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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Family 

 Chapter 58: 

Targeted by the Serpent Prince 

Xiao Tianye sneered, "What do you mean?"

Ouyang Nuan's face revealed a hint of a smile as she replied calmly, "It means that we'd like His Highness to escort us out."

Struggling to sit up, Xiao Tianye suddenly clutched his chest, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He spoke sharply, "Don't even think about it. You won't leave here alive!"

Ouyang Nuan looked at him with a strange expression, a mix of pity and melancholy. She murmured softly, "Is there another reason for the Prince's relentless coercion?"

Xiao Tianye's expression changed, his gaze becoming even darker, but he remained silent. Ouyang Nuan's eyes involuntarily fell on Ouyang Jue, who wore a bewildered look, and her suspicions began to take shape.

Just as the commotion reached its peak, a figure swiftly dashed in. Xiao Tianye suddenly stood up, now able to clearly see the figure rushing towards them. Along the way, the guards who tried to stop him were easily knocked aside, unable to slow his momentum even in the slightest. He charged straight towards them!

"Wei Feng, how dare you! My residence is not a place you can barge into!" Xiao Tianye recognized the man as Wei Feng, the leader of the first-class guards under the Grand Princess. He immediately rebuked, "What are you trying to do?"

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Wei Feng remained silent, his gaze sweeping over the scene. Upon seeing Ouyang Nuan and her brother standing nearby, he walked up to them and said in a deep voice, "Miss Ouyang, the Grand Princess has ordered me to come and escort you."

Xiao Tianye's anger surged, and suddenly two fingers curled up to his lips, whistling a few times. In moments, countless guards flooded into the hall. Xiao Tianye spoke in a cold voice, "Seize them!"

The guards surrounded Ouyang Nuan and her group, the inner ones brandishing long swords while the outer ones drew their bows.

"Wei Feng, how dare you intrude here! You're too audacious. Release them immediately. Perhaps, for the sake of my aunt, I won't pursue this matter," Xiao Tianye demanded.

Wei Feng gave him a cold glance but remained silent, stepping forward regardless. The guards followed suit, their gleaming swords exuding a daunting aura.

At this point, Xiao Tianye was unwilling to let this sister and brother duo go. It was clear that this was not merely a spontaneous decision; there must be more to it. Perhaps—her brother saw or heard something. Or Xiao Tianye suspected her brother of eavesdropping intentionally. If that were the case, things would become troublesome. Ouyang Nuan quickly grasped the implications of the situation amid the tension, furrowing her brow in concern.

Xiao Tianye instinctively placed his hand over his heart, hesitating. Wei Feng was a highly trusted leader among the guards by the Grand Princess. Not only was he skilled in martial arts, but he also only answered to the Grand Princess's commands. In ordinary circumstances, he could not be easily subdued. If they were to unleash a barrage of arrows and kill them all here, it would be difficult to explain to the King. However, if they let Wei Feng and his men charge out, it would also lead to serious consequences.

Xiao Tianye's gaze fell upon Ouyang Nuan, his expression reflecting extreme complexity and contradiction. Finally, his lips tightened, and he uttered two words through clenched teeth: "Release arrows!"

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In Xiao Tianye's eyes, only dead men kept secrets.

Wei Feng immediately shouted, "I am a top-ranked guard under the Grand Princess! Anyone who dares to shoot recklessly will face consequences!"

The guards, who had been ready to shoot, looked at each other in confusion upon hearing Wei Feng's words, unsure of what to do next, and some glanced nervously at Xiao Tianye.

Xiao Tianye immediately rushed forward several steps, shouting loudly, "He's attempting to assassinate me! Shoot him down!"

The guards no longer hesitated, swiftly nocking arrows onto their bows. In an instant, the arrows flew like rain. Ouyang Nuan, with quick reflexes, had already pulled Ouyang Jue, who was still in a daze, behind a pillar.

Wei Feng stepped forward, drawing his longsword, and swiftly kicked down one guard. His sword flashed like snow, intercepting the first wave of arrow attacks. Seizing the opportunity, he suddenly leaped into the air, performing several acrobatic moves, slashing left and right, targeting the densely packed guards. He disrupted their formation, and most of the guards were no match for him. In the midst of the chaos, his figure soared into the sky, darting and charging!

Xiao Tianye, who had been observing the situation, suddenly felt a chill on his neck. A cold ceramic shard landed on his throat, sending shivers down his spine.

"Stop!" Ouyang Nuan's voice was not loud, but it was enough to make everyone freeze.

