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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 70: 

 The Chicken Flew and the Eggs Fell, and the Plan Came to Nothing

"Ke'er, there's no need to be anxious. Hasn't Mother fulfilled every promise she made to you?" Madam Lin said with a smile, consoling her gently. "It's all because of that wretched girl, Ouyang Nuan, that you ended up like this. Now you can't even step out of the Ouyang family's gate! If it weren't for her, you could have attended the Grand Princess's flower appreciation banquet..."

"Don't mention that Grand Princess!" Ouyang Ke couldn't help but feel enraged. She gritted her teeth and said, "Her invitation only mentioned inviting the Ouyang family's young miss. She didn't even consider that Mother is the mistress of this household! She's completely biased towards that stinky wench, it's simply intolerable!"

Hearing the conversation between the mother and daughter, Wang Mama already knew her place and kept her head lowered, saying nothing. With the Mistress falling out of favor and the Second Miss becoming a target for gossip, everyone understood the situation very well. It's human nature to climb the ladder and kick the fallen, and with the Madam losing her status, many servants naturally began to cozy up to the Eldest Miss and Li Yiniang. Madam Lin harbored deep hatred for this, but felt powerless to change it.

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"Mother, look at me now. Who would still take me seriously? It's all because of Ouyang Nuan that I've become like this. She's everywhere, hogging all the attention. It's really eating me up inside!" Ouyang Ke's face darkened as she grit her teeth in frustration.

Madam Lin's anger simmered down into a cold smirk. "If she wants to show off in front of everyone, let her. But now it's clear that Old Madam has turned against us. Why would she even think of you? They think just because I stay indoors, I know nothing. A few days ago, for that flower-viewing banquet, Old Madam even sent a box of jewelry to Ouyang Nuan, conveniently forgetting about you!"

"What!" Ouyang Ke suddenly stood up, indignation written all over her face. "I'm also the granddaughter of Old Madam. Why should all the good things be given to her?"

"Enough of your shouting. Besides shouting, what else can you do? If it wasn't for your recklessness, giving others a handle on us, this wouldn't have happened!" Madam Lin pulled her daughter back down, soothing her shoulder and suppressing her anxiety. Then she spoke softly, "Ke'er, before, I noticed you weren't in a good mood, so I couldn't say certain things. But now that revenge is within reach, you need to pull yourself together. From today onwards, you must dress up nicely, lift your spirits. Show others that just because we've lost Old Madam's favor doesn't mean we've lost our minds to those fools who think so."

Ouyang Ke looked at Madam Lin, her expression innocent yet bewildered, her eyes flickering uncertainly.

Madam Lin sighed, "Speaking of which, the next flower-viewing banquet of the Grand Princess is indeed a good opportunity. I've already had someone inquire about it. Many influential figures from the court will be attending this time, not to mention the princes and dukes from various noble families. Even the Princess Rong from the palace will be there. If you could attend, who knows, you might catch someone's eye. From then on, our fortunes could change..."

"Mother, you're insane. How could we possibly climb up to the imperial family? Those royal princes and nobles, their marriages are decided by the emperor. They can't make their own decisions!" Ouyang Ke suddenly raised her head, her expression dumbfounded, then she spoke tremblingly.

Madam Lin's expression darkened immediately as she rebuked, "Who says we can't? You know nothing! I don't expect you to become the main wife. Even if you were to be appointed as a concubine, it would still be an extremely rare opportunity!"

"What kind of rare opportunity is that? I don't want to become someone's concubine. That would be a lifetime of humiliation!" Ouyang Ke didn't expect Madam Lin to suggest this. She was suddenly embarrassed and angry, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she spoke cautiously, "I refuse to be any man's concubine!"

Madam Lin embraced her daughter tenderly, feeling a deep affection for her, yet she scolded lightly, "You really are a silly girl. Being a concubine is not like serving in a humble household. Even if you see the main wife, you'll just have to kneel and bow. Other ladies and servants will kowtow to you. Besides, outsiders will treat you differently too! And if you bear a son in the future, who knows what might happen in terms of inheritance! And about Old Madam Li favoring Ouyang Nuan, it's all because she wants to marry her off to those noble families!"

