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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 61: 

Medical Treatment

"Young Madam, why don't you take this opportunity to personally investigate the details of Miss Bao'er?" 

After leaving Yu Shou Tang, Zhuqing couldn't help but ask.

Lin Yunwan asked her, "What difference would it make if we find out?"

Zhuqing was taken aback. 

Finding out may not be appropriate, and the Eldest Son should also want to protect Miss Biao.

Lin Yunwan said indifferently, "Old Madam is more anxious about this matter than anyone else, so I don't need to bother with it."

Zhuqing still felt uneasy.

Lin Yunwan said to her, "Once the person checking the information returns, making someone unhappy will be a matter of just a few words, won't it?"

Zhuqing smiled, "Young Madam thinks long-term."

She thought for a moment and said, "As long as there is money, there will be plenty of people willing to hand over evidence against Miss Bao'er."


Indeed, it was a valuable resource, necessary for her mother's eyesight.

Lin Yunwan thinking about her mother's eyes and thought that she should visit Old Madam Xia again. She needed to urge her sincerely, as it wouldn't be good if it was delayed until Lord Li's departure from the capital. How could he properly check the eyes in a rush?

Lost in her thoughts, she suddenly heard someone behind her speaking, "Younger sister, why are you in such a hurry?"

Lin Yunwan turned around and saw that it was Lu Jia who had followed her out.

Smiling, Zhuqing said, "Our eldest sister-in-law has only been released for half a day, and she's already lively and energetic again."

Although Lu Jia didn't hear what Zhuqing said, she guessed that Zhuqing wouldn't speak well of her. She walked over, glaring, ready to confront them.

Lin Yunwan just shook her head.

At the age of thirty, she still can't control her temper.

Lu Jia pursed her lips, suppressed her anger, and spoke arrogantly to Lin Yunwan, "You came to the family late, and I, as your elder sister, never had the chance to teach you. Now that I'm leaving, I can't help but offer you some advice. As an educated person, you naturally know what is written in 'The Standards for Women' and 'The Female Commandments.'"

She smiled slyly, "Don't talk about the eldest son just focusing on one woman. Even if he keeps a mistress, as the legal wife, you should openly accept her. Old Madam pampers you, allowing you to display your feminine nature, but don't get too proud. Being a woman is not easy. You don't have to serve your mother-in-law above or take care of your sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law below. Marrying into the Marquis of Wuding's residence, you should be content. Don't stir up trouble in the family in the future."

Lin Yunwan made a gesture of gratitude, "Today, I have learned. In the future, I'll look to the eldest sister-in-law as my role model."

They walked together. Lu Jia hadn't figured out anything yet, but Zhuqing, with her clever mind, asked as they walked away, "Will Sister-in-law have a chance to set an example for Madam?"

Lin Yunwan didn't say much, just replied vaguely, "Given the temper of the Eldest Master, I'm afraid we won't have to wait long."

The concubine raised by Xia Ji brought from outside the city was settled in a house by Xia Ji when setting up residences for the Xia family. It happened right under Lu Jia's nose, and it wouldn't take long for everyone to find out.

After some contemplation, Zhuqing spoke softly, "The Xia family has only been here for a short time, but Young Madam, you already know the Eldest Master's temperament like the back of your hand. You truly have a keen eye."

It was Zhuqing who had the keen eye.

Lin Yunwan and Zhuqing parted ways in front of the Yue Xing Ting. When she returned to the Chui Si Tang, Lu Chang Gong was studying in the study. He was learning quickly, almost finishing the three hundred poems.

"I think it won't take more than half a year. I can send you to the academy early. The teachers in the academy are better than me," she said.

She walked to the corridor and stepped inside. Lu Chang Gong put down his brush, stood up, and bowed, "Mother." He added, "Regarding studying, I always think that Mother teaches very well."

Nodding, Lin Yunwan glanced at what he had written. He had also composed a poem, simple yet with correct rhythm and rhyme, and the use of allusions was impressive.

Holding the stack of paper, she asked, "Chang Gong, in all this time, I've never asked you, do you like staying in the Marquis's residence?"

Lu Chang Gong raised his head and glanced at Lin Yunwan.

He lowered his head and said, "Son likes it."