Xiao Tianye could never have imagined such a turn of events, let alone being held hostage by a young girl. He trembled with anger, gritting his teeth and said, "Ouyang Nuan, how dare you..."

"Shoot the horses before shooting people. Capture the leader before capturing the thief," Ouyang Nuan said with a faint smile. There was a cold sweetness in her smile. "Who made you focus all your attention on him?"

"Ouyang Nuan, what do you dare to do?" Xiao Tianye said coldly. "If I say no, what then? Do you dare to kill me?" His gaze was as icy as ever. He snorted and said, "Even if I'm captured by you today, it doesn't mean I'll agree to your terms."

“Does His Highness, the Prince, want to gamble with his life against me?" Ouyang Nuan's voice remained gentle, as if she were talking about a beautiful day for flower viewing. 

However, Xiao Tianye's face grew increasingly grim. His expression was icy, his chest heaving with agitation as he seemed to be contemplating fiercely. 

Wei Feng also widened his eyes, looking at Miss Ouyang in disbelief. He couldn't help but think, Did the Grand Princess make a mistake? Does this girl still need my help? Just as the standoff persisted, a loud and urgent report suddenly came from the door: "The Grand Princess has arrived!"

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and quickly stepped aside, releasing Xiao Tianye and retreating to the side. The broken porcelain piece in her hand was discreetly dropped to the ground without leaving a trace.

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The Grand Princess appeared at the door of the hall, accompanied by Tao Mama, who looked hurried, and the shocked Ouyang family's Old Madam Li.

"What's going on here?" The Grand Princess's stern gaze swept around. "Tianye, are you setting up such a big scene to welcome me?"

Xiao Tianye waved his hand, and all the guards immediately retreated like a tide. He stepped forward quickly and bowed respectfully, "Aunt, I apologize for the lack of proper welcome upon your arrival. Please forgive me."

As he spoke, his demeanor had returned to normal, his voice clear and respectful, his manners impeccable. He appeared as a charming and refined young gentleman, completely devoid of the previous ferocity and madness.

Ouyang Jue stood by, staring blankly. He couldn't understand how someone could change their demeanor so quickly!

The Grand Princess asked coldly, "What happened to the young master and young lady of the Ouyang family? Why were they detained by you?"

Ouyang Nuan walked briskly to the Grand Princess's side, with Ouyang Jue following closely. Xiao Tianye glanced at her and replied in a deep voice, "The young master Ouyang merely wandered into the hunting grounds by mistake, and Miss Ouyang came to find him. I brought them here to rest briefly. I was just about to report to you when you arrived."

"Mistakenly wandered? How is that possible?" Old Madam Li's face displayed a profound sense of shock as she scrutinized Ouyang Jue from head to toe, finding no injuries, which eased her concerns.

"So, what are all these guards doing here? Nuan'er, could it be that someone dared to harm you intentionally? Tell me, I'll take charge," the Grand Princess remarked, clearly not buying into Xiao Tianye's explanation.

"Oh, these guards," Xiao Tianye interjected with a chuckle, "Young Master Ouyang wanted to witness the guards' sword formation practice, so I ordered them to come in."

The Grand Princess fixed him with a steady gaze before bursting into a mocking laugh, "Tianye, are you joking with me? Instead of sending them back, you're here to watch a drill... Even your father wouldn't dare to play such tricks in front of me. Do you dare to present this excuse to your father?"

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“How to report to the Emperor is my own affair. I wouldn't dare to trouble Aunt to worry about it,” Xiao Tianye replied softly.

“Grand Princess, please rest assured,” Ouyang Nuan spoke with a gentle tone, but her words were like ice. “His Highness simply has a hospitable nature. There's no ulterior motive in him keeping us here. It's just that those guards may have misunderstood, thinking we were assassins…”

Xiao Tianye's chest tightened, but he gritted his teeth and managed not to change his expression.

The Grand Princess sneered coldly. "Enough with the formalities. Come with me, all of you."

Leaving all the guards outside, everyone reluctantly followed the Grand Princess into the inner chamber. Seated on her chair, her demeanor frosty, she demanded, "What is the meaning of all this?"

Ouyang Nuan lowered herself in a respectful curtsey, looking up as she spoke, "Please, Your Highness, intercede for us, my brother and I." She couldn't directly appeal to the Grand Princess, but if the Grand Princess offered help on her own initiative, it would carry a different weight. Moreover, after the recent turmoil, with Xiao Tianye still refusing to spare Ouyang Jue, they needed the Grand Princess's influence to exert pressure on him.