Hearing Madam Lin mention Ouyang Nuan, Ouyang Ke's eyebrows furrowed, and she sneered, "Her? Despite her pretty face, she's the most cunning and ruthless. Old Madam Li must be blind. How could she pick her?"

Madam Lin chuckled softly, elongating her voice, "It's precisely because she's cunning and ruthless that she's suitable. In the royal family, one must have those skills to survive. Moreover, Old Madam Li doesn't intend to let her live comfortably. She hopes that our family will produce a princess consort in the future! Humph! That old woman's plans are well laid out. Tomorrow, I'll foil her plans. Ke'er, listen to me. I'll find a way to elevate you in the future."

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Ouyang Ke stared blankly at Madam Lin, but there was no trace of joy on her face. She was still preoccupied with the idea of the beautiful Su Yulou and couldn't accommodate anyone else. Therefore, she felt a slight resistance to Madam Lin's promise.

Meanwhile, Wang Mama kept her head down, silently thinking about how ambitious Madam Lin's plans were. The Ouyang family might be suitable for marrying into a marquis household, but climbing to the royal family would be extremely difficult. Old Madam Li dared to entertain this idea only because she saw Ouyang Ke's outstanding virtues and talents. Compared to Ouyang Nuan, the second Miss was far inferior, and her scheming was average. How could she survive in such a prestigious household? 

Wang Mama's eyes fell on Ouyang Ke's embroidered shoes, and she sighed quietly. With Ouyang Ke's current temperament, even a regular noble family wouldn't accept her as a daughter-in-law, let alone the royal family. Madam Lin was truly foolish to make such a promise. Despite these thoughts, Wang Mama reassured, "Yes, Second Miss, please rest assured. Madam will plan everything for you."

Ouyang Ke didn't want to hear any more about these promising prospects from Madam Lin. Her mind was consumed with the handsome face of Su Yulou, and she had no desire to climb any social ladders. After a moment of silence, she spoke softly, almost inaudibly, changing the subject, "Mother, let's not talk about this for now. You must make tomorrow's spectacle as grand as possible. It's best if the whole city knows about it!"

"Of course," Madam Lin nodded solemnly. Suddenly, she smiled sweetly, but there was a hidden cruelty in her demeanor.


The next morning, Ouyang Jue, with his hair tied back and wearing a silver coronet, donned a luxurious autumn-colored robe and entered the Listening Warmth Pavilion with a dignified air. His attendants and servants followed him but remained at a distance. As he approached the main hall, he shed his composed demeanor and hurried inside like a gust of wind.

"Ah, my young master, please slow down," Fang Mama exclaimed in surprise as she saw Ouyang Jue rushing towards her at the entrance of the hallway. She called out to him, but he just smiled at her and continued on his way. Fang Mama sighed helplessly and then plastered a smile on her face.

"Sister, I'm here," Ouyang Jue announced as he entered the room.

Hongyu was in the midst of styling Ouyang Nuan's hair. Upon seeing the young master enter, she quickened her movements, deftly fashioning a diagonal bun for her, adorned with precious jade hairpins and accented with a pristine white mastix flower, giving her a fresh and elegant look.

Ouyang Nuan looked up at the sound of his voice, just as Ouyang Jue swept into the room like a gust of wind, a playful smile on his face. She chuckled and remarked, "Why so reckless? I could hear your clamor all the way in here."

From his pocket, Ouyang Jue produced a small box as if performing a magic trick and handed it over mysteriously. Ouyang Nuan was taken aback for a moment before accepting it and gently opening the box. Inside was a delicately crafted sachet adorned with red and white embroidery. She examined it curiously for a moment before teasingly asking, "When did you develop a taste for ladies' accessories, dear brother?"

Ouyang Jue brought the sachet closer to Ouyang Nuan, his eyes shining with anticipation. "Just take a whiff first," he urged.

As soon as she approached, a subtle and elegant fragrance wafted towards her. Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but smile and comment, "Very refreshing, it's quite invigorating. If I'm not mistaken, this is the scent of spirit grass."

Spirit grass grew in the harsh and frigid peaks of the far north, difficult to harvest, with only a few dozen plants known to exist in the world. Nourished by snow water all year round, its scent was fresh and cooling, with a calming effect on the mind, making it exceedingly rare. Ouyang Nuan glanced at her brother and inquired, "Where did you get this?"

