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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Family 

 Chapter 55: 

Ambitious Young Ladies 

Lin Yuanrou's face showed a faint smirk, thinking to herself, 'The Grand Princess has always detested young, beautiful, and talented women. You, Ouyang Nuan, are famous throughout the capital. Let's see how you show off in front of the Grand Princess now.'

Ouyang Nuan took a deep breath and approached slowly. She said, "Ouyang Nuan pays respects to the Grand Princess."

"It's you—" The Grand Princess stroked the fur of the lion-dog, her eyes showing a hint of surprise. Her gaze lingered on Ouyang Nuan for a long moment before a cold smile crept onto her lips. In a low voice, she said, "I've seen the imitation of that longevity painting. It's quite clever. The Crown Prince and I both admire calligraphy, especially since we were taught by Master Zhang Ningyu since childhood. I've heard that your calligraphy fully embodies the essence of Marquis Zhenguo. I wonder, in your opinion, whose calligraphy surpasses—Master Zhang's or that of your maternal grandfather?"

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With those words, even Madame Zhou, who was usually composed, had her expression change. The two individuals mentioned by the Grand Princess had already passed away. The old Marquis was indeed a renowned calligrapher, while Master Zhang was a contemporary master of Confucianism and the Crown Prince's esteemed teacher. Saying that the old Marquis's calligraphy surpassed Master Zhang's would be disrespectful to the Crown Prince, and claiming that the old Marquis's calligraphy was inferior to Master Zhang's would be disrespectful to her ancestors. Ouyang Nuan was caught in a dilemma no matter how she responded! 

The Grand Princess's words were clearly meant to make things difficult for a twelve-year-old girl! Old Madam Li looked at her granddaughter with extreme concern. For the first time, she regretted her decision to come and offer incense. If Ouyang Nuan gave a wrong answer and offended the Grand Princess, the Ouyang family would likely face repercussions as well!

Ouyang Nuan's voice was composed, with a faint smile as she replied, "Respectfully informing the Grand Princess, my maternal grandfather had sufficient scholarly knowledge but lacked the natural talent of Master Zhang, who possessed extraordinary innate abilities despite his slightly lesser academic prowess. During my grandfather's lifetime, he often told me that his calligraphy skills were merely the result of rigid practice and lacked any exceptional artistry; it was only his diligence that made them passable! In contrast, Master Zhang was gifted with both innate talent and exceptional skill, truly deserving the title of a master calligrapher. It is regrettable that both have passed away. If they were still alive, a public comparison of their abilities would indeed be a magnificent event in the mortal realm."

Madam Zhou almost couldn't hold back her laughter. Everyone knew that the Old Marquis was meticulous in nature, even in his calligraphy, while Master Zhang's brush followed his heart, displaying boundless talent. Yet she said that only a true comparison between them could determine superiority, clearly knowing that the Grand Princess couldn't bring them forth for comparison now! Truly cunning! 

However, although she was shrewd, her words were not without basis. The Old Marquis indeed pursued strict adherence to form in his calligraphy, while Master Zhang was known for his free-spirited style. She understood the characteristics of these two individuals very well, and even the Grand Princess couldn't fault her words.

Upon hearing this, the Grand Princess paused for a moment, a hint of mockery flashing across her face. She said, "The Marquis lived a life of integrity and selflessness, yet he has such an eloquent granddaughter. Truly remarkable. I ask you a simple question of who is superior and who is inferior, yet you prattle on so much. Are you mocking my lack of eloquence?"

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Everyone was caught off guard by the Grand Princess's tough stance. All eyes turned to Ouyang Nuan, especially those of Madam Jiang, who seemed to relish the drama. 

Just last year, at a flower-viewing banquet, the daughter of a Ministry of Works official inadvertently offended the Grand Princess with a single misspoken word. The Grand Princess ordered her to be punished with twenty slaps and detained for three days. It wasn't until the Ministry of Works official begged on his knees before the Emperor that the Grand Princess reluctantly released her. 

She was the esteemed daughter of a high-ranking official, yet the Grand Princess treated her as a mere servant, showing no regard for her dignity. Such behavior was simply incomprehensible. However, who dared to speak out? Everyone in the world was but a servant to the royal family, and that was an indisputable fact. If Ouyang Nuan were to offend the Grand Princess, it would be a perilous situation. 

Moreover, it was rumored that the daughter of that official had reached the age of eighteen and still remained unmarried. It was understandable—who would dare to marry a woman who had offended the royal family? It wasn't as if they were seeking trouble.

Ouyang Nuan's face showed no signs of nervousness or fear. She calmly replied, "If the Grand Princess wishes for me to compare the two, it's not due to any artful language or charm on my part. It's simply that Master Zhang's compositions lack structure, while my grandfather's lack vivacity. Each has their strengths and weaknesses."