"Miss Ouyang, get up, quickly," said the Grand Princess. "Speak slowly and tell me what happened." 

Tao Mama hurried forward to assist, noticing the Grand Princess's expression, but neither of them rose; instead, Ouyang Jue knelt down beside his sister.

Ouyang Nuan remained kneeling, her gaze unwavering as she addressed the Grand Princess directly. "Your Highness, today, Prince Qin, under the pretext of my brother's accidental intrusion into the hunting grounds, sought to execute him. I received the news hastily and rushed here, pleading with him to reconsider, but he remained adamant. While my brother may have made a mistake, it does not warrant immediate execution. The hunting grounds belong to the royal family, but they are not forbidden grounds. I beseech Your Highness to investigate this matter further and grant my brother a chance to live."

Her words were straightforward and sincere, devoid of any pretense, yet each one struck the heart with its gravity. Old Madam Li's expression turned even more sour, and she dared not even look at the Grand Princess's face.

"Are you telling me that someone's life is at stake over this?" The Grand Princess's astonishment was evident. "I invited you here today with good intentions, only to have it end like this! What nonsense! Tianye, is it true that you intended to publicly execute Ouyang Jue just for accidentally intruding into the hunting grounds?!"

"Dear aunt, Young Master Ouyang did indeed intrude into the hunting grounds, and I merely joked with him about it. When Miss Ouyang suddenly arrived and witnessed the scene, misunderstandings naturally arose. Afterwards, I merely instructed someone to escort them here to rest... Could it be that our hospitality was lacking, and you both feel slighted?" 

The Grand Princess, seeing through his attempts to deflect blame, couldn't help but let out a few cold laughs. "And what do you have to say, Wei Feng?"

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Wei Feng replied honestly, "Your Highness, upon our arrival, we intended to take the people away. However, the Crown Prince ordered the guards to surround us and even commanded them to shoot arrows."

Despite Xiao Tianye's outward calmness, his heart skipped a beat. While the brother and sister could speak for themselves as the aggrieved party, Wei Feng, being aligned with the Grand Princess, would jeopardize the objectivity of the situation if he testified. 

"I sent someone here, and you dare to draw swords against them?" The Grand Princess's expression darkened instantly, her beautiful eyes now filled with infinite severity.

"I invited both of them here to rest for a while. When he barged in and immediately wanted to take people away, I naturally had to order my men to save them," the Prince Qin explained.

Miss Ouyang let out a long sigh and said, "Princess, perhaps the Prince misunderstood for a moment and didn't recognize that this person was one of your attendants!"

"Not recognize him? Miss Ouyang, you're too naive. Wei Feng has been with me for over a decade. Who in the capital doesn't know he's the commander of the guards under the Grand Princess's command? Tianye, are you getting old and your eyesight failing at such a young age?" The Grand Princess raised her eyebrows, speaking coldly.

Tianye remained calm and smiled, saying, "If Aunt doubts it, you can summon those attendants in and ask them if the commander has identified himself."

The Grand Princess retorted angrily, "Everyone here is under your control. Who dares to testify against you?"

However, Tianye showed no sign of panic on his face and calmly replied, "Although these people are with me, even I am your junior. Their status is lowly. Who would dare to deceive the Grand Princess?"

His words were as sharp as a knife, each sentence difficult to refute. The Grand Princess could no longer contain her anger and rebuked, "You truly are eloquent, daring to do but not daring to admit, aren't you? Unfortunately, no matter how you deny it, you can't deny the truth. Could it be that someone is falsely accusing you for no reason?"

Watching Tianye, Miss Ouyang couldn't help but admire him even more. If one were to talk about being ruthless and thick-skinned, if Tianye acknowledged being second, it's likely no one else would dare claim to be first again. Compared to him, the likes of the Second Branch of the Lins and Ouyangs were simply child's play. It was truly foolish of her brother to provoke such a person for no reason at all.

Tianye remained calm and said, "I also don't understand why Miss Ouyang would fabricate such a story out of thin air, just as I don't understand why the Grand Princess, without any evidence, immediately believed an outsider over me. Could it be that the Grand Princess is venting her anger over Emperor's affairs onto me..."

The Chief Guard's heart sank as he suddenly realized his mistake. He should have remained a bystander from start to finish, rather than intervening and giving testimony. Originally, it was Miss Ouyang and her brother accusing Tianye, but by interfering and testifying, it seemed like he had inadvertently involved the Grand Princess in the conflict. Once things escalated to this point, it might turn into a power struggle between the Prince Qin and the Crown Prince.