Ouyang Jue chuckled and replied, "I heard that spirit grass has a calming effect on the mind. Originally, I went to great lengths to buy this sachet as a gift for your upcoming birthday. But after what happened last night, I rummaged through everything to find it. Do you like it?"

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"I do. I appreciate whatever gift you give me, brother." Ouyang Nuan held the sachet in her hand, smiling as she looked at him. "By the way, what did you and father talk about last night?"

"Yesterday in the study, I briefly explained the situation to Father. And following your suggestion, I also told him about the incident with Prince Ming escorting us back. I saw his expression, and it seemed like he was somewhat pleased." Ouyang Jue recalled Ouyang Zhi's expression, feeling a bit uneasy. It was supposed to be a moment of danger, but Ouyang Zhi seemed almost happy about it.

Ouyang Zhi's concern wasn't for the safety of his children but for the unexpected appearance of Prince Ming. He might be rejoicing over this unexpected turn of events, which reconnected them with Prince Ming. Ouyang Nuan's lips curved into a bright smile as she said, "Father naturally has his own plans. We just need to nod along with him on this matter. You don't need to worry about the rest." She deliberately paused, handing the sachet to Hongyu to keep and lifting the teacup from the table, removing the tea leaves with the lid, and taking a sip of the tea, giving Ouyang Jue time to ponder the implications of her words.

Ouyang Jue paused for a moment, then raised his head and whispered, "Sister, those people took Miss Chen's belt during the chaos. It's likely they'll cause trouble over it."

Ouyang Nuan's expression remained gentle and calm as she smiled and said, "You've made progress. You even remember this detail. Please, share your thoughts."

"Yesterday was chaotic, and I suspect they still haven't realized that the person in the carriage wasn't you. They probably think their plan succeeded and are feeling pleased with themselves. They now have the belt in their hands, ready to use it against us." Ouyang Jue shrugged mockingly as he spoke about the matter. "That woman has been repeatedly scolded by Grandmother lately. She probably can't stand it anymore. With such a good handle in her hands, how could she let it go easily? She'll definitely cause a scene! It's infuriating that Grandmother and Father are refusing to intervene in this matter!"

Ouyang Nuan shook her head and said, "By now, you should understand clearly that Grandmother and Father may not be willing to investigate this matter thoroughly because they don't see the necessity. Grandmother cares about whether you're alive and well, while Father is concerned about whether this incident will benefit the Ouyang family. They don't care about who's behind the mischief, nor will they step forward to seek justice for us." Seeing him silent and thoughtful, Ouyang Nuan continued, "To seek revenge, you must first understand everyone's intentions."

"I understand. There's still much for me to learn," Ouyang Jue nodded, his expression softening slightly. "I'm worried that someone will come to cause trouble soon. What should we do then?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled. Her gentle gaze, like moonlight, briefly turned to him before gently shifting to the window. "What do you think?" 

Ouyang Jue followed her gaze outside, where the once barren winter landscape in the courtyard was now adorned with countless delicate flowers blooming in clusters of pink and green under the gentle breeze. The scene became even more enchanting, filled with the vibrant essence of spring. His heart stirred slightly, lost in contemplation.

Just then, Changpu pushed aside the curtain and hurried in, her eyes filled with a sense of urgency. "Young Miss, the gatekeeper reports that there are people causing trouble outside."

Ouyang Jue was taken aback by the swift arrival of the visitors, causing him to accidentally push over the teacup on the table, which shattered with a loud "clang."

Without hesitation, he stood up and said, "Sister, I'll go and deal with them."

Changpu swiftly crouched down to pick up the broken pieces of the teacup, but Ouyang Nuan didn't even glance at the mess on the floor. She stared directly at him, her voice clear and steady as she asked, "Are you sure?"

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Ouyang Jue's voice was calm but carried a hint of determination, sounding sharp as a blade in this moment. He resolutely replied, "Sister, this time, it's not convenient for you to intervene. Please trust me." With that, he swiftly strode out.

Watching his departing figure, Fang Mama expressed her concern, "Young Miss, this matter is ultimately related to your reputation. What if things go wrong and it causes a mess? Is it appropriate to leave it to Young Master?"