Her serene and composed demeanor, gentle eyes shimmering with captivating light, suddenly cast a chilling spell upon the previously irate Grand Princess. The turmoil in her heart dissipated in an instant, leaving behind a refreshing calmness. The anger that had surged within her seemed to unconsciously diminish by three degrees. Yet, a trace of lingering heat remained: "Oh, do go on. But be warned, if you speak poorly, do not blame me for turning cold."

What constitutes "good" and "bad" depends entirely on pleasing the Grand Princess. If it pleases her, it's good; if it displeases her, it's bad. The boundary here is the most difficult to navigate. Ouyang Nuan sighed inwardly, then continued in a measured tone: "My grandfather's calligraphy is robust and vibrant, every stroke a masterpiece. He claims to be cautious, but in reality, it means that if he doesn't wield his brush boldly, his heart and hand cannot synchronize. The characters he produces lack freedom, a trait stemming from his personality that cannot be changed by human effort. Master Zhang, on the other hand, is much the same. If you were to constrain him to conventional writing, he might just leave in frustration—not out of unwillingness, but incapability. Therefore, each of them excels in their own way and cannot be compared. Even if it displeases the Princess, I can only speak the truth."

Upon hearing these words, the Grand Princess fell silent for a while, her expression inscrutable. Finally, she spoke in a cold tone, "Guess whether I am pleased or displeased by your words?"

Old Madam Li's heart leaped with fear, afraid that Ouyang Nuan might say something more, she hurriedly went up and knelt down, saying, "Grand Princess, my granddaughter has acted disrespectfully and offended you. Please, I beg for your mercy..."

The Grand Princess's beautiful eyes narrowed, and she immediately turned her face away, speaking in a cold tone, "Old Madam Ouyang, are you relying on your old age to force me to spare your talkative granddaughter?!"

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Old Madam Li had dealt with numerous dignitaries, but none were as unreasonable as the Grand Princess. She didn't like to hear good words, couldn't bear to hear bad words, and if you stayed silent, she accused you of being tired of living. She didn't need to be reasonable! She had lived for half a lifetime, and for the first time, she was scared out of her wits. She kept bowing repeatedly. 

Seeing this, Madam Zhou couldn't bear it and hurriedly tried to console, "Grand Princess, please spare Old Madam Ouyang. She is of advanced age..."

Tao Mama lowered her eyes. Since the deaths of the Consort and the Junior Princess, the Grand Princess's temperament had become even more peculiar. The daughter of the punished Ministry of Works official, originally knowledgeable and lively, was greatly favored by the Grand Princess. 

However, she overestimated herself and pleaded for a maid who deserved to die. The Grand Princess immediately turned hostile. In Tao Mama's view, the Grand Princess liked novelty, new people. But once she grew tired or disliked someone, that person couldn't escape unscathed! 

Today she might favor someone, but tomorrow she could loathe them to the bone. Nobody was exempt. Moreover, she particularly detested being threatened. While Eldest Miss Ouyang hadn't said anything wrong, Old Madam Ouyang, relying on her old age, spoke recklessly, only causing trouble for her granddaughter!

Sure enough, Xing'er suddenly let out a loud howl. With a thud, it fell from the Grand Princess's arms to the ground, revealing a patch of missing fur on its neck. The maidservant beside hastily picked up Xing'er and retreated. 

The Grand Princess casually grabbed a copper coin from the bronze incense burner on the table and tossed it into the air. The coin traced an arc in the air, emitting a crisp sound as it landed near the table leg.

"If the coin lands heads up, I'll spare you both. But if it's tails up, you'll each receive an extra twenty lashes," the Grand Princess declared.

"Please, Grand Princess, have mercy. My grandmother is elderly. If the coin lands tails up, allow me to bear all the punishment on her behalf," said Ouyang Nuan, bowing her head without changing her expression. Twenty lashes might be bearable, but losing dignity in front of everyone would be a far greater humiliation. 

Being publicly punished by the Grand Princess would tarnish her reputation for life. However, if her grandmother were implicated for pleading on her behalf, it would turn filial piety into a mockery. Moreover, her innocent younger brother might also suffer. Ouyang Nuan understood this clearly and thus didn't hesitate to shoulder the burden entirely.

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"It's hard to say. This is fate!" The Grand Princess chuckled coldly.

Seeing the opportunity, Lin Yuanrou took a few steps forward to peek at whether the coin landed heads or tails. However, on her left, Zhu Ningyu deliberately tripped her, then swiftly moved to block her view. Seizing the moment, Zhu Ningbi dashed forward, swiftly grabbed the coin, and inspected it. As she turned back, her face wore a peculiar expression as she glanced at Ouyang Nuan.

