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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 96: 


Lin Yunwan's face was not looking good as she walked from the Yu Shou Tang. Ge Bao'er rarely saw her so angry.

When Qing Ge'er came, she told her son, "Help Mother to find out whatever you can. No matter what you hear, come back and tell Mother."

The old Madam no longer opposed the meetings between them. Qing Ge'er often came over to greet the old lady and see Ge Bao'er now.

Qing Ge'er was reluctant to inquire about his stepmother's affairs. Pouting, he said, "Mother, can't we mind our own business?"

Ge Bao'er touched his head and asked, "Do you want Mother to be driven away again?"

Hugging her legs, Qing Ge'er reluctantly said, "Mother, I don't want that!"

Ge Bao'er said, "Then you have to listen to Mother."

Qing Ge'er whispered, "Last time, I also listened to you."

The outcome wasn't favorable.

Ge Bao'er chuckled mysteriously, "Qing'er, this time is different."

"How is it different?" Ge Bao'er confidently said, "Your maternal grandfather is quite extraordinary! If Mother finds them, your entire life will take a turn for the better."

Qing Ge'er looked utterly confused, asking, "Who is my maternal grandfather?"

Ge Bao'er didn't know yet. However, the fact that the Old Madam was willing to take her back, and Lin Yunwan dared not speak up, meant that after returning to the mansion, not only could she easily see Qing Ge'er, but she would also have a much better living situation than before, with two second-tier maids serving her.

This indicated that the jade token she had been wearing since she was in the swaddling clothes symbolized a very powerful identity.

She was about to turn the tide!

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"Qing Ge'er, they are still fighting their battles. Mother can't leave now, and everything is unclear. Let them fight for the time being."

"My child, Mother can't bear to leave you again!"

Ge Bao'er held Qing Ge'er tightly, reluctant to part. This time, no matter what, she would find a way to stay by her son's side.


"What's wrong with Big Madam?"

Zhuqing went out to aid digestion. Upon returning to Yuxing Pavilion, she saw the distant figure of Lin Yunwan, who seemed to be angry.

Tongliu and Xiliu were both supporting her. Xiliu said, "Mistress, be careful on the steps. You're ascending now."

Zhuqing stepped up the stairs.

Back in the room, the air was warm. Xiliu said to her, "Mistress, didn't Big Madam advise you not to worry too much? Take good care of your pregnancy."

Tongliu put away the umbrella and replaced the charcoal in the hand warmer for Zhujing. She echoed, "Exactly, Mistress, this is your first child. My mother says the first child is the most important. You must ensure a safe delivery."

Zhuqing sighed, "I was born to worry."

If Ge Bao'er's background was indeed true, she would be the most unfortunate one. However, everyone had their own way of survival, and despite the troubles, Zhuqing wouldn't lose sleep over it.

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Leaning on the couch, she spoke in a low voice, "I always feel that something is not quite right. Have you noticed anything?"

Tongliu and Xiliu exchanged glances, shaking their heads. They didn't understand what Mistress Zhuqing was talking about.


In Chui Si Tang,

Lin Yunwan was indeed furious.

"Old Madam is trying to delay me."

But what made her anxious was that she didn't understand what Grandma was trying to delay.

There was no room for turning back in this matter!

Ping Ye had a simple mind, and she whispered, "Could it be that Old Madam simply doesn't like Mistress Ge? Comparing her to you, Mistress, she really can't match up. If I may say, in terms of managing the household and educating the heir, you are indeed more capable."

"If Mistress Ge becomes the main lady, what kind of person will be raised in the mansion!"

Lin Yunwan shook her head, "It's not like that. Old Madam doesn't have that kind of foresight."

The old lady was a short-sighted person; otherwise, she wouldn't have allowed Lu Zhengliu to make such a foolish move of favoring a concubine and harming his wife.


Outside, a snowstorm raged, turning everything into a vast expanse of white, making it almost impossible to see anything clearly.

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It wasn't even the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month yet. Zhuqing brought over some porridge, claiming she couldn't sit idle and had personally brewed it.

"Big Madam, my culinary skills can't compare to yours. Please bear with it and have a taste."

Lin Yunwan smiled faintly, "These things are usually taken care of by those in charge of the kitchen. Even if you can't sit idle, you don't need to personally intervene. Once you give birth to a child, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to work hard."