A faint smile graced the corners of Ouyang Nuan's lips, her eyes bright and sparkling, "Precisely because of that, I've entrusted this matter to him."

With this matter halfway done by Ouyang Nuan, the other half depended on how Ouyang Jue would handle it. At this point, he must be resolute and decisive. If he hesitated and refused to reveal that the belt belonged to the Miss of the Wu Duke's Mansion, then the blame would fall squarely on her shoulders... 

"Hongyu, follow Young Master to the door and see what's happening. If there's anything urgent, report back quickly," Fang Mama instructed in a hushed tone, still feeling uneasy. She glanced up to see Ouyang Nuan's ambiguous gaze. Fang Mama sighed inwardly. While the Young Miss dared to gamble, she didn't. The Young Miss was forcing Young Master to grow up, but he was only eleven years old...

Ouyang Nuan shook her head slowly. Her true concern lay not in this matter but in the potential repercussions if the conflict reached the Wu Duke's Mansion. If that happened, it would sow seeds of enmity between the two families...

Just as Ouyang Jue reached the door, a loud shout came from outside, followed by more angry voices and foul curses. Before he could speak, the servant Mingrui hurried to the door to sneak a peek. He returned shortly after, whispering, "Young Master, the guards have caught the person."

"Hey, you guys are bullying me! I know your young miss, and she asked me to come here for marriage! Is there no justice in this world? Let me go, you brutes!"

As Ouyang Jue listened to the person's words, his heart sank. There was a loud, exaggerated cry, followed by more unpleasant shouts and curses. Then, with a muffled thud, the noise abruptly stopped, as if cut off mid-sentence. Unable to bear it any longer, he abruptly opened the door.

A person was crouched on the ground, holding their head and not daring to move, while Ouyang Mansion's guards stood menacingly nearby. However, there were still many onlookers in the distance, pointing and murmuring at the scene. Ouyang Jue took a deep breath, and then his voice turned icy cold, as if frozen: "Causing trouble again? I've already said that if you steal something, you must face the consequences. Father kicked you out because you were dishonest, yet you dare to come back and spout nonsense! You really have the guts!"

The person was taken aback, about to argue, but Ouyang Jue waved his hand, and someone immediately covered the person's mouth.

"Take him to Father for punishment!" Ouyang Jue ordered coldly. The man struggled, but several guards bound him tightly and escorted him away. When they had arrived last night, Ouyang Nuan had informed Aunt Li and replaced all the guards in front of the mansion. They were instructed to apprehend anyone causing trouble without asking questions. So, the man was silenced before he could utter more than a few words.

Ouyang Jue brought the person into the main hall, then with a stern face, he ordered someone to summon Ouyang Zhi. Ouyang Zhi hurriedly arrived and was surprised to see someone kneeling in the hall. "Son, what's going on?" he asked.

"Dad, this person caused trouble in front of our house early this morning. I brought him in. You should ask him," Ouyang Jue said coldly, ripping off the cloth from the person's mouth and giving him a harsh kick.

"Who are you? And why were you causing trouble in front of my house?" Ouyang Zhi asked with a stern expression.

"I am called Xiaoshan, sir. You must save me! In the future, we will be family, won't we?" the man pleaded.

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"What do you mean by family?" Ouyang Zhi's eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at the disheveled man kneeling before him, his face bruised and swollen from the beating.

"Sir, your daughter, the young miss, is going to marry me in the future. Isn't that being family?"

"Shut up!" With a stern shout, Ouyang Zhi saw his own son land a punch on the man's right cheek, followed by a swift and forceful kick to the man's chest. The bewildered man initially had no reaction, but after a while, he realized the pain, clutching his chest and groaning. Then, he was kicked down to the ground.

"Spouting nonsense!" Ouyang Jue looked like he wanted to devour someone.

He was usually very gentle, and his jade-like face had never shown such furious expression before. Even Ouyang Zhi was taken aback.

"Forgive me, Master! Spare my life!" The beaten man, with bruises all over his head, realized that his plan had failed. He hastily begged for mercy, kowtowing repeatedly. "Please don't punish me too severely, I beg you, sir! Think of your daughter's sake..."