Ouyang Nuan gazed quietly at Miss Zhu, wondering how she would react. Since Madam Zhu was aligned with the Second branch of the Lins, it was clear that Zhu Ningbi wouldn't be inclined to help her. Ouyang Nuan needed to devise a countermeasure quickly! Just then, Zhu Ningbi loudly declared, "Reporting to the Grand Princess, it landed heads up."

She opened her hand, revealing the coin with its obverse facing up. Lin Yuanrou momentarily lost her composure and exclaimed, "That's impossible! I clearly saw—" 

Zhu Ningyu quickly covered her mouth and chuckled, "Miss Lin must have been mistaken. I also saw that it landed heads up."

Ouyang Nuan lowered her head, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips. By coming to her aid just now, these two young ladies had left an impression on her. It was evident that Miss Zhu's character wasn't entirely bad. Although she could have cleared her name even if the coin landed tails up, it would have been more troublesome. This way, the effect was better.

Lin Yuanrou glared at Zhu Ningbi with resentment. Zhu Ningbi lifted her proud chin, implying, 'When I was in trouble, didn't you keep silent as well? Now, I won't help you either.'

Although this Miss Zhu lacked sharpness and displayed some impulsiveness, she still possessed a sense of gratitude and reciprocity, which Ouyang Nuan hadn't anticipated. 

This surprised Tao Mama as well. She glanced at the group of young ladies below, who were seething with emotions, feeling a mix of emotions herself. The Grand Princess had experienced many storms and transformations, yet this performance seemed like child's play, albeit thoroughly entertaining. 

Tao Mama thought for a moment, then whispered, "Grand Princess, since you've opened the door, let's spare them."

The Grand Princess coldly observed, having seen everything. After hearing Tao Mama's words, she remained silent for a while, neither expressing forgiveness nor holding a grudge. Sensing an opportunity, Tao Mama continued, "Alright, alright! Ouyang Miss, kneel down and kowtow."

Then she instructed the maidservants, "Why aren't you helping Old Madam Ouyang up?"

Once Ouyang Nuan was helped up, Old Madam Li expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Grand Princess, for your magnanimity. We are truly grateful for your kindness!"

"Alright, no need for more formalities. Come here, let me have a look at you!" The Grand Princess waved her hand impatiently, beckoning Ouyang Nuan to approach.

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Old Madam Li grew nervous again, but she dared not speak out of turn anymore. Madam Zhou, however, sensed something and gently patted Old Madam Li's hand, signaling her not to worry for now. The other ladies in the room were also intimidated by the unpredictable nature of the Grand Princess. Normally, there would be some warning signs before someone got angry, but with her, she could turn hostile in an instant without a hint of mercy. Seeing her speak in such a calm manner now left them all with expressions of astonishment.

Ouyang Nuan walked over to the Grand Princess's side with composure, standing respectfully. Unexpectedly, the Grand Princess reached out and took her hand, tilting her head to examine her closely. Her demeanor had completely changed from her earlier coldness, leaving everyone in the hall exchanging puzzled glances. After observing for a while, the Grand Princess suddenly turned to Ouyang Nuan and asked, "Who does she resemble?"

Tao Mama, who had been standing quietly with her head bowed, lifted her gaze solemnly to Ouyang Nuan. After a moment of contemplation, she replied, "This servant dares not say."

"It's alright! What's there to fear?"

"Then, I'll take the liberty to speak!" Tao Mama replied, "Miss Ouyang does bear a slight resemblance to the Grand Princess in her younger years." Upon hearing this, Ouyang Nuan quickly reacted and knelt down, "How could I dare to compare myself with the Grand Princess!" She was inwardly astonished and displayed great fear on her face.

No one could have anticipated that the Grand Princess, who had just been stern and imposing, would personally help her up and even exchange a glance with Tao Mama. Immediately understanding Tao Mama's intent, the servants were instructed to bring a low stool for Ouyang Nuan to sit on. 

Despite her desire to express gratitude, she couldn't, as one of her hands was still held by the Grand Princess. When the stool arrived, she could only sit close to the Grand Princess's seat without offering thanks. The other ladies in the room were completely stunned. Even Madam Zhou had no authority to sit without the Grand Princess's permission. Just a moment ago, this young lady was on the verge of being punished by the Grand Princess, and now this sudden turn of events left them all bewildered.

The Grand Princess remained silent, gazing at the young girl before her. A sudden inexplicable sense of desolation washed over her heart as she thought of her daughter, who seemed so distant, like a blurry shadow. That vague silhouette had taken away all her joy! Now, besides power and the fear of others, she was left with nothing. As this thought crossed her mind, she tightened her grip on Ouyang Nuan's hand even more.