Tianye continued in a calm tone, "Since Chief Commander Wei wants to speak, why not make things clear? Did you see anyone attempting to harm the Ouyang siblings when you entered? Or could the Grand Princess ask Miss Ouyang if I showed her any disrespect?"

Wei Feng didn't expect the Prince to be so sharp-tongued. He hesitated before responding, "That's because I arrived just in time. You hadn't had the chance to do anything yet..."

Tianye, who had been waiting for this moment, smiled coldly and replied calmly, "Chief Commander Wei insists that I have malicious intentions. I won't argue. The Grand Princess is closer to Miss Ouyang and Chief Commander Wei than to me, her own nephew. That's because of our differing political views. I dare not hold any grudges. But may I ask Miss Ouyang, did your brother have any injuries on him if I truly intended to harm you both? How could I allow you to stand here unharmed and complain to the Grand Princess if I truly wanted to harm you?"

The Grand Princess was so enraged that her hands felt cold, fearing that even facing thousands of enemy soldiers on the battlefield wouldn't compare to the chilling words of her nephew before her. Just as she was about to retort angrily, Nuan's calm voice sounded beside her, "Your Highness, distinguishing right from wrong isn't actually difficult. Simply separate your five hundred soldiers and interrogate them separately. Someone will surely tell the truth."

Tianye was shocked, turning to glare at Nuan incredulously.

Chief Commander Wei, sensing the urgency of the situation, had no choice but to speak out impolitely, "I wanted to take them away because of the urgency." 

However, Nuan ignored him and continued, "The Crown Prince ordered the guards to shoot arrows indiscriminately to stop us. All the guards witnessed this. If Your Highness randomly selects three individuals for separate interrogation now, they will reveal the truth. If what the Prince said is true, that we were merely guests, I, Nuan, am willing to kowtow to him and admit fault."

Everyone was stunned into silence. Tianye, in particular, was taken aback by Nuan's unexpected courage, feeling his heart in disarray and his face as pale as snow.

"What else do you have to say?" The Grand Princess's face was as dark as a storm cloud, unable to contain her anger.

Tianye gritted his teeth and said, "Since Miss Ouyang and Chief Commander Wei accuse me of wrongdoing at every turn, I dare not argue further, nor do I dare to request any evidence. I only seek Your Highness's fair judgment. If you also believe that I am at fault, I will accept punishment without complaint."

His strategic retreat left the Grand Princess somewhat hesitant, while Old Madam Li looked on with concern and worry. The Grand Princess was known for her strong and decisive actions, and the Crown Prince was known for his violent temper. These two figures alone were troublesome enough. The looming conflict between the Crown Prince and Prince Qin was even more terrifying. The Ouyang family was just a small Ministry of Personnel official. Being embroiled in such a dispute would be akin to walking into a fire.

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Upon hearing this, Ouyang Nuan widened her clear and beautiful eyes, looking at the Grand Princess and saying, "Princess, you and the Prince are family. Please don't let the royal harmony suffer for the sake of upholding justice for us. The Prince is right; today's incident was just a misunderstanding. Young Master Ouyang's accidental intrusion into the hunting ground was the initial cause, and the Prince acted out of momentary anger. It's all Young Master Ouyang's fault. The Prince did nothing wrong. Please don't blame him."

"Jue'er, did you hear that?" Nuan said softly. "It's just a misunderstanding. You should apologize to the Prince, and that will be the end of it."

Ouyang Jue looked at his sister's long eyelashes fluttering towards him, immediately realizing his mistake. Large teardrops fell down one by one, biting his lip but not making a sound, his big eyes moistened, choked up only to say, "Your Highness, it's all my fault. Please don't argue with the princess anymore. She is your aunt, it's not right."

Ouyang Nuan nodded, looking at Ouyang Jue with relief, saying, "Jue'er, it's good that you realize it now. Grandmother is also here, she is the elder. Today, even if you're not at fault, you still need to admit it. You can't let her worry about you."

This soft-spoken remark was like a slap on Xiao Tianye's face! Ouyang Jue was just a ten-year-old child, yet he knew how to respect his elders. Clearly, he was not at fault but still admitted his mistake. As a prince of the royal family, arguing proudly in front of his aunt, Ouyang Nuan's words clearly meant—

Old Madam Li, seeing Ouyang Jue crying pitifully, thought he was just an ignorant child and advised him, "Silly child, why are you crying? It's just an unintentional intrusion, it's a mistake. With the Prince's magnanimity, he will surely forgive you..."