"You dare to spout such nonsense?" The mention of his sister by the man only fueled Ouyang Jue's anger further. Pointing at him, he shouted, "What audacity! How dare you claim to know my sister! It's nothing but a delusion! Fine, very well," he said, rushing forward to deliver another heavy kick!

Xiao Shan cried out in pain, yelling loudly, "Sir, if you want to kill me, go ahead, but I have something belonging to Miss Ouyang. If I die, your sister will be left widowed." His words were sharp, but under Ouyang Jue's piercing gaze, it felt like being stabbed with a knife.

"Belongings? It seems that the courage of ruffians and scoundrels has grown. According to the laws, falsely accusing an official carries a punishment of eighty strokes and exile to the border. Don't you know that?" Ouyang Jue sneered.

Xiao Shan was taken aback. He was just a ruffian from the gambling den. Someone had delivered a package to him last night, asking him to bring the contents to the Ouyang residence and cause a scene. They even gave him a gold ingot. He was initially hesitant, but the person promised that he would face no consequences, claiming that the matter involved the innocence of the young lady. 

Those people would have to endure the pain silently, as who would dare to bring such a matter to the authorities? Now, hearing Ouyang Jue's confident tone, he couldn't help but feel afraid, regretting his greed for accepting things he shouldn't have. Thinking about the promised ten taels of silver upon success, he gritted his teeth and said, "I have evidence!" With that, he pulled out a belt from his pocket and shook it vigorously.

Ouyang Jue snatched it and examined it closely before sneering, "Where did this ruffian come from? This is not my sister's belt. Take a good look!" Disregarding the man, he presented the belt to Ouyang Zhi. "Father, look at this. There's a delicately embroidered orchid on it, with a small 'lan' character in the bottom left corner. My sister doesn't have anything like this."

Ouyang Zhi examined the belt and indeed found the exquisite orchid embroidery and the small character 'lan' in the corner. His face couldn't hide his shock as he asked, "Whose possession is this?"

Ouyang Jue's mind raced through countless thoughts in that instant. Finally, he steeled himself and spoke loudly, "Last night, it was the young lady from the Wu Duke's residence who was riding in our family's carriage. We encountered bandits on the way. This belt might have been lost during that time."

Ouyang Zhi looked visibly surprised. "If it was taken by bandits, how did it end up in his hands?"

Ouyang Jue sneered, "That proves he's in cahoots with the thugs from last night! They saw the lotus emblem of the Ouyang family on the carriage and thought my sister was inside, planning to extort money from us! They really miscalculated!"

Xiao Shan, taken aback by this revelation, exclaimed, "I don't know anything about any thugs! Someone just gave me money to cause trouble, I didn't know anything else! Please don't send me to the authorities! Please!"

Ouyang Jue couldn't help but feel a stir within him. He then spoke coldly, "It's a favor to send you to the authorities. Since the belt belongs to Miss Chen Lanxin of the Wu Duke's Mansion, you should go to them. As for my sister, if you dare utter another word..."

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Before he could finish his sentence, a glint of cold light flashed, and suddenly a dagger descended. In a swift motion, Xiao Shan, who had just raised his head, felt a sharp pain as his scalp was peeled off by Ouyang Jue, leaving him screaming in horror, blood streaming down his face.

Ouyang Zhi had never seen his son look so frightening before. He couldn't help but be startled for a moment before calming down and saying, "Jue, we mustn't act recklessly in this matter!"

Sending the man to the Wu Duke's Mansion would only cause embarrassment. It would be better to release him and let him cause a scene at their gates. Ouyang Zhi, cunning as he was, waved his hand and said, "Forget it, forget it. Killing such a person would only dirty our hands for no reason. Jue, have someone escort him out through the back door and make sure he doesn't cause trouble again."

Ouyang Jue, initially thinking that Xiao Shan might be another Zhang Wendin, was surprised to find him such a useless person. He sneered, "Yes, Father."

Xiao Shan was then thrown out of the back door of the Ouyang Mansion, with Ouyang Jue standing on the steps, looking down at him coldly. "If you want to find the owner of this belt, go to the Wu Duke's Mansion. If I see you again, beware of your head!" His eyes were filled with determination as he spoke. Although he was just a teenager, Xiao Shan knew he wasn't joking and fled in a hurry.

