, the previous chapter, and the Chapter Updates page. LOL But as long as a single person is enjoying the story with me, it is all worth it!

      I tried to make my page as easy to navigate and the translation as easy to read as possible... the way that I would easily enjoy as a reader!

      Again, thank you so much for coming here to read!


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