Ouyang Nuan gazed at the Grand Princess, thoughts flickering through her mind. In that moment of hesitation, when she looked again, the Grand Princess's expression had changed once more, becoming calm. Suddenly, she released Ouyang Nuan's hand and asked, "Did you grow up in the capital city?"

"Yes, Your Highness," Ouyang Nuan replied.

"I have not seen you before," the Grand Princess remarked. "A girl like you, if I had seen you before, I surely wouldn't have forgotten." 

It was a compliment, but Ouyang Nuan couldn't admit that she had lived a sheltered life, timid and inactive. She simply lowered her head and softly responded, "Yes."

The Grand Princess then asked if she had any siblings, chattering incessantly, which surprised Ouyang Nuan. She wondered why the Grand Princess was so interested in idle conversation.

As Master Huian finished arranging the preparations outside and entered, she found the scene quite strange: the Grand Princess was engaged in conversation with Ouyang Nuan, while others looked uncomfortable, standing by uncertainly. 

Master Huian knew well that the Grand Princess was accustomed to doing as she pleased, and Ouyang Nuan must be feeling very uncomfortable. So, she approached with a smile and said, "Your Highness, it's time to start the feast."

The Grand Princess nodded and instructed the serving of the dishes. Four young attendants carried in a gold-lined table, upon which various dishes were laid out. The Grand Princess sat alone at the main table, while Tao Mama and three other ladies attended to serving and arranging the dishes. The Grand Princess only took a sip of tea, and only then did the others dare to lift their own teacups. After the Grand Princess tasted the main dish, others dared to pick up their spoons and sip the soup.

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Ouyang Nuan returned to her seat among the other young ladies, noticing that many of them cast either envious or jealous glances her way. She chose to ignore them and instead admired the array of vegetarian dishes laid out before her. 

The vegetarian feast from the Ningguo Temple was renowned, featuring dishes such as mushroom gluten, eight treasures with sugar-coated vegetables, chestnut tofu, spicy diced mushroom, vegetarian lamb, vegetarian sausage, and more. 

Despite resembling a table full of chicken, duck, fish, and meat, all the dishes were vegetarian, just in appearance. Ouyang Nuan took a bite and couldn't help but wonder where Ouyang Jue was at the moment and if someone had prepared lunch for him. If she had known earlier that her actions would cause so much trouble, she would have advised her grandmother to leave the mountain early in the morning.

However, Tao Mama suddenly said, "Please have the Second Madam of the Marquis of Zhenguo take care of the Grand Princess's meal." Upon hearing this, Madam Jiang dropped her chopsticks with a clatter on the table. Tao Mama shook her head upon seeing this. 

While Madam Zhou held the highest rank here, she was already of advanced age, Madam Ouyang had just offended the Grand Princess, and Madam Zhu was from the Xuan Marquis's family, a fact that the Grand Princess greatly disliked. That's why she called upon Madam Jiang to serve. 

Tao Mama had hinted at this earlier before the Grand Princess's meal, but Madam Jiang had apparently ignored it. Now, she had embarrassed herself publicly, which was simply unacceptable! In the eyes of the world, the Grand Princess could behave rudely as she pleased because of her noble status, but others absolutely could not!

Madam Jiang deeply feared the Grand Princess. At this moment, she felt her legs go weak, unable to stand up. Then, she heard a clear and polite voice say, "Tao Mama, my mother is not feeling well. She might not be able to serve properly. Allow me to do it instead."

Ouyang Nuan glanced over and saw Lin Yuanrou standing up. Lin Yuanrou met her gaze and gave her a provocative look, as if to say, 'See, you're not the only one who knows how to please the Grand Princess. I'll be even better at it than you.' 

With confidence, Lin Yuanrou walked over to the Grand Princess and personally picked up a plate for her. The Grand Princess gave her a cold glance and suddenly asked, "What dish are you serving me?"

Lin Yuanrou hesitated for a moment, then glanced at Master Huian standing beside her. Master Huian smiled, and the junior servant standing nearby quietly reminded her, "Miss Lin, it's the exotic fruit roll." 

"Grand Princess, it's—" Lin Yuanrou hurriedly began to answer.

"I'm not deaf! No need to repeat. What is it made of?" the Grand Princess asked, her curiosity piqued.

Lin Yuanrou was completely tongue-tied, looking at the junior servant behind her for help. The junior servant was silent for a while, about to speak up again, but then heard Master Huian cough softly, immediately shutting his mouth. 

Lin Yuanrou's eyes darted around, and she blurted out, "This, uh..." She was sure that Miss Ouyang didn't often go out, hoping to divert the Grand Princess's anger onto her.

However, to everyone's surprise, Ouyang Nuan stood up with a smile and said, "May I have the Grand Princess's permission to introduce it to you?"