In a corner near the back door, one person remained hidden in the shadows and remarked to another, "What are we going to do now? This fool has messed up the task given by the master!"

The other person responded urgently, "If they hadn't caught most of us last night, we wouldn't have resorted to using such a useless person to avoid suspicion. How are we going to explain this to the master now?"

"Let's go back and report first," they said, exchanging a glance before hurriedly leaving.


At the residence of the Duke of Wu

The ancient village was deep and serene, with walls painted in pale colors and the courtyard adorned with clean and tidy cobblestone pathways. The black pillars and ground poles gleamed, and various colorful flowers swayed on the stone railings.

Chen Lanxin walked steadily, but there was a hint of unease in her steps. As she entered the main hall, she stumbled slightly, almost falling headlong. The maids and servants in the room were all shocked to see the eldest daughter of the main family, known for her composure, displaying such uncharacteristic behavior.

Old Madam Chen sat in her high-backed chair, leaning against a cushion embroidered with golden pythons on a jade-green base. The floor tiles beneath her feet gleamed like mirrors, reflecting the shadows of people passing by. When she saw Chen Lanxin, she couldn't help but frown and ask, "What's the rush?"

Before Chen Lanxin could speak, tears welled up in her eyes and began to fall. Seeing this, Old Madam Chen's brow furrowed even more tightly. She glanced around and signaled for the maidservants and attendants to leave, leaving only Yang, the most trusted maid, by her side.

Chen Lanxin collapsed at her grandmother's feet, tears streaming down her face as she recounted the events of the previous day. Old Madam Chen listened with growing anger. "What kind of lawlessness is this? They dare to hijack a noble's carriage in broad daylight. Is there no justice left?" She bent down, gently patting her granddaughter's back to comfort her. "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. We'll tell your father about this later. We must investigate this matter thoroughly and seek justice for you."

Chen Lanxin was originally planning to pay her respects last night, but Old Madam Chen had already retired for the night. She had been restless all night, unable to sleep. Just as she was about to continue speaking, she heard someone barging in from outside. Looking closely, she saw that it was her elder brother, Chen Jingrui. He was dressed in fine attire, with a tall and imposing figure, handsome features, and sharp, deep-set eyes that radiated an eagle-like sharpness. However, an unusual look of anxiety was visible on his normally composed face.

"How could everyone be so reckless?" Old Madam Chen frowned.

"You should ask her!" Chen Jingrui snorted coldly, tossing a belt onto Chen Lanxin's lap. "Take a look at this, Lanxin. What is this?!"

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Chen Lanxin examined it carefully, her face turning pale with fear, almost on the verge of fainting. She trembled as she turned to Old Madam Chen and pleaded, "Grandmother, please save your granddaughter!"

"What on earth is going on here?" Old Madam Chen was taken aback, her gaze lingering on the emerald belt.

Chen Jingrui immediately spoke up, filled with suspicion. "Wasn't there trouble on the road yesterday? Perhaps my sister was too frightened to notice and dropped the belt. Then some ruffian named Xiao Shan appeared at our gate, claiming to have a marital agreement with my sister and using this belt as evidence to demand her hand in marriage!"

Old Madam Chen was startled, unable to believe it. "Is this true? Lanxin, are you out of your mind? Why didn't you mention this earlier?"

Chen Lanxin was drenched in cold sweat, trembling in fear, tears welling up in her eyes. "It's my fault, grandmother. I didn't realize it at the time. We changed carriages with the Ouyang family yesterday, and then encountered bandits. I was not vigilant, and they took away the belt... which led to today's disaster... Please, grandmother, save your granddaughter! I don't want to ruin my reputation!"

Old Madam Chen and Chen Jingrui exchanged looks of astonishment, rendered speechless by her words. This sudden turn of events had left them bewildered and perplexed.

Old Madam Chen's brow furrowed deeply. "Where is this man now?"

“He was making a scene at the gate, and everyone knows about it. I've ordered him to be tied up and detained. I've also sent someone to inform Father, but I'm not sure how he will handle it," Chen Jingrui's expression was extremely grave, almost indescribably complex.

Chen Lanxin was taken aback, turning to her brother. "Brother, this kind of scum is definitely associated with yesterday's bandits. How can you spare his life? Just kill him outright!"

