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Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 57: 

It's Messy

"Abducting someone's wife is a violation of the imperial law. Brother, you're confused!" Lujia's face turned pale. She couldn't believe that her outstanding younger brother would do such a reckless thing. She also regretted egging on her mother-in-law to come here. With this family shame exposed, how would her mother-in-law face people when she returned to her husband's family?

Lin Yunwan found it amusing. Lu Jia was now scared, but this matter was far more complicated than just breaking the law.

It seemed that Lu Jia was also surprised. She came forward anxiously, accusing, "If the heir wants to take a concubine, why not propose a marriage? The family of the girl involved has reported this matter to the magistrate... I'm afraid the matter has already reached the Marquis of Wuding's mansion!"

As the matter of the Lu Jia family was likely to be brought to the court, the nightmare of almost being stripped of the title seven years ago might become a reality. This statement left everyone uneasy and anxious.

The expression on the face of the Old Madam of the Xia family also turned unpleasant. 

Given the marital ties between the Xia family and the Lu family, if the Lu family indeed faced significant trouble, it could potentially affect the Xia family as well.

Old Madam Lu couldn't help but cast a reproachful look at Lu Zhengliu.

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Had it not been for maintaining her composure, she might have scolded him on the spot! 

Lu Zhengliu's back was covered in cold sweat. The situation had unfolded suddenly, and he had been focused on saving a life, failing to consider the consequences of the fabricated story about Ge Bao'er's existing engagement.

He couldn't afford to consider Ge Bao'er lying on the bed. 

He hurriedly explained, "Just now, saving my cousin was a last resort... There is nothing between us." But who would believe him! 

With so many maids present, why did he have to be the one to save her?

Moreover, he even left Master Li Qi behind and ran over from a considerable distance. 

If the two of them were truly unrelated, that would be really strange! Lin Yunwan looked at him with a complex and disappointed expression, not believing him at all.

Old Madam Xia clearly didn't believe it either. Lu Jia wanted to speak up for her brother, but didn't know where to start.

This could cost them dearly!

In her panic, Madam Wei roughly pulled Ge Bao'er off the bed, gripping her shoulders tightly and demanding, "Miss Ge, what's going on? Why would you try to hang yourself? You better explain it clearly and quickly!"

Lu Zhengliu glanced at Ge Bao'er, his eyes carrying a hint of coercion.

Regarding taking a concubine, he had promised to consider it.

She should have some sense of propriety and not cause harm to him and the entire Marquis of Wuding's residence at this critical moment!

Ge Bao'er got down from the bed, her body kneeling softly on the ground.

She lowered her head, tears welling up in her eyes as she cried, "Old Madam, this unfilial granddaughter is already a lonely and helpless person... now that things have come to this, please punish me as you see fit."

This was an admission of guilt!

Old Madam Lu's eyes widened.

While others were still unaware, she felt a taste of blood in her throat. Her legs became stiff, and though she stood firm, her mind began to blur.

Old Madam Xia shook her head disdainfully and said solemnly, "Having a marriage contract but not maintaining a virtuous conduct as a wife, it's not a pity to execute her!"

Lamenting, Lin Yunwan said, "Old Madam Xia, you are right. Someone, bring a rope."

Even Ge Bao'er forgot to cry, wearing a face of panic.

How could Lin Yunwan dare to actually execute her?

In name, she wasn't a person of the Lu family, and Lin Yunwan, even as the madam of the Lu family, didn't have the authority to determine her life or death!

This matter should be resolved with the Lu family stepping forward to "cancel the engagement" on her behalf. Everyone would then be free from any consequences. Later, Lin Yunwan could generously propose herself to become Lu Zhengliu's concubine. How could they possibly hang her!

The others were also astonished, looking at Lin Yunwan in surprise. While she could say such things, it wasn't really the Lu family's place to intervene, especially considering she was just a daughter-in-law.

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Old Madam Lu spat out a mouthful of blood. 

Madam Wei screamed in horror, "Oh my heavens! Quick, fetch the doctor!"

Lu Zhengliu stepped forward, embracing Old Madam Lu.

Yan Mama, who had been assisting Old Madam Lu, turned around and saw that Qing Ge'er, upon hearing about the hanging of Ge Bao'er, rushed over with his mouth wide open, seemingly about to shout "mother."

"Oh dear, he can't shout randomly!" She hurriedly covered Qing Ge'er's mouth.

Qing Ge'er bit into Yan Mama's hand, causing her intense pain.

"Ouch, oh my..." The scene in the side yard became chaotic.

Even Zhuqing felt a bit flustered and said, "Old Madam Xia, you're knowledgeable in medicine, right? Hurry, give our Old Madam some acupuncture!"

Old Madam Xia, with a dark expression, nervously declined, "My skills are not proficient. It's better to quickly summon a doctor."