The Grand Princess's gaze shifted between Lin Yuanrou and Ouyang Nuan, her smile carrying profound meaning as she said, "Tell me about it."

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"This dish is made with ingredients such as fruit pulp, date paste, yam, honey mixed with sugar, and osmanthus. It's wrapped in oil pastry, steamed, and then fried before being glazed with honey. When served, it's garnished with shredded green and red silk, golden cake strips, and topped with sugar. Grand Princess, you can try it. It tastes delightful," Ouyang Nuan said with a smile.

Master Huian glanced at Ouyang Nuan, secretly surprised. How could she have known that Ouyang Nuan had gone to such lengths to please Old Madam Li, learning almost all the vegetarian dishes? 

There's no love or hate without reason. To make her grandmother happy, Ouyang Nuan had devoted extraordinary efforts that Lin Yuanrou could never imagine. Her proud gaze, filled with jealousy, fixated on Ouyang Nuan. The Grand Princess waved her hand, dismissing Lin Yuanrou, then gestured for Ouyang Nuan to come over.

At that moment, a junior servant entered carrying a lacquered wooden tray containing an ancient-looking clay teapot and two lifelike lotus leaf cups, exquisitely delicate. Master Huian smiled and said, "Please, Grand Princess, have a taste."

Ouyang Nuan walked over and poured the clear green water from the clay teapot into the lotus leaf cups, the sound of the water tinkling gently as it filled the cups. A refreshing fragrance wafted throughout the hall.

After taking a sip of tea, the Grand Princess felt the refreshing aroma permeate her being, incredibly sweet. She asked Master Huian, "How was this tea brewed? It's so fragrant and pure."

Master Huian smiled faintly and glanced at Ouyang Nuan, saying, "Can Miss Ouyang guess this time?"

The Grand Princess turned her gaze towards Ouyang Nuan. "Tell me, Miss Ouyang," she said kindly, with a hint of mischief. 

"I heard that Master Huian keeps a special kind of water, not usually served to guests. It's said that the water used for brewing the tea is collected every winter from snowfall on pine needles and bamboo leaves, stored in a jar. That's why the brewed tea has such a unique flavor."

"Miss Ouyang's guess is quite accurate," Master Huian nodded approvingly. "Would you like to take another sip?" With the Grand Princess showing no signs of displeasure, Master Huian personally poured another cup of tea for Ouyang Nuan. Ouyang Nuan accepted it and lightly touched her lips to the tea, then smiled. "I believe Master Huian added pine nuts, Buddha's hand, and plum blossoms during the tea brewing process, simmering the water three times."

"The girl is truly clever!" The Grand Princess finally showed a warm smile and said to Tao Mama, "The Empress Dowager always boasts to me about the intelligence of the Miss Rong by her side, claiming her to be the cleverest in the world. This time when I return, I must tell her that I've met a miss as capable as Miss Rong, none other than Miss Nuan here. It would be interesting to have both of you stand together and compare!"

Everyone was taken aback by her words. The Miss Rong mentioned by the Grand Princess was no ordinary person; she was the Princess Rong by the Empress Dowager's side. Her father, Duke Ke Mingshan, was initially titled the Duke of Xin'an, later promoted to Marquis Xincheng, then further elevated to Duke of Yingguo, and posthumously honored as King Zhongshan after dying heroically on the battlefield. 

His only daughter, Ke Rong, was raised by the Empress Dowager herself in the palace. Princess Rong was not only gentle and elegant but also exceptionally intelligent, well-versed in poetry and literature, and admired by all. It was said that the Empress Dowager intended to betroth her to the Prince of Ming. Unfortunately, the sudden death of Princess Yan and the subsequent military campaign of the Prince of Ming forced the marriage arrangement to be postponed indefinitely.

The Grand Princess unexpectedly compared Ouyang Nuan to the renowned Princess Rong, causing even Tao Mama to be surprised by such high praise. However, she remained composed and said, "Indeed. I have never seen Miss Ouyang, such a delicate maiden."

Ouyang Nuan bowed slightly and replied, "Your Highness exaggerates. Ouyang Nuan is unworthy of such praise. Princess Rong is truly peerless, a rare beauty in the world. I dare not compare myself to her."

The Grand Princess shook her head and chuckled, "You are not one for flattery, unlike those who speak with honeyed tongues. But I still want to test you. Do you know what the best tea in the world is?"

Before Ouyang Nuan could answer, Master Huian intervened, "Your Highness, why tease the child? Isn't the Yuquan tea in the palace the best in the world?"