Holding a bowl of porridge, Zhuqing slowly said, "Big Madam, while I was at the kitchen making porridge, I overheard some things... I want to talk to you about it."

"What is it?" Lin Yunwan raised her eyebrows, and Tao Ye had already gone out to guard the door. Ping Ye also stepped back.

Lin Yunwan's expression remained calm as she listened to Zhuqng's words. Zhuqing continued in a low voice, "Do you find it strange, Big Madam? Since she arrived at the estate, and even after moving to the countryside, the medicinal treatment for her illness has never ceased. It was only after returning this time and taking a few doses of medicine for cold treatment that she stopped. Now, she eats together with the Old Madam every day and has recovered so quickly."

"Is it that she stumbled upon a miraculous remedy, and a few doses were enough to show its effects? Or is it that... she was taking the wrong medicine all along!" 

Lin Yunwan's expression froze slightly as Zhuqing contemplated numerous possibilities.

"Zhuqing, you must not speak of this matter. Not a single word. Don't harm yourself," Lin Yunwan instructed with a sense of urgency. Zhuqing, too, realized that the situation was far from simple.

She nodded solemnly and said, "This servant understands. I will act as if I know nothing. Today, I just came to bring you porridge."

"Now that you have made up your mind, I take my leave."

She left after placing the porridge down.

Lin Yunwan gazed at the creamy porridge and closed her eyes. She felt that in the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence, they devoured people without leaving any trace, relying on propriety and law to oppress her. She had never dared to imagine that the Lu family could be so audacious!

Poisoning the mistress and holding such a large number of lives in their hands, weren't Old Madam, Lu Zhengliu, and Ge Bao'er afraid of the underworld or the justice of the court?!

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"Tao Ye, come in."

This maid was attentive, and Yunwan explained the situation to her: "Before Miss Ge went to the estate, find some of the medicines she consumed in the mansion and at the estate, and gather the residue. Try not to alert anyone, and make sure no one knows about it."


Tao Ye took the instructions, feeling quite uneasy. However, she was a composed person, and her anxiety didn't show on her face.

She first visited the kitchen but couldn't find much information. After all, it had been a long time since Miss Ge left the estate the last time.

However, she managed to gather some information from the daughter of a kitchen maid: "The jar used for brewing medicine for Lady Ge? Yan Mama took charge of it, and it's none of our business."

Without asking further questions, Tao Ye found a way to accompany Yuan Mama on a trip to the estate, supposedly to choose maidservants.

And indeed, she found the residue there!

The tenant farmer said, "Medicinal residue? Who would bother to clean that up? Wasn't it casually buried?"

It's just a dispatched concubine, and she's not under the watchful eyes of Old Madam. Yan Mama simply instructed someone to add something to her medicine, without clearly stating what it was. Who would bother properly cleaning up the medicine residue?

Facing the chilly wind, Tao Ye scraped away the frozen soil and found the medicine residue from the potion Concubine Ge had consumed.

She carefully packed it into her pouch and brought it back. When she stood before Big Madam Lin, her little face and hands were already numb from the cold.

"Madam, it's really strange. The medicine jar for her, Yan Mama deliberately kept it hidden. This is the medicine residue, buried in the soil all this time, and it still has a lingering smell."

Lin Yunwan opened the pouch and took a sniff, detecting a faint, familiar scent of almonds. The fragrance was so subtle that if she weren't intimately acquainted with it, she wouldn't have recognized it at all.

It turned out that in her previous life, she didn't die of illness but was poisoned! She had devoted herself to the service of the Marquis's household, working tirelessly, and they, in return, stealthily sent her to the afterlife for their own unhindered cohabitation. What a blissful pair of lovebirds!

"Big Madam, what's the matter with you?" Tao Ye asked, concerned.

"I'm fine..." Lin Yunwan's eyes reddened as she tightly clutched the pouch in her hand.

If the Lus could poison her... could they also harm her accompanying maidservants? Harm her son Chang Gong? What else did she have that the Lus weren't willing to destroy?!

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  1. Oh gosh. Poor mc. But I do think the blame is majorly on the old lady. Madam Wei is far too oblivious and busy to care for her stroke husband to notice anything and mc's hubby is not really bright in the head in terms of noticing these stuff to even intervene.

    1. Agree, that old hag is the root of evil !

  2. Demonic family she needs out of there asap


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