Lin Yunwan gently placed the paper down, allowing him to continue studying on his own, and then she left.


Due to the recent disturbances in the mansion, the Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated in a lackluster manner. The person sent by Old Madam Lu to negotiate the annulment of the marriage had not returned, but Yan Mama had been missing for a few days and returned after the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Ping Ye wondered, "Yan Mama has never been away from Old Madam for so long. Why has she been gone for several days?"

Lin Yunwan didn't know and couldn't guess, so she asked, "Has there been any message from Old Madam Xia?"

The Xia family had found a new residence and was planning to move out tomorrow. Lin Yunwan had personally gone to urge Old Madam Xia. The old lady said she had already written a letter to Lord Li Qi but hadn't received a reply yet.

After waiting for some time, she couldn't press too frequently, but the concern lingered.

Ping Ye shook her head, "No letter yet."

Lin Yunwan couldn't help but feel a bit anxious.

Ping Ye complained, "If the Young Master had brought Lord Li Qi with him last time, it would have been better! This time Lord Li Qi is delayed by some noblewoman; who knows when he'll have the time to come!"

"What noblewoman could it be..."

Lin Yunwan played with the tea leaves using the tea lid, wondering who the noblewoman was that kept Old Madam Xia tight-lipped, making it difficult for Lord Li Qi to find any spare time.

"Well, bring the writing tools here. I'll write a letter to the family, asking Mother and Brother Yi'er to be patient and wait a bit longer."

Ping Ye went to fetch the writing tools and returned muttering some worries about Madam Lin being disappointed again.

The letter was sent out after noon. The maid who delivered the message came back with several boxes of fragrant powder and a book titled "Fragrance Catalog." It was a return gift from Lady Guo, sent in response to the Mid-Autumn Festival gift Lin Yunwan had privately sent earlier.

As peach leaves burned in the incense burner, Lin Yunwan smiled and said, "It smells good. This is a new fragrance concocted by the Lady Guo."

Lin Yunwan flipped through the "Fragrance Catalog" compiled by Lady Guo. She had heard that Lin Yunwan wanted to learn about perfume-making, so Lady Guo took the time to draft a rough guide, knowing that Lin Yunwan was currently occupied. Now, she sent it over with some gifts.

"The Lady is truly thoughtful."

Lin Yunwan was deeply moved.

In the bronze censer, the incense powder had a sleep-inducing effect, and Lin Yunwan felt drowsy as she waited for her family's response during a nap.


At the Lin residence,

The steward received the letter and read it aloud to Madam Lin. However, they were unaware that Lord Li Qi had just left the palace and was on his way there.

Qi Lingheng and Lord Li Qi shared a carriage. Lord Li Qi, a wandering physician, had an unrestrained personality and spoke bluntly, "Prince Huan, who is it that you want me to treat? I've been staying in the palace for these days, and now my whole body is itching. Today, I just want to go back and have a good sleep."

Qi Lingheng smiled faintly, "The palace has strict rules. I apologize for the trouble, Master. The patient is my master's wife. Due to a long-standing old ailment, delaying it may make it worse. I had to trouble you to make a quick trip. The wine has been prepared for you."

"After examining my master's wife, you can take all those wines back with you."

He opened the curtain, gesturing towards the carriage following them.

Lord Li Qi widened his eyes, surprised by the size of the carriage.

"Is it all filled with wine?"

Qi Lingheng nodded, "All of them are wines I've collected over the years, including Fenjiu, Wucheng wine, Qiongsu Green, and Niang'er Hong."

"Stop talking, Prince. Let the coachman hurry up!"

Lord Li Qi laughed heartily; he couldn't wait any longer.

Li Qi was a medical enthusiast with few hobbies. 

Apart from drinking, the mere mention of those wine names paired with the words "collection" was enough to make him willingly face any danger. Suddenly, Li Qi remembered his elder sister's request and casually mentioned, "My elder sister also asked me to treat a lady's eye ailment. However, it got delayed. After examining this lady, Prince, you might as well send me over to save this commoner another trip."

"Sure, no problem," Qi Lingheng replied with a faint smile.

Although Qi Lingheng exuded an aristocratic air, Li Qi felt that the prince was quite easygoing at the moment.

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