Ouyang Nuan nodded and said, "Master Huian is correct. The Yuquan tea in the palace is indeed unparalleled. However, I've heard of another tea called Xiangshan Yunwu, grown on the distant Mengxiang Mountain. It is said to be the best in the world, with a sweet and refreshing aroma that permeates the body and a rich, deep flavor. Drinking just a small cup is like drinking wine, leaving one intoxicated all day. However, Mengxiang Mountain is remote and difficult to access. His Majesty, considering the welfare of the people, chose not to burden them with tribute demands year after year."

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The Grand Princess seemed quite interested and asked, "At your young age, how do you know all this?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled slightly and replied, "One of my grandfather's friends came from afar and brought some tea leaves. My grandfather was overjoyed. He would have a cup every day, and whenever it was brewed, it would exude a strong fragrance. Even the attendants standing in the courtyard couldn't resist swallowing. Sometimes, when he was in a good mood from drinking it, he would act like a child, saying 'Good tea! Good tea!'"

Her portrayal was vivid, as if the old Marquis's demeanor and expressions were right before the Grand Princess's eyes. Suddenly, the Grand Princess remembered the old man who used to openly defy her father, the Emperor, in the Golden Hall. She couldn't help but smile and say, "The old Marquis does indeed have such a character. You're right about that."

Ouyang Nuan was different from others. She didn't speak to please or flatter anyone, yet her words were pleasant to hear. This intrigued the Grand Princess.

After finishing the vegetarian meal, Master Huian turned to Ouyang Nuan and said, "Miss Ouyang, could you please brew the Grand Princess some tea?" Ouyang Nuan glanced at Master Huian, immediately realizing she had something to say. Seeing that the Grand Princess seemed oblivious, she bowed respectfully and followed Master Huian out of the main hall.

In a secluded spot, Master Huian smiled and said, "I've heard about what happened earlier. You've been wronged, my dear." She didn't address her as "female donor" but instead called her "my dear." 

This warmed Ouyang Nuan's heart. Knowing that Master Huian was a close friend of her grandmother, she respectfully expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you again for your help last time, Master."

"Dear child, the matters the Old Madam seeks from me are worth risking my life for, let alone such trivial things," Master Huian shook her head, her benevolent face tinged with a hint of sorrow.

"Master Huian," Ouyang Nuan took out a string of prayer beads from her bosom and handed it to her, "I know you often meet with the Empress Dowager and other dignitaries in the palace. You may not value these things, but if I don't give you anything, I'd feel uneasy. After much thought, I couldn't think of anything suitable to give. These prayer beads were strung by me personally. Please accept them."

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Master Huian carefully examined the prayer beads in her hand. They were made of golden fragrant agarwood, with golden cloud patterns resembling drifting snowflakes, exuding an ancient aura and displaying the mysterious "marrow-shooting" pattern, indicating their extraordinary quality. Each bead was intricately inscribed with lengthy scriptures, indicating the immense effort put into them. She was deeply moved and couldn't help but express her gratitude, "Thank you for this thoughtful gift!"

"You mustn't say that. If it weren't for you, my brother and I might have faced a disaster!" Ouyang Nuan spoke earnestly. Master Huian nodded in understanding, "You are truly a remarkable child. Heaven will not let Ouyang Nuan fall into obscurity. Speaking of which, I must congratulate you."

"What joy could I possibly have?" Ouyang Nuan was quick to catch on to Master Huian's expression, suspecting it was related to the Grand Princess. Sure enough, Master Huian continued, "Ordinary people can hardly catch the Grand Princess's glance, yet you have gained her favor. It's truly rare. There's something I'm not sure if I should mention."

"As a friend of my grandmother and an elder to me, Master Huian, there's nothing you cannot say," Ouyang Nuan reassured her.

Ouyang Nuan's eyes sparkled with radiance, unknowingly captivating those around her. Master Huian nodded subtly, raising her gaze toward the distant grayish-blue palace. 

Slowly, she said, "Nuan, these are words your grandmother hesitates to tell you because she still sees you as a child. But I, as a nun, must convey them on her behalf. We elders will eventually depart this world. We cannot always protect you. You must protect your brother and seek justice for past wrongs. Everything will rely on you. Reflect on the nun's own experiences; they were self-inflicted. She bears no resentment toward others. Fate is what it is, and she accepts it. But you are different. You possess beauty, talent, cunning, and intelligence. You can reach greater heights, go farther than anyone else!"

Ouyang Nuan stared thoughtfully at Master Huian, sensing that there was more to her words than met the eye.

"In the imperial court, there are many brilliant statesmen and ministers who strive tirelessly to climb the ranks. However, with just a word from the Grand Princess, their heads could roll. With your current status, it wouldn't be difficult to find a suitable marriage alliance. But to soar to greater heights, you'll need assistance," Master Huian remarked.

"How does Master know that I have desires to soar to greater heights?" Ouyang Nuan felt a chill creeping into her heart.