In fact, Old Madam Xia had no medical skills at all. It was just another fabrication made up by Lu Jia to instigate her to come and witness the embarrassing situation in the Lu family!

Old Madam Xia glared at Lu Jia again. Lu Jia, fearing her grandmother's health, paid no attention to her mother-in-law's disapproving look and assisted in applying pressure to the acupoint under the nose.

Lin Yunwan calmly walked into the courtyard and efficiently instructed the servants to evacuate the area. 

She urged Lu Zhengliu to take Lady Lu to Yu Shou Tang to see the doctor. She also apologized and saw off Old Madam Xia with courtesy, and then sent Yuan Mama to console the guests in the garden.

Upon seeing Lin Yunwan's composed demeanor, Madam Wei immediately felt relieved. 

Before following them to Yu Shou Tang, she turned around and, looking at the pale-faced Ge Bao'er, slapped her and spat out, "Despicable!"

They ordered someone to tie up Ge Bao'er. Killing her was not an option, but tying her up seemed like a reasonable measure. This day's feast could be described as a complete mess.

Liu Zhengliu and Madam Wei stayed by the Old Madam's side, while Lin Yunwan had to attend to other matters. 

Madam Wei urged her to go back and rest, emphasizing the importance of her presence at home. She advised, "The family relies on you, and if I'm inconvenienced, it doesn't matter. You mustn't exhaust yourself." 

Handling all these messy situations would be impossible for her alone.

While taking care of the Old Madam, Madam Wei occasionally cried and scolded in front of Liu Zhengliu and Yan Mama, saying, "It's all because of that little vixen! She's nothing but trouble! In my opinion, she should be strangled!" 

Liu Zhengliu carried a heavy heart, his face darkened. 

After a busy day and learning about Lord Li Qi's situation, he wanted to apologize to Lin Yunwan. 

However, seeing the disappointment and disgust on her face, he couldn't find the right words.

Finally, under the cover of night, he went to meet with Ge Bao'er.

"Are you satisfied now?" He looked coldly at Ge Baor, sitting on the ground, regretting that he had been too soft today. 

"I always thought, you're Qing Ge'er's mother and my childhood friend. Even if I'm a bit shallow-minded, I can't just stand by and do nothing."

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"As soon as I heard you were in trouble, I rushed over to save you."

"But you wanted to harm me and grandmother..."

Ge Bao'er shook her head, crying. "A'Zheng, I never thought of harming you or the Marquis's residence! Qing'er is still in the Lu family; how could I possibly do such a thing? I didn't expect it to turn out like this."

Liu Zheng left with a stern face, leaving behind a warning for her, "Bao'er, don't tarnish the bond we shared in our youth."

He didn't order her to be untied.

Ge Baor felt a bit anxious; would he really not cherish their past connection?


Lu Zhengliu made a return trip to the Yue Xing Ting.

Zhuqing was also awake; she dared not sleep, fearing that if something happened to the Old Madam, she might be needed. She stayed in the room waiting for news.

"Young Master, why have you come?"

Unexpectedly, it was Lu Zhengliu who arrived first at this moment.

"Pour me a cup of tea."

Lu Zhengliu frowned, looking disoriented and despondent as he sat in Zhuqing's room.

Zhuqing handed over a cup of hot water, saying, "It's too late for tea; it's not good to drink tea at this hour. Please have something warm first, it'll be soothing for your stomach."

Her care was always considerate. 

Lu Zhengliu accepted the water in silence and drank it in one gulp. 

Zhuqing stood beside him and softly said, "Young Master, regarding today's events, may I share a few words?"

Lu Zhengliu frowned slightly but didn't stop her. 

Zhuqing continued, "Cousin is quite calculating! You may not be aware, but she not only chose the right moment for you to rescue her, she also stirred things up when you were supposed to take Lord Li Qi to check on Madam Lin's eye condition. She sowed discord between you and Young Madam."

"Today, Young Master Qing Ge'er even had a conflict with Young Master Chang Gong in front of Old Madam and Young Madam. Otherwise, who would have known that you went to save Cousin?"

"In the midst of it all, there is no room for error even for a moment. If there's the slightest flaw, things can easily get out of hand."

"Cousin appears simple and hasn't read many books, but she seems like the Lady Zhuge of the inner courtyard. Despite being confined to the side courtyard, she still strategizes and calculates everything, playing everyone like puppets."

"Young Master, I can't help but have some thoughts. How did Miss Bao'er manage to convince Old Madam to bring her into the mansion? Is she truly as helpless and alone as Old Madam describes?"

"I always feel it might not be as simple as that."

A sudden heaviness settled in Lu Zhengliu's heart...

Was it really him who found Bao'er, or was Bao'er waiting for Qing Ge'er to grow up and intentionally let him find her?

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