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Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

Chapter :


"Old Madam..."

As she was about to leave, Gao Bao'er hurriedly returned to the room of Old Madam Lu, anxiously trying to clarify the situation.

Old Madam Lu frowned, showing clear disdain for Gao Bao'er's humble demeanor. The Yan Mama spoke, "Miss, the young master, his wife, and two young masters are waiting in the room to the west. If you don't have urgent matters, wait until they leave."

Feeling like a mouse scurrying around in her own house, Gao Bao'er couldn't care less. She questioned how a new elder brother appeared for her son.

Old Madam Lu, holding a bowl of porridge, didn't even look at her, coldly informing her, "This is a matter of the Lu family, none of your concern."

Head down, Gao Bao'er stubbornly said, "Old Madam, mothers are the ones who care the most for their children. I only have thoughts for my son, nothing else."

"Retire for now."

Though she kept a low profile, Gao Bao'er spoke resolutely about her son, and her true feelings were evident. Old Madam Lu snorted and said, "Forget it. Since she genuinely cares for the Little Master, go explain to her sincerely. Tell her to rest assured and not cause trouble in the Lu family."

Yan Mama: "Yes."

Old Madam Lu put down the bowl and went to the room in the west to see the juniors. Seeing her grandson and Lin Yunwan coming together, followed by the Second Young Master, she immediately smiled. This family looked harmonious!

"Paying respects to Old Madam." The four of them spoke in unison. 

After Old Madam Lu took her seat, she allowed them to sit as well. After exchanging a few words, Madam Lu sent the two children away and discussed the matter of their education with Lin Yunwan.

Lu Zhengliu suggested, "Since we have established the family school, why not send them all there?"

After returning to the mansion, he specifically inquired about the family school and found that they had managed to hire a renowned scholar, which was highly respectable. Having such a teacher for his son would indeed be his Little Heir's good fortune.

However, Lin Yunwan vetoed this proposal, saying, "Not a good idea."

Madam Lu asked her, "Do you have a better candidate in mind?"


If it weren't for some fortuitous circumstances, Lin Yunwan wouldn't have been able to secure the services of the renowned scholar at the family school.

How could it be possible to find a better teacher than the current one! Lin Yunwan suggested, "Let them stay in the mansion for half a year, undergo a fresh start, and then send them to the family school."

Half a year? That was not a short period. The Second Young Master was already seven years old and, having previously studied in the countryside, he was already behind the students of the same age in the capital. Another half-year delay...

Old Madam Lu recalled what Ge Bao'er had said, and her concern seemed justified. Perhaps Lin Yunwan didn't genuinely intend to nurture the Second Young Master.

Old Madam Lu subtly pressed, "Yunwan, although Chang Gong has studied two years less than the Qing Ge'er, you shouldn't only consider Chang Gong and let it hinder the Second Young Master from attending school."

Lin Yunwan sneered. Even if she had ulterior motives, it wouldn't be in such insignificant matters. "Qing Ge'er has only studied for two years in the countryside and hasn't learned much. Even if the teachers at the family school are excellent, it's pointless if he can't keep up. If we force him in, he might not do well, feel inferior to others, and lower his self-esteem in front of his peers."

"Old Madam, have you ever thought that if Qing Ge'er doesn't perform well in school and his character is affected, how will we deal with it?"

Old Madam Lu's heart sank. Indeed, she hadn't considered that! She had been so focused on finding a good teacher for Qing Ge'er. It seemed that Lin Yunwan was more knowledgeable about the matter of schooling than the Lu family. Perhaps she was overly suspicious, influenced by Ge Bao'er.

Old Madam Lu remembered something and smiled, saying, "I recall when the old master was alive, he praised your calligraphy. For basic education, they just need to learn some introductory texts like 'Hundred Family Surnames' and 'Thousand Character Classic.' Since we can't find a better teacher, why not let you teach them to read and write? It's also a good opportunity for you and your son to bond."

Lu Zhengliu nodded slightly. He thought it was a good idea. After all, Lin Yunwan was skilled in nurturing children, and it wouldn't hurt for Qing Ge'er to be closer to her.

"No, it won't work."

The atmosphere changed when Lin Yunwan outright rejected the idea. Could it be that she still harbored ill feelings towards Qing Ge'er?

Ignoring their expressions, Lin Yunwan took a roster from Tao Ye and handed it over.

"I've been busy with various family matters for seven years and have become unfamiliar with many things. I've selected five suitable teachers for their education. They are all well-qualified. Once you and the young master make your choices, we can send someone to hire them."

Old Madam Lu and Lu Zhengliu looked at the roster skeptically, and then, very satisfied, Old Madam Lu nodded in approval.

The list not only includes names but also provides clear details about these individuals' family backgrounds. All of them are scholars with achievements, some even have a bit of reputation. Inviting them to guide Qing'er's early education would be more than adequate.

Old Madam Lu handed the roster to Lu Zhengliu, saying, "Take a look."

After reviewing the document, Lu Zhengliu responded, "Grandmother and... you've made good choices."

Lin Yunwan's considerations surpassed theirs. Lu Zhengliu put down the roster and glanced at Lin Yunwan. He didn't expect her, usually reserved and icy, to be so sincere and meticulous when it came to his son.

Old Madam Lu was delighted, eager to have Lu Zhengliu immediately invite the teachers to the residence. However, she still asked Lin Yunwan, "Is there anything specific the teachers prefer?"

Lin Yunwan lowered her eyes, indeed, there was. Scholars with some reputation in the capital generally avoided dealing with noble households. The Lu family was well aware of their inferior status among civil officials and felt a particularly sensitive about it. In her previous life, she often shielded them from such situations due to their pride.

However, in this life, such considerations were unnecessary.

Lin Yunwan spoke frankly, "It would be better to have my maternal relatives, uncles and elders from my family, handle this. It might be smoother than having the Lu family involved."

Madam Lu's smile stiffened; she had no intention of seeking help from the Lin family. Lu Zhengliu was also unwilling; with a cold expression, he said, "No need. I'll personally handle it."

He hadn't accompanied Lin Yunwan back to her family since their marriage, and now he would have to ask for their help. He found the prospect distasteful. Lin Yunwan was relieved to be spared this trouble.

"Then. Excuse me, Grand-Mother-in-law, I will take my leave," she said and left.

Lu Zhengliu didn't rush to leave; instead, Ge Bao'er entered. Old Madam Lu still looked coldly at her, and the her face was closed, expressing clear disdain for Ge Bao'er. She knew the matter about her son's schooling was settled and was anxious to ask about it, especially when Yan Mama told her that, at first, Lin Yunwan did not favor her son. She truly feared her son would be mistreated. The most crucial thing was for her son to study properly; otherwise, he would be ruined.

Lu Zhengliu told her, "Yun... She has found excellent teachers for our son."

Ge Bao'er, who couldn't read much, held the roster without understanding it. She pursed her lips, still not entirely believing that Lin Yunwan would treat her son well.

Lu Zhengliu pressed her shoulder heavily, reassuring her, "Rest assured, she is the mistress of the Lu family, responsible for raising the heirs. She won't lack this sense of responsibility."

Did this mean he blamed her for being overly suspicious? Ge Bao'er pursed her lips. Lu Zhengliu didn't say much more to her, holding the roster and asking someone to prepare the horse. He personally went to invite teachers for their son.

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