"You are devoted to your brother's well-being and naturally seek a powerful ally for him. As a woman, you cannot hold official positions in the court or be in the limelight. The best way is through marriage. You are a clever child; I won't mince words with you. Your maternal grandfather is the Marquis of Zhenguo, and your father is an assistant minister of the Ministry of Personnel. It wouldn't be difficult for you to marry into a noble family. But you are not content with that."

“Master Huian, I...” Ouyang Nuan was surprised that Master Huian, an outsider and a nun, would speak such words to her.

"The Grand Princess is your best ladder. You must seize her favor. Once she likes you, you will quickly enter the ranks of the top aristocrats. Then, you won't just be the daughter of a Ministry of Personnel official. You'll be the Grand Princess's favorite. Forget about those noble families; even princes and dukes won't be beyond your reach," Master Huian advised.

Ouyang Nuan gazed silently at Master Huian, her expression displaying a strange smile as she slowly spoke, "Does Master Huian know my intentions?"

Master Huian chuckled mysteriously, "I don't misjudge people. Haven't you said that you would do anything for your brother? You want to crush your enemies underfoot completely, don't you? The quickest shortcut is right in front of you. Will you let it slip away?"

Ouyang Nuan lowered her eyes, concealing the gleam of excitement in her dark pupils, and replied, "Perhaps Master Huian overestimates me."

Master Huian burst into laughter, completely unlike her usual calm and gentle demeanor. A glint of light flashed quickly in her eyes as she said, "You know yourself best, Nuan. Unlike the Old Mistress, who dotes excessively on her granddaughter and always sees Ouyang Nuan as a child, I see things clearly. I admire this ambitious girl and appreciate her vengeful nature. I won't hesitate to lend her a hand."

Master Huian believed that Ouyang Nuan's actions were driven solely by her ambition, unaware that within the heart of this young girl burned a flame fierce enough to consume everything. Continuing with her own thoughts, her expression became solemn, "Remember, accompanying the Grand Princess is not a simple task; it's dealing with the female Yama[1]. You must be extremely cautious."

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Seeing Ouyang Nuan's eyes shining brightly as she looked at her, Master Huian smiled faintly. but changed the topic: "The Empress Dowager nowadays has a fondness for smoking pipes. The Princess Rong is well-versed in this matter. Once, during a casual conversation with her, she told me that there is an art to lighting the tobacco. If the paper wrapper is rolled too tightly, the fire may struggle to ignite. Conversely, if it's too loose, sparks may fly too easily. The Empress Dowager prefers tobacco from the southern regions, the green strands - they shouldn't be too wet or too dry. If they're too wet, they'll extinguish easily; if too dry, they'll be harsh on the throat. I found it quite curious, so I asked Princess Rong how she discerns the moisture content of the tobacco. She replied that it's all in her eyes - by observing the color and smelling the aroma. She honed this skill for five years without pause, so the Empress Dowager cannot spend a day without her. Others may think that Princess Rong is merely fortunate to have gained the Empress Dowager's favor, but no one would have guessed the depth of knowledge hidden within this small pouch of tobacco. The Empress Dowager is gentle and approachable, but the Grand Princess has a volatile temperament - she's more difficult to please than the Empress Dowager. So, what you must do will undoubtedly be more challenging than what Princess Rong faces. Do you understand what I mean?"

Ouyang Nuan listened attentively and nodded solemnly. "Thank you for your guidance, Master Huian. I understand," she said.

Master Huian smiled and said, "I have always said that you, Nuan, are a rare intelligent person in this world." Despite her own openness and honesty, Ouyang Nuan had never opened up to her, not even mentioning a desire to curry favor with the Grand Princess. Her subtle machinations at such a young age were truly unfathomable. 

If such a girl were to rise to prominence one day, it might bring unforeseen changes to the dynasty. Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. On her pure white face, her clear and limpid eyes revealed nothing but clarity. Master Huian felt a sense of satisfaction, and her smile became even warmer. 

Until this moment, Ouyang Nuan confirmed completely that Master Huian, with her compassionate demeanor, was someone who feared nothing more than the world remaining peaceful. Perhaps, deep down, she harbored as much resentment as herself.

"Master, the Grand Princess is still waiting in the hall. I'll go ahead," Ouyang Nuan said as she stood up.

"Go ahead," Master Huian waved her hand. Ouyang Nuan bowed to her and turned to leave, but Master Huian suddenly stopped her. Ouyang Nuan halted, slowly turning back with a smile, about to ask, "Is there something you need, Master Huian?" Before she could speak, Master Huian whispered a seemingly unrelated question, "Nuan'er, would you blame me for being meddlesome?"

Ouyang Nuan was momentarily stunned, then thought for a moment before responding, "Nuan'er understands that Master Huian means well."