Xiao Tianye's heart sank at the revelation.

Ouyang Nuan's face was full of worry and concern as she pleaded, "Master, Jue is just a child. Even if he did something wrong, since he has apologized, please show him mercy!"

Under Ouyang Nuan's compelling gaze, Xiao Tianye grit his teeth and said, "He not only intruded but also released the deer I intended to present to Imperial Grandfather!"

Ouyang Nuan nodded gently and said, "Indeed, Jue was in the wrong. Moreover, today coincides with the memorial day of Empress Xiaozhen Xian, the founding empress. It is indeed inappropriate for hunting. I will have Jue personally hunt a deer another day to compensate for you, Your Highness." 

Upon hearing this, the Grand Princess was furious, "Even on the memorial day of the founding empress, you dared to hunt? Are you insane? Not to mention if you were caught today, even if you were presented to the emperor, wouldn't it publicly reveal that you were hunting on the memorial day of the founding empress?"

Xiao Tianye's heart trembled. Hesitantly, he said, "Moreover, Ouyang Jue and I had a slight altercation, which angered me..."

Ouyang Nuan, feeling aggrieved, said, "Jue, this is where you're wrong. What's the big deal? Why must you argue with the Prince?" Her face was filled with sorrowful grievance as she continued, "Sister has always taught you to endure, no matter how angry the Prince gets. You must consider how cautious Father is in his official duties. As children, we shouldn't add to Father's worries. Do you want to bring shame to our family? What status does the Prince have, and what status do you have?" Ouyang Nuan couldn't continue speaking. Her voice choked up, and she turned away, covering her face as if she were deeply distressed. 

The Grand Princess, furious, knocked over a teacup, sending porcelain shards scattering on the floor. She seemed to be boiling with rage, her face ashen. Her trembling hand couldn't be restrained as she reprimanded Xiao Tianye, "Did you hear that? Despite your age, you're less sensible than a girl! Young Master Ouyang, despite being just a ten-year-old child, even if he said something offensive to you, you should forgive him out of respect for his father's position as a Ministry of Personnel's attendant. But what about you? You're quick to draw swords at every turn. Where is your royal demeanor? Do you want the censors to report you to the Emperor and accuse you of wanton killing?"

Xiao Tianye was taken aback, immediately realizing that Ouyang Nuan was employing the same tactic of retreat to advance. While ostensibly blaming Ouyang Jue, every word was actually directed at himself, accusing him of bullying others just because he was of royal descent. 

She had a clever mind indeed. He knew that His Majesty detested princes breaking the law. Not to mention himself, just last year, when Prince Dai went to the theater and got into a dispute with commoners, allowing his guards to injure someone, the censors reported it to the Emperor. As a result, Prince Dai was stripped of his title of prince by the Emperor. If it weren't for the Empress Dowager pleading for him, he might have been sent to the Imperial Clan Court for punishment. 

Just as he was about to speak up to defend himself—

Ouyang Nuan acted even faster. 

She suddenly knelt down, her expression serious as she said, "Please calm down, Princess. It's Nuan'er's fault. I was deeply angered when I saw Jue almost lose his life due to the Prince's fury, so I spoke recklessly. Today's misunderstanding is not entirely the Prince's fault. In ordinary families, such incidents happen and are forgotten. But, Princess, you and the Prince come from royal backgrounds. If today's quarrel were to reach His Majesty's ears and be manipulated by malicious individuals to sow discord, it would be irreparable! Please, Princess, think twice."

Xiao Tianye was somewhat stunned. He was always eloquent and persuasive, a skill even praised by the Emperor. However, in front of Ouyang Nuan, those tactics seemed to have no effect at all. Initially, he wanted to argue that the Princess, as an elder, was aiding outsiders in bullying him, a junior. 

He thought that the Princess, in order to avoid worsening the conflict, would let the matter go. However, Ouyang Nuan turned the tables on him, portraying him as a member of the royal family oppressing a young official's child. 

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Unconsciously, she made Ouyang Jue, the troublemaker, into the victim. Before he could react, she then implied that his conflict with the Princess would benefit others. In this way, even if his grandfather, the Emperor, found out, he would only order him to apologize. 

This Ouyang Nuan presented him with a challenge like never before.

Xiao Tianye looked at Ouyang Nuan's upright posture, her beautiful face, her cold and stubborn expression, and those fiery eyes burning like flames. 