"Nonsense! This scoundrel roams the streets every day, and everyone knows him. If we were to kill him without cause, it would surely cause an uproar throughout the city! People would think that our Wu Duke Mansion is bullying the weak! How can you, as a young lady, explain that?" 

"Yes, earlier we were caught off guard, and he took the opportunity to make a scene at the gate, loudly calling out Sister's name, Lanxin. Many people around saw and heard it. If we were to kill him, the news would spread tomorrow. We're truly in a dilemma!"

Chen Lanxin burst into tears, saying, "It's all because of that Miss Ouyang that this mistake happened!"

Old Madam Chen remained silent, her gaze coldly fixed on her granddaughter, who dared not lift her head. Finally, she spoke in a low voice, "I didn't ask you, why did you, for no reason at all, decide to switch carriages with someone else?"

Chen Lanxin, unable to conceal her panic, replied, "Grandmother, how can you blame me? I just wanted to please Princess Rong, so I offered my own carriage. Later, fearing your reproach for coming home late, I borrowed the Ouyang family's carriage..."

Veins bulged on Old Madam Chen's forehead, her lips pressed tightly together. She scolded, "You foolish girl! This is all your doing. If you hadn't tried to please Ke Rong, things wouldn't have come to this! What status does our family have? Why do you need to please a mere princess with a reputation? Look at you now, does this behavior befit the daughter of a noble family?"

Chen Lanxin dared not argue and could only swallow her pride for the time being, prostrating herself on the ground.

Chen Jingrui glanced at his sister and said coldly, "Grandmother, the situation has come to this. Blaming her further is useless, in my opinion. We need to handle it in two ways: first, we must appease that rascal and prevent him from causing further trouble; second, we must quickly stop the rumors and protect our family's reputation."

"What do you suggest?" Old Madam Chen asked, looking at Chen Jingrui with a serious expression.

"The rascal only wants to extort some money from us. Let's give in to him, and also offer him a pretty maid to silence him. Then, we can swiftly find a suitable match for my sister and marry her off. With time, the storm will naturally subside."

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"I refuse! Grandmother, I refuse to marry just anyone," Chen Lanxin panicked upon hearing this. The prospective matches being hastily arranged now were unlikely to be suitable. Moreover, her true affection lay with Prince Ming. She had tried to please Princess Rong in hopes of getting closer to the prince. Never had she imagined things would come to this. Fear gave way to defiance as she protested loudly.

"Enough!" Chen Jingrui's loud reprimand silenced Chen Lanxin instantly, leaving her incredulous at her usually loving brother's outburst.

"Grandmother, remember when the He family from Mingzhou came to discuss a marriage proposal? At that time, you said my sister was too young to agree. But now is the perfect opportunity," Chen Jingrui said in one breath, his eyes fixed on Old Madam Chen's face. "Grandmother, this matter concerns our family's reputation. We must resolve it swiftly!"

This meant sacrificing Chen Lanxin. Old Madam Chen glanced sorrowfully at her beloved granddaughter. Chen Lanxin was renowned in the capital for her talent, and Old Madam Chen had planned to marry her into a more suitable family. While the He family was respectable, their wealth was somewhat lacking. However, Chen Jingrui was right—this matter couldn't be concealed for long. It would soon become common knowledge in the capital. Marrying off Chen Lanxin before others started gossiping would make the situation much easier to handle.

"Lanxin, your brother is doing this for your own good. Once everyone knows about this, it will be even harder for you to find a husband," Old Madam Chen added gently.

Chen Jingrui's voice was cold. "Or... do you want to use death to atone for your mistakes?"

Chen Lanxin was stunned. She felt her brother, who had always been affectionate towards her, suddenly become incredibly harsh. A young woman's reputation was precious; once tarnished, it was nearly impossible to find a husband. Yet, she was still so young, with her beauty and youth. 

Could she really bring herself to die? The thought was unbearable. She resented herself for ever agreeing to the carriage swap, resented Ouyang Nuan for inadvertently involving her, and resented the mysterious villains who had thrown her life into chaos. Her heart felt like it was being torn apart.

Old Madam Chen watched this scene with determination. She had made up her mind to marry off this girl as far away as possible. Who would know what happened in the capital then? Though she felt a twinge of reluctance, it was an unavoidable decision.