"No!" Master Huian interrupted her, "It's not just for you. When I first arrived at Ningguo Temple, my master once said about me that although I appeared obedient on the surface, deep down, I was stubborn and unruly. In the past, I would only flatter her with words, but in my heart, I resented her deeply. I always felt my Master was picking on me, always finding faults. If she didn't use a bamboo stick to hit me, she would make me kneel for half a day. In the summer, with thin clothes, sometimes my knees bled from kneeling. But after she passed away, she passed on the leadership to me instead of to Huixin, who was always kind-hearted. Do you know why?"

"Master, Nuan'er doesn't know," Ouyang Nuan said, encouraging Master Huian to continue speaking.

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"To tell you the truth, Master Bo said that Sister Huixin has been following her since childhood, truly devoted to Buddhism, with a heart as calm as still water. Her merits and virtues far surpass mine, but there's one thing she lacks, and that is the unwillingness to concede defeat that I possess. Huixin, however, doesn't care about that. Master Bo said that for Ningguo Temple to thrive and prosper for a long time, one must be able to bow to the royal family while maintaining this spirit. It's precisely because I've been holding onto this spirit that I'm willing to bow to them. In this aspect, Sister Huixin is not as good as me. She looks down on those nobles, haha..." Huian spoke with a hint of gloom between her eyebrows.

'Others may look down on us, but I insist on living with dignity. That's the spirit Master Huian was referring to.' Ouyang Nuan thought to herself.

"Since the first time I saw you, I knew we were of the same kind. It's fate. Let me tell you, perhaps one day when I'm gone and you're still alive, you might recall the things I've said today and find some meaning in them!" Master Huian paused for a moment before slowly continuing, "You may go now."

Ouyang Nuan looked at the slender figure of Master Huian by the window, deeply aware that she must be harboring many hidden pains in her heart, unwilling and unable to speak them out. Suddenly, a wave of tenderness surged within her, wanting to stay and chat with her. She was about to say something when Master Huian waved her hand and said, "You may go. The princess is waiting for you."

Master Huian thought that Ouyang Nuan might not fully understand her words due to her young age, but little did she know that every word she said resonated deeply with Ouyang Nuan. For Ouyang Nuan, who had already lived two lifetimes, Master Huian's words were piercing to the heart. She was determined to show those who had once bullied her that she could live a splendid life even without the support of her family. However, her determination was fueled by a desire to exact revenge on those who had wronged her, even if it meant swallowing them alive!

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and turned to leave.

Entering the hall, she carefully placed the delicate lidded bowl, filling it with a handful of tea leaves. She poured warm boiled water from the small copper kettle over it once, then again with the boiling water from the large kettle. After covering the bowl, she let it steep for a while before placing it on the tea table beside the princess.

The princess took a sip and wrinkled her brow, saying, "What kind of tea is this again?"

"Your Highness, this tea is a warming tonic. I took the liberty of adding some ginger, garlic, jujube, wolfberries, and Chinese yam. I believe it will be beneficial for your health," Ouyang Nuan replied calmly.

"Who gave you the authority to act on your own!" The princess pretended to frown, but her eyes betrayed her surprise.

There was no panic on Ouyang Nuan's face as she explained slowly, "Just now in the Lingxian Hall, I saw Tao Mama also praying for your well-being and the little monk in the hall asking her about your health. That's why I took the liberty of adding some special ingredients to the tea. I ask for the princess's forgiveness."

The Grand Princess suffers from internal heat and weakness. Tao Mama did indeed pray for her by drawing a divination stick in the Lingxian Hall, but... Ouyang Nuan actually noticed it. Tao Mama stared in astonishment at the composed young miss before her, only to hear the Grand Princess soften her tone and say, "You're quite clever." Then she proceeded to drink the tea. 

Meanwhile, Madam Jiang and Lin Yanrou observing Ouyang Nuan's expression, seemed to wish they could swallow her whole with their glares.

After finishing the vegetarian meal, the Grand Princess invited Master Huian to continue her scripture teachings in the main hall. All the ladies and young ladies accompanied them. Just then, Ouyang Nuan saw Hongyu peeking outside the hall with a panicked expression. She furrowed her brows slightly, excused herself to Tao Mama, and stepped out of the hall. Hongyu grabbed her sleeve with an unprecedented look of dismay.

"Young Miss, the Young Master clashed with Prince Qin, and he..." 

"What did you say?!"

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[1] King Yama: also known as Yanluo or Yama Rajah, is a figure in Chinese and Buddhist mythology who presides over the underworld and judges the souls of the deceased. He determines the fate of each soul based on their past actions and karma accumulated throughout their lives. King Yama is depicted as a stern and impartial judge who enforces justice in the afterlife, assigning souls to their appropriate destinations in heaven, hell, or for reincarnation.

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