Suddenly, he felt a wave of dizziness, as if something had crushed his chest, causing inexplicable pain. He made a quick decision and showed a deeply remorseful expression, saying, "Miss Ouyang is truly wise and understands righteousness. I am ashamed of my inferiority. Today's misunderstanding was indeed my fault for being too stubborn. Now, I sincerely apologize to the Ouyang family. I will also send gifts soon to express my sincerity. Please forgive my momentary confusion, Aunt."

The Grand Princess had already considered the implications. On one hand, escalating the situation would exacerbate the conflict between the Crown Prince and Prince Qin. On the other hand, spreading the matter would only harm Ouyang Nuan and her brother. It was Xiao Tianye's relentless persistence that had infuriated her so much, but seeing the current situation, she eased her anger and nodded, saying, "As long as you know your mistake!"

Ouyang Nuan lowered her head, thinking, 'If only you hadn't grit your teeth while saying you understand righteousness, I would be even happier.'

Old Madam Li, seeing such a turn of events, immediately felt relieved. In her view, avoiding offending Prince Qin while pleasing the Grand Princess was the best outcome. She had been extremely worried when Xiao Tianye had been so aggressive earlier, insisting on punishing Ouyang Jue. 

She hadn't expected Nuan'er to deftly navigate the situation with just a few words, which truly caught her off guard. She repeatedly expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Grand Princess, for upholding justice. Thank you, Your Highness, for your magnanimity. Nuan'er, Jue'er, you should also thank them."

Ouyang Nuan and Ouyang Jue bowed to the Grand Princess and Xiao Tianye. The Grand Princess nodded slightly, while Lady Li smiled. Only Xiao Tianye's expression was inscrutable, more like a grimace than a smile.

With the matter settled, the Grand Princess and Old Madam Li left first. Ouyang Nuan and Ouyang Jue followed behind. Just as they were about to leave the inner hall, Xiao Tianye suddenly chased after them and called out, "Let me escort you."

The Grand Princess seemed to ignore him, and no one turned back.

"Today, you've really stolen the show," Xiao Tianye said, looking at Ouyang Nuan coldly.

"I've let it go. Are you still clinging to it?" she retorted.

"No woman has ever dared to treat me like this. What you've done today, I will never forget," he replied icily.

"If I had been just a moment later, Jue'er would have died by your hand. Even if I had tried my best, I might not have been able to save him. Do you realize that?" Ouyang Nuan's tone was calm but solemn. "If you harm my brother even the slightest bit, whether you're the Crown Prince or from the imperial family, I will stop at nothing to avenge him, even if it means sacrificing everything to bring you down!"

Since she started speaking, Xiao Tianye had sensed a hidden anger in her. Initially, he thought she was merely afraid of his relentless pursuit. But now, seeing her determination, it seemed she was willing to go to any lengths to protect Ouyang Jue. "Do you dare to say such words to me?" Xiao Tianye's face turned slightly pale.

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"Even a mud figure has some fire in it. Although I'm a woman with no strength to speak of, I also have the most cherished person. If you insist on pushing Jue'er into a corner, I won't just sit idly by!" Ouyang Nuan chuckled coldly, half jokingly and half seriously.

Onlookers could see them talking, but they didn't know what they were saying. However, they all noticed the change in the Prince's usually handsome face.

"Whatever the Prince plans to do at the hunting grounds has nothing to do with us. But if you insist on troubling us, I, Ouyang Nuan am not afraid of trouble. From now on, I want Jue'er to live peacefully and worry-free. Even if a single hair on my brother's head is harmed, I will hold your Qin Prince Manor responsible!" 

Xiao Tianye was taken aback, slowly turning his eyes. After a moment, he said, "Are you saying that if something happens to Ouyang Jue, no matter who is responsible, you'll blame it on me?"

"Isn't that right?" Ouyang Nuan stared him down. "My Jue'er is obedient and never causes trouble. The only person he's offended is Prince Qin. If he truly gets injured or falls ill, it must be related to you! If that day comes, I'll come for your life as payment, and let the Prince Qin taste the pain of losing a beloved child!"

Looking at Ouyang Nuan's assertive demeanor, Xiao Tianye's expression changed. He never expected Ouyang Nuan to protect her brother so fiercely, even willing to risk her life to defend him. A mere daughter of an official, where did she get such courage and determination? 

She dared to challenge him, a Prince, and still walk away unscathed! She was the first woman in his life to dare to toy with him publicly and challenge his authority yet still emerge unharmed! He believed that everything she said was serious. If Ouyang Jue were truly harmed in the future, she would spare no effort to seek revenge for him.