"Brother is trying to force me to death!" Chen Lanxin looked at Old Madam Chen with great fear, crying out loudly, "Are people all idiots, incapable of using their brains to think? Originally, Grandmother rejected the marriage proposal. Suddenly agreeing now, wouldn't people become suspicious? Even if I manage to marry safely now, if rumors spread later, I'll be all alone. Will the heavens and earth answer my cries then? Is brother trying to force me to death? Do you still recognize me as your sister?"

Chen Jingrui looked at his sister, his gaze cold. "This is all because you lack intelligence. You're being manipulated and still feeling proud! Rest assured, once you're married off, with the protection of the Wu Guo Mansion, no one will dare touch you. Do you really want to stay in the capital as an old maid for the rest of your life, or do you want to embarrass Grandmother at her age because of your own folly?"

Old Madam Chen sighed deeply and instructed Yang Mama beside her, "Summon the head housekeeper. Inform them that I have agreed to the marriage proposal from the He family. Send word to the He family to expedite the wedding procession."

"Grandmother! I don't want to!" Chen Lanxin screamed, her body covered in cold sweat. Overwhelmed by emotion, she suddenly fainted.

"Someone, escort Miss out! Without my orders, she is not to be released!" Chen Jingrui's gaze turned icy, each word uttered with precision.

As the servants guided the unconscious Chen Lanxin out, Old Madam Chen's eyes showed deep exhaustion. She said, "Jingrui, fortunately, you are decisive. In this regard, even your father is not as resolute as you."

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Chen Jingrui's eyes flickered with a hint of thunderous anger as he replied coldly, "Grandmother, this is just a temporary measure. Those who harmed my sister, I will not spare a single one of them. Just wait and see!"


At dusk, Wang Mama, who had been sent to gather information, hurriedly entered the Furui Courtyard. With a mournful expression, she said, "Madam, something terrible has happened."

"Quickly explain, what happened?" Madam Lin sat up straight, questioning sharply. "Didn't Brother say everything was resolved?!"

Li Xiang, fearing her anger, gently reached out to comfort her, but Madam Lin pushed her hand away sharply and scolded, "Get out!" Li Xiang's eyes glistened with tears, but she suppressed her grievances and left quietly.

Meanwhile, Ouyang Ke jumped up like a spring, grabbing Wang Mama's arm and asking urgently, "What happened? Tell me quickly!"

Wang Mama wiped the sweat from her forehead with a handkerchief, looking visibly shaken. "The guards at the outer courtyard were extremely vigilant. I couldn't leave at all. I could only inquire at the gatehouse. All I found out was..." She hesitated, swallowing hard. "There was someone causing a disturbance, but before half an incense stick's worth of time passed, that person was taken to see the master by the young master. I tried to find out more discreetly, but unexpectedly, I learned that the item in question wasn't our young miss's at all. They said... they said they had the wrong person!"

Ouyang Ke was shocked. Wang Mama wiped away the cold sweat and continued, "I waited for a while in secret and asked many people. It turns out, last night, someone from the Wu Duke Mansion borrowed our carriage... They got the wrong person, madam!"

Madam Lin suddenly stood up, her face pale. Blood seemed to rush to her head, and she collapsed with a thud. Wang Mama exclaimed in alarm and rushed over, carefully helping her onto the bed to rest. However, when she saw Madam Lin's complexion, she panicked. Madam Lin's face was ashen, her breathing irregular, and her chest heaved violently, as if she had completely lost her usual composure.

Ouyang Ke wasn't much better off. After hearing the whole story, she barely caught her breath, finally managing to utter, "... Ouyang Nuan is truly cunning!"

Wang Mama sighed softly, not saying a word. In truth, she agreed with Miss Ouyang's words. Since they had embarked on such a venture, success would have justified the means. But to make matters worse, they had targeted the wrong person. Their luck couldn't have been worse.

"...So, what do we do now?" Ouyang Ke asked weakly after a long pause.

Madam Lin seemed to hesitate for a moment. Just as she struggled to sit up, her body convulsed, her eyes rolled back, and she suddenly fainted.

Outside, Li Xiang heard the cries of alarm from within. Despite this, her expression remained indifferent.

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