"Do you really believe you have such power?" Xiao Tianye looked at her coldly.

Ouyang Nuan smiled lightly, her eyes gentle but her tone icy. "The Prince is welcome to try."

"Are you threatening me?"

"You've said that twice today already," Ouyang Nuan's smile remained humble, but her words were firm. "Prince Ming is leaving the capital today, and most of the royal princes and nobles are there to see him off. The fact that the Prince chose this moment to appear at the hunting grounds suggests he's waiting for someone, doesn't it?"

Xiao Tianye's eyes were filled with chilling light as he said coldly, "You dare to speak nonsense. I don't know what you're talking about!"

"It doesn't matter whether the Prince knows or not. What matters is if someone hears that Prince Qin is summoning someone here, saying something he doesn't want others to know, and that's why he's eager to kill someone. With such rumors..."

"It's just gossip. The Emperor won't believe it!"

"Throughout history, the human mind has been the most unpredictable. You can never be sure of understanding another person's thoughts completely. Even between father and son who were once close, they can be eroded by rumors. Although the Emperor trusts the Prince, don't forget, the Crown Prince is the most trusted person of the Emperor. At that time—"

Xiao Tianye's anger burned even fiercer because of Ouyang Nuan's indifferent expression. His suppressed, but his rage surged uncontrollably. He couldn't help but grab Ouyang Nuan's arm and pull her forcefully towards him, his resentful breath almost scorching her icy skin.

"Listen, Ouyang Nuan!" Xiao Tianye's voice seemed to be squeezed out from between clenched teeth. "If you dare to spread these rumors, I can make your Ouyang family perish in an instant!"

Ouyang Nuan looked coldly at him and said, "I know that you aristocrats are not afraid to do the most sinister and shameless things. I also know that the cold arrows you shoot out cannot be resisted even by the strongest. But I still want to warn you. I will never allow you to treat my brother as a pawn, to manipulate and sacrifice at will! If you dare to harm my brother, I will make sure the Prince Qin Mansion, which you have been planning for years, ends completely. Do you understand?"

A surge of heat rose in Xiao Tianye's heart, and a bitter smile appeared on his lips. There was no familial love, no brotherly affection in the royal family; his heart had long grown cold, his blood chilled. But Ouyang Nuan's protective love for her brother was like a brand seared into his marrow, unforgettable.

In his trembling gaze, suddenly appeared the angry face of Ouyang Jue. The young man lunged forward with a murderous intent and fiercely bit into Xiao Tianye's wrist!

"Stop!" Xiao Tianye couldn't bear the intense pain and immediately released his grip. Ouyang Nuan's expression turned stern as she stepped in front of Xiao Tianye, blocking him, and said sharply, "Jue, have you forgotten what I told you? When will you stop being so reckless? Haven't you caused enough trouble?"

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"But he..." Ouyang Jue's voice trailed off as he immediately backed away, but his large eyes were filled with hurt.

"Jue!" Ouyang Nuan reprimanded sharply. "You must always remember your identity! Apologize to His Highness immediately!"

Ouyang Jue's body trembled slightly, and he tightly pressed his lips together. His handsome face was flushed, and he stubbornly turned away.

Xiao Tianye shook his wrist and furrowed his brow. "Forget it."

"No, he must remember this," Ouyang Nuan's expression was as cold as water. "Jue, will you apologize?"

Ouyang Jue hadn't expected his sister to insist like this. His face turned red, and he struggled to hold back tears, his chest heaving and the muscles on his cheeks tense as if he were on the verge of crying.

Ouyang Nuan sighed softly, her heart melting once again. She slowly approached and took his hand, whispering, "Listen to your sister, apologize to His Highness..." She could afford to offend the other party, relying on the fact that she was a weak woman and Xiao Tianye couldn't openly turn against her. However, it was different for Jue. He still had to establish himself in the court in the future. There was really no benefit in having enmity with Xiao Tianye.

"Go and apologize to His Highness," she urged.

Ouyang Jue hung his head in thought for a moment, then suddenly raised his eyes, glaring fiercely at Xiao Tianye and said firmly, "I won't!" His expression was serious, his tone solemn as he continued, "Whoever dares to bully my sister, I will fight them with all my might! So, I won't apologize."

Ouyang Nuan looked at him, pondering for a moment before saying, "You go ahead first. Your sister still has something to discuss with His Highness."

Ouyang Jue hesitated for a moment. "What if he bullies you again?"

"Who is His Highness, how could he bully a girl like me," Ouyang Nuan said calmly. "Grandmother has already been greatly frightened today. Do you want to make her suffer even more?"

Ouyang Jue couldn't help but pause for a moment before finally walking away with hesitant steps.

Ouyang Nuan continued, "Your Highness, I believe the Qin Palace has the ability to destroy the Ouyang family. But can you silence the murmurs of the world? The Qin Palace is like precious porcelain, while the Ouyang family is nothing more than insignificant rubble. If they collide, who will be damaged? At such a critical moment, reputation is crucial. Jue is just a child who doesn't understand anything. Let's pretend that today we never met at the hunting ground. Let's let all the unpleasantness pass. Is that not better?"

肖天烨 furrowed his brow, deeply aware that she was not entirely wrong, yet feeling extremely uncomfortable. He found it difficult to describe the sense of disgust he felt.

As he scrutinized every subtle change in his expression, Ouyang Nuan's tone remained cold and indifferent. "Today, in order to escape danger, I once used you as leverage. I understand the discomfort in the Prince's heart. I know where your bottom line lies, so I won't cross it. However, I also have my own methods and principles. His Highness may need to gradually adapt. Furthermore, it's not just you who dislikes me; I also dislike you. But for the sake of the greater cause, what's a little personal discomfort to the Prince? Enduring this indignity, what's the big deal?"

With everything she wanted to say now expressed, Xiao Tianye earnestly gazed at her. "I won't pursue today's matter with Ouyang Jue anymore. But if next time you dare to pretend not to know me intentionally, that simply won't do."

Ouyang Nuan was taken aback for a moment, but when she looked up, she noticed a gleam in Xiao Tianye's eyes, seemingly meaningful. It startled her, and she lowered her head, saying, "Thank you for your generosity, Your Highness. Ouyang Nuan takes her leave."

"Not at all," Xiao Tianye replied indifferently. "But don't spoil Ouyang Jue too much. His straightforward nature doesn't quite suit the court. It might be better to send him to the military for training early on, so he learns what true manliness is. Otherwise, being so young yet already scheming so much might not be a good thing."

Ouyang Nuan didn't look back, swiftly walking away.

Xiao Tianye's gaze remained fixed on her since earlier, like a nail piercing her figure. Even after she disappeared from sight, he still didn't retract his gaze.

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Ouyang Nuan caught up to the Grand Princess but found that she was waiting in for her. Her heart skipped a beat, but she approached slowly, saying, "Thank you, Grand Princess, for intervening on behalf of us siblings today. Ouyang Nuan will never forget your kindness."

"Just now, I was listening to Master Huian's sermon. Were you thinking of coming to me for help?" The Grand Princess smiled faintly, pride mingling with a hint of coldness in her eyes. "Why did you hold back from saying it then?"

Ouyang Nuan lowered her head, remaining silent.

"In fact, you calculated that I would come to rescue you, didn't you?" The Grand Princess remarked.

Ouyang Nuan, not surprised by being seen through, recognized that there was no need to play games in front of someone so versed in politics. She simply admitted, "Yes."

"You're quite audacious!" The Grand Princess's expression turned completely cold, her demeanor icy.

"Because I met the Grand Princess by chance. Her Highness had no obligation to save my brother. I could only gamble that if the Grand Princess took pity on us, and we would be safe. If not, then it would be our lives on the line!" Ouyang Nuan explained slowly.

The Grand Princess, despite being somewhat defused by these words, still harbored doubts. With a raised eyebrow, she asked, "What exactly did Ouyang Jue do to anger Tianye? He's not an impulsive person, so there must be another reason for such a public spectacle today!"

Ouyang Nuan shook her head. "I don't know the specific reason, and since it's already in the past, it's not convenient for my siblings and me to get involved further. Your Highness can investigate if you wish."

The Grand Princess gave a faint smile. "The more I publicly inquire about the matter, the more resentment he'll direct towards me. Naturally, he'll be less inclined to trouble you for the time being. You've surely already considered this, haven't you?"

Ouyang Nuan lowered her head and smiled. "Would the Grand Princess be concerned about the resentment of Tianye, the heir to the Prince of Qin?"

The Grand Princess's face showed a hint of a cold smile. "Him? He's just a junior; I don't take him seriously. But Ouyang Nuan, I must remind you. Tianye may be young, but he is incredibly cunning and ruthless. Things are not as simple as you think. Your actions today have drawn too much attention. I'm afraid he might have his eyes set on